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Locked Up For Stealing Donut


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The whole time I was reading the article I was under the assumption that this was a satire poking fun at the Thai justice system. After reading the comments and realizing that this really happened I am once again overwhelmed with disbelief of this country. Amazing Thailand!!!

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Yes you must pay first, I once stop at a 7/11 on a very hot and humid day, bought a bottle of Nestle water open it started to drink, two people were ahead of me in line, I quickly realize what I had done ans apologize to the staff. :D:D:D Shame on me. Now alway carry extra bottle of water in the truck. :)

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So we can't steal bar mats or donuts. Perhaps we need to make a list of things that can be stolen without the risk of going to jail.

A sign could be put up at arrivals in the airport so everyone knows what they can or cannot steal. It will save the rest of us getting a bad name.


no point in putting a sign up because an Aussie will just steal it... :)

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Yeah cus you believe he's telling the truth now he's back in farang land.

<deleted> would a clerk call the cops for somebody who was queuing up to pay for the goods they just scoffed?

He tried to run from the cops! get real dude - he has fabricated his story to suit his ego/needs now.

You could sit around and ask why all day when it comes to Thai people. I assume you haven't been here or maybe just for a 2 week vacation? Ridiculous charges and ridiculous penalties are par for the course here. Happens all the time and not just to foreigners. The cashier was probably just stupid, however, once the police are involved there is no way out except to pay or go to court which takes a long time. Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it. Honestly you sound like someone who knows very little about Thailand.


Ridiculous charges and ridiculous penalties are par for the course here
have you got any evidence of this?

thought not!

One thing all these people have in common accusations/police involvement/theft/RUNNING !

Do not run in the LoS after allegedly stealing something and you may not become famous back home for 15 minutes!

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If I read another story about a misbehaving Aussie I'm gonna puke.

The Nation,World hot news, May 23, 2009 : Last updated 08:55 am

Australian driver fined for drunken sex act

Sydney - Australia's far-north burnished its reputation for outrageous behaviour Friday when a Darwin court fined Brad Milne for driving while having sex with his girlfriend.

The 33-year-old builder was also convicted of drink driving and not wearing a seatbelt.

A fellow motorist witnessed erratic driving and called police after Milne drew level with him at a traffic light, and he observed the amorous behavior.//DPA

End of the article

O.K. then, is it a :D

Or maybe a :)

Edited by sheff_mick
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If it was a package of donuts and he was eating some but the price remained the same then he is not guilty. if it was several donuts in the box and you have to pay for each one separately, then guilty. IMHO

i see it all the time here and in the west, people scarfing the food or drink before they pay and forgetting to tell the cashier. I see it in markets here when the customer is walking around the store drinking a bottle of something. my advice, wait till you pay

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If I read another story about a misbehaving Aussie I'm gonna puke.

from the article above

His arrest comes as 24-year-old Australian flight attendant Matthew Carney pleaded guilty to "inducing a false belief that an object liable to explode" was on board his Emirates flight EK-011 from Dubai to London in March this year.

Carney said he had suffered a mental breakdown after working back-to-back shifts and could not explain what made him write a note claiming the Taliban had planted a bomb in the cargo hold. The hoax cost the airline more than $84,000.


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I once saw a Thai couple in Lotus digest at least 1/2 kg of very expensive grapes and they didn't even buy any. All evidence would have been ingested by the time they got to checkout, so no giveaway packaging!

Actually I believe that one of the stipulations of the doughnut franchises is that all unbought produce must be destroyed at the end of the day if not purchased. So maybe our Aussie friend was doing them a favour if doughnut sales were slow!

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I once saw a Thai couple in Lotus digest at least 1/2 kg of very expensive grapes and they didn't even buy any. All evidence would have been ingested by the time they got to checkout, so no giveaway packaging!

Thais steal regularly, it is a job for them, they make lots of money doing it. They steal anything that is not bolted down, a few months ago you may remember they tried to steal an atm machine. I have been in many stores and seen Thais taking stuff, but not my business to interfere. This is Thailand, so let the Thais deal with their own people.

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So we can't steal bar mats or donuts. Perhaps we need to make a list of things that can be stolen without the risk of going to jail.

A sign could be put up at arrivals in the airport so everyone knows what they can or cannot steal. It will save the rest of us getting a bad name.


no point in putting a sign up because an Aussie will just steal it... :D

AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, your forefathers would be proud of you..... :)

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I think when he ran away, and I assume he didn't pay, it was a crime.

It seems a little silly, but there may be more to the story than meets the eye. I don't think the staff at 7/11 routinely call the police unless they are really quite suspicious or scared.

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I think when he ran away, and I assume he didn't pay, it was a crime.

It seems a little silly, but there may be more to the story than meets the eye. I don't think the staff at 7/11 routinely call the police unless they are really quite suspicious or scared.

Yes Scott, I don't get it either. <deleted> run? If it true he was standing in line to pay for all the donuts, What's the problem? Why would the staff call the cops if it was clear the customer intended to pay? And the cops arriving in 30 seconds. If they did arrive in 30 secs, it sounds like a set-up to me to get the westener (soft target) There's more to this silly little story.

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If I read another story about a misbehaving Aussie I'm gonna puke.

Maybe that's what he should have done. If he'd puked in the box and handed it to the cashier, nothing stolen - in fact a bit added :)

I count my lucky stars that I've stolen so many times from 7-11 and got away with it every time. I've often had one of their iced coffees and sipped at it while standing in line, waiting to pay. Such a heinous crime.

I managed to get away with another crime last week. I sent a letter to the UK. I went to the post office counter and brazenly helped mysef to an airmail envelope in full view and proceeded to deface it by writing an address on it using stolen ink from a pen that was there. Clever of me to get away with theft and vandalism.

I've also been known to go into a bookstore and read some pages of a book, not only that, I've put the book back on the shelf and walked out without paying for it.

I also tried on some shoes in Big C, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I did walk around a little in those shoes and that was before I had paid for them.

I know it doesn't make sense and I really can't explain my criminal behavior, but when I use a bus I always pay before but I deny a taxi driver any payment at all until we reach the destination.

Please don't judge me too harshly, I know that some of the things that I have confessed to above are inexcuseable. I know that I deserve to be thrown in jail and left to rot for these terrible crimes and I'm truly sorry.

I once saw a Thai couple in Lotus digest at least 1/2 kg of very expensive grapes and they didn't even buy any. All evidence would have been ingested by the time they got to checkout, so no giveaway packaging!

Actually I believe that one of the stipulations of the doughnut franchises is that all unbought produce must be destroyed at the end of the day if not purchased. So maybe our Aussie friend was doing them a favour if doughnut sales were slow!

Another article from the same website - unbought donuts used to be destroyed by cops.


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why do people think he is telling the whole story?

the police being called because you are consuming something while standing in line at 7-11 - yeah right.

somehow I think this teacher from sydney has left out some pertinent details.

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Sometimes I buy coffee at 7-11 and start consuming it before I pay for it. It would never occur to me that they would call the police unless it was clear that I was leaving the store before paying. On the Aussie donut case, we can't try this by internet. Maybe the Aussie lied, maybe the 7-11 clerk was insane, we don't know, so why act like we can know?

Edited by Jingthing
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Time to get tough with these loudmouth, drunken, disrespectful Aussies. Start chopping off some hands and maybe they'll learn some respect. It's Aussie scum like this who give all farang a bad name in Thailand.

In the case of Mr. Kearney who stole not one but several doughnuts it's clear now this criminal should have been shot the moment he tried to flee from the police. If things had been sorted on the spot then we wouldn't now be faced with the Australian media attempting to tarnish the image of Thailand yet again. The Thais generously allow him to leave the country after what ammounts to a slap on the wrist and this is what they get in return. Disgraceful!

Yes, why are they not better behaved , , , like the english soccer louts . . . . . .

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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :)

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Time to get tough with these loudmouth, drunken, disrespectful Aussies. Start chopping off some hands and maybe they'll learn some respect. It's Aussie scum like this who give all farang a bad name in Thailand.

In the case of Mr. Kearney who stole not one but several doughnuts it's clear now this criminal should have been shot the moment he tried to flee from the police. If things had been sorted on the spot then we wouldn't now be faced with the Australian media attempting to tarnish the image of Thailand yet again. The Thais generously allow him to leave the country after what ammounts to a slap on the wrist and this is what they get in return. Disgraceful!

You are dam_n right Jeffer!! I was going to write the same.

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Sometimes I buy coffee at 7-11 and start consuming it before I pay for it. It would never occur to me that they would call the police unless it was clear that I was leaving the store before paying. On the Aussie donut case, we can't try this by internet. Maybe the Aussie lied, maybe the 7-11 clerk was insane, we don't know, so why act like we can know?

Of course we don't know if this is a true story or not.

The funny thing though, is that I wouldn't dismiss such a ridiculous story out of hand. If it happened in Thailand it just might be true

Farang smokers being stalked in the hope that they drop their dog ends and get hit for a 2000 baht fine - I've never seen it, but I can easily believe it.

Motorists handing over cash because the police claim that they were speeding or whatever. Never happened to me, but I tend to believe it.

Police demanding 50,000 Baht because a small village shop had some copied VCDs, then negotiating down to 30,000 or the girl goes to jail. Yes I believe it. I was party to the negotiating and lent the girl's Father the money. No documentation and no receipt by the way.

My Father-in law was arrested for buying a 20 Baht black lottery number and had to pay 2,000 Baht (No receipt) The black lottery agent was not arrested, guess who is one of the partners in the local black lottery.

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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :)

Unless they can manage to do a stock check at every shift change, no. How would they know what is missing otherwise. Cash shortages, I believe are a different matter, I think that the cashier will be stopped any till shortages.

I saw an advert for staff at a Family Mart in Pattaya last year, salary was 6000 Baht/month.

7-11 near here just took on new staff at 154 Baht per day. The staff had to pay a security deposit of 2,000 baht and also pay for their uniforms.

I think that it was stated in the article that the cost of the eaten donuts was 40Baht

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So we can't steal bar mats or donuts. Perhaps we need to make a list of things that can be stolen without the risk of going to jail.

A sign could be put up at arrivals in the airport so everyone knows what they can or cannot steal. It will save the rest of us getting a bad name.


Actually pamphlets should be given to ALL AUSTRALIANS travelling overseas at the point of departure at all Australian airports: "If you decide to do something stupid, behave in a culturally insensitive manner, get wasted by drinking/partying/pill popping excessively, leave your brains at home, behave in a boorish manner to foreign officialdom, can't spell C-U-L-T-U-R-E, think shouting louder wil overcome language barriers, beleive that Australian justice is practiced in ALL countries, think a lack of English equates to stupidity, then wear the consequences. Do not expect other taxpayers to finance your stupidity whilst overseas." :)

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Actually pamphlets should be given to ALL AUSTRALIANS travelling overseas at the point of departure at all Australian airports:...

Yeah, that'll work...

DRONGO: Hey Sheila, what's that funny-looking flappy stuff they given yer.

SHEILA: Dunno Drongs, it's gotta lotta squiggly-lookin' marks on it.

DRONGO: Maybe it's tucker Sheil. What does it smell like?

SHEILA (sniffing): Like a wallaby's armpit, Drongs.

DRONGO: Fair dinkum, Sheil, must be tucker then.

SHEILA: Hold on Drongs, maybe it's some of that fancy stuff we saw on the telly last night.

DRONGO: Yer mean that there "Toilet Paper"..? Yer... Could be... It could be either.

SHEILA: Should I wipe me arse with it before or after I eat it Drongs?

DRONGO: Well, yer know what dey says in Toyland Sheil... "Up to you!"


BTW anyone know a stockist for Akubras in BKK?

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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :)

Actually you are 100% correct. Those nasty Aussies had it comming.

On my last trip back to the US, I was sitting in the local dinner when a Thai lady walked in and ordered pork fried rice. The cook gave her a half cooked hamburger and when she politely said "Excuse me, I ordered fried rice, the cook jumped across the counter and screamed "This USA, you can not do like this in USA!" Ten brave workers then proceeded to beat her to a pulp -I gave her a kick myself when she was unconscience and could not strike back- then the police were called and she was horse whipped again then locked up. She was realeased after paying $10,000 US and deported.

Oh yes, the local thai expat website soundly condemned her actions and pretty much agreed that "The dark skinned, skinny biatch had it comming :D:D:D

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Don't some Thai employees have to pay for anything that goes missing on their shift? A bar mat could be the equivalent of two or three days pay for a bar girl. And what's a box of donuts? 200 baht? How many days pay is that for a 7/11 staffer? No wonder the Thais get ratty at our so-called "petty" theft. :)

Actually you are 100% correct. Those nasty Aussies had it comming.

On my last trip back to the US, I was sitting in the local dinner when a Thai lady walked in and ordered pork fried rice. The cook gave her a half cooked hamburger and when she politely said "Excuse me, I ordered fried rice, the cook jumped across the counter and screamed "This USA, you can not do like this in USA!" Ten brave workers then proceeded to beat her to a pulp -I gave her a kick myself when she was unconscience and could not strike back- then the police were called and she was horse whipped again then locked up. She was realeased after paying $10,000 US and deported.

Oh yes, the local thai expat website soundly condemned her actions and pretty much agreed that "The dark skinned, skinny biatch had it comming :D :D:D

Very nice lancelot. I like it "alot". As funny, sarcastic and cynical as you made it all sound I suspect there's an underlying element of truth beneath the exaggerations. Some folks that have been here a while can understand cleary where you are coming from.

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