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If Al Gore Is Right And Temps Increase By 5 Degrees


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Read the US Senate report and you will realize that Al Gore does NOT communicate a message that is accepted by the vast majority of mainstream scientists. T

Or you can read the reports issued by the World Meteorological Organization where you can access reports approved by the vast majority of the planet's mainstream scientists, although not accepted by a few shitake mushrooms for brains US senators as well as also rejected by those educated in Texas (and even the occasional Hoser), wherein you will indeed find the same message that Al Gore is attempting to communicate.

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To answer the OP, I'd head for the hills (in northern Thailand), dig me a deep well and look after those nearest and dearest to me. (I fancy getting a little compound going eventually too... some corned beef, bottled water and a few machine guns guarding the gaff... I feel some serious sh8t coming down the pipe)

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If Al Gore is correct, than more people will be flocking toward the beaches. I will be waiting under one of the Palm /coconut tree wearing dark sun glasses, sipping my favorite drink and watch all the little hotties run around wearing nothing more than a g'string (Lets hope it's on backward).... Can't wait! :):D :D

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To answer the OP, I'd head for the hills (in northern Thailand), dig me a deep well and look after those nearest and dearest to me. (I fancy getting a little compound going eventually too... some corned beef, bottled water and a few machine guns guarding the gaff... I feel some serious sh8t coming down the pipe)

That's the place together with Isaan and Central Thailand which will get very dry indeed, according to that thesis,which also predicts more rain along the coastline of the Golf of Thailand.

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Hey I am an older childless homosexual. End of the family line...

At last! Some good news.

Happy to please you. Up to you to see that it is not also the end of the species line, and if I was a betting man, I would bet against you ... Translation, we are pooping up our own house beyond repair.

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I was looking for some hard figures to back up my body sensors that tell me it's hotter and googled upon this interesting site that is so full of info that I haven't had time to sort it out. Maybe if someone out there that is good with internet and numbers can wade thru it, they could prove me right or wrong. http://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/Chiang_Mai/483270.htm

or maybe guide me to a more user friendly site that could provide historical high temperatures for Chiang Mai and/or other places in LOS.

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I was looking for some hard figures to back up my body sensors that tell me it's hotter and googled upon this interesting site that is so full of info that I haven't had time to sort it out. Maybe if someone out there that is good with internet and numbers can wade thru it, they could prove me right or wrong. http://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/Chiang_Mai/483270.htm

or maybe guide me to a more user friendly site that could provide historical high temperatures for Chiang Mai and/or other places in LOS.

It would be a ton of clicking links to get all that data and put in a way you could use it. However, I took the liberty of taking the average mean temperatures for Chiang Mai in March for every year back to 1985. It would have been better to do April, but they don't have 2009's data for April. There is no data for 1995 either. I think you will see by the chart that temperature goes up and down, but 1991 was the hottest March, not 2009.


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Does this mean we can end the self-loathing and repeal the breath tax and get on with our lives?

That maybe the sky isn't falling and the wavy top of your pretty bar graph indicates that, in CM at least, the temps are extraordinarily normal? Perfectly unremarkable, if I may be so bold ...

Thanks for your work canuck, well done.

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If Al Gore is correct, than more people will be flocking toward the beaches. I will be waiting under one of the Palm /coconut tree wearing dark sun glasses, sipping my favorite drink and watch all the little hotties run around wearing nothing more than a g'string (Lets hope it's on backward).... Can't wait! :):D :D

and that on the Swedish beach in December :D

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I was looking for some hard figures to back up my body sensors that tell me it's hotter and googled upon this interesting site that is so full of info that I haven't had time to sort it out. Maybe if someone out there that is good with internet and numbers can wade thru it, they could prove me right or wrong. http://www.tutiempo.net/en/Climate/Chiang_Mai/483270.htm

or maybe guide me to a more user friendly site that could provide historical high temperatures for Chiang Mai and/or other places in LOS.

It would be a ton of clicking links to get all that data and put in a way you could use it. However, I took the liberty of taking the average mean temperatures for Chiang Mai in March for every year back to 1985. It would have been better to do April, but they don't have 2009's data for April. There is no data for 1995 either. I think you will see by the chart that temperature goes up and down, but 1991 was the hottest March, not 2009.


I don't know what the answer is but it would be more representative and give a more accurate picture if you could do a similar chart for annual temeratures rather than 1 month

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I don't know what the answer is but it would be more representative and give a more accurate picture if you could do a similar chart for annual temeratures rather than 1 month

Your right of course, but it would take a lot of time. Still, I am curious too.

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I don't want to be accused of spreading gloom and doom, so spare me the accusations and please constructively share your thoughts on this matter.

You mean even though the past few years the overall temperature has been dropping thing?

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Thank you for posting that, a slice of rationality to refute the reactionary anti-Al Gore mania on this thread.

Because his word is more credible than all the scientist that are calling him a kook...including the founder of the weather channel. Yes, dam_n those anti-rational reactionaries

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Thank you for posting that, a slice of rationality to refute the reactionary anti-Al Gore mania on this thread.

You do realize that, linear timewise, we are at the end of what is know as the "little Ice Age", right? So temperatures would normally rise. The past few years, they have dropped, and they will most certainly rise again. It is progression. If the green house affect was based on perceived green house emmisions caused by man than why are those "holes" in the ozone layer at places where there is little human population as opposed to large urban areas...for example of ozone hole areas....the freakin' Polar Poles!!!! A lot of factory work there, I say.

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...well, glaciers are melting, ice clods are breaking away...

...BUT: The things we could do we don't do, because it's not convenient. We do not care about our responsibilities to nature and continue the gluttony. gluttony. gluttony.

Most important thing here is: cheap, brainless jokes with bgs and get that feeling to be the dominator, which they consider as vomiting necessity to get things going with the barbarians. They laugh and you think you are the man.

That's short-sighted egoism at it best=worst.

Watch that: "An Inconvenient Truth"


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It is my opinion that it is a normal earth cycle and no one can do anything about it anyways. As far as my life, I'll likely be looking for a new better and bigger air conditioner.

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It is my opinion that it is a normal earth cycle and no one can do anything about it anyways. As far as my life, I'll likely be looking for a new better and bigger air conditioner.

You can do something about it. For a starter: don't drive your D-Max any more, sell it and buy a solar collector for your house. HTF shall I go around? You will ask. A: Start an environment campaign in your neighbourhood and from there at your district for collective shopping trips.................

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Falling Birth rates in India , Africa , Thailand ?

Don't know about India, and Africa is a big place, but the Thai birth rate is now so low that it doesn't sustain the population at the current level. It's actually lower than the birth rate in the USA.

Big Thai families with lots of siblings are a thing of the past.

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It's rather self-important and frankly arrogant to believe that humans alone can have such an impact on and are solely responsible for a change in the five quadrillion metric ton atmosphere.

But suit up and ride that white horse if it makes you feel better about yourself. Ignore the history of the planet if you wish. Perhaps we should have expected the constant planetary change to cease upon our arrival ... global conditions of this planet are not stable and never were. How dare it change just when we hit our stride.

Ninety percent of all species that have ever walked, swam or flew on this planet are now extinct. Doesen't that just fire you up? But wait. Of that 90 percent, 99 percent of them disappeared before man appeared. Now how the heck did that happen? Them dam dinosaurs musta been driving SUVs.

Maybe it's merely time for humans to go. As I see it, I can either go out happy in my 25 degree living room watching sports on TV eating a Philly cheesesteak, or I can climb up a tree wearing a loincloth and protest the disappearance of the natural habitat of the yellow-bellied sapsucker forraging on grains and berries for the rest of my days.

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