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Temper Tantrums Call For A (phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison

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My pet hate is seeing topless male tourists in supermarkets etc., this causes great offense to Thai people.

They're not in Spain or the Gold Coast.

I am with you 100%


In places in the US where food is bought and sold, such as supermarkets and restaurants, there are clear signs: "No Shoes, No Shirts, No service." It's a violation of health codes.


More courts and more laws ....... this is what i wish to run away from, thank <deleted> we farangs are ignored in such matters.

How about upholding the laws on prostitution in Phuket that'd soon rid the place of wanabee self appointed lawmakers.

Besides in England we are forced by law to accept other peoples cultures, why shouldnt Thais accept that in our culture when the mercury hits 30 degrees many people like to take their top off ... though i agree in a supermarket its not hygenic.

In places in the US where food is bought and sold, such as supermarkets and restaurants, there are clear signs: "No Shoes, No Shirts, No service." It's a violation of health codes.

You trying to tell me the health and safety gestapo in "The land of free" have such laws .... unbelievable.


And what about restaurants? Beach bars and dodgy dives maybe, but half-decent cafes upwards? Yuk!

And don’t think I’m only picking on the scrawny or beer-gutted guys who think its OK to display their questionable (and often smelly) physique. I’m a reasonable and fair man: my intense dislike of seeing all that foul biomass on display extends to fat women too.

It’s sad to see the Thai waiting staff exchange glances in disgust, with the perpetrator slouching there quite oblivious to the offence he or she is causing.

And what about restaurants? Beach bars and dodgy dives maybe, but half-decent cafes upwards? Yuk!

And don't think I'm only picking on the scrawny or beer-gutted guys who think its OK to display their questionable (and often smelly) physique. I'm a reasonable and fair man: my intense dislike of seeing all that foul biomass on display extends to fat women too.

It's sad to see the Thai waiting staff exchange glances in disgust, with the perpetrator slouching there quite oblivious to the offence he or she is causing.

Did you actually ask the waiting staff if they are "disgusted", as it seems as if its only you thats offended, and you are presuiming for others.

PS Im milk bottle white after 5 weeks here i dont take my top off or sunbathe but i cant see what the problem is in a tourist area if a man wishes to walk around in short with his top off .... maybe you ought to go and have a word with the next guy you see doing this as its so offensive to you, though im guessing youre braver on the internet.

Besides in England we are forced by law to accept other peoples cultures,why shouldnt Thais accept that in our culture when the mercury hits 30 degrees many people like to take their top off

Yeah, and look where its got the UK - <deleted> UP

Did you actually ask the waiting staff if they are "disgusted", as it seems as if its only you thats offended, and you are presuiming for others.

Well not only me: I didn’t start the topic.

I suggest you do not understand much about Thai culture. After four years I am certainly no expert – I hold that no westerner can ever really be in this alien place - but am quite sure I am right about this one. And yes, once or twice I have been told by the owner of a restaurant I frequent that she doesn’t like it.

How about a straw poll? What do others think? Is it OK, or not, for a bloke to sit shirtless in a reasonable restaurant/cafe? (I am NOT including beach bars and suchlike, or dives in beer-bar areas).

You know my answer, and you know Sanmiguel’s. Who’s the majority with?

PS Im milk bottle white after 5 weeks here i dont take my top off or sunbathe but i cant see what the problem is in a tourist area if a man wishes to walk around in short with his top off .... maybe you ought to go and have a word with the next guy you see doing this as its so offensive to you, though im guessing youre braver on the internet.

Not at all. Unlike many here, I don’t bother to hide behind much anonymity.


The original topic is not a bad idea.  Get a quick tourist court to handle minor infractions made by tourists.  That would have kept this last fiasco from hitting the news channels.

As far as topless men (although why do people seem to single out fat men for this.  Is it OK for a buff guy to do it but not a fat guy?), I would say that in Korat or Udon, yes, this is out of place.  But Patong, Pattaya, Koh Samui?  Those places are advertised as beach destinations.  So if a guy walks off the beach and into the nearest grocery to get a cold drink or two, I think that is expected and goes with the territory.  You want beachgoers as tourists, you've got to expect beach-type attire.  The beaches resorts in Malaysia seem to realize that tourist beach attire is not the same as would be acceptable to most Malaysians at the beach.  And while a woman running around topless in Madrid would be asking for trouble, doing it in Benidorm is par for the course.

More courts and more laws ....... this is what i wish to run away from, thank <deleted> we farangs are ignored in such matters.

How about upholding the laws on prostitution in Phuket that'd soon rid the place of wanabee self appointed lawmakers.

Besides in England we are forced by law to accept other peoples cultures, why shouldnt Thais accept that in our culture when the mercury hits 30 degrees many people like to take their top off ... though i agree in a supermarket its not hygenic.


Hear, hear!


I see Thai guys wearing no shirts all round Bangkok everyday, maybe someone should educate them about this romantic notion of Thai culture


It is not important to remove the filthy dog from the restaurant while I eat, but a thai person is offended because a person doesn't wear a shirt...Welcome to Thailand


There is a difference between the fat guy walking around outside with no shirt on and walking around inside Central Festival in Pattaya topless. It is totally out of place and security I hope does not let them in the door.


No problem if tops off n tits out is done around the tourist (beach) areas. Is annoying though when it is brought into the town / city. Seeing a topless chap or bikini top lass (other way round if it takes your fancy) mopeding or strutting around Phuket town isn't a great sight for the locals or expats who reside here to see. More concerning because Thais will pretty much paint everyone with the same brush so we all get frowned upon. Just a bit of common sense helps all. It's not that expensive either to buy a wife beater or light cotton shirt.

About 5 weeks back, two "adonises" went topless into the immigration office while I and others were waiting outside. Needless to say they lasted 5 seconds before slouching back outside and retrieving their tops from a bag. Didn't do them any favours and I'm sure the Immigration staff wouldn't have been bending over backwards to assist them. Stll made us giggle.


Actually, I don't think a tourist court is right or fair. People should be advised about the laws and cultures in Thailand and it's never a good idea to break the law in a foreign country. I think that the recent event involving theft would be a crime everywhere. I don't know of any countries that permit thievery, at least in the law.

If people are reasonably polite, the police usually respond in kind. They aren't all that energetic and the easiest solution is often to resolve the problem and let everyone go on their merry way. A lot less paper work.

Actually, I don't think a tourist court is right or fair. People should be advised about the laws and cultures in Thailand and it's never a good idea to break the law in a foreign country. I think that the recent event involving theft would be a crime everywhere. I don't know of any countries that permit thievery, at least in the law.

If people are reasonably polite, the police usually respond in kind. They aren't all that energetic and the easiest solution is often to resolve the problem and let everyone go on their merry way. A lot less paper work.

I don't think a tourist court has much to do with allowing tourists to break the law.  Rather, it is a way to get quick resolution for a tourist who has broken a minor law.

If a Thai breaks a minor aw, say shoplifting a candy bar.  If he or she has to wait for two months to get a court date, no biggie.  he or she just goes about his or her daily business until it is time for court.  If a tourist has to do the same thing, he or she would have to wait in THailand, miss work, expend quite a bit of money on hotels, etc.  Just let the person be seen, punsihed, if appropriate, and be done with it in a day or so.

And what about restaurants? Beach bars and dodgy dives maybe, but half-decent cafes upwards? Yuk!

And don't think I'm only picking on the scrawny or beer-gutted guys who think its OK to display their questionable (and often smelly) physique. I'm a reasonable and fair man: my intense dislike of seeing all that foul biomass on display extends to fat women too.

It's sad to see the Thai waiting staff exchange glances in disgust, with the perpetrator slouching there quite oblivious to the offence he or she is causing.

Did you actually ask the waiting staff if they are "disgusted", as it seems as if its only you thats offended, and you are presuiming for others.

PS Im milk bottle white after 5 weeks here i dont take my top off or sunbathe but i cant see what the problem is in a tourist area if a man wishes to walk around in short with his top off .... maybe you ought to go and have a word with the next guy you see doing this as its so offensive to you, though im guessing youre braver on the internet.

How old are you?

It's ok to answer truthfully, no one knows who you are.

You are being judged by what you espouse on here.

Guessing, I'd say, under 30. Limited exposure to Asian culture & as thick as two short planks.

But that's the impression you give out!

So, am I correct? :)


I've lived in Spain for many years and it's just as offensive there to walk around the City,enter a restaurant or hail a taxi topless as it is here.The logic being in a taxi/restaurant if you're covered in suntan oil/cream,the next client will be too!

If you go to Ibiza City or anywhere outside of "Lager Lout" San Antonio even on "party island",you will seldom see any tourists uncovered away from the beach area,Barcelona also.

Italy,Portugal are the same plus most Southern European nations!


i agree. Someone on Stickman's weekly letter last week whined about a police officer giving him a hard time because he was shirtless..

This week stick should publish my insult back to him.. It evens around me and many thinking this fat whiny shirtless hairy bastard deserves to be in jail more than a drug offender since he is attacking every single person that surrounds him with lack of self hygiene and public respect while the drug offender only hurts himself.


5 farang males walked into The Emporium topless the other day. I was embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand that day, well most days really.

Temper Tantrums Call for a (Phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison


My pet hate is seeing topless male tourists in supermarkets etc., this causes great offense to Thai people.

They're not in Spain or the Gold Coast.

Would DFAT. FCO, & local expats please remind them! :)

I see Thai guys wearing no shirts all round Bangkok everyday, maybe someone should educate them about this romantic notion of Thai culture

You should spend less time in Boys Town.

Cause' I cant recall ever seeing a Thai male on the street without a shirt besides the homeless.


As far as the Southern beach destinations are concerned, locals are used to that since decades. It could be that some expats, who forget the joy of being in a hot, bright country after months in the midwinterly freezers back home, think that tourists walking shirtless is disgusting.

Actually a good sign to examine themselves, if someone feels bad about such a ridiculous issue.


There was a guy wandering around Tesco's the other day in flip-flops, knee shorts, a sleeveless vest and wrap-around sunglasses (indoors). Just looked stoopid rather than offensive. :)

When in Rome ...............

I had someone say that to me once... It was a panhandler on the street of Montego Bay, Jamaica who objected to my ignoring his efforts. I nearly collapsed from the culture shock. :)

As far as the Southern beach destinations are concerned, locals are used to that since decades. It could be that some expats, who forget the joy of being in a hot, bright country after months in the midwinterly freezers back home, think that tourists walking shirtless is disgusting.

Actually a good sign to examine themselves, if someone feels bad about such a ridiculous issue.

9 years ago I would have agreed with you and SM, but I see the Thais cringe with embarrassment every time some farang walks around topless.

They will not say a word to the farang, but will to each other.

It's their culture, & it maybe opposite to ours so we must respect it.

There are other parts of Thai culture I don't agree with, but this one , I do. :)

There was a guy wandering around Tesco's the other day in flip-flops, knee shorts, a sleeveless vest and wrap-around sunglasses (indoors). Just looked stoopid rather than offensive. :)

Was it just his outfit or was there another reason to make malicious remarks about someone?

Do we really want, that everybody is like everybody else in this world only accepted if fitted personal ethic principles?

Never ever come to Tesco Samui btw. You would be shocked to see, that almost everybody of the crowds there is like that. Maybe they would think about you in the same way.Sad

As far as the Southern beach destinations are concerned, locals are used to that since decades. It could be that some expats, who forget the joy of being in a hot, bright country after months in the midwinterly freezers back home, think that tourists walking shirtless is disgusting.

Actually a good sign to examine themselves, if someone feels bad about such a ridiculous issue.

9 years ago I would have agreed with you and SM, but I see the Thais cringe with embarrassment every time some farang walks around topless.

They will not say a word to the farang, but will to each other.

It's their culture, & it maybe opposite to ours so we must respect it.

There are other parts of Thai culture I don't agree with, but this one , I do. :)

...I see daily mostly elderly Thais on the streets here in the South in shorts and a checked Sarong used as a belt. That's it. No shirt.


I would say that in Korat or Udon, yes, this is out of place.  But Patong, Pattaya, Koh Samui?  Those places are advertised as beach destinations.  

I disagree. Although Patong, Pattaya and Koh Samui are not in Thailand-it's FARANG LAND, the visiting farangs should be aware of Asian culture a bit more when they travel. I get hot and will strip topless on the beach, but upon leaving cover up. By going topless shows no knowledge or respect of local Thai culture.

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