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Dual Pricing. If You Thought It Could Not Get Worse...

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Check this one out. Four years ago, I bought our house in one of those Heavenly looking Moo Baans you see in the Glossy flyers, with the park, swimming pool etc. No complaints. After a while the pool was abandoned with the water a lovely scummy green.

"well," I thought "what a shame but at least I am not being charged a maintainance fee. Just one of those things."

My moo baan has now started an expansion program and lo and behold the pool is well and truly open, looking fantastic. The only thing is - wait a moment - Admission is 30 Baht for Thais and 50 for Farang IN A RUDDY RESIDENTIAL AREA trying to sell more houses!

I can see both sides for and against when it is a national park or temple [not that I an in favour] but come on now, we are not talking resident/ non resident here, simply the colour of your skin. I find it the most grotesquely cynical injustice when my Wifes family can visit from Phuket and pay less than I do despite the fact I LIVE HERE AND THEY BLOODY DONT!

I would be interested in what you think even if you are going to call me a miserable git.

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its only 20 baht is not the point. that is bloody racist and moronic. put in a complaint and keep complaining until you get somewhere.

the people running this Moo Baan must be complete Muppets. I take it that everyone that lives there have paid for their house and this is just for some extra service? I understand you being upset as I would be. I have never been one to moan about 20 baht but this is just pig stupid.

Its only 20 baht. :o

Have you tried talking to whomever is in charge to convince them that you should not pay the increased rate?

Of course, but the answer is still the same. By the way, I should point out that the management told me the pool concession has been outsourced to some guy with no connection to the place. Why, you tell me.


I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice

do you have a picture or scan of the pricing information written in thai ?

No, I am sorry, but I am told by the Thai residents there is nothing written to this effect.

I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice

Foreigners may have more money because they earn it. Jealousy shows that you apparently don't.


If I were you I would just put the Thai price money on the table ,

then look at their face , if they say hey you are a farang I would say ,

if possible in Thai , you live there and you pay the same price , mai chai gon pai tiau ,

or get the manager to the counter for the small amount , bad service etc

From my own experience when talking in such a situation , they fear to loose face cause they know its ridiculous !

The counter lady will after the manager hears your complain .

do you have a picture or scan of the pricing information written in thai ?

No, I am sorry, but I am told by the Thai residents there is nothing written to this effect.

If there is nothing written, then there is nothing requiring you to follow any policy. Just give them 30 baht and smile politely when they talk to you in Thai? If they persist, hand them a lawsuit notice. Notice will pucker up a moobaan committee's assho@e faster than the thought of spending extra money.

If I were you I would just put the Thai price money on the table ,

then look at their face , if they say hey you are a farang I would say ,

if possible in Thai , you live there and you pay the same price , mai chai gon pai tiau ,

or get the manager to the counter for the small amount , bad service etc

From my own experience when talking in such a situation , they fear to loose face cause they know its ridiculous !

The counter lady will after the manager hears your complain .

Thanks for your response, but it has been tried and failed. Even if they relented and offered me the Thai price I would not take it as I feel once again this issue should be on a residency basis. After all, what about the German lad who paid for his house the same as me but lacks sufficient language skills to make his point? What is wrong with him?


That's an incredibly stupid policy. It's an instant turn off to any farang that is shopping for a home, I wouldn't be surprised if they lose sales.

yOU COULD GO BACK TO scummy green pool with no fee.

Vote with you pocket book dont use pool , no biggie as you didnt use it before.

Come on, I do not object to paying. I am asking why every Tom Dick or Harry should pay less than me even if they have virtually no coonection to the place, which is meant to be "exclusive!" :o

If I were you I would just put the Thai price money on the table ,

then look at their face , if they say hey you are a farang I would say ,

if possible in Thai , you live there and you pay the same price , mai chai gon pai tiau ,

or get the manager to the counter for the small amount , bad service etc

From my own experience when talking in such a situation , they fear to loose face cause they know its ridiculous !

The counter lady will after the manager hears your complain .

i wouldn't expect much of a result from that at all.


off topic posts have been deleted, lets do try to keep this marginally on topic, thanks.

I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice
Oh yeah, you don't even know what you are talking about I guess I am a farang not wealthy at all every thing I had I invested in Thailand all my life savings, now I have nothing and you tell me I have to pay more then anybody else? Crawl back under the rock where you come from. Maybe you don't realize the opinion you have still keeps you in the third world. :o
If I were you I would just put the Thai price money on the table ,

then look at their face , if they say hey you are a farang I would say ,

if possible in Thai , you live there and you pay the same price , mai chai gon pai tiau ,

or get the manager to the counter for the small amount , bad service etc

From my own experience when talking in such a situation , they fear to loose face cause they know its ridiculous !

The counter lady will after the manager hears your complain .

i wouldn't expect much of a result from that at all.

I have never had the unpleasant experience to actually pay the ' special farang price ' .

I've been at locations with double pricing numerous times but having a chat always does wonders , at least has been my

experience , but some employees don't understand what the double pricing is for ... tourists that is .

Not sure how to interpreted the situation of intend at the place of the Op , residents should have a discount

anyway , I understand his frustration . Its a principal and I would avoid the pace because of that .

Its only 20 baht. :o

Have you tried talking to whomever is in charge to convince them that you should not pay the increased rate?

Of course, but the answer is still the same. By the way, I should point out that the management told me the pool concession has been outsourced to some guy with no connection to the place. Why, you tell me.

This is quite common practice, but at least they usually wait untill the development is sold out!

I hate the fact that foreigners just have more money because they happen to be born in a country with wealth and social security. I hate that they come here, buy everything and then play the racism card. Thats a blow below the belt. Even the lowest of the lowest of foreigners with no education, no morals or ethics at all are still better off then a mid to high class Thai. That is what I call injustice

Errmm, O.k. Yes, we come over here and buy everything, however we do not own it do we?


Well,dual price is a shame,as a tourist i felt hurt.Since i'm a resident,with the basic Thai i can speak,i can get easily the Thai price.Sometimes boycotting it is the best option,you can have some consolation by not giving them your money.Yet,no reason to get excited :o


Two things:

They people who put this policy in place probably thought nothing of it (ie the implications of racism etc). They probably just thought it was a 'good idea'. Thats not defending it however.

What you need to do is embarass the crap out of them (not so bad that they lose face). Form a protest with all the other farangs in your moo-bahn, put a banner up etc etc in Thai and english which generally highlights the point. Betchya they backdown. And yes, refuse to use it until the pricing is made the same for everyone.

Seems you survived without the pool for a while, you can do so for a bit longer for a just cause, no?


I live here on the the Gold Coast in Australia with my Thai wife.

The other day we went to a botanical garden that is completely free!

I jokingly said to her "maybe we should put up a sign saying "Farang free, Thai's $50"

She was not amused, actualy I was suprised by her reaction to such a comment.

I really believe Thais think it is their god given right to act in such racist behaviour.

I live here on the the Gold Coast in Australia with my Thai wife.

The other day we went to a botanical garden that is completely free!

I jokingly said to her "maybe we should put up a sign saying "Farang free, Thai's $50"

She was not amused, actualy I was suprised by her reaction to such a comment.

I really believe Thais think it is their god given right to act in such racist behaviour.

Yes, and I posted in another thread before I lived in Perth I had to pay $ 12 to get in the zoo

my wife just paid half because she was a tourist :o


Ask them if you are entitled to Farang behaviour at the pool, if you have to pay a Farang price. If yes, come back in a tanga.


why should a business not be allowed to charge certain people more to enter or to restrict certain peoples from entering? why should anyone be able to control or dictate to another person how they run their business?

I am sure if they were charging less for farang there would be no problem at all.

You can always go home where everyone gets in for the same price.

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