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Liverpool In Bangkok


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if anyone needs tickets call my friend Khun Aon 0849383000 she works for the profitable group...tickets are i believe 800b , 1750 and 2500. the cheapest are sold out but for 2500 you get to sit on paul masefields lap.... :D

enjoy the game, i am stuck in Phuket....:)

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Sorry for this being a bit late guys, but we're having a gathering of Liverpool fans both local and from overseas today, tomorrow and the day after over at our bar down on Ekkamai. Its called Old Skool, between Ekkamai Soi 12 and 14, opposite and to the right of a giant mini cooper showroom that is bedecked with standard multicoloured eyesore LEDs.

Asahi and Singha's at half price for anyone in kit, whether genuine or the JJ special, and we're trying to get enough bodies to get a FIFA '09 competition going. We'll be showing the match as well if we can figure out what bloody channel its on, it was originally listed as to be broadcast on Channel 7 at 6pm tomorrow, but that's mysteriously vanished. So fingers crossed...

Hope to see you guys there on one of the days.


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Training session tonight was bullshit, couldn't get in unless you had the special ticket that VIPs and sponsors and lucky people got. Thanks for that nonsense P. Group. I didn't care too much but how about those Thai fans that couldn't afford a ticket for tomorrow night? They should have let as many as were there in for free...

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Well stevie, u didn't miss much, the rain near the end made it exciting, not the match per say, I had to go around the house and close a few windows.

So tell me boys, was it worth it? Guess we will have to wait for a few hours till they get home in that traffic.

Btw, does vorinon remind anyone else of bendtner, only slower?

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Well stevie, u didn't miss much, the rain near the end made it exciting, not the match per say, I had to go around the house and close a few windows.

So tell me boys, was it worth it? Guess we will have to wait for a few hours till they get home in that traffic.

Btw, does vorinon remind anyone else of bendtner, only slower?

Yes worth it for me anyway James, Its just a Pre Season game nothing more. Rain didn't come down hard during the match only after, just kind of swept over the stadium.

Great to see the whole squad and some interesting partnerships we might see in the season. x10 changes at half time. I am used to this weather but it was well humid there tonight. Some of the lads looked exhausted out there and a bit leggy, not surprising considering they just flew in from Europe. So the game was played at a very slow pace.

Torres looked electric when he came on thought he looked well up for it and was itching to get on. Everyone was going crazy when he was warming up.

He set up Voronin with a great through ball and took out the Thai back four with almost his first touch and came close to getting to grabbing a goal or two.

Johnson played again as left back! and struck a nice shot at the end. Babel looked sharp in attack more direct than normal and looked the most likely to do something maybe a sign of things to come? great finish for the goal also.

Ha... Masch carried on like yesterday evening's training session with his tackles and got his normal yellow card. Love him proper little battler. Lots of positives for me and getting excited about the start of the season.

Bad news - Pissed of Skertel went of holding his right hamstring and struggled down the steps back to the dressing room. Might be serious.

To be fair James you've got to be an LFC fanatic to appreciate these types of games and take it for what it is. The Thai fans who got to see the players for the first time were very happy and were still buzzing after the game as I spoke to a few during and after the game. A good work out for the team,a chance to prepare for the coming season and finally some more marketing in Asia.

Edited by Devil
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Well stevie, u didn't miss much, the rain near the end made it exciting, not the match per say, I had to go around the house and close a few windows.

So tell me boys, was it worth it? Guess we will have to wait for a few hours till they get home in that traffic.

Btw, does vorinon remind anyone else of bendtner, only slower?

Yes worth it for me anyway James, Its just a Pre Season game nothing more. Rain didn't come down hard during the match only after, just kind of swept over the stadium.

Great to see the whole squad and some interesting partnerships we might see in the season. x10 changes at half time. I am used to this weather but it was well humid there tonight. Some of the lads looked exhausted out there and a bit leggy, not surprising considering they just flew in from Europe. So the game was played at a very slow pace.

Torres looked electric when he came on thought he looked well up for it and was itching to get on. Everyone was going crazy when he was warming up.

He set up Voronin with a great through ball and took out the Thai back four with almost his first touch and came close to getting to grabbing a goal or two.

Johnson played again as left back! and struck a nice shot at the end. Babel looked sharp in attack more direct than normal and looked the most likely to do something maybe a sign of things to come? great finish for the goal also.

Ha... Masch carried on like yesterday evening's training session with his tackles and got his normal yellow card. Love him proper little battler. Lots of positives for me and getting excited about the start of the season.

Bad news - Pissed of Skertel went of holding his right hamstring and struggled down the steps back to the dressing room. Might be serious.

To be fair James you've got to be an LFC fanatic to appreciate these types of games and take it for what it is. The Thai fans who got to see the players for the first time were very happy and were still buzzing after the game as I spoke to a few during and after the game. A good work out for the team,a chance to prepare for the coming season and finally some more marketing in Asia.

luckily i had a dry shirt in my car as I was drenched by the time I got back to it, managed to see the players arrive on the coaches and then my car was stopped as the players coaches left also, every one of them looked drained and knackered.

The game was a non entity as I expected for a friendly, torres was great when he came on and the gaggle of Thai girls screaming when he took his shirt off at the end and it showed him on the big screen was reminiscent of a beatles concert :)

As devil says, its good for the Thai fans to see these players in the flesh. Also good to see that Thailand is still Thailand with a late kick off, can they not do anything on time, I hear it was because the prime minister was late so for everyone had to wait for some fool who can not get to a stadium on time even with a police escort

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My Experience also posted on my blog:


No autograph? Not even a wave?

Warning this post may contain some Liverpool bashing, read on at your own peril!

Last night I attended the Liverpool vs. Thai National team friendly in Bangkok with my wife. I’m not a Liverpool fan, or a Thai national team fan, but it’s not often you get to see a Premier League team in Thailand.

My wife had bought a Liverpool shirt that she wanted to get some autographs on and we had bought VIP tickets (cost almost $90 each) so that we could be in a good spot and hopefully get some close up pictures and autographs with the players.

The stadium was almost full with probably around 50,000 fans (as reported on TV), most wearing Liverpool shirts, as Liverpool are very popular here in Thailand.

The players slowly filtered onto the pitch 1 or 2 at a time to warm up and we waited at the front hoping that some of the players would come over to sign some names. But they did not seem interested in the fans, and we figured they were just focusing on the upcoming match.

Liverpool had brought most of their big name players with them, such as Mascherano, Alonso, Torres, Reina, Kuyt and Johnson. Liverpool started the first half brightly and Babel looked especially quick as he caused the Thai defense all kind of problems and managed to get on the score sheet within the first 6 minutes. Some other stand out players in the first half were Insua at left back, and Lucas in the midfield. But it was clear that Liverpool were not fully fit, and not used to playing in such hot and humid conditions.

The Thai team played some good quick passing football and were often able to find space on the right wing, but every time they’d get near to goal Carragher seemed to be there to clear it.

Again at the end of the half we waited right where the players exit the field, still no autographs. Jamie Carragher did throw his warm up jersey to the crowd, but that became the highlight of fan interaction for the evening.

The Liverpool players came out for the second half with a largely changed team. It seemed to be a stronger side, with more confidence in their play. There were however some players who really were woeful. Jay Spearing seemed to always want the ball in the middle of the park, the trouble was every time he’d get it he would scuff a pass into the crowd or stub his toe trying to shoot. El Zhar also did not make an impact in his 10 minutes of play, he came off “injured” but it seemed like he didn’t want to be there at all.

Mascherano played well until he started putting in some really disgraceful tackles, if it wasn’t a friendly he could well have received 4 or 5 yellows. And the 1 yellow card he did receive could well have been a straight red. I lost count of the number of times he clattered through the back of Datsakorn Thonglao, the Thai captain, in the midfield.

The Thai team managed to pull a goal back towards the end of the match to tie it up at one all, with a smoothly played one-two and a good finish off the inside of the post by Sutee Sumsomkit.

Torres started to warm up and the crowd went wild, he was clearly the fans favorite by a long shot. He came on with 10 minutes remaining along with Riera. With Torres first touch of the ball the atmosphere was electric and he ran at the heart of the Thai defense, put through a ball for Vornonin, who continued his disappointing performance with another miss.

Riera looked very sharp, running the midfield like his own personal training camp, for me he was Liverpool’s man of the match, a pity he only played for 10 minutes. For the Thai side I think Thonglao was the man of the match, he was at the center of everything the Thai’s built, and after the nasty tackles he took from Mascherano no one can doubt his heart or commitment.

Again at the end of the match we waited at the front for the players to come and sign some autographs, but again nothing, they just walked right back to the changing room barely acknowledging the 50,000 fans who had turned up. We then walked to the bus loading area, and waited by the fence, where we expect the players to sign some autographs before boarding the bus. But to my shock they just boarded the bus, again without even a wave for the few hundred fans queuing for autographs. They just sat on the bus on their cellphones starring through the crowd in a similar manner that one might ignore a homeless bum begging for a quarter. It was almost degrading.

I was especially disappointed with Rafa Benitez, I didn’t even see him sneak onto the field, the first time I realized he had actually shown up was went he appear on the big screen already in the dugout. And at the end of the game he walked quickly off the pitch surround by security and an umbrella, head down, didn’t even look up at the fans, let alone wave, sign any autographs or pose for some photos.

Reminds me why I’m a United fan, when you see the great man, Sir Alex Ferguson himself, signing autographs on the way to the dugout although he has already won more awards than Rafa could ever hope for.

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To be fair Dave, with H1N1 spreading all over the place, why would they want to get close up to the fans. Micah Richards is only just recovering from it. I reckon this season we're gonna see a lot less of the intimacy players normally have with the crowds.

Edit. However, not to even wave is a bit off.

Edited by mrbojangles
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To be fair Dave, with H1N1 spreading all over the place, why would they want to get close up to the fans. Micah Richards is only just recovering from it. I reckon this season we're gonna see a lot less of the intimacy players normally have with the crowds.

Edit. However, not to even wave is a bit off.

I can understand that but i'll also add a few points:

- They had body temperature screens before the ticket area, so you couldn't even get in if you had a fever (above average body temperature)

- Most of the players didn't even acknowledge the fans at all. When the bus was driving off and there were fans along side the bus cheering and waving the players didn't even look up from their iPods (not one player was waving as the bus drove off)

- So you're telling me because of some pig flu footballers will no longer be signing autographs? Just as well, that 100K is just not worth getting sick over...

I'd say the only exception was Jamie Carragher, who as I said did throw his warn up shirt to the fans, and came over to wave at the crowd, it seemed like it wanted to come sign some autographs but because it was only him too many people were pushing, so he thought better of it.

It seems like the decision for them to come to Thailand was probably made at boardroom level, and none of the players or manager were really in to it...

Edited by dave111223
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Watched 2 games yesterday, Chelsea v Inter on the box in the morning and then was at the match for the Pool match. I may be bised but have to say the difference in quality was vast.

Thought the Pool game was dissappointing as did my Pool supporting friend. Their best player by far was Torres and he was only on for the last 10 mins. It may only be a pre season friendly but would say Pool were very poor and the result will be a disppointment for them.

I was also amazed in the warm up when Sammy Lee was setting the players up for shots at goal and only a couple were able to hit the target from 20 or so shots.

Not sure where the other poster was sitting but where we were uncovered it bucketed down for the last 15 mins. Shame the PM was late as then no one would have got wet.

Ok looking at it from a non Pool supporting view but all bodes well for the new season :)

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Reminds me why I’m a United fan, when you see the great man, Sir Alex Ferguson himself, signing autographs on the way to the dugout although he has already won more awards than Rafa could ever hope for.

Should have just skipped to that without reading all your other nonsense. And we know you're not a glory hunting Man U fan because Dame Alex signs autographs...

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Reminds me why I’m a United fan, when you see the great man, Sir Alex Ferguson himself, signing autographs on the way to the dugout although he has already won more awards than Rafa could ever hope for.

Should have just skipped to that without reading all your other nonsense. And we know you're not a glory hunting Man U fan because Dame Alex signs autographs...

How is it nonsense? It's a first hand account of the evening, which part do you disagree with?

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Thought it was obvious, isn't it? You're a Man U fan and because your wife didn't get her autograph you enthusiastically took the chance to bash Liverpool. Many statements in your tirade lack knowledge of players and the game itself. Yes, Spearing was poor the first 10 minutes but he got better. Obviously you didn't see the first two pre-season matches as you're not a fan, where Spearing played quite well.

About the autographs, forget it was pissing down rain at the end and they all just wanted to get in the locker room. Also I guess you missed when the first 11 came out for warmups and gave an organized wai to each side of the stadium.

However, I have gripes too. Tickets too expensive for a friendly, yet they were justified from Profitable Group's perspective by the turnout and by comparing to Real Madrid 4 years back were the same yet forgetting that everyone complained about those prices then and the fact that Real Madrid actually let fans come to their training session for free, whereas Liverpool severely limited theirs for no good reason. I think it'd be nicer if they could have signed autographs and played to the fans a bit more with waves like you said, but these are minor details. Perhaps they are just so jaded from always having fans around whenever they play, etc.

If you read some of the stories the players were obviously surprised and pleased with the fans in general though, and I think they could have done more to show it but they are just human after all and these things need to be more encouraged by employees of the club and perhaps next time they could be brought here by someone other than Steve McMahon who keeps using his former Liverpool playing days for his own profit.

And claiming to be a Man U fan because Alex signs autographs, priceless...While attempting an insult at Rafa because he didn't sign autographs...A bit of a stupid argument, really. But thanks for the laugh.

Edited by Jimjim
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To be fair Dave, with H1N1 spreading all over the place, why would they want to get close up to the fans. Micah Richards is only just recovering from it. I reckon this season we're gonna see a lot less of the intimacy players normally have with the crowds.

Edit. However, not to even wave is a bit off.

Sorry, maybe I havent been up on the news, one catch pig flu from waving at the fans?

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Thought it was obvious, isn't it? You're a Man U fan and because your wife didn't get her autograph you enthusiastically took the chance to bash Liverpool. Many statements in your tirade lack knowledge of players and the game itself. Yes, Spearing was poor the first 10 minutes but he got better. Obviously you didn't see the first two pre-season matches as you're not a fan, where Spearing played quite well.

About the autographs, forget it was pissing down rain at the end and they all just wanted to get in the locker room. Also I guess you missed when the first 11 came out for warmups and gave an organized wai to each side of the stadium.

However, I have gripes too. Tickets too expensive for a friendly, yet they were justified from Profitable Group's perspective by the turnout and by comparing to Real Madrid 4 years back were the same yet forgetting that everyone complained about those prices then and the fact that Real Madrid actually let fans come to their training session for free, whereas Liverpool severely limited theirs for no good reason. I think it'd be nicer if they could have signed autographs and played to the fans a bit more with waves like you said, but these are minor details. Perhaps they are just so jaded from always having fans around whenever they play, etc.

If you read some of the stories the players were obviously surprised and pleased with the fans in general though, and I think they could have done more to show it but they are just human after all and these things need to be more encouraged by employees of the club and perhaps next time they could be brought here by someone other than Steve McMahon who keeps using his former Liverpool playing days for his own profit.

It's true that i'm not a Liverpool fan, and yes did take the opportunity bash liverpool (as i said i would in my opening sentence). Yes I saw the Wai at the start, was nice gesture, but come on is that the best Liverpool can do? The starting 11 do a wai and then entire squad blanks out the fan for the rest of the event?

No i didn't watch the other Liverpool pre-season friendly (how many times do i need to say i'm not a liverpool fan). And it's true i could lack knowledge of what some fringe players are capable of, but you are wrong that i lack knowledge of football itself.

The reviews of particular player performance are obvious subjective, and i also highlight which players played well.

IMHO Spearing was very poor throughout.

As for the rain...come on it was barely raining at the end, more a light shower. Were you actually there? How can you say it was "pissing down" at the end of the match?

As for this:

And claiming to be a Man U fan because Alex signs autographs, priceless...While attempting an insult at Rafa because he didn't sign autographs...A bit of a stupid argument, really. But thanks for the laugh.

I did not mean that i'm a united fan because SAF signs autographs, but it reminds me about how much more appreciation united show for their fan.

Obviously i'd still be a United fan even if United were to snub me in the same fashion as Liverpool do to their fans, lucky United fans don't have to feel that way.

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

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someone seems to be forgetting the training schools, the public presence at central world, the fact the players were accessible at the hotel both inside and out etc etc etc, but because old whiskey nose signed an autograph once and the evil rafa did not acknowledge dave after he paid $90 last night he is up in arms about it. I do however remember rafa while recovering from an operation sitting in the stands during the match when a woman approached with her son and an autograph was signed and he posed for a photo, yes, during the match, I do remember rafa hugging Rhys Jones mum on the touch line at anfield, I do know a large percentage of Dirk Kuyts salary goes to charity etc. The fact is they were told to not approach the fans getting off the bus, this was obvious and understandable, just as it was understandable after the game. I am only surprised dave didnt accuse the naughty scouser carragher of trying to injure some poor spectator by violently throwing his shirt at him

Round the pitch there was a moat so the players could not come to the crowd, also I saw a few liverpool players during the warm up walk behind the advertising and mingle with the large number of wheelchair bound fans, yes they got off the coach and went straight in but who really gives a dam_n, and as I posted earlier my car was held up on the road as the coach left the stadium and all i saw was a group of guys who needed sleep.

also torres run after he came on resulted in a torres shot, it was a few minutes later he put voronin through

But all hail old purple nose, he signed an autograph (I wonder if this was before he harranged some poor referee),

sorry dave but you just come across as some bitter manc there mate

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I witnessed the players go out and Wai to both sides of the ground in one line before kick off, and individual players waved and clapped back at fans.In fact players came to inspect the pitch and took out their phone and cameras to take their own pictures of the Thai stadium.

Torres was interacting also by smiling clapping back when warming up. Johnson also was very appreciative by making a run over to the far side and wave.

Yesterdays training session they did the same. The Security of Profitable group was tight and didn't want the players getting close to the fence in front of the VIP area as fans leaning over the fence. Its not a stadium you can really get close because of the track and security everywhere.

Must of been a bit intimidating for some players looking at some fans wearing face masks and might make you think twice about getting close also.

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

it was a training exercise james, nothing more, nothing less to help the players get fit. the game was dire but it gave the thai fans a chance to see some players. these games are never good because of the amount of subs etc used during a game. I would imagine the friendly agaisnt athletico we have soon will be better as the fitness will be higher and rafa will field more or less his first team

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

it was a training exercise james, nothing more, nothing less to help the players get fit. the game was dire but it gave the thai fans a chance to see some players. these games are never good because of the amount of subs etc used during a game. I would imagine the friendly agaisnt athletico we have soon will be better as the fitness will be higher and rafa will field more or less his first team

ok, i only ask because from what I have read and seen (on sports highlights) the two games we played against Malaysia were full of chances, lots of action.

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

it was a training exercise james, nothing more, nothing less to help the players get fit. the game was dire but it gave the thai fans a chance to see some players. these games are never good because of the amount of subs etc used during a game. I would imagine the friendly agaisnt athletico we have soon will be better as the fitness will be higher and rafa will field more or less his first team

ok, i only ask because from what I have read and seen (on sports highlights) the two games we played against Malaysia were full of chances, lots of action.

I really don't see the relevance to be honest mate, now if you say you saw us create loads of chances and you never when we drubbed you last season at the Theatre of Silence I would still not really see the relevance. Did you play with a first team out against the mighty malaysia (who managed to score two) or make lots of changes etc.

or we can talk about villareal winning 27-0 in a friendly a few days ago, they are what they are mate, fitness games and money spinners and really give no indication to anything to be fair, if we won last night 10-0 and created 40 chances i still would not put any credence on it as it means nothing at the end of the day

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

I will ask you the same question about the Utd pre season games shown on the TV, did they excite you? or a chore? Not really exciting on the telly if not a big match right? Exhibitions, pre season's are enjoyed when you are there in person for fans of the club.

When I watch games live, I watch movement of players of the ball also and positioning that you cant appreciate on TV which mainly follows the ball and action. formations players first touch and other details. Anyway some great moves in bits and bats. So I was impressed.

Thought the Thai goal was very good, and they kept the game moving as the Liverpool lads were visibly struggled with the humidity and trip.

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back to the game, all bias aside, do you scousers rate it as worth it? I watched it on TV and must say it was a chore. Thai team had 3-4 shots at goal, only one hit it, and went in. Too much play in the middle of the park.

I will ask you the same question about the Utd pre season games shown on the TV, did they excite you? or a chore? Not really exciting on the telly if not a big match right? Exhibitions, pre season's are enjoyed when you are there in person for fans of the club.

When I watch games live, I watch movement of players of the ball also and positioning that you cant appreciate on TV which mainly follows the ball and action. formations players first touch and other details. Anyway some great moves in bits and bats. So I was impressed.

Thought the Thai goal was very good, and they kept the game moving as the Liverpool lads were visibly struggled with the humidity and trip.

Come on Devil, take off your rose tinted glasses, whether on TV or lin person, that match was a complete bore. Even caught Rafa nodding off a few times during the match :)

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