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Worst Joke Ever

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I finally got round to meeting my neighbour.

He has travelled the world, swum with sharks, wrestled bears and climbed the highest mountain.

It came as no surprise to learn his name was Bindair Dundat.

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'dis black fella is struttting down the street.

comes upon an old crusty metal bottle, and picks it up...

.. rubs it, and poof! out pops a Genie!

"I'll give you but three wishes" bursts the Genie.

so black fella starts thinking hard...

then "ahhh! I got to make the best of this, and get what I can with less wishes"

Ah so cool I am, so ... "I wanna be white, tight'n'out-a-sight"

"SO-Be-It"booms the Genie.

...turns him into a med.

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'dis black fella is heading down the street.

finds another genie bottle.

"I grant you but three wishes booms the genie.

Black fella gets another headache thinking what to wish for...

... a while later He goes:

1. I wanna be a white fella

poof - "so be it"

2. "I wanna have a big mansion up on that hill over there"

POOF - so be it, and he's a white fella with a big mansion, over there...

"what be your last wish?" booms the genie again.

3. "I wanna be idle-rich"

"SOOO BE-IT", grants the Genie...

POOF - turns him back into a black fella

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I met a fantastic girl last night in Nana. She was gorgeous and weighed about 350 pounds.

We went back to her place, and after about 5 minutes of "doing the deed", I asked her if she wouldn't mind turning the light out.

"Why", she said, "Do you find my body repulsive?"

"Not at all", I replied, "It's just that the bulbs burning my bum".

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An Asian guy walks into the New York City currency exchange with 2000 yen and walks out with $72. Next week he walks in with 2000 yen and gets $66. He asks the lady why he gets less money this week than last week. The lady says "Fluctuations". The Asian guy storms out, and just before slamming the
door, turns around and says: "Fluc you Amelicans too!"

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