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Fat 'bully' Loses To Thai Bride Used As Servant

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A TASMANIAN man who went to Thailand to find a sixth wife and put her into domestic servitude has lost three-quarters of his assets, including his house and his business, in a Family Court case.

The court heard that the man, who was born in 1945 and at one point was so obese he could hardly leave his bed, had forced his young bride into hard physical labour throughout the 10-year marriage.

He had been married five times before he travelled to Thailand in 1997 to find her. She was 25 years his junior, and spoke no English.

The man told the court the woman had been working as a prostitute in Thailand and he saved her from that life. She denied it, saying she worked in a factory. In any case, he brought her to Australia soon after they met and set her to work in his market garden outside Hobart, where she toiled for $40 a month. She was also asked to carry out what the judge described as "disgusting" tasks, related to the man's physical care.

In the course of the marriage, the woman gave birth to four of the man's children.





The Family Court, sitting in Hobart in April, heard that the husband grew fatter and more sedentary, and had taken to sitting on a stool, waving a large stick and shouting orders at the woman and their children. When she left him, he sought custody of the children, and most of the assets, saying all had belonged to him before the marriage.

Her victory in the court has been hailed by female lawyers and domestic violence support workers as a sign that men should not think they can travel to poor countries and find brides to work as domestic servants.

The judge said the husband was "a huge man, some five foot eight in height, but weighed at his worst, something near 200kg".

"His enormous weight caused him to be gravely disabled and that he was able to get around only with difficulty," the judge said.

The wife and two of the children told the court that the husband "tended to lie around in bed; that he tended to play with the computer, and called upon every member of the family to look to his various wants, which included bathing him, dressing him, cleaning up his toiletry and applying ointment to bleeding buttocks".

"The father in effect was nothing else but a bully," the judge said. "He demanded that his wants be attended to before anybody else's. He adopted an authoritarian manner whereby he sat on his stool and waved a large stick at them, demanding that they do certain things in relation to the gardening.

"He insisted that (his wife) carry out physical labouring tasks as well as looking after his more private needs, notwithstanding that she had had a bad caesarean and was in considerable pain."

The husband told the court he was the victim of domestic violence, and that his wife had once tried to kill him with a meat cleaver. The judge found to the contrary, saying she "worked exceptionally hard".

The value of the couple's property was put at $200,000, the total of which was "put in by the father (because) the mother had nothing".

But the judge said she had done an "enormous amount of work" in the house and the market garden, and awarded her 75 per cent of the assets.

National Council of Women president Margaret Smith hailed the decision as "one of the very good decisions of the Family Court".

"We mostly hear of cases where men tell their wives they have no rights, they will lose their children, so this should be a signpost to women who find themselves trapped like this, to know there is a way out," Ms Smith said.

The Family Court, sitting in Hobart in April, heard that the husband grew fatter and more sedentary, and had taken to sitting on a stool, waving a large stick and shouting orders at the woman and their children. When she left him, he sought custody of the children, and most of the assets, saying all had belonged to him before the marriage.

Her victory in the court has been hailed by female lawyers and domestic violence support workers as a sign that men should not think they can travel to poor countries and find brides to work as domestic servants.

The judge said the husband was "a huge man, some five foot eight in height, but weighed at his worst, something near 200kg".

"His enormous weight caused him to be gravely disabled and that he was able to get around only with difficulty," the judge said.


The wife and two of the children told the court that the husband "tended to lie around in bed; that he tended to play with the computer, and called upon every member of the family to look to his various wants, which included bathing him, dressing him, cleaning up his toiletry and applying ointment to bleeding buttocks".

"The father in effect was nothing else but a bully," the judge said. "He demanded that his wants be attended to before anybody else's. He adopted an authoritarian manner whereby he sat on his stool and waved a large stick at them, demanding that they do certain things in relation to the gardening.

"He insisted that (his wife) carry out physical labouring tasks as well as looking after his more private needs, notwithstanding that she had had a bad caesarean and was in considerable pain."

The husband told the court he was the victim of domestic violence, and that his wife had once tried to kill him with a meat cleaver. The judge found to the contrary, saying she "worked exceptionally hard".

The value of the couple's property was put at $200,000, the total of which was "put in by the father (because) the mother had nothing".

But the judge said she had done an "enormous amount of work" in the house and the market garden, and awarded her 75 per cent of the assets.

National Council of Women president Margaret Smith hailed the decision as "one of the very good decisions of the Family Court".

"We mostly hear of cases where men tell their wives they have no rights, they will lose their children, so this should be a signpost to women who find themselves trapped like this, to know there is a way out," Ms Smith said.

Good job sounds like he was a pig of a man where does he get off treating someone lke that

The man told the court the woman had been working as a prostitute in Thailand and he saved her from that life.

This always makes me laugh - the great farang knight riding through Thailand on his white charge to save a girl from that life! :D

Naive farang men believe this too :)

Girls don't need saving in Thailand they are not in trouble - no one is starving to death - it's not Africa

Fat lazy ass bloke surprised she stuck around so long and to have kids with the big fat loser...


bad move marrying the fat slob in the first place. she must have been a little crazy to marry him . 25 years younger ...... huge weight difference, 6th wife, she cant speak english .... not to mention the disgusting physical tasks related to his body that she would have known she had to perform


Good for her. How are the four Children doing? Hope they don't turn out to be fat lazy people like their father, there are enough in the world already. I can see why she would go for his in the first place, but she stayed much to long. :D:):D:D


I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

There's nothing like a messy divorce to bring out the most outrageous lies from both sides. There are very much 2 sides to every story. If she was 25 years his junior and he was so obese, even 10 years ago when they first met, why did she have sex with him and marry him?

Bottom line - she gets three-quarters of his assets - end of story.


Yeah, a good result for her and the children. As it appears she was treated like a slave, she deserves what she was given by the courts and he as such a tyrannical assh_le got what he deserved.

Maybe now he will have to take care of himself, slim down some and come back to Thailand for another wife (slave).

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

Adult children froma 10-year marriage?

Surely you're not suggesting they had sex before they were married..? :)

(anyway they met in '97)


These cases don't get a lot of coverage here on TV, where we get to hear the cases of Farangs getting the rough end of the deal while the Thai end of these stories goes un reported unless a TV member gets to hear and bothers to post.

Pantip has plenty of similar stories in Thai language - Not in English and thus a hidden world a hidden reality.

I was wondering about this when I read the story.  Australia and TV were recently in an uproar about the beer mat mom, but how about this?  It seems to me that this would be all over the Thai press or websites.  And, of course, this serves to paint all farangs who marry a Thai with the same broad brush.

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

There's nothing like a messy divorce to bring out the most outrageous lies from both sides. There are very much 2 sides to every story. If she was 25 years his junior and he was so obese, even 10 years ago when they first met, why did she have sex with him and marry him?

Bottom line - she gets three-quarters of his assets - end of story.

Yep tend to agree, when alls said and done SHE has made this story not him.She could have left at any time.How can a man that can hardly get out of bed be a bully ? Judge is giving an opinion and has obviously sided with her.What went on between them is totally irrelevant anyway.


I'd like to read chubby's version of events. It's easy to pick on a fat guy, but something is amiss here.

The money really won't go to the ex as she will be raising 4 children. Perhaps it should have said, entrusted to the mother so that she could care for 4 kids. In any case, I think Mr. Chuckles will be dead in a short time. Life expectancy for someone like this isn't very long.

Sad story.


So am I right in assuming that this woman was awarded 150,000 $AUS, 75% of 200K

What's that in Baht? 3.75 million? Is that right?

Sounds to me like he was looking for a carer, not a wife and she was probably looking for some easy money by marrying a foreigner at the outset. Nothing wrong with that, many people allow economics figure highly in their choice of partner.

No real winners from this story though. She's unlikely to get maintenance from him as I doubt that he can work. She comes out with a paltry 150K$Aus after 10 years and with 4 kids to take care of. She needs somewhere to live so is hardly going to live the high life.

Well good luck to her, I hope that things start to get better for her from now on.

This is one story where the farang got a lot better than he deserved.

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

Adult children froma 10-year marriage?

Surely you're not suggesting they had sex before they were married..? :)

(anyway they met in '97)

3 of the 4 children were from previous marriages. As he is 64, it is likely the children are now adults.

If they had not had sex before they were married, he would not have arranged a settlement visa for her. As he claims she was a prostitute, it is certain sex occurred.

bad move marrying the fat slob in the first place. she must have been a little crazy to marry him . 25 years younger ...... huge weight difference, 6th wife, she cant speak english .... not to mention the disgusting physical tasks related to his body that she would have known she had to perform

Yes mcsquared, it is not as though she went into the marriage under duress. It was her ticket out. But what a ticket? Was she so desperate to get out of Thailand? Nevertheless, the treatment she received at this fat slob's hands was well out of order. Now with the court order it has brought some balance in her favour. I hope she can pick herself up from here.

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

Adult children froma 10-year marriage?

Surely you're not suggesting they had sex before they were married..? :)

(anyway they met in '97)

3 of the 4 children were from previous marriages. As he is 64, it is likely the children are now adults.

If they had not had sex before they were married, he would not have arranged a settlement visa for her. As he claims she was a prostitute, it is certain sex occurred.

Have you read another version of the story?

the linked article definitely states

"In the course of the marriage, the woman gave birth to four of the man's children. "

"In the course of the marriage, the woman gave birth to four of the man's children. "


And the premarital sex was irony... www.google.com (see also: sarcasm)

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

Adult children froma 10-year marriage?

Surely you're not suggesting they had sex before they were married..? :)

(anyway they met in '97)

3 of the 4 children were from previous marriages. As he is 64, it is likely the children are now adults.

If they had not had sex before they were married, he would not have arranged a settlement visa for her. As he claims she was a prostitute, it is certain sex occurred.

Seems like you are in error. She bore those children.

Being Thai or falang has nothing to do with it. There are bad people everywhere, the difference is, and this should be blatantly obvious: In Australia the man was held accountable for his misdeeds by a court and he will actually have to pay the money. Nothing like that would happen in Thailand.

I would imagine the older 3 children are probably now adult but the story doesn't say.

There's nothing like a messy divorce to bring out the most outrageous lies from both sides. There are very much 2 sides to every story. If she was 25 years his junior and he was so obese, even 10 years ago when they first met, why did she have sex with him and marry him?

Bottom line - she gets three-quarters of his assets - end of story.

Yep tend to agree, when alls said and done SHE has made this story not him.She could have left at any time.How can a man that can hardly get out of bed be a bully ? Judge is giving an opinion and has obviously sided with her.What went on between them is totally irrelevant anyway.

Maybe you should do some research into 'abusive relationships' & the psychological impact that it has on the victim. There are many well documented & researched reasons why a victim of abuse cannot break the cycle & get out of the relationship.

It is often very hard for people that have only experienced 'normal' relationships to understand why a victim cannot just leave.

Hopefully a bit of reading on your part will help you understand.


One part of the story I don't understand.

He became so obese that he sat on a stool and issued orders with a stick.

So, presumably, he could no longer bully them. It's not as if he could have ran after them and given them a beating. So, in the end they could have ignored his orders and started court proceedings.


I find it hard to find much sympathy for a woman who marries such a lowlife loser for some extra baht. Maybe this will teach her that money isnt everything.

The fat fuc_k should be left to the dingo's. I'm sure they will be able to feed on him for at least a few months.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Those 200k is not much worth of assets , probably lived in a hut you can build in thailand for 3k .

Cannot imagine she hobbed him to have 4 children , must have liked the sausage then .


Good deal on her getting some cash, but she still has 4 of his nasty little spawn. Ick Talk about being scared for life.

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