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Loog Kreung


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At a dentist's in Koh Samui years ago I read an article postulating that Eurasian kids were especially naughty.

I have a nine-year-old son and I think it's true.

And you?

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No <deleted> clue. Who cares? So dam_n annoying to see copius topics on thaivisa where people attempt to be amateur sociologists.

OK, no kids.


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At a dentist's in Koh Samui years ago I read an article postulating that Eurasian kids were especially naughty.

I have a nine-year-old son and I think it's true.

And you?

Give him a clip round the ear.

(Flame away!)

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No <deleted> clue. Who cares? So dam_n annoying to see copius topics on thaivisa where people attempt to be amateur sociologists.

OK, no kids.


Nope, just think your theory is bullshit nonsense.

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Nope, just think your theory is bullshit nonsense.

Well, obviously it's not a clinical study.

Some input from others with similar kids would be more constructive.

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What are you flucking kidding me? Your 9 year old son is naughtier than a Thai boy and you wonder why? YOU RAISED HIM THAT WAY you silly ninny.... Having worked with children here for 5 years of every nationality, poor Thai kids are the best behaved, everyone else is a little monster with the exception of 50% of the Japanese kids and the few strict falang parents that raise good kids here.

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

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We have an adopted child who is pure Chinese long story but a close friend of mine and his wife were killed in an auto accident in China and had no family, my friend and I agreed some 22 years ago that should we ever have children we would do the "god parent" should something happen as neither one of us have family that could look after children.

The child was only 1 when we adopted her and she was fine generally calm, cool and collected. We recently had our own child 1 year and 5 months now and what a terror! Well, she is not actually a terror but she keeps us on our toes. She is completely independent and ready to explore. Every morning she is the first one up (not waking anyone else) gets her shoes and heads for the door, she is willing to go on a walkabout on her own foot fancy and care free. While our Chinese daughter who is now 8 years old would never consider leaving our sight. I'm not sure if it is genetics or just random chance personality but I wouldn't say one child is worse than the other just different personalities.

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

agreed 110% it shocks me when i see how little parental control many motheres and fathers display while their children are running crazy in restuarants, shops, malls etc..... myself coming from a generation when children were expected to be seen and not heard it has been very easy for me to find a happy middle ground. Unlike my father I do not hit my children however i do give them clear firm messages of what behavior is and is not acceptable. I do not want to stifle their creativity yet i do want them to respect other peoples space. At the end of the day responsibility, reliability and accountability are the core value we try to instill and as mixed kids we hope this will be something that has a positve impact on the thai culture.

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bad parents/bad kids.This happens the world over and no different than raising a dog,good training,good habits.

Show them right from wrong,good from evil and happy rather than miserable and you have a lovely child.

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

I understand your point, but in some cases the parents really are not to blame. It's personality brought out by environment. You can only blame the parents for so much, as a child between the ages of 7 and 16 will spend most of its day at school. Some of these schools are incubation zones for juvenile delinquents. I saw a few kids in my class that came from good families fall into the gutter over time. Absolute losers and yet their siblings turned out ok.

I won't tell you about my brother, but he proves your theory wrong.

Edited by geriatrickid
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I'm not sure my kids are naughtier; they are certainly louder and more of a handful than the majority of the other Kids in the village. I think they have too much or atleast did in europe. The poorer kids seem to be much better behaved. maybe its to do with genetics and being strong willed also. There's a Luk Krueng in the village thats naughtier than my Kids but I suspect she's possessed.

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I wouldn't say they are naughty by nature, that is due to their upbringing. I would say that they have a lot more energy than regular Thai children. My wifes sister's kids are full of energy and that energy needs be let out. If they don't have something to keep them occupied then they become very naughty.

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

I understand your point, but in some cases the parents really are not to blame. It's personality brought out by environment. You can only blame the parents for so much, as a child between the ages of 7 and 16 will spend most of its day at school. Some of these schools are incubation zones for juvenile delinquents. I saw a few kids in my class that came from good families fall into the gutter over time. Absolute losers and yet their siblings turned out ok.

I won't tell you about my brother, but he proves your theory wrong.

I agree with GK--which is often the case--and it's a pleasure to read his measured response --something that some of the supercilious, self-important and downright rude previous posters might take note of--let's have a lot less of the ' rap-style' lingo, eh--i.e. no M***F***** insults--the OP was only trying to ask a simple question.

There are a lot of influences on growing kids that are completely outside of a parent's control, the list is long and I will not go into it.

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

agreed 110% it shocks me when i see how little parental control many motheres and fathers display while their children are running crazy in restuarants, shops, malls etc..... myself coming from a generation when children were expected to be seen and not heard it has been very easy for me to find a happy middle ground. Unlike my father I do not hit my children however i do give them clear firm messages of what behavior is and is not acceptable. I do not want to stifle their creativity yet i do want them to respect other peoples space. At the end of the day responsibility, reliability and accountability are the core value we try to instill and as mixed kids we hope this will be something that has a positve impact on the thai culture.

Please tell me you are not talking about 3-4 year olds. :)

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I have had an epiphany... I cant believe I have discovered one of the worlds greatest secrets and answer to all the worlds problems. BAD parents don't understand they are BAD! They don't connect their BAD kids with the BAD way they raised them. Oh my god! How can this be!?

Thought this was common sense but apparently not! lol unbelievable, people really dont take responsibility for their crap do they? Raise your dam_n kids right and they wont be bad or naughty. Connect the dots you simple mo'fakas.

agreed 110% it shocks me when i see how little parental control many motheres and fathers display while their children are running crazy in restuarants, shops, malls etc..... myself coming from a generation when children were expected to be seen and not heard it has been very easy for me to find a happy middle ground. Unlike my father I do not hit my children however i do give them clear firm messages of what behavior is and is not acceptable. I do not want to stifle their creativity yet i do want them to respect other peoples space. At the end of the day responsibility, reliability and accountability are the core value we try to instill and as mixed kids we hope this will be something that has a positve impact on the thai culture.

as a matter of fact yes i did start teaching my children boundries as early as 3 and 4, don't you?

Please tell me you are not talking about 3-4 year olds. :)

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Wow, I'd say a few of the earlier posters got up on the wrong side of bed this morning.

I am of the belief that it is a combination of: heredity, upbringing, chemical balance and luck.

I come from a family of 8 children. We were all brought up the same.

I was the worst child by far. I wouldn't listen to my parents and fought them most of the way.

My brother's and sisters are now all very dedicated workers, most of them are millionaires or close to it.

I on the other hand have been a wanderer of the planet for the past 30 years and have settled in Thailand where i now have a beautiful Thai wife and 4 year old boy.

So many times i see my uncooperative tendencies in my boy and am reminded of myself a long time ago.

I see myself saying things my father said to me.

On the other hand, in this culture, it is not easy to raise a boy to be obedient. My wife lets him get away with things she would never let a girl get along with. Our neighborhood is 90% Thai and I often see the girls get disciplined while the boys get away with the same mistakes and problems.

I suspect the next 15 years or so are going to be a real challenge.

Good luck with your boy.

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I'm not sure my kids are naughtier; they are certainly louder and more of a handful than the majority of the other Kids in the village. I think they have too much or atleast did in europe. The poorer kids seem to be much better behaved. maybe its to do with genetics and being strong willed also. There's a Luk Krueng in the village thats naughtier than my Kids but I suspect she's possessed.

Observations/ generalisations: Village kids seem more respectful and grateful. Bangkok kids seem more spoilt, ungrateful and spend less time with their families. If the city parents have less time to spend teaching their kids to behave, the kids have fewer older siblings to learn from, and do not learn to share and be part of a team.

Thai boys are often more spoilt than girls - the mothers expect their daughters to learn social and work skills but expect their sons to get through life with minimum effort - so they perpetuate the differences from an early age.

Kids are told repeatedly that good looks and wealth are the most important things (white skin, new telephone, big car) and this is reinforced by the endless hours of soaps they are allowed to watch. Look Kreung kids are often cooed over by Thai parents and teachers, idolised in the media, and become role models for the easily led.

In short - blame the parents.

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Good parents raise good kids.

But one also have to fight against: relatives, nannies, daycare workers, teachers, other kids.

It's an uphill struggle, but seeing as how my kid respects and listens to me (and perhaps slightly less so to his mother) that one can truly affect how kids are towards you and others.

Now continuing the lesson as to why cats, even if they are nice and never hit back, don't want plastic toys in the head...

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Naughty parents = naughty kids.

Preacher's kids are often an exception. Have yet to meet one who wasn't naughty.


Heng I knew a preachers daughter.... Man, she was naughty in every since of the word! But she sure could sing.... loved her voice.

Sadly she was murdered a few years back, if I were to say there was an up side to the story...

They got the guy, and I am sure he has been a "rear admiral" for a cigarette ever since.

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Naughty parents = naughty kids.

Preacher's kids are often an exception. Have yet to meet one who wasn't naughty.


Heng I knew a preachers daughter.... Man, she was naughty in every since of the word! But she sure could sing.... loved her voice.

Sadly she was murdered a few years back, if I were to say there was an up side to the story...

They got the guy, and I am sure he has been a "rear admiral" for a cigarette ever since.

Yeah, I've known a few, luckily none have met with any serious misfortune, other than various STD's probably.


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Quite a few years ago, there was a study done in San Francisco (I believe), which had a very large Asian population. The study was done in hospitals with newborn babies. They found that Asian babies tend to cry less loudly and not as long as non-Asian babies. I can't cite the study anymore, but it did seem to point out some genetic differences.

I have had limited exposure to Leuk Kreung children, but I work at a school where we have a number of mixed children. Most of these are raised by their biological parents, but a few are members of a totally Asian family. Anectodatally, I can say that most are quite nice, but they are slightly 'naughtier' than the Thai, or Thai-Chinese children at our school. By naughtier, I don't mean they do worse things, usually, but they are slightly more likely to get angry and are a little more aggressive.

Examples I can give, are: slightly more are involved in fighting (not serious fights, but pushing, shoving and other behavior that comes to the administrations attention). They get sent into the hallway more often for being uncooperative. They are slightly more likely to 'talk-back' etc.

Since the mixed group makes up a small % of the population, and might be more likely to be noticed, although virtually of them look Thai and I can't always distinguish as mixed (I am sure the Thai Admin, however, can).

I will, hence forth try to keep track of behavioral differences, since part of my job involves dealing with 'problem' situations.

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