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If Al Gore Is Right And Temps Increase By 5 Degrees


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jingthing i suggest your research who really controls your country, i presume your american?

Why don't you just tell me your opinion. I'm sure it will prove amusing.

BTW, this is from a SATIRE show on right wing Fox News. Great source!

This guy also obsessed with one world government PHOBIA, typical right wing claptrap that has nothing to do with science.

It would be more honest for you to post this video, more reflective of the anti-science bias of the anti-Al Gore crowd:

Edited by Jingthing
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why will it be amusing?

I guess your to set in your/there way to seek the truth.

God help us if this is how 99% of sheeple think.

ps i like the way u picked the most pathetic video u could find with some guy sat in his bedroom.

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why will it be amusing?

I guess your to set in your/there way to seek the truth.

God help us if this is how 99% of sheeple think.

ps i like the way u picked the most pathetic video u could find with some guy sat in his bedroom.

So you're not going to tell us then? You're no fun!

BTW, I don't think "God" is going to solve global warming for us, do you?

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Im trying to understand the GW thingy,

And its nothing to do with these following items?

200 years Industrial Revolution.

2 world wars,

Many other wars, burning oil wells ect,

Polluted rivers and seas due to overuse of cides,

No control of vehicle emmisions,

Cheap airline travel,


The list is endless, but of course, its the Sun thats the problem!!, yes it is, because man/woman has depleted the ozone layer to let in the hot rays,

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why will it be amusing?

I guess your to set in your/there way to seek the truth.

God help us if this is how 99% of sheeple think.

ps i like the way u picked the most pathetic video u could find with some guy sat in his bedroom.

So you're not going to tell us then? You're no fun!

BTW, I don't think "God" is going to solve global warming for us, do you?

No need to solve a problem when there isnt one.

god? u mean that guy who sits up there with a big beard looking after us all?

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Can you give a time indication of when they talked about Nazis in this video?


Cheers JT. I missed it the first time, and now I've watched it again I still don't know what it's got to do with GW. :)

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...It would be more honest for you to post this video, more reflective of the anti-science bias of the anti-Al Gore crowd:

:) Great video - total whack-job.

But I think there are many such types on both sides of the argument, unfortunately.

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Pfff. Temperature.

There's only one threat to our existence here in 15-20 years and that's the sharply falling birth rate we see at the moment. Too many people with only one kid. It's the end of life as we know it.

How very strange!I thought that the population of planet Earth was increasing.

Homo sapiens,I mean,not other endangered species! :)

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I watched your stupid clip. That is the best you've got? You have got to be kidding? Do you realize what that was? That was some anti-science radical right wing USA republicans both onscreen and in the editing. It was an anti-science anti-intellectual hit piece. This proves humans don't cause global warming to you? That is scary. Notice as the the right wing anti-science buffoon tries to make a cutesy joke that American football results are a factor in global warming, trying to mock all the mainstream science that backs up Mr. Gore's position. Again, happy I don't have kids with small minded reactionary people cheerleading for the destruction of our home for the sake of big cars and the lazy American way of life.

Of those scientists that signed the famous petition the right wing zealots love, consider:

- only a small percentage were climate scientists

- among climatologists, this survey shows massively dramatic agreement with Al Gore's position:


Like it or not, agree with it or not, meaningless petitions of non-experts or not, right wing whack jobs or not, the theory that man has created climate changes is MAINSTREAM SCIENCE.

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Of those scientists that signed the famous petition the right wing zealots love, consider:

- only a small percentage were climate scientists

This is also true about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Many are not even scientists

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Hate Mongers & Fear Mongers stick together through all kinds of weather.... or should I say climate changes? :)

So what has Al Gore gained from his Big Green escapades?

According to public disclosure information, Gore was worth somewhere between $1 million and $2 million in 2000. Not quite eight years later, Gore is estimated to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million. While I ordinarily would applaud such financial gains from such a short period of time, I can’t help but to question just how it happened. When you look out at what Al Gore has done, it’s evident that he figured out on a way to capitalize on the creation of Big Green while becoming the official doomsday prophet that has helped to build Big Green into the monetary powerhouse that it has become.

In any other industry this would be considered a severe conflict of interest. In essence, Al Gore has helped to create a fictitious catastrophe, then told everybody what the solutions have to be, and then put himself in a position to capitalize on the hype. It’s not only seriously dishonest, but many people and industries are going to suffer in the wake of this hype while Gore and Big Green bring in millions (and in some cases, billions) of dollars in green money.

Hat Tip Bruce Kesler


More & quite entertaining



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Hate Mongers & Fear Mongers stick together through all kinds of weather.... or should I say climate changes? :)

So what has Al Gore gained from his Big Green escapades?

According to public disclosure information, Gore was worth somewhere between $1 million and $2 million in 2000. Not quite eight years later, Gore is estimated to be worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million. While I ordinarily would applaud such financial gains from such a short period of time, I can’t help but to question just how it happened. When you look out at what Al Gore has done, it’s evident that he figured out on a way to capitalize on the creation of Big Green while becoming the official doomsday prophet that has helped to build Big Green into the monetary powerhouse that it has become.

In any other industry this would be considered a severe conflict of interest. In essence, Al Gore has helped to create a fictitious catastrophe, then told everybody what the solutions have to be, and then put himself in a position to capitalize on the hype. It’s not only seriously dishonest, but many people and industries are going to suffer in the wake of this hype while Gore and Big Green bring in millions (and in some cases, billions) of dollars in green money.

Hat Tip Bruce Kesler


More & quite entertaining



I have never heard Al Gore say anything that is not "true" in terms of scientific consensus with regard to global warming.

Science is all about consensus.........it evolves......truth is often something scientists never get a hold of.

I don't think Al Gore would characterize himself as a scientists, but he is extremely informed about the science of global warming........the earth's ecosystems.........etc. Try reading Earth in the Balance.

I see nothing wrong with Al Gore being paid to promote a concept that might actually improve life on the planet. Nobody knows what he has been paid to inform people about global warming. We can guess........

He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize....for his work. The Nobel selection committee does not just hand those out to anyone.

Finally, even if he is wrong, if we start taking steps to move away from an archaic energy system, millions of jobs will be created worldwide.

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He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize....for his work. The Nobel selection committee does not just hand those out to anyone.

They gave one to career terrorist Yassar Arafat, for his accomplishment of not keeping any promises.

Finally, even if he is wrong, if we start taking steps to move away from an archaic energy system, millions of jobs will be created worldwide.

Our energy system is keeping the world alive and fed. Do you have a better one that actually could be put into place in the next 10 years. Should we wait, I know we could miss a few meals. I know lets make a tax on survival, the longer you live the more you owe, Oh wait I see we are already doing that.

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He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize....for his work. The Nobel selection committee does not just hand those out to anyone.

They gave one to career terrorist Yassar Arafat, for his accomplishment of not keeping any promises.

Excellent point. :)

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He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize....for his work. The Nobel selection committee does not just hand those out to anyone.

They gave one to career terrorist Yassar Arafat, for his accomplishment of not keeping any promises.

Excellent point. :)

OK.........you win on that one....big mistake giving it to Yassar.

Ulysses........ever see a movie called Deliverance w/ Burt Reynolds (the only movie he was actually good in)?

I feel like you are playing the banjo and I am playing the guitar.......

De de de de de de de de de........de de de de de.......de de de de de de de de de.......de de de de de de de de de...... :D

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Not sure about the significance of Al Gore or whoever in this, its not as if he is doing any significant effective lobbying to actually make a difference..bet he still drives or is driven in a gas hog and I wonder if he actively recycles or lives in a enviro' friendly house. Where is the campaigning for massive funding for recycling projects, solar cell development, enviro' cleanup, landmine removal etc etc etc..no its probably better to build more effective ways of killing and provide bailout funding to to non contributory finance houses. Its all spin doctoring to gain a financial and power gain end result.

I suspect the westernized world is still exporting most of its its consumer detritus to India or someplace....

No, its what we see happening to the planet that matters ( the glaciers in Canada are indeed shrinking, Ive seen it, where's that water going..water front property in Nevada ?).

IF we feel strongly enough, we should do our own "bit" where possible to sustain this world of ours .

All I know is that the daytime temperature this year on our little bit of LOS is at least 3 degrees above last! Its been 39- 42c every day since last October!.....

here endeth the first lesson according to .......back to my hole

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I am all for conservation, advances in technology, and for individuals adopting a "greener" life style.

I try to be "green" in my own life, and even tried to teach my wife "greener practices" which admitedly has been more laborious than fruitful.

No doubt man has a negative impact on the earth's environment, but any more than natural causes (forest fires, volcanos, impending meteorites), I don't know.

The one thing I don't appreciate is a hypocrite jamming his agenda down our throats, and the potential for governments getting further involved in the micromanagement of our lives.

Many of the leading advocates of the environment (everyone from actors to politicians), including Gore, have a belief of what is good for you, and somehow hold themselves to a different standard.

Judge a man not by his words, but his actions, and Gore is nothing more than a self serving hypocrite.

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Not sure about the significance of Al Gore or whoever in this, its not as if he is doing any significant effective lobbying to actually make a difference..bet he still drives or is driven in a gas hog and I wonder if he actively recycles or lives in a enviro' friendly house. Where is the campaigning for massive funding for recycling projects, solar cell development, enviro' cleanup, landmine removal etc etc etc..no its probably better to build more effective ways of killing and provide bailout funding to to non contributory finance houses. Its all spin doctoring to gain a financial and power gain end result.

I suspect the westernized world is still exporting most of its its consumer detritus to India or someplace....

No, its what we see happening to the planet that matters ( the glaciers in Canada are indeed shrinking, Ive seen it, where's that water going..water front property in Nevada ?).

IF we feel strongly enough, we should do our own "bit" where possible to sustain this world of ours .

All I know is that the daytime temperature this year on our little bit of LOS is at least 3 degrees above last! Its been 39- 42c every day since last October!.....

here endeth the first lesson according to .......back to my hole

It would help if you took your thermometer out of direct sunlight. 42 in January eh?

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Judge a man not by his words, but his actions, and Gore is nothing more than a self serving hypocrite.

Yep :D

For me

Conservationist?= No Problem knock yourself out.....be selfless

Financial Trader ?= Do what you like dont step all over others.

Politician?= Fugget it.....never met one yet I liked...Well maybe Ron Paul is a possible.

But Gore = worthless X- lousy Politician...playing conservationist...using old handshakes....to get legislation passed ...that he will financially profit from.

Funny that some who say they did not like corruption/deals from Thaksin seem to love Gore? Is it his looks?I know they have said that is why they like Ahbist... :D:)

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Not sure about the significance of Al Gore or whoever in this, its not as if he is doing any significant effective lobbying to actually make a difference..bet he still drives or is driven in a gas hog and I wonder if he actively recycles or lives in a enviro' friendly house. Where is the campaigning for massive funding for recycling projects, solar cell development, enviro' cleanup, landmine removal etc etc etc..no its probably better to build more effective ways of killing and provide bailout funding to to non contributory finance houses. Its all spin doctoring to gain a financial and power gain end result.

I suspect the westernized world is still exporting most of its its consumer detritus to India or someplace....

No, its what we see happening to the planet that matters ( the glaciers in Canada are indeed shrinking, Ive seen it, where's that water going..water front property in Nevada ?).

IF we feel strongly enough, we should do our own "bit" where possible to sustain this world of ours .

All I know is that the daytime temperature this year on our little bit of LOS is at least 3 degrees above last! Its been 39- 42c every day since last October!.....

here endeth the first lesson according to .......back to my hole

It would help if you took your thermometer out of direct sunlight. 42 in January eh?

oh yes of course ...silly of me..maybe you think I should stop pouring hot water on it too and move it from above he stove...?

"Men are nearly always willing to believe what they wish.".....Julius Caesar

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Our energy system is keeping the world alive and fed. Do you have a better one that actually could be put into place in the next 10 years. Should we wait, I know we could miss a few meals. I know lets make a tax on survival, the longer you live the more you owe, Oh wait I see we are already doing that.

Sorry, but that is a pretty weak arguement.  Sure the system is doing what it is designed to do.  But that does not mean it is the best system available. And just because there is not a system available now which can totally replace what we currently use, that does not mean that we can't begin to create new methods of powering our lives.

Hybrid cars, for example, something we already have, could cut down our expenditures of fossil fuels and reduce pollution significantly while creating a huge demand in automaking, all without really affecting our lifestyles or ability to feed oursevles, as you put it.  Wind generation of electricity is huge in Germany and other places.  Making the turbines creates jobs, and the electricity generated has a very small carbon footprint.  And so on.  No one technology currently in place can solve man's input into global warming.  But every little bit helps.  Ignoring the problem does not help.

And who knows what we can develop over the next 25, 50, or 100 years if we put our minds and resources on the problem now?

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I think we should destroy more of our National Parks in the US and put in those wind powered bird killers.

They are very scenic and add a lot to the economy. I have also read somewhere that Nancy Pelosi and her husband have a very large investment in them. Why should Al Gore be the only one to get rich off this scam?

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I watched your stupid clip. That is the best you've got? You have got to be kidding? Do you realize what that was? That was some anti-science radical right wing USA republicans both onscreen and in the editing. It was an anti-science anti-intellectual hit piece. This proves humans don't cause global warming to you? That is scary. Notice as the the right wing anti-science buffoon tries to make a cutesy joke that American football results are a factor in global warming, trying to mock all the mainstream science that backs up Mr. Gore's position. Again, happy I don't have kids with small minded reactionary people cheerleading for the destruction of our home for the sake of big cars and the lazy American way of life.

Of those scientists that signed the famous petition the right wing zealots love, consider:

- only a small percentage were climate scientists

- among climatologists, this survey shows massively dramatic agreement with Al Gore's position:


Like it or not, agree with it or not, meaningless petitions of non-experts or not, right wing whack jobs or not, the theory that man has created climate changes is MAINSTREAM SCIENCE.

Doesn't mean it's right though, mainstream science once said the earth was flat try going back to those times and saying it wasn't similar type of response from the "believers"

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Any of the Honda, Toyota, or Ford hybrids currently being used would have that effect.  I guess that would also include the Mercedes, although this report I read was written before the Mercedes was available.

I would assume the calculations were based on switching every available engine in use for the same output hybrid engine, not making calcualtions based on everyone switching to a Prius.

Please be more specific as to how they are powered and how this power if electric is generated or if fuel cell powered how the hydrogen is produced. The Prius as one example is a total joke, yes I saw you said "not the Prius"

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