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Obtaining a Visa for my 19yo Thai Girl To Australia

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wa dee krup guys,

Due to hard times in Thailand right now, I have decided to work in Australia than in Thailand for now.

One problem is my girlfriend, I can`t do without her....Sounds korny! I know.

I am 21 shes 19, I have money in the bank to show I can support her, I work a full-time job But I`ll be living with my Grandma.

Her Mother owns a few farms and a Big House near Chum Pae and is willing to put some Rai under her name. This will help the visa I have heard. Shes also been granted a American Visa last year.

So my Question is how can she apply for 3 month Visa? What must I do? I have never had any experience in this field So help will be appreciated...... I have a feeling cause of her age its going to be hard.....

Thanks guys

Edited by junki3korean
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My girlfriend got a visa to come to UK a few days ago. We are only 18 and 20.

As long as there is enough reason for the embassy for her to come back, there shouldn't be too many problems.

edit: the topic title gave me a laugh :o just remember when applying it's not your visa, it's hers :D

Edited by Enjibenji
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the age difference will be no problem at all, the fact that the gran mam will put land in her name is also good, a reason to return to thailand, another good point . there is one problem, and i guess you know that is!!, the immagration officers like to have some proff of how long the realasonship has been going, your problem as i see it is that she was granted a US visa, and unless it was you who was supporting that visa apllication, then there could be major problems ahead, i.e they will get the visa app form from the US embassy, and see who was her sponsor then, thus tying up dates, hope you get what your after mate, sticky wicket, cheers all the best.

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Cheers to all.....

Her visa to the US was sponsored by her step-father (who is American) and her mum as she was only 18 at the time....This shouldn`t be a problem???

Is it worth hiring visa consultants or is everything pretty much straight forward ???

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Cheers to all.....

Her visa to the US was sponsored by her step-father (who is American) and her mum as she was only 18 at the time....This shouldn`t be a problem???

Is it worth hiring visa consultants or is everything pretty much straight forward ???

for me, obtaining the american visa before is only a good thing. Returning from america is also a good thing. Remember to put that in writing within a letter to support her reasons for return. It's a very good reason.

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Age and the US visa would not be a consideration.

The biggest questions would be how you would be supporting her, and what are the long term plans for you both. ie are you considering marriage and a pr application for her? What happens at the end of her three months?

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Cheers to all.....

Her visa to the US was sponsored by her step-father (who is American) and her mum as she was only 18 at the time....This shouldn`t be a problem???

Is it worth hiring visa consultants or is everything pretty much straight forward ???

I wouldn't hire any visa specialists. You deal with Australian government so they cannot do anything more than you can, i.e. provide the set of required documents - just check the embassy website for what your GF needs to show.

My GF was coming to the US a year ago, and when she applied for the tourist visa, I gave her a letter with my name, profession, address and promise of taking care of her in case of any medical problems etc. Also added a copy of my ID, DL - to show the address listed in the letter. She got a visa for 10 yrs right away. You will be fine as your GF has something to come back to TH, and you have a job in Australia.

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Age and the US visa would not be a consideration.

The biggest questions would be how you would be supporting her, and what are the long term plans for you both. ie are you considering marriage and a pr application for her? What happens at the end of her three months?

I`ll support her in every way I guess, I`m working and not paying rent, or have too many expenses with abit of savings.

Long term plans are still not sure...At the end of the three months I`m planning to go back to her village and start a Ice Factory with her mother also a Internet Cafe...By then Marriage will be considered :o

Should I need to tell all this to immigrations???

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You dont have to provide relationship evidence.....only that you have known her for a reasonable period of time, more than 6 months is fine.

On the application is a section for additional funds provider.....make sure you fill that out if you are supporting her.

Provide phone records, photos, letters etc....as evidence of the acquaintence. Also a copy of your passport front page if you are travelling together. A letter from Gran regards accomodation.

A reason to return is required, I would suggest that will be the stumbling block for you as you are applying for a 3 month visa....will you be staying longer than 3 months?....if so then they will be suss on her leaving at the end of three months. You can include a letter or stat dec stating that it is your intention to bring her for a holiday and that she will return to Thailand before the visa runs out.

The US visa....as long as she didnt breach the visa then it is a plus for her....it shows that she has a history of visa compliance. The fact that it was a US visa will stand her in good stead.

The age shouldnt be a problem but get a letter from her guardian in Thailand just stating that it is ok for her to travel....I do know of one girl who was delayed for 24 hours because the Immi people at the airport wouldnt let her through without a letter of permission from her Mum....she was either 18 or 19 at the time....dont present it as visa evidence but keep it in her pocket for the airport just in case.

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I think it would help if you clarify what kind of visa you are seeking.

I dont see why you cant use a tourist visa.

less complicated.

you will still need to provide as much financial supporting documents of course

(such as what gburns mentioned..a letter from yourself saying you will be supporting her expenses while travelling in australia, a letter from your grand stating that she will offer board and lodging for duration of stay)

from her own side, financial proof, such as cash in account, or asset like land.. certianly helpful. does she work, or is she studying in thailand?

if either a letter from employer or school enrolment papers will also be good proof that she plans to return to thailand.

good luck :o

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My girlfriend got a visa to come to UK a few days ago. We are only 18 and 20.

As long as there is enough reason for the embassy for her to come back, there shouldn't be too many problems.

edit: the topic title gave me a laugh :) just remember when applying it's not your visa, it's hers :D

Right - the things that they are looking for are financial guarantee for the trip, and no intention to stay beyond the end of the trip. If she has a job or is studying in Thailand, a letter from her work or uni would be a good addition to your application

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Another off topic and improper post this time deleted along with the replies to it. The member got a formal warning for it.

Please don't post unless you have usefull information related ot the topic and/or this forum in general.

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O.k just a quick update on whats happening,

My girlfriend has just put 3 rai under her name, now is this enough? To prove she will becoming back after 3 months.

I`m in Sydney now so I won`t be able assist her with apply for her Visa, She will go to BKK with her mother and have a Medical Check then head to the Australian embassy.

I decided to use my older brother as a place to stay instead of my Grandma.He has hand written a letter stating his work his address and that he will be more then happy to accomodate his younger brother`s girlfriend. anything else he will ne to write or prove? Is that all???

So all I need to do now is right a letter as sponsor stating that I will be taking care of her for the whole period of her stay, My job title and a copy of my Weekly pay slip, Do i need to show my Bank details?? Or Is my Income status enough evidence?

Please let me know if I have forgetting anything...

To Gburns,

how will I prove I`ve known her for more then 6 Months, I have plenty of photos, Phone cards, and Western Union receipts.Should I send this to her so she can take to the Embassy??

Thanks to all!


Edited by junki3korean
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Just a couple of points Andy.

If she's applying for a tourist visa she doesn't need a medical check.

You have to apply at the VFS centre in Thai CC tower, they won't let her apply at the embassy. She could also use one of courier services in about 6 (I think) other cities if they are closer than Bangkok.

She should have copies of Western Union receipts with your name as the sender and the date. Great evidence for how long you've known her and that you support her. I would certainly include them. If she's lost them send yours.

In both my wife's tourist visa applications I was in Australia and scanned everything (stat decs, payslips, phone records etc.) as jpgs or pasted into word documents and emailed them to her. She printed them at an internet shop and included them. The embassy seemed to be fine with this - she got the visas.

With the phone cards it depends if they're the 1 off disposable type (questionable value) or do you have an account which you top up? If the latter the provider should allow you to view your call history with date, duration and number called - assuming she doesn't keep loosing her mobile and changing number - this could look bad! :)

If your considering marriage as a possibility then stating that your a couple now will make a migration application that little bit easier. Also you could hope the embassy makes the assumption that your smart enough to know if she overstays this visa it will be much tougher to get the migration visa later. I actually spelled this out in plain English to the embassy in my first stat dec for the 3 month visa as a reason for her to return because she had no job, land or any other reason!

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By way of background, I have been through both the tourist visa process X2 and subsequent spouse visa process. Negatives are her age and the fact you won't be with her when she lodges the application (not just to help but to give a visible sign of your preparedness to assist). I don't don't know how others can state that age won't make a difference?? No disrepect to your friend, but one of the key things they are on the look out for are Thai girls coming in to work in the (ahem) personal services industry. Who is the higher risk there ... a 19 yo or a 43 yo??

With regards to whether you need a specialist help you ... I also say "no" provided you have the time and patience to research and prepare the necessary material. If no to either, then it can be worth considering. I was surprised how difficult it was to get our first tourist visa, there was nothing to hide and we put a fair bit of effort into it ... so don't be over-confident. As you won't be there, and as most Thais are not strong on detail and procedure, then you will need to have everything done for her and compiled in a folder. Be sure to tell her to read all the material first and answer everything honestly - and not try to tell them what she thinks they want to hear. They will zero in on even the smallest discrepancies, and then things can get tricky.

there is heaps of material available to help you prepare in the dept immigration web site, including check-lists, forms and such. that's the place to start.

good luck

Edited by chiangmaibruce
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She has to apply through the VFS which is independent of the Australian embassy. My understanding is that the applicant applies at VFS (Bangkok or regional), they courier the application to the embassy, embassy couriers back to VFS office (Bangkok or regional), applicant picks up passport from VFS. The only contact with the embassy is the case officer will probably ring her to ask a few questions.

So, for a tourist visa at least, it is totally irrelevant whether you apply with her or are in Australia. The only negative (explained in last post) is that you can't physically help her prepare the application.

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Cheers Ozzie,

I have just printed the Application for general tourist application.

Can I just feel this form out for her and have her copy it in her hand writting? just to make sure she answers all the questions right.

Would you know where the VFS office in BKK might be?

Once again thank you.

Where in Australia you from?


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Cheers Ozzie,

I have just printed the Application for general tourist application.

Can I just feel this form out for her and have her copy it in her hand writting? just to make sure she answers all the questions right.

Would you know where the VFS office in BKK might be?

Once again thank you.

Where in Australia you from?


CC Tower Sathorn Road. Diagonally opposite the Oz Embassy.

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Please have a look at my letter and see if I need to change anything.Its very drafted.

I have blank some areas due to privacy reasons...

Thank you

To Australian Embassy Bangkok,

My name is Andy Yun Cheol Choi,

I am writing this letter in regards to my girlfriend Ms , who is currently applying for a Australian tourist visa for the period of 3 months.

During the whole period of her visit to Sydney she will be accommodating with me at my Brother’s Apartment. The address we will be both staying at is Sydney New South Wales Australia.

I will also be supporting her financially in every aspect i.e. cases of

emergencies, medicals etc. My parents are also aware of her plans to visit and would like to welcome her to Sydney and have a chance to meet her for the first time.

I am currently employed at the as a Full-time . I have been at this position since the 15th of June 2008. I am very confident in the ability to support Ms through out her whole stay in Sydney Australia; she will be well supported by both myself and my family.

Ms and I are aware of the strict rules and conditions of a granted tourist visa and have every intension to oblige by them. I too will be traveling back to Thailand with Ms after her visit in Australia.

Your Sincerely Andy Choi.

Edited by junki3korean
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To Gburns,

how will I prove I`ve known her for more then 6 Months, I have plenty of photos, Phone cards, and Western Union receipts.Should I send this to her so she can take to the Embassy??

Thanks to all!


that would be a good idea......

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So is my letter o.k? give me some feed back guys :)

Also is it really necessary for her to put Rai in her name? Transfering land has been difficult so far...

can she still be granted a tourist visa?

Too many questions and need of help....thanks guys just trying to get it right first go.


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