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Bilderberg Group - World Dominance?

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The Euro Star Chamber? World Conspiracy? You also believe that Dan Brown is a prophet and The Davinci Code is factual, right? Who else is on in it besides the Republicans and European elitists? We need more names? Sheesh. Just because it says non-fiction on the book aisle does not mean that it is true.

I recall one of your recent posts - where you dont mention food - you take the p*ss out of a poster saying the brown shirts etc. are out to get us - yes its all just a big conspiracy :)

Well oh wise one comment on this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...ort-wrongs.html

I thing we know who is mad as a racoon - or do you prefer sheeple Bahaaaa

PS do you think they wiill be given brown shirts

It gets better with age...Paranoid much?

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The Euro Star Chamber? World Conspiracy? You also believe that Dan Brown is a prophet and The Davinci Code is factual, right? Who else is on in it besides the Republicans and European elitists? We need more names? Sheesh. Just because it says non-fiction on the book aisle does not mean that it is true.

What has the Da Vinci code got to do with anything? You are just exposing your ignorance if you think the book is anti NWO.

No, just proving that small minds can come up big dumb ideas. and yes, they are out to get you.

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The Euro Star Chamber? World Conspiracy? You also believe that Dan Brown is a prophet and The Davinci Code is factual, right? Who else is on in it besides the Republicans and European elitists? We need more names? Sheesh. Just because it says non-fiction on the book aisle does not mean that it is true.

What has the Da Vinci code got to do with anything? You are just exposing your ignorance if you think the book is anti NWO.

Comeon, you think the Da Vincie Code is real, don't you? That all the world leaders are conspiring to create a New World Order. You crazy people are cute.

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You can see a 757 - I must take my hat off to your programmers, f*cking geniouses :)

ahh.. i always loved Pot Black :D

Is that all you can come up with?? LOL

OK, persuade me a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon.. :D

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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

Can someone answer my question please?

No? I thought not. Time to invest in the tinfoil mines :)

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Ah, yes as i rightly predicted you ignore my video showing how the BBC announced the collapse of building 7, 20 minutes before it collapsed

Ah yes, and as i rightly suspected you changed the subject to another topic completley when confronted with counter claims to your offerings on the Pentagon cover up.. :)

i'm enjoying this thread, should be in the Farang, Pub, Entertainment bit though ..

Ok, for the 3rd time - do you not find it significant at all that the BBC anounced the collapse of builing 7, 20 minutes before its collapse. I have watched and read your counter claims and find them simplistic and they lack credibility. Why are you set agianst watching the BBC video. You won't watch it because you know in advance that it is indisputable fact. Your not so good at your job :D

I watched the video and you're right it is clearly a fake because if you look good at the left side of the world trade center you will see Bayoke tower.

I suggest you change your username to error programmed.

Your obviously a spook my son! Even the BBC don't deny the fact they reported the destruction of building 7, 20 minutes prior to its fall. <deleted> has your statement got to do with reality. The BBC reporter in the studio, when later interviewed, confirmed the conspiracy. Anyone with half a brain can do their own research, The fact that the BBC announce the fall 20 minutes in advance is admitted by the BBC, yet you deny It. Who are you working for - trawling these sites and making pathetic attempts to debunk the truth. Did they tell you you were special, rather than a usefull idiot :D

One conspiracy theory you don,t mind mentioning online! What you said in a previous post: (NOT NECESSARILY ME!!)

some folks believe (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) that HIV was originally a laboratory created bio weapon introduced into the world by certain eugenicist illuminati groups with the sole intention to eradicate certain other groups of the populous..

controversial stuff i know, but this theory is widespread...

Edited by deprogrammed
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The Euro Star Chamber? World Conspiracy? You also believe that Dan Brown is a prophet and The Davinci Code is factual, right? Who else is on in it besides the Republicans and European elitists? We need more names? Sheesh. Just because it says non-fiction on the book aisle does not mean that it is true.

What has the Da Vinci code got to do with anything? You are just exposing your ignorance if you think the book is anti NWO.

Comeon, you think the Da Vincie Code is real, don't you? That all the world leaders are conspiring to create a New World Order. You crazy people are cute.

Some quote from a person who goes by 'endofdays' :)

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :)

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

the solution is transplants :D

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I am always confused as to why people are so quick to mock these conspiracy theories. What is the problem with having a look and having a discussion? There have been many things in history that governments have tried to hide, there will be many more. Do you think we live in an era where the ultra powerful and the unaccountable have developed a sense of ethics?

I find parts of this discussion fascinating. I certainly remember watching the towers fall that day and noting that it requires a lot of skill to drop a building like that. When I saw the second one go I thought wow that was just like the first one. The third one made no sense at all because it hadn't been hit and it wasn't on fire. But it went down like an arrow. Building that fall after damage usually lean and crumble in stages. This one went down in 6 seconds. For the next few years I tried to reason it out but nothing can replace what we all saw.

I am not sure about the Pentagon issue, Why would they use a missile and then say it was a plane. Why not just use a plane? The effect is the same.

As for the Bilderberg's, of course they exist, of course they are discussing global policy. Give me a break, You think they just like getting together to discuss Oprah's book of the month or something. Why wouldn't anyone be interested in finding out what they are talking about. Clearly it is more important than anything you will read in the news.

The real question is the integrity of the non mainstream news sources. Some of these guys are clearly whacked, which is a real shame. They throw the whole discussion into doubt.

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us that smoking dope doesn't really expand your mind. You must be part of the conspiracy.

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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

Can someone answer my question please?

Oooops, sorry forgot about that one.

Somewhere here is where Mark Abramoff has an office/lives.

post-21826-1243132155_thumb.jpg UK Manchester oxford road/street.

Here is where his friend lives in the US New York111 streetpost-21826-1243132540_thumb.jpg

Company where the site was registered is:Go Daddy, name server hostgator.com and apparently their propaganda organisation is listed by the name of: Virtue inc.

Very very suspicious :)

Have a nice Sunday all!

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

the solution is transplants :D

of course... one could ask for the advice of "the one that knows" to suggest alternatives. chances are that he'll solve the problem by posting an enlightening picture which describes the optimal procedure and/or a youtube clip where alternatives are actually shown to benefit those who are reading (and otherwise) slightly impaired :D

p.s. pun not intended. i swear all holy oaths, e.g. i swear by the non-decaying poo of my dog in my backyard and all the future generations he will sire although his nuts were removed.

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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

Next thing you'll be trying to tell us that smoking dope doesn't really expand your mind. You must be part of the conspiracy.

how did you find out? :D please, i beg of you, don't tell anybody! :D

Edited by Naam
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Yes I will not tell, you would not believe me.

So you think that if you told us who'd registered a domain and where their server was located we wouldn't believe you? Why do you think that?

Can someone answer my question please?

Oooops, sorry forgot about that one.

Somewhere here is where Mark Abramoff has an office/lives.

UK Manchester oxford road/street.

Here is where his friend lives in the US New York111 street

Company where the site was registered is:Go Daddy, name server hostgator.com and apparently their propaganda organisation is listed by the name of: Virtue inc.

Very very suspicious :)

Have a nice Sunday all!

Granted there are a lot of reasons to not take the information on that website seriously, but what you're saying about who is running the web site is pretty much the same as what is claimed in the "contacts" section of that site. The editorial position of that website seems to be consistent with your worldview though, not sure what you're making such a big deal out of where the site is registered.

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Next thing you'll be trying to tell us that smoking dope doesn't really expand your mind. You must be part of the conspiracy.

how did you find out? :D please, i beg of you, don't tell anybody! :D

Naam...........Your name was (in red) on the list of attendees, I saw the list so I know it is true. Rumor on the street is you were one of the keynote speakers, and now the klingons are involved. Where will it all end? :D:):D

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Naam...........Your name was (in red) on the list of attendees, I saw the list so I know it is true. Rumor on the street is you were one of the keynote speakers, and now the klingons are involved. Where will it all end? :D:):D

BTDT, i take the fifth amendment. i refuse to admit that i am a part of the conspiracy. i also refuse to admit that once in a while i swallow a blue pill to pleasure Mrs. Naam a wee bit more. i decline to reveal my efforts to convince Mrs. Naam to approve a mia noi for me who has even bigger "nom" and a bigger "dood" than she does. both attributes i relish but they are hard to find in Thailand. it will all end in a desaster (i guess). sooner or later i will find a suitable thai lady with all the goodies i prefer, make the required preparations, Mrs. Naam will find out, cut off my pecker and serve it grilled to my dog... and that will be the end of the Bilderbergs (i think).

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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

I've noticed Naam in particular easily dismisses things because it may only be reported on

what he considers to be an unreliable Internet page or an obscure publication.

One case clearly displays the capability to conspire to hide not just the evil

capabilities of man but by those who are meant to be the guardians of morality

and no one can question this because the facts were given under oath in the British judicial system.



It's hard to appreciate the gravity on these crimes unless you understand

Irish society. The priest was looked upon as the ultimate authority in society

and for those people to have misused that authority for their own sexual gratification against

young children clearly illustrates how low people can stoop to get what they want.

Please explain if the Catholic Church all the way to the Vatican is capable of covering this up why should we be any less

skeptical about what those that consider themselves as " world leaders " attending the Bildberg Group metings

could be covering up?

Edited by midas
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[quote name='deprogrammed' post='2756685'

I watched the video and you're right it is clearly a fake because if you look good at the left side of the world trade center you will see Bayoke tower.

I suggest you change your username to error programmed.

Your obviously a spook my son! Even the BBC don't deny the fact they reported the destruction of building 7, 20 minutes prior to its fall. <deleted> has your statement got to do with reality. The BBC reporter in the studio, when later interviewed, confirmed the conspiracy. Anyone with half a brain can do their own research, The fact that the BBC announce the fall 20 minutes in advance is admitted by the BBC, yet you deny It. Who are you working for - trawling these sites and making pathetic attempts to debunk the truth. Did they tell you you were special, rather than a usefull idiot :)

One conspiracy theory you don,t mind mentioning online! What you said in a previous post: (NOT NECESSARILY ME!!)

some folks believe (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) that HIV was originally a laboratory created bio weapon introduced into the world by certain eugenicist illuminati groups with the sole intention to eradicate certain other groups of the populous..

controversial stuff i know, but this theory is widespread...

Can you please post a video link where we can see that BBC reporter confirms the conspiracy.Not from somebody who says that he said but where he is openly admitting it himself.

Also can you please enlighten me with what you mean with this sentence "One conspiracy theory you don,t mind mentioning online! What you said in a previous post: (NOT NECESSARILY ME!!)".

I'm probably not the smartest but can you please repeat what I said in a previous post.

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[quote name=deprogrammed' post='2756685'

I watched the video and you're right it is clearly a fake because if you look good at the left side of the world trade center you will see Bayoke tower.

I suggest you change your username to error programmed.

Your obviously a spook my son! Even the BBC don't deny the fact they reported the destruction of building 7, 20 minutes prior to its fall. <deleted> has your statement got to do with reality. The BBC reporter in the studio, when later interviewed, confirmed the conspiracy. Anyone with half a brain can do their own research, The fact that the BBC announce the fall 20 minutes in advance is admitted by the BBC, yet you deny It. Who are you working for - trawling these sites and making pathetic attempts to debunk the truth. Did they tell you you were special, rather than a usefull idiot :)

One conspiracy theory you don,t mind mentioning online! What you said in a previous post: (NOT NECESSARILY ME!!)

some folks believe (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) that HIV was originally a laboratory created bio weapon introduced into the world by certain eugenicist illuminati groups with the sole intention to eradicate certain other groups of the populous..

controversial stuff i know, but this theory is widespread...

Can you please post a video link where we can see that BBC reporter confirms the conspiracy.Not from somebody who says that he said but where he is openly admitting it himself.

Also can you please enlighten me with what you mean with this sentence "One conspiracy theory you don,t mind mentioning online! What you said in a previous post: (NOT NECESSARILY ME!!)".

I'm probably not the smartest but can you please repeat what I said in a previous post.

What you said in a previous post (as i posted :D ) Your post - look below and above:

some folks believe (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) that HIV was originally a laboratory created bio weapon introduced into the world by certain eugenicist illuminati groups with the sole intention to eradicate certain other groups of the populous

Philip Hayton - BBC reporter on the day. Watch and debunk. His final words after an uncomfortable interview "I sense you think their is a conspiracy here - and you might be right"

Funny how the BBC lost the tape then found it after they became aware it was posted in numerous locations throughout the net

Yes, I hear you say he doesn't exactly admit it! Agreed, he hedges a bit just like you when you say (not necessarily me, i'm just reporting it) Same training :D

PS why do you say the video is clearly a fake when the BBC never ever ever even attempt to say it is anything but real!

Edited by deprogrammed
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Bilderberg is only a decoy as our planet is actually run by aliens from Uranus who commute between there and Area 51 via UFOs using alien technology they have provided to the U.S. Military.

Eyes only sensitive….do not repeat.

deprogrammed persons reading this information are committing a federal crime. if caught they face detention in Guantanamo where their brain cells will receive some common sense reprogramming :D

That is very difficult to achieve as the deprogramming removes almost all of the braincells. :)

the solution is transplants :D

If you step outside the box you live in your ridiculed. Its a just a real shame how blind sheeple are. baaaaaaaaa

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of course... one could ask for the advice of "the one that knows" to suggest alternatives. chances are that he'll solve the problem by posting an enlightening picture which describes the optimal procedure and/or a youtube clip where alternatives are actually shown to benefit those who are reading (and otherwise) slightly impaired :)

p.s. pun not intended. i swear all holy oaths, e.g. i swear by the non-decaying poo of my dog in my backyard and all the future generations he will sire although his nuts were removed.

Cant u remember that i told you to watch this


Or u can watch this too.


Jeez you just keep making yourself look more narrow minded and ignorant than you have already proven. Your funny as well as odd

EDIT oh and btw the 2 links above dont blame anyone just raise questions that need to be answered. i warn however you can only watch them both with a open mind.

Edited by BygonKeaw
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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

I find it interesting that you say I am arguing against your conspiracy theory. If you take the trouble to read my post on this thread you will find I have never stated a position one way or another. I ask a couple of question (which no one ever answered) and provided a list of popular conspiracy theories for your consideration.

But you can interpret this anyway you like, I don't really care.

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Naam is German didn't you know?

Germans have a bit of a weird sense of humour, they laugh their balls off when their dog has a bit of a problem with hardened poo on their butt and try to get rid of it whilst wiping it against the carpet/floor.

Most of the day he is mumbling and grumbling and staring outside while thinking what it would be like when blowing out his last breath of air realising that moment is coming closer and closer. Sometimes he thinks back when he was a bit younger and how he was so stupid to make money for others. But these memories make him a bit grumpy and then he feels the need to make some stupid only to him funny posts here on TV.


What he is trying to say is that even if all of the conspiracies where proven as facts, what are you gonna do about it?

Better enjoy some happy moments in life while you still can.


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I would like to ask our distinguished panel of skeptics especially Naam, Beenthere, EndofDays

what exactly are they arguing against?

i would like to ask our distinguished, informed and learned panel, which proliferates the "Bilderberg apocalypse", for one little shred of evidence that this group poses a severe threat to any of us.

besides horror prophecies such as chip implants and outcries like "ID cards? NEVER!" i have not seen anything of substance which is supported by evidence. not to mention that the ID card phobia is ridiculous. the majority of countries issue ID cards to their citizens and make it mandatory that they are carried.

i can't speak for the others who are addressed. personally i argue against all wild and unfounded assumptions whether they are negative or positive and one of the unfounded assumptions in this thread is the WTC/Pentagon terror attack in context with the Bilderberg group.

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