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A friend recently had a Full Check up at a Large Hospital

under their Check Up scheme. Cost Bht 10,000

Cholesterol Control was diagnosed as necessary

and 3 Months supply of LIPITOR 10mg

was prescibed - cost Bht 5,000

Is Lipitor a "Wonder Drug" ?

Does it have any known side effects ?

My friend has initially declined the prescription

pending investigation of others experience of its use

and other (maybe) cheaper suppliers !!!

Any Comments would be welcome.


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The most common drug used here seems to be simvastatin under the local Zimmex brand name. I use 20mg and cost in less than 1,000 baht for 3 month supply at Save Drug. Dosage for Thai wife is 10mg per day.


I have been on these, (10mg) for about a year now and understand that I will have to take them for about another year. There are side effects, most commonly reported being nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, wind, indegestion, headache, muscle pain, weakness and diarrhoea and insomnia. there are others, but not necessarily linked to the drug itself.

I am fortunate in that I do not have to pay for them, but in Thailand, with the cost etc., I would also be inclined to look at all the other ways of reducing cholesterol, the best of the lot being stopping smoking, diet and regular exercise.

I did suffer cramps and joint pains at first, but a change of brand sorted that, but not an easy option if you are buying them. The other options will be effective, just require greater effort. Good luck!

A friend recently had a Full Check up at a Large Hospital

under their Check Up scheme. Cost Bht 10,000

Cholesterol Control was diagnosed as necessary

and 3 Months supply of LIPITOR 10mg

was prescibed - cost Bht 5,000

Is Lipitor a "Wonder Drug" ?

Does it have any known side effects ?

My friend has initially declined the prescription

pending investigation of others experience of its use

and other (maybe) cheaper suppliers !!!

Any Comments would be welcome.Suggest you do some research on the net,lipitor has some horrible side effects lots of doctors  here in oz will not prescribe it,ttry a medcation called somac , hope this helps ,nignoy



Had a chol. check and given 3 mos. presc. for a total cost of just over 1,00bht at private hospital,Eng. speaking doc. Given Bestatin 20mg daily. It's a Thai drug similar to Lipitor but much cheaper. No side effects for 2 wks.

Had a chol. check and given 3 mos. presc. for a total cost of just over 1,00bht at private hospital,Eng. speaking doc. Given Bestatin 20mg daily. It's a Thai drug similar to Lipitor but much cheaper. No side effects for 2 wks.

Hi ajanhlau,

I just understand this now. I see, thank you for this :>.

oh yes, how to pronouce your nick name "Ajanhlau" is it pronouncing portugues? if Pronounce your nick in Portugues it will be "Laos Food" or read in thai gonna be "Aharn Lao" so what is it really mean? sorry for ask. or you mean teacher? Ajarn? :o

Had a chol. check and given 3 mos. presc. for a total cost of just over 1,00bht at private hospital,Eng. speaking doc. Given Bestatin 20mg daily. It's a Thai drug similar to Lipitor but much cheaper. No side effects for 2 wks.

Bestatin is another local made simvastatin brand like Zimmex (Zocor is the major US band name).



A good link to find info on medications is http://rxlist.com/

It is a site used by people in the health industry and anyone can access it. If you can't find the name of the medication, which sometimes happens, search for the chemical name.

The results give info normally found on the warning papers that come with the medication along with more detailed clinical trial results, side effects etc.

I hope this helps.



As Lop says, Zocor is the brand name for Simvastatin. It and Lipitor are the two largest "statins" prescribed in the US. Besides lowering cholesterol (the wife, on 20mg Zocor, has come down amazingly in two years), statins are being found to apparently be beneficial in many other areas.

The one major side affect can be liver problems. This occurs very rarely, but is something US doctors are supposed to check for periodically.

Would be interesting to know how Simvastatin and other over-the-counter statins in Thailand compare to Zocor and Lipitor. Reading about knockoff drugs over here, wonder if the cost of making legitimate statins would drive a market for phonies......?

As Lop says, Zocor is the brand name for Simvastatin. It and Lipitor are the two largest "statins" prescribed in the US. Besides lowering cholesterol (the wife, on 20mg Zocor, has come down amazingly in two years), statins are being found to apparently be beneficial in many other areas.

The one major side affect can be liver problems. This occurs very rarely, but is something US doctors are supposed to check for periodically.

Would be interesting to know how Simvastatin and other over-the-counter statins in Thailand compare to Zocor and Lipitor. Reading about knockoff drugs over here,  wonder if the cost of making legitimate statins would drive a market for phonies......?

Wife started on real imported Zocor as we have medical insurance but Chula Hospital has since become convinced that the local made simvastatin is of the same quality.

local made simvastatin is of the same quality

The local simvastatin, is there a local brand name for it, or at least a manufacturing stamp to identify it?

What's your take on pharmacies here? Are most/all found at large malls reputable? Is there one or more reputable drug store chains in Thailand?

Plus, I would assume getting meds at a hospital would be near the top for reliability; but is this cost effective?



I provided two band names above:

Zimmex is made by Silom Medical Co. Ltd in Bangkok under Reg No 1A 2/44 (NG)

Bestatin is made by Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry Co. Ltd in Bangkok under Reg No 1A 1/45 (NG)

So they have both have a track record here.

Most stores and chains in the Bangkok area should be reliable. Storage is always the question mark. I would expect most medications near expiration date to be suspect for that reason; but that is only a non educated guess and not based on any solid evidence that I know of. I have no fear using mediations I obtain from Save Drug chain located in the Carrefour malls and they are among the cheapest. Boots and others would probably be as good or better and hospitals normally are also good but you often get repackaged goods so can not confirm expiration dates. I would use drugs stores with packaged box for ongoing type needs.

In small towns, and especially border regions, understand that the situation may be less clear and in that case the hospital would be my choice.

Had a chol. check and given 3 mos. presc. for a total cost of just over 1,00bht at private hospital,Eng. speaking doc. Given Bestatin 20mg daily. It's a Thai drug similar to Lipitor but much cheaper. No side effects for 2 wks.

Hi ajanhlau,

I just understand this now. I see, thank you for this :>.

oh yes, how to pronouce your nick name "Ajanhlau" is it pronouncing portugues? if Pronounce your nick in Portugues it will be "Laos Food" or read in thai gonna be "Aharn Lao" so what is it really mean? sorry for ask. or you mean teacher? Ajarn? :o

For sure hansum teacher.

Anyone got any other recommendations for lowering cholesterol besides drugs?

Exercise and diet are your best choices.

Exercise raises the HDL (good cholesterol) level which in turn helps lower your overall level. A good healthy diet will also aid in reducing your cholesterol levels.

Your doctor, in association with a dietitian, would be the best source for this type information.

cheers :o


Dragon fruit has been proven to take care of the cholesterol problem, it also reduces the triglyceride levels. No side effects and tastes ok as well.

Dragon fruit has been proven to take care of the cholesterol problem, it also reduces the triglyceride levels. No side effects and tastes ok as well.

Proven by who, when, where and under what medical standards? Could you provide some links please. Thanks.


Not that everything on the web should be taken for fact but there are several sites there mentioning the cholesterol lowering properties of dragon fruit (and other fruits and veggies). Have not found any info on who/when/where this was discovered. The site: http://www.loweringcholesterol.net/ have a lot of info on alternative cures.

Point is that any doctor will tell you that high cholesterol is a symptom of a bad diet and a cholesterol lowering drug will only remove this symptom, not the underlying problem. The high cholesterol level is just one out of thousands of problems associated with a bad diet.

Pharmaceutical companies are in the business of making money, not to make pills that cure people. It’s not an accident that the vast majority of pharmaceuticals in the market are designed just to relieve symptoms, not to cure deceases. It makes much more business sense for the pharmaceutical companies to keep us sick so we have to get the pills to treat the symptoms. Also, most pharmaceuticals comes with known and unknown side effects that requires more pills to treat more symptoms. Altogether a brilliant business concept.


ZZZ I agree,having been a high cholesterol sufferer for 25years,except for the bit "high cholesterol is a symptom of a bad diet" in a large number of people, such as myself,the problem is hereditary.Any dietary changes have a minimal effect on lowering such cholesterol.

Experts are still divided on the use of statins which have their own long term problems.But they are a multi billion dollar industry as were Vioxx!

With the onset of my mother's kidney disease the specialists could not say if it was caused by the cholesterol or the use of statins.


When reading the text below it's scary to see how many doctors will prescribe potentially dangerous drugs after just on cholesterol test.


"In Britain, general practitioners, practice nurses and health visitors are starting to use desk-top cholesterol testing machines, the majority of which have been loaned by drug companies. A suggestion in the Lancet is that this is designed merely to enhance the drug companies' profits by increasing sales of cholesterol-lowering drugs, and questions their ethics. There is also the question of the psychological harm that could be done to people in view of the United States experience of the inaccuracy of such machines."

"Cholesterol measurements are not very accurate - less than eighty percent - even when conducted in a laboratory. A survey showed that on the same sample, laboratories could differ by as much as 1.3 mmol/l. When it is tested with a doctor's desktop machine the accuracy will inevitably be lower.

To put it in perspective, let us assume that you are around thirty years old and your cholesterol level is a perfectly respectable 6.0 mmol/l. You hurry to the surgery and are anxious about the result. This could raise it by twenty-five percent to 7.5. If it is sent to a laboratory giving the high readings it could be raised by a further 1.3. Your perfectly normal 6.0 is now a high 8.8!

In fact, so many variables affect cholesterol levels that a one-off test is a waste of time, and an unnecessary worry for the patient that can do more harm than good. Bear that in mind if you are subjected to a cholesterol test. "


Spot on ZZZ.Most doctors will will look at you as if you are on death's door when 5.5 and get their notepad out for statins.

An ex colleague of mine had a breakdown and was re writing his Will because his GP said he had 5.6. In spite of my advice he has been on statins ever since.


You just might want to do some more research on statin alternatives. An old, efficient remedy is mega-doses (over 1 gram) of the vitamin Niacin (Vitamin B6). Very cheap. Until recently, you would "flush" or have a red skin and a heat sensation within the first 30 minutes, since Niacin is a vasodialator. However, for the past several years, you can purchase "non-flushing" Niacin that eliminates that side-effect. But, like any medication, discuss with your physician. If they are prudent, they will ensure that you have your kidney and liver functions tested every 3-4 months to mitigate any complications.


Some info from:


It is important to understand that statins do effectively lower cholesterol levels. There is no argument that these drugs work but they in no way shape or form treat the cause of the problem. They are nothing more than a potentially toxic band-aid. When you chose not to address the cause of the problem, the underlying condition that is causing the risk factor (high cholesterol) will crop up and eventually cause other diseases.

the bottom line is that statin drugs are not the answer if your cholesterol is elevated. Statins are potentially dangerous to your health. So much so, that attempts to change any of them to over-the-counter status have failed. This is because statin drugs are linked to a number of serious and potentially life threatening side effects including, but not limited to:


Muscle aches

An increase in cancer risk

Immune system suppression

Serious degenerative muscle tissue condition (rhabdomyolysis)

Potential increase in liver enzymes so patients must be monitored for normal liver function

There are two primary strategies that work well over 99 percent of the time if properly implemented. They are:

Daily cardiovascular exercise

Low grain diet


I have been taking 10mg of Zocor for a couple of years now, paid for by insurance. I get a liver function screen every 6 months, so far no problems and no side effects. Total dropped from 230 to less than 170. Diet and exercise are key, and I rarely eat meat of any kind, remove skin from chicken, and try (not always successfully) to avoid fried foods. I don't know about the long term riskes of statins, but they may be less that the risks from congestive heart failure...


In my experience, if your cholestorol is borderline, doctors will often give you a chance to make a change with diet and exercise.

However, it is known that for many people, heredity plays even a greater role than diet and exercise, so there may be nothing you can do without medication.

Personally, I take Mevalotin, also known as Pravachol, at 20 mg costs me 30 baht a day.

Liver tests are indicated every six months although liver problems are rare, if they exist can be fatal.

The growing trend in the West is MUCH HIGHER DOSES of statin drugs because studies have shown higher doses mean lower mortality.

This thinking has not yet been adopted in Thailand.

My personal feeling is these drugs are worth the risks and worth the cost for the majority of people with high chol.

  • 2 weeks later...

A new medical report released earlier today states high doses of Lipitor can cause irreversable liver damage.

Please remember, all medications carry side effects and each individual's reaction to a specific drug is different.

ALWAYS talk to you doctor before starting any new medication.

We all want to see you back here again, and in good health. :o

A new medical report released earlier today states high doses of Lipitor can cause irreversable liver damage.

Please remember, all medications carry side effects and each individual's reaction to a specific drug is different. 

ALWAYS talk to you doctor before starting any new medication.

We all want to see you back here again, and in good health. :o

That is very true.

You should see a doctor first and get liver screening tests if on any statin drug.

However, in reality, only a small minority of people develop these liver damaging side effects. For those small percentage of people, if they don't stop the statins, the side effects are fatal.

However, this previous post was alarmist. The problem is easily detected in the people effected.

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