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Google Hijacked


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same problem here!

Try to open google.com, then I

get redirected to http://moviebuffet.maxnet.co.th/google.html, and then I

get redirected to http://www.google.co.th

Exactly the same thing happens when I click on the link "Go to Google.com" on google.co.th :D

Outrageous in my opinion, can't wait to see that happening when trying to open thaivisa.com :)

to solve this problem please follow these steps;

1) go to your browser

2) tools + internet option

3) in general tab if there is other url just delete it.

4) click the use current button, delete the redirect url

5) click the use default button, delete the redirect url

6) click OK

problem solved

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The site www.thaivisa.com would come pretty quick. BUT it connects to many adservers. It never loaded because it was waiting for the server pubads.g.doubleclick.net and waiting.

I don't think you can blame this on TV .. and Maxnet does indeed seem to have created this problem.

Sorry to contradict you "klikster", but "Johnxxx" is right about this remark about Thaivisa.com.

Maybe it is not only Thaivisa which is to blame but instead the whole set of providers of information.

But I am connected trought TOT and get continously the message the Firefox is waiting for the server "pubads.g.doubleclick.net" to displas the page and very frequent I need to shut down Firefox for this behavior (waiting a looooooong time to display a page).

I have installed Firebug to monitor the faults in the HTML programming, and ThaiVisa is within the Top 10 of the websites that gives problems with their "over publishing sickness".

Also, the error bar is almost continuously displaying an error.

Since a few months, Thaivisa has become a pain the a** to read and there is no need to go pretend that the users are wrong and protect the people at the top when it is obvious that Thaivisa is wrong here.


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I doubt the redirect to google.co.th is an injection. ToT does it has done it and I think even my DTAC mobile internet connection does it. Tally that up to Google having a POP in Thailand and they do it in order to provide you closer server resources.

This sort of thing exists already for more than a year and is originated by the providers themselves.

If I want to search a site with Google, Google.co.th is started automaticly as the default search provider.

If I want to open Google in a different language, I need to select "Preferences" and select another language as default.

An impossible task if you cannot read Thai.

But this behavior seems to be embedded in every program which has a POP in Thailand.

Yahoo, Microsoft, Ask Jeeves, and so on.

As soon as you enter one of these sites, they look from where you are calling and if they have a local service provider, they will switch automaticly to the local service provider.

I have written to Microsoft about this behavior, and the only reply was that there was little or nothing to do about this as it was a "General" decision.

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This is illegal and MAXNET should get sued for this. I'm now looking for a Google number or international internet fraud hotline, will call them now if I can get the number.

Anybody has any contact numbers for some international internet fraud association?

I would like to inform the international authorities about this idiotic fraudulent move from Maxnet.


I am not sure but maybe here they can help : http://joewein.net/

I was reading this thread because I am thinking about changing from Ji-net to Maxnet. But when I read this, I think I will keep my slower Ji-net, until this problem is sorted out. Thank you for reporting this.

Another poster sais he was trying to contact Maxnet and had to press 9 and they continue in english. Just wait a little longer and you will be redirected to a "technician". They will first speak thai (we are in Thailand), but some can speak good english....Good luck.

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This is illegal and MAXNET should get sued for this. I'm now looking for a Google number or international internet fraud hotline, will call them now if I can get the number.

Anybody has any contact numbers for some international internet fraud association?

I would like to inform the international authorities about this idiotic fraudulent move from Maxnet.


I am not sure but maybe here they can help : http://joewein.net/

I was reading this thread because I am thinking about changing from Ji-net to Maxnet. But when I read this, I think I will keep my slower Ji-net, until this problem is sorted out. Thank you for reporting this.

Another poster sais he was trying to contact Maxnet and had to press 9 and they continue in english. Just wait a little longer and you will be redirected to a "technician". They will first speak thai (we are in Thailand), but some can speak good english....Good luck.

Sorry, I was too late with my answer.....saw the problem is solved.

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This seems to be the topic du jour... I've been getting this for the last hour. I've already contacted phone support, but of course, they don't acknowledge there is any problem at all.

I've heard of internet providers redirecting traffic from illegal sites (censorship), but I've never heard of one redirecting traffic from the world's most popular site and using it to advertise some stupid promotion.

The tech support I talked to said he had several calls already about this and is trying to get it sorted, but he is in a call center, the real admins are somewhere else, so he has to call them etc.

I told him that this will be in the news for sure, as there are many people who really need to use the google.com sites and subdomains etc for business and are crippled now because of this.

He said he will do all he can to get this sorted out.

TiT <deleted>

p.s. Johnxxx, you are wrong. maxnet hijacked google, just read my first post and you see what happens, or try yourself to open this link (if you got maxnet) http://finance.google.com

Just clicked on your site (google/finance) and had no prob. I am on maxnet. Don't know why no prob as most of my friends are experiencing the same grief (?????)

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Welcome to the Land Of Selfishness. Where greed is a virture and a brain is a heavy burden to have to carry around.

I didn't say it, but dont you just love this sum of TIT.

MaxdogexcrementNet ..... This company is an effin joke .....2 and a half months of contract left then I'm offskii.

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Their whole promotion is bull.sh.... Before i had TOT. Service Unusable, 4 days in a week their service was down and very slow. So i desired to sign up a contract with maxnet. It works only 3 month. After that allways "Oops this link is broken". No way to acess any international Websites and no way to upload anything, like pictures, etc. Service almost unusable. After i steped in their office in a angry mood, they explained me that this 512 to 2 Megabite Contract i signed, can use only for Internet in Thailand (595 Baht per month). But in the begin noone ever told us like that. I have to sign up premium for 1000 and something Baht (i don't remember). I complained about their bullsh.... But thei explained me that this is marketing.. And i complained them....anyway so finally i found out that if you sign for Maxnet 512 to 2 Mega (the highest speed i ever got was 180kps), 3 months it wil work and after you have to sign up for Premier Membership wich cost the double amout every month. Absolutely a SCAM. Now i have Premier Membership and have Access to international Websites, but only in the second or thirth time when i actualisize the Webpage i want to see. First time allways comes "Opps this link is broken" Typical TIT Sh..., i'm very angry about this. If somebody know any better solution, please let me know.

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goto google.com it comes up Thai.

click english

now click goto google.com on that page

its now google.com for real, but to stop redirects

click news check the address is http://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn  (and not http://news.google.co.th/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn)

you can also use video or images etc.

Bookmark and start there always never any of the stuff from Thai google cache.

I made it a home page in one of my browsers because I can search or go anywhere from there.

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The problems with maxnet go considerably deeper than merely popping up some advertising.

I was told by the local shop manager that maxnet was for 'Thai people only"! and that I must accept whatever they chose to do with my account.

And amongst my complaints was the fact that I could not access a IN TH website or a website for a Thai owned Apartment complex in Khon Kaen. BOTH for Thai people!

On one occasion ALL websites that I administer and thus have email addresses on the servers were blocked for 24 hours - 2 days after the local technical manager had opened PORT25 to those sites. Hmmmmm - vindictive little s**s in Bangkok don't like the provincials making any sensible decisions???

PORT25 the SMTP port for sending secure email is blocked on INDY but available on PREMIUM. Any mail sent through your own or business email cannot go securely to your server and hence to your recipient - it MUST go via <UNABLE TO EXPLAIN THE PROBLEM DUE TO FORUM RULES> where obviously confidential contents - banking, credit card etc., can be read by all the children working at TTT in bangkok.

When I try to check 3 emails on the same server (using POP3) the first (always) and the second (sometimes) return an error saying that the server is not found although it is found for the third.

Strange things are done by maxnet on normal (non-email) connections ... here is a trace route to their own server:


and to google.com


You can use your own imagination to give a reason for these timeouts and also to guess what they are doing with your data requests!

Gentle, abrasive and even vitriolic conversations to 'so-called' Customer Service on 1103 do absolutely nothing - more "khee kwai" than a village road at dusk!

Time for a compliment!!! The local Tech department is Khon Kaen is excellent, they always get things working correctly - then the abnormals in Bangkok change everything back within a few hours.

If I use an anonymous proxy I can go anywhere on the web and navigate around the site - for up to an hour - then the proxy is blocked! I could avoid the pop-up for moviebuffet in this way. This is blatant misuse of personal data for their own ends.

It took some 5 minutes and many many refreshes before I stopped getting 'Server not found" messages just navigating away from the forum post to do this reply.

A very boring - and totally unethical company!!

Incidentally I have a menu page on my browser which uses <UNABLE TO EXPLAIN THE SOLUTION DUE TO FORUM RULES> as the address for google and seems to work even when maxnet have their offensive pop-ups or their DNS server is down so that they may corrupt the lookup data even more.

In reply to
Posted 2009-06-02 21:10:37
it comes up Thai.

takes you to the main google page not Thai or whatever country you are in. I guess /ncr means "no country requested". No need to chase around via "Google in English" etc.

Good surfing guys


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PORT25 the SMTP port for sending secure email is blocked on INDY but available on PREMIUM. Any mail sent through your own or business email cannot go securely to your server and hence to your recipient - it MUST go via <UNABLE TO EXPLAIN THE PROBLEM DUE TO FORUM RULES> where obviously confidential contents - banking, credit card etc., can be read by all the children working at TTT in bangkok.

I'm fed up with them as well and generally agree with your post, but just for clarity port 25 is for unencrypted connections, not secure connections. Port 465 is used for secure connections and i haven't had any issue with them blocking this port.

And remember also that this is merely the connection from you to your mail host. You're not securing or encrypting the mail path. When the mail is sent from your server to the recipient's server, regardless of how you connected, it's not going to be encrypted. If you want to send sensitive information via email it needs to be done using with something like PGP / Enigmail or putting the sensitive docs in an encrypted container such as an AES encrypted ZIP file.

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I had some traceroutes that look alot like that with ToT.  This may not help but what helped me was to be sure the MTU of your connections is below 1500 i.e. 1492 at most.  I dropped down in steps of 8 it started working better.  Cr-----p routers.  maybe they buy them second hand.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The site www.thaivisa.com would come pretty quick. BUT it connects to many adservers. It never loaded because it was waiting for the server pubads.g.doubleclick.net and waiting.

I don't think you can blame this on TV .. and Maxnet does indeed seem to have created this problem.

Sorry to contradict you "klikster", but "Johnxxx" is right about this remark about Thaivisa.com.

Maybe it is not only Thaivisa which is to blame but instead the whole set of providers of information.

But I am connected trought TOT and get continously the message the Firefox is waiting for the server "pubads.g.doubleclick.net" to displas the page and very frequent I need to shut down Firefox for this behavior (waiting a looooooong time to display a page).

I have installed Firebug to monitor the faults in the HTML programming, and ThaiVisa is within the Top 10 of the websites that gives problems with their "over publishing sickness".

Also, the error bar is almost continuously displaying an error.

Since a few months, Thaivisa has become a pain the a** to read and there is no need to go pretend that the users are wrong and protect the people at the top when it is obvious that Thaivisa is wrong here.


If you are a windows user, there is a useful little file called "HOSTS" in C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc (or whtever you windows system root is). In this file is a list of web addresses and a local redirect. By placing such as the pubads.g.doubleclick.net link you mentioned against (your local machine - loop back) you will find they no longer load and loading the actual page will load much faster. On a blank line you would enter pubads.g.doubleclick.net

and that's it. I have a few thousand such sites in my HOSTS file (SPYBOT for example, adds hundreds of them to you HOSTS file on set up). There are copies of HOSTS siles on the net ready loaded - just use reliable source.

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