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Temper Tantrums Call For A (phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison

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If you're on the beach, wear beach clothes. Dress appropriately.

If you're in a restaurant, supermarket, taxi or off the beach, get dressed -- slob.

And don't come here to break the rules because you're tired of getting hammered for it back home.

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Did you actually ask the waiting staff if they are "disgusted", as it seems as if its only you thats offended, and you are presuiming for others.

PS Im milk bottle white after 5 weeks here i dont take my top off or sunbathe but i cant see what the problem is in a tourist area if a man wishes to walk around in short with his top off .... maybe you ought to go and have a word with the next guy you see doing this as its so offensive to you, though im guessing youre braver on the internet.

How old are you?

Guessing, I'd say, under 30. Limited exposure to Asian culture & as thick as two short planks.

So, am I correct? :D

He's not thick. Quite sensible actually. :)

There was a guy wandering around Tesco's the other day in flip-flops, knee shorts, a sleeveless vest and wrap-around sunglasses (indoors). Just looked stoopid rather than offensive. :)

Was it just his outfit or was there another reason to make malicious remarks about someone?

Do we really want, that everybody is like everybody else in this world only accepted if fitted personal ethic principles?

Never ever come to Tesco Samui btw. You would be shocked to see, that almost everybody of the crowds there is like that. Maybe they would think about you in the same way.Sad

a ) This is beachwear in an air-conditioned, city-centre Tesco, a loooong way from the beach.

b ) Not malicious, just my opinion and you are welcome to it.

It is not important to remove the filthy dog from the restaurant while I eat, but a thai person is offended because a person doesn't wear a shirt...Welcome to Thailand

Agreed, excellent point.

And I see shirtless Thai men all over, not just at the beach , let a woman try it though- GASP !

- I see foreign men with huge, gross, sweaty floppy breasts bigger than most Thai women's- bigger than half of western women's.

Make them wear hot, pinching, stifling bras.

Temper Tantrums Call for a (Phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison


My pet hate is seeing topless male tourists in supermarkets etc., this causes great offense to Thai people.

They're not in Spain or the Gold Coast.

Would DFAT. FCO, & local expats please remind them! :D

Why don't you let your pet escape toward that shirtless ape just for fun. :):D:D I wonder who they are trying to impress, not the ladies for sure, for the ladies have their choice of decent dressing farangs with cash to spent I might add. Maybe just try to showup the Thai Males or flirtly with the ladyboys.

There was a guy wandering around Tesco's the other day in flip-flops, knee shorts, a sleeveless vest and wrap-around sunglasses (indoors). Just looked stoopid rather than offensive. :D

Was it just his outfit or was there another reason to make malicious remarks about someone?

Do we really want, that everybody is like everybody else in this world only accepted if fitted personal ethic principles?

Never ever come to Tesco Samui btw. You would be shocked to see, that almost everybody of the crowds there is like that. Maybe they would think about you in the same way.Sad

Fact is,this person in Tesco WAS covered up on top though,even if only just.Last time I heard Wat Tesco hadn't yet been built in Thailand! :)

P.S.-Watch this space! :D

If you're on the beach, wear beach clothes. Dress appropriately.

If you're in a restaurant, supermarket, taxi or off the beach, get dressed -- slob.

And don't come here to break the rules because you're tired of getting hammered for it back home.

back to your home??? Texas or what? I have never been there. But back in my European home country we even have huge areas in metropolis where thousands of people walk, ride, swim, shop, eat in restaurants...nud_e.

Here it's not possible,of course, but I can't see, why a tourist has to wear a shirt if he buys a coke at a supermarket on the beach road in Samui. No one of the locals get mad about that!


Perhaps they're more civilised than your fine self.

I don't care if you want to dress up like the seven dwarves, shave your ass and walk backwards back in Europia. But you're not there.

Act like a buffoon all you like back in your home village.

Not here.

...How about upholding the laws on prostitution in Phuket that'd soon rid the place of wanabee self appointed lawmakers...

They are upheld. But you don't understand them.

...How about upholding the laws on prostitution in Phuket that'd soon rid the place of wanabee self appointed lawmakers...

They are upheld. But you don't understand them.


Perhaps they're more civilised than your fine self.

I don't care if you want to dress up like the seven dwarves, shave your ass and walk backwards back in Europia. But you're not there.

Act like a buffoon all you like back in your home village.

Not here.

- back to post 23, square one for you:

As far as the Southern beach destinations are concerned, locals are used to that since decades. It could be that some expats, who forget the joy of being in a hot, bright country after months in the midwinterly freezers back home, think that tourists walking shirtless is disgusting.

Actually a good sign to examine themselves, if someone feels bad about such a ridiculous issue.


I would say that in Korat or Udon, yes, this is out of place.  But Patong, Pattaya, Koh Samui?  Those places are advertised as beach destinations.  

I disagree. Although Patong, Pattaya and Koh Samui are not in Thailand-it's FARANG LAND, the visiting farangs should be aware of Asian culture a bit more when they travel. I get hot and will strip topless on the beach, but upon leaving cover up. By going topless shows no knowledge or respect of local Thai culture.

So you admit that when you are on the beach itself, you strip topless?  Do you see many Thais doing that?  Or do you see Thais in shorts and shirts even in the water?

The local Thai custom is to wear t-shirts on the beach, not go topless.  So if you think tourists should follow local Thai culture, why don't you bother to do it yourself while on the beach?  Where is your "respect" for local Thai culture/customs there?

I personally do the same thing that you do.  But that is because it fits my own comfort level.


Temper tantrums over Fleecing

Yes , getting gn tourists out of the Thai ' Judicial " system will do wonders for the rep of T Land

So why isn't this thread buried in Phuket forum like the story of the Americans returning to Phuket on holiday getting fleeced for 60,000 over a house they'd rented TWO YEARS prior that burned down due to an electrical fault , then the new fire inspector changed the cause to cigarette...


"Geoff Strong

May 20, 2009 It seemed like a good idea to return to paradise. That was the memory a Melbourne-based American couple had of the Thai holiday island Phuket where they used to live.

When they did return for a short holiday early last month, it became a holiday in hel_l.

After a night in prison plus $60,000 in mysterious payments through a Kafkaesque legal system, it was a very expensive hel_l too..."


Or another Aussie couple getting shake down for $3000 after being drugged at the SAME AUSSIE BAR as the Bar Mat Episode


" Chalpat Sonti

May 22, 2009 - 12:49PM Natalie Appleby and her fiance know all too well the problems Annice Smoel faced - the Perth couple went through a similar ordeal last month...."


I hate it when knobs walk around with their shirt off and linger all over everyone...... something like, look at my chest, all Thai ladies must love me now........ seen guys taking off their shirts on the BTS! Unbelievable. What are they thinking?

On a main road, supermarket, department store..... yuk! Fat disgusting dripping sweaty grotty falang pigs do this in those places. Feral and a shame to falangians.


For some reason the tourist Court has turned into farang apparel , but anyway. It's all very well to say that people should dress politely etc. but then they are here on holiday. Thailand is in certain places marketing itself as a mass tourist destination and in doing so has to make some concessions towards tourist culture.

It is very rarely that I see tourists going around dressed "impolitely". Very often in the country/beaches I see farang males going topless, but then so are the Thai males. Farang females wearing shorts but then so do the Thais these days.

To suggest wearing a shirt on the beach is ludicrous if you want to market beach holidays.

Most people I see here on holiday are dressed fine, they are hardly going to wear a suit on their holidays.

I can't see why anyone would get so worked up about it. If they are rather out of shape then they look a bit stupid and that is their problem. If they look super fit , it reminds me to spend more time in the gym. :)

Personally I don't see it as that important an issue, and I wouldn't want to get to the stage where I am judging people on appearances only. Sure put on a shirt when going to a restaurant or in the shops but to make up some kind of polite dress code is way over the top.

Or another Aussie couple getting shake down for $3000 after being drugged at the SAME AUSSIE BAR as the Bar Mat Episode


" Chalpat Sonti

May 22, 2009 - 12:49PM Natalie Appleby and her fiance know all too well the problems Annice Smoel faced - the Perth couple went through a similar ordeal last month...."

Aussies never have been able to handle their ale :)


Picture this.

Eight Russian men in their 50's decides to go to the Family Mart close to my home.

Proper dress = Black tanga. :)

Not from Thailand, but could have been.

More courts and more laws ....... this is what i wish to run away from, thank <deleted> we farangs are ignored in such matters.

How about upholding the laws on prostitution in Phuket that'd soon rid the place of wanabee self appointed lawmakers.

Besides in England we are forced by law to accept other peoples cultures, why shouldnt Thais accept that in our culture when the mercury hits 30 degrees many people like to take their top off ... though i agree in a supermarket its not hygenic.

Keeping your shirt on will protect you from the sun and absorb your sweat. Innocent people should not be forced to suffer the sight of shirtless slobs.

I thought about why many people with ugly bodies like to go shirtless and came to the conclusion that they have the conscious awareness of a young child


I would really like to know what country those men are from, the ones in the video where not one but 2 men are trying to get pants on as a shirt. Something wrong with their education system.


I seem to get the gist of many posts on the going without the shirt issue.  If you are a "fat disgusting slob," you don't have any right to be uncovered. A cute woman, or I guess a good-looking guy, it is a different story.

So if you are overweight, the fashion-Nazis have deemed you unfit to expose your skin.  I expect they will start caning fat people ala Saudi Arabia.

I seem to get the gist of many posts on the going without the shirt issue. If you are a "fat disgusting slob," you don't have any right to be uncovered. A cute woman, or I guess a good-looking guy, it is a different story.

So if you are overweight, the fashion-Nazis have deemed you unfit to expose your skin. I expect they will start caning fat people ala Saudi Arabia.

from your post its quite easy to deduct that you are fat

So by being fat, not only are you hurting every single person that has you in his eye sight, you are costing more in health care, you are creating more co2 when you sit in a car, you are throwing away more garbage, you are using more food , the list goes on and on, fat people unbalance nature even more than it is today.

So yes, you have absolutely no right to show your disgusting slob to anyone who hasn't asked for it. In civilized country there are laws for it and i have used it against one of your fellow mr.marshmallow when younger, he kept parading in the street and then he paid a nice 350$ to the municipality.. 1 pothole fixed.

I seem to get the gist of many posts on the going without the shirt issue. If you are a "fat disgusting slob," you don't have any right to be uncovered. A cute woman, or I guess a good-looking guy, it is a different story.

So if you are overweight, the fashion-Nazis have deemed you unfit to expose your skin. I expect they will start caning fat people ala Saudi Arabia.

from your post its quite easy to deduct that you are fat

So by being fat, not only are you hurting every single person that has you in his eye sight, you are costing more in health care, you are creating more co2 when you sit in a car, you are throwing away more garbage, you are using more food , the list goes on and on, fat people unbalance nature even more than it is today.

So yes, you have absolutely no right to show your disgusting slob to anyone who hasn't asked for it. In civilized country there are laws for it and i have used it against one of your fellow mr.marshmallow when younger, he kept parading in the street and then he paid a nice 350$ to the municipality.. 1 pothole fixed.

Wow!  Quite a lot of pent-up anger there, and quite a bit of rather blatant discrimination.

For your info, I am not fat at all.  Click on my profile, and you can see a photo of me at the Dead Sea.  Click on my album, and you will see many more photos of me.  I don't hide behind a computer keyboard.

I am white, but I don't like racial discrimination.  I am male, but I don't like sexual discrimiantion.  I am straight, but I don't like discrimination based on sexual orientation.  So pardon me if I take issue with mean-spirited remarks aimed at people who are overweight.



It is not important to remove the filthy dog from the restaurant while I eat, but a thai person is offended because a person doesn't wear a shirt...Welcome to Thailand

That made me laugh because it's so true. Though personally myself I think a shirt should be worn in a restaurant which is away from the beach or inside the hotel if it is on the beach. Beach side restaurants and hotel cafes on the beach are another matter I feel, but it does not bother me really if I see otherwise. The above is just my rule.

Temper Tantrums Call for a (Phuket) Tourist Court By Alan Morison


My pet hate is seeing topless male tourists in supermarkets etc., this causes great offense to Thai people.

They're not in Spain or the Gold Coast.

Would DFAT. FCO, & local expats please remind them! :)

I see thais running around without shirts on everywhere. why you just picking on tourists.

I see Thai guys wearing no shirts all round Bangkok everyday, maybe someone should educate them about this romantic notion of Thai culture

You should spend less time in Boys Town.

Cause' I cant recall ever seeing a Thai male on the street without a shirt besides the homeless.

Agreed. Never see Thais going topless unless they are off the street on a building site or working in a shop. Walking on the streets or in a shopping Mall, never. Seen a topless Aussie in Sainsburys though, shouting to his mate a few isles away that he had found the spagetti ? :)

For your info, I am not fat at all.

where did you buy your mirror?

 Right.  I take it back. I am a "fat disgusting slob"  and "Mr.Marshmellow." Mea culpa.

I didn't realize the Marines kept obese people on their roles, but luckily I am retiring June 1 after 34 years of service, so I won't be around to embarass the Corps with my soft body.


Oh well, tourism inevitably causes minor cultural frictions. The guy going shirtless, not taking off his shoes where he is supposed to, using a handkerchief to blow his nose, and so on....

But what about the Thai tourist in a bar in Australia who accidently knocks over someones beer, and then smiles whilst apologizing?

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