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Thinking Of A Return To Your Home Land?


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The whole world’s changing guys and who knows where it will end. I feel sad to leave this beautiful country. We have a duty to nurture our children and keep them free from harm. It’s our job to guide them through life’s ups and downs and help them recover from the knocks they are most likely to take. I feel much better placed to do so in my own country where, even with many problems of its own the infrastructure is such that help is pretty much always on hand should, God forbid , anything major ever happen. Yes there are downsides of life in the UK and yes “reported” murder is on the increase….. Is it ever reported in Thailand? By the family maybe…..but how much loss of life or limb ever hits the tabloids? My other issue is that I speak perfectly good Thai. Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles in the first place! For me …… enough said and time to move on. Most of us are lucky enough to be able to make choices in life…….. this is mine and I hope, a wise one for my family! Thanks for all your posts … really interesting stuff!


Edited by glasshock
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The whole world's changing guys and who knows where it will end. I feel sad to leave this beautiful country. We have a duty to nurture our children and keep them free from harm. It's our job to guide them through life's ups and downs and help them recover from the knocks they are most likely to take. I feel much better placed to do so in my own country where, even with many problems of its own the infrastructure is such that help is pretty much always on hand should, God forbid , anything major ever happen. Yes there are downsides of life in the UK and yes "reported" murder is on the increase….. Is it ever reported in Thailand? By the family maybe…..but how much loss of life or limb ever hits the tabloids? My other issue is that I speak perfectly good Thai. Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles! For me …… enough said and time to move on. Most of us are lucky enough to be able to make choices in life…….. this is mine and I hope, a wise one for my family! Thanks for all your posts … really interesting stuff!


Best of luck and let us know how you get on.

I think most sensible people with family that have been here a few years have a 'get-out-plan' in the backs of their minds. If they don't then it is a major oversight on their part.

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The whole world's changing guys and who knows where it will end. I feel sad to leave this beautiful country. We have a duty to nurture our children and keep them free from harm. It's our job to guide them through life's ups and downs and help them recover from the knocks they are most likely to take. I feel much better placed to do so in my own country where, even with many problems of its own the infrastructure is such that help is pretty much always on hand should, God forbid , anything major ever happen. Yes there are downsides of life in the UK and yes "reported" murder is on the increase….. Is it ever reported in Thailand? By the family maybe…..but how much loss of life or limb ever hits the tabloids? My other issue is that I speak perfectly good Thai. Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles! For me …… enough said and time to move on. Most of us are lucky enough to be able to make choices in life…….. this is mine and I hope, a wise one for my family! Thanks for all your posts … really interesting stuff!


Best of luck and let us know how you get on.

I think most sensible people with family that have been here a few years have a 'get-out-plan' in the backs of their minds. If they don't then it is a major oversight on their part.

Nicely put Geek. I'm here for another 12 months or so I think. I work in construction and my ongoing project will near completion at about that time. The kids will also then be of schooling age and my concerns will double if i'm still here.... I shall keep you all informed.

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Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles!
"Stick & stones may break my bone but names will never hurt me" <deleted> them. Good luck 'glasshock' I hope you and your wife have made a wise choice. Do me a favour and put some shit concrete in the project your on. Do they do a 'slump' test in Thailand ? Edited by coventry
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What about a different city within Thailand?

It's about the children; I would not even consider putting my son through the Thai education system. Early years ok but not beyond the age of say 9.

To be honest, I think it is extremely selfish for a Farang to forego their child's educational welfare in favour of their Thai obsessions :)

Why are you down on education in Thailand, I find if a child wants to learn it is there, I have two neices and a nephew all educated in Thailand, one a pharmasist, one soon to get her doctorate in chemistry, and one working on his masters in physics. I also have freinds who have been educated in Thailand ,through a four year university,and gone on to receive master degrees in the U.S.

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Return for the sake of your childrens saftey and education,sorry but are you mad? we left because of the terrible education system and all of the violence problems for children ,like police on the school gates ,and we lived in a decent area.

since coming here our boys educational standard has rocketed and at night we are not worried when he is out with friends.

think again,its dire over there ,i know i have to go back regularaly .

Is it really safer for your children in Thailand? You don't worry about them zipping around on their friends scooter four up? You don't worry about the electrical cables hanging everywhere? You don't mind that its not safe for them to ride their bicycles anywhere? You really think there are more guns in UK? Have you not noticed that its barely safe for them to negotiate the pavements in Thailand? You don't worry that the nutter driving the school bus from the international school won't turn it over one day? You don't worry that one day they might have an accident whilst you're not there and have to rely on a couple of Thais in a pick up 'rescue' vehicle to take them to a third world hospital?

I think it is delusional to think that Thailand is safer than the UK for children or adults. You say that there are police at the school gates in the UK. In Thailand that would be a huge improvement, where not even the teachers give a da*n when the pupils ride four to a scooter out the gate in the wrong direction and get wiped out. In Thailand the only reason the police might be at the gates would be to collect tea money from the kids. :)

My feelings exactly....I see from a previous post of yours yesterday, that you are also thinking of moving back?

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Many Thai people take it for granted that I do not and as such, the comments aimed at me and my kids by many Thais are enough to make me question my affection for the warm and humbling culture that brought me to the land of smiles!
"Stick & stones may break my bone but names will never hurt me" <deleted> them. Good luck 'glasshock' I hope you and your wife have made a wise choice. Do me a favour and put some shit concrete in the project your on. Do they do a 'slump' test in Thailand ?

Firstly, It iritates me, but I can deal with it. It just taints the reasons for your arrival in the first place. However, My eldest speaks Thai and can understand and I dont want him to HAVE to put up with it when he's just a kid!

Secondly ...........the project I'm on is "European Standard" according to the main contractor :) Ive never seen that part of Europe before! :D

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What about a different city within Thailand?

It's about the children; I would not even consider putting my son through the Thai education system. Early years ok but not beyond the age of say 9.

To be honest, I think it is extremely selfish for a Farang to forego their child's educational welfare in favour of their Thai obsessions :)

Why are you down on education in Thailand, I find if a child wants to learn it is there, I have two neices and a nephew all educated in Thailand, one a pharmasist, one soon to get her doctorate in chemistry, and one working on his masters in physics. I also have freinds who have been educated in Thailand ,through a four year university,and gone on to receive master degrees in the U.S.

Education in Thailand is mostly appalling past primary school level. I've employed post grad students with degrees in English that can't hold a conversation in English. A simple conversation. Just beacuse they have the qualifications does not mean that they are educated. Think about it. Why does any Thai family with the means have their children educated in the West - It's not for the weather.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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What about a different city within Thailand?

It's about the children; I would not even consider putting my son through the Thai education system. Early years ok but not beyond the age of say 9.

To be honest, I think it is extremely selfish for a Farang to forego their child's educational welfare in favour of their Thai obsessions :)

Why are you down on education in Thailand, I find if a child wants to learn it is there, I have two neices and a nephew all educated in Thailand, one a pharmasist, one soon to get her doctorate in chemistry, and one working on his masters in physics. I also have freinds who have been educated in Thailand ,through a four year university,and gone on to receive master degrees in the U.S.

Education in Thailand is mostly appaling past primary school level. I've employed post grad students with degrees in English that can't hold a conversation in English. A simple conversation. Just beacuse they have the qualifications does not mean that they are educated. Think about it. Why does any Thai family with the means have their children educated in the West - It's not for the weather.

Totally agree but... those Thai's who get there children educated in the west do so in expensive fee paying boarding schools, for your average Joe Thai or Western this is out of the question.

My children will be educated in Thailand with a little help from myself, my five year old is already reading and writing English to a much higher level than I was at his age. I've seen the state of the UK, education et all and wouldn't wish that on any child of mine.

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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

HOW DARE YOU ....offer us some harsh truth. Yes, England can be dismal, cold, & wet....thats why the dismal, cold and wet travel to BKK. :) I have been to Australia twice and let me tell you they................................. and the bloody...................... and as for...............etc.

God save our queen eh? :D

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Every parent naturally wants and provides the best from their kids. Secure surroundings and as good as possible education. But let's be honest here guys. I claim that most of us if not all of us would stay and raise their kids in Thailands if they had the financial means to do it.

So it is a financial question very much. Take a look at the mirror and think about it, if you had the means to live in safe secured village in large "dream house" where your kids can roam free and safe with their bikes and then get top notch education in the best british schools in Thailand continuing to best Uni in UK or US would you do it or move back to UK ? Seriously, if you had the money.

I would stay put here, but the fact is that in few years i have to start packing...

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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

The UK boring?

There are more places of historical interest in the UK than probably anywhere else in the World.

The countryside and wildlife is absolutely fascinating and easily accessible from anywhere in the country.

Only an Australian could make such a ridiculous and preposterous statement about one of the most beautiful and interesting places on the planet.

35 million tourists a year can't be wrong.

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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

The UK boring?

There are more places of historical interest in the UK than probably anywhere else in the World.

The countryside and wildlife is absolutely fascinating and easily accessible from anywhere in the country.

Only an Australian could make such a ridiculous and preposterous statement about one of the most beautiful and interesting places on the planet.

35 million tourists a year can't be wrong.

Don't take it to heart, thats my opinion, I found the place miserable. I did like the pubs and watching a few drunk louts fight. That was a highlight.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

Also the Scottish, I cant undestand a word they are saying. Its like they are just mumbling all the time, the place is always raining and cold.

Edited by spysee
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Every parent naturally wants and provides the best from their kids. Secure surroundings and as good as possible education. But let's be honest here guys. I claim that most of us if not all of us would stay and raise their kids in Thailands if they had the financial means to do it.

So it is a financial question very much. Take a look at the mirror and think about it, if you had the means to live in safe secured village in large "dream house" where your kids can roam free and safe with their bikes and then get top notch education in the best british schools in Thailand continuing to best Uni in UK or US would you do it or move back to UK ? Seriously, if you had the money.

I would stay put here, but the fact is that in few years i have to start packing...

I disagree. It is more than being surrounded by a nice house and a good school. What about when they have to venture out into the real Thailand, with its corruption, its lack or rules or regulation, its forbidden subjects, its nonsensical myth obsessions, its litter strewn streets, its sex for sale, its face saving lies, its money worship, and countless other flaws that contribute to its maintaining its status as a near banana republic.

If, as you say, I had the money, I would live in the UK and send my kids to a top notch British school there, and maybe visit Thailand to escape the dismal British weather.

But then I ask, is the weather really such a pulling factor for Thailand? For around 8 months of the year its so hot and humid that folk try to get into the comfort of an AC environment, in much the same way we escape the cold in the UK. Then if you are lucky in Thailand we have a month of cool weather when we can comfortably sit outdoors, a lot like the UK.

What exactly are the other factors that make folk want to stay here and put their kids though school here?

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Don't take it to heart, thats my opinion, I found the place miserable. I did like the pubs and watching a few drunk louts fight. That was a highlight.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

Also the Scottish, I cant undestand a word they are saying. Its like they are just mumbling all the time, the place is always raining and cold.

Scotland is a fascinating place. One of the World's most beautiful places and steeped in history.

Problem is you need a good education to appreciate what the UK has to offer.

Still, as I said, 34 million people every year can't be wrong.

How many tourists does Australia get every year? 3 million? 4?

I have lived in Thailand for 25 years but my children were educated in Scotland. Arguably the best education system in the World. Educate them in Thailand? No thanks, as someone already pointed out, the elite know the value of a good Western education and send their siblings to the UK or US.

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Don't take it to heart, thats my opinion, I found the place miserable. I did like the pubs and watching a few drunk louts fight. That was a highlight.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

Also the Scottish, I cant undestand a word they are saying. Its like they are just mumbling all the time, the place is always raining and cold.

Scotland is a fascinating place. One of the World's most beautiful places and steeped in history.

Problem is you need a good education to appreciate what the UK has to offer.

Still, as I said, 34 million people every year can't be wrong.

How many tourists does Australia get every year? 3 million? 4?

I have lived in Thailand for 25 years but my children were educated in Scotland. Arguably the best education system in the World. Educate them in Thailand? No thanks, as someone already pointed out, the elite know the value of a good Western education and send their siblings to the UK or US.

Scotland has some nice sights, but it's but its boring as hel_l. I'm more a beach bum type of guy. Also I dont have kids so education here is not an issue for me.

34 million people probably make up alot of soccer fans and business men, because its not a place to go relax. Also 34 million people can be wrong, I bet a few small percentage return.

Australia is a dam boring place too, the NT is ok and I think its interesting. But the rest of Australia has nothing interesting apart from some nice beaches.

Now the US is a great place to visit, lightyears better then the UK.

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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

The UK boring?

There are more places of historical interest in the UK than probably anywhere else in the World.

The countryside and wildlife is absolutely fascinating and easily accessible from anywhere in the country.

Only an Australian could make such a ridiculous and preposterous statement about one of the most beautiful and interesting places on the planet.

35 million tourists a year can't be wrong.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

A little like the article in the Evening Standard newspaper questioning why there are so many Australians in London. What's that all about Bruce?

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Don't take it to heart, thats my opinion, I found the place miserable. I did like the pubs and watching a few drunk louts fight. That was a highlight.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

Also the Scottish, I cant undestand a word they are saying. Its like they are just mumbling all the time, the place is always raining and cold.

Scotland is a fascinating place. One of the World's most beautiful places and steeped in history.

Problem is you need a good education to appreciate what the UK has to offer.

Still, as I said, 34 million people every year can't be wrong.

How many tourists does Australia get every year? 3 million? 4?

I have lived in Thailand for 25 years but my children were educated in Scotland. Arguably the best education system in the World. Educate them in Thailand? No thanks, as someone already pointed out, the elite know the value of a good Western education and send their siblings to the UK or US.

Well said and

How many tourists does Australia get every year? 3 million? 4?

that's because you only have a coral reef a big rock and lots of beer mats


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When I returned to Australia, I just wanted to get on the next plane back to Bangkok. Its just depressing. I will be going again next month for 2 weeks which im not looking forward too.

I can see why the British people on here dont like going back to the UK. I went to the UK for a 1 month holiday. Man the UK is the most boring place I have ever seen. The people are miserable, the weather i miserable, all the people complain about everything. I now know why there are so many British people in Bangkok that complain about everything, its in there blood.

The UK boring?

There are more places of historical interest in the UK than probably anywhere else in the World.

The countryside and wildlife is absolutely fascinating and easily accessible from anywhere in the country.

Only an Australian could make such a ridiculous and preposterous statement about one of the most beautiful and interesting places on the planet.

35 million tourists a year can't be wrong.

There was an acticle in the Sydney morning herald a few weeks back about alot of tourists from the UK complain about Sydney beaches from having too much sand :) whats the deal with that?

A little like the article in the Evening Standard newspaper questioning why there are so many Australians in London. What's that all about Bruce?

Its because the UK pay alot better and we can get a working visa so easily. Not to mention that alot of Aussies have relatives there including myself. I was going to work there about 10 years ago too, but changed my mind after my holiday.

Also the UK not having much sand really bothered me

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I think that it is natural for people who feel trapped in Thailand, and unable to make much of a life in their home country, to feel a bit bitter and look for a scapegoat to pin it on. We all make our choices and that is hardly Thailand's fault. I think that those who have realised that Thailand is no longer working for them are quite right to leave. I hope if that day arrives for me then I will arrange for a quick exit with my family. One thing I won't do is think that just because it is not right for me then it must be wrong for everyone else too; I will not accuse those who decide to raise their children in Thailand of being selfish just because I want something different for my children - this is not aimed at the OP btw.

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The OP has made his decision... but wants us to confirm for him that he made the correct one

Not in the slightest. You can gain some extremely good information from this site however a decision like this is life changing for my children. Do you really beleive that I would require confirmation from Thai Visa? Some of us use TV 'when we can". Others, sit at their screen and seek drama of which they cannot seem to find in Thailand. Many here also live in Thailand and spend each and every day locked onto their PC complaining about how bad their home country is.....how much better is your internet connection here in Thailand? This seems to be all these people are fit to comment on as TV is the only "real fun they have left" or their only recent experience in Thailand........it then spirals down into personal abuse.

On a related issue. I really enjoy reading some of the threads on this site and find many of the people who post here are genuinly trying to help those seeking advice. There is however an element that just want to cause problems and destroy every topic thats created.

If you look back over this topic you will see one such post. Further to this post I received the following PM.


You truly are a sad individual aren't you. You are desperately trying to seek assurance from other TV losers that you have made the right decision to take your family back to that shithole that is the UK. If you are so sure why are you seeking assurances?? You don't seem to know what you want to do? You have lived in thailand now you are slagging it off? and desperately trying to convince yourself you are doing the right thing. Your life in the UK will be a nightmare and your wife and kids will hate it. Your future is doomed i'm afraid.

If you want to have a chat about things, feel free to drop me a line.

Best of luck, you wil need it pal."

As I have stated previously, some people just want to fight, marking another reason for me to stay in Thailand and away from a*****es such as these. However, they are to be found worldwide......and better the devil you know!

Thank you to all who commented.

My comment on the above PM?


Edited by glasshock
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I think that it is natural for people who feel trapped in Thailand, and unable to make much of a life in their home country, to feel a bit bitter and look for a scapegoat to pin it on. We all make our choices and that is hardly Thailand's fault. I think that those who have realised that Thailand is no longer working for them are quite right to leave. I hope if that day arrives for me then I will arrange for a quick exit with my family. One thing I won't do is think that just because it is not right for me then it must be wrong for everyone else too; I will not accuse those who decide to raise their children in Thailand of being selfish just because I want something different for my children - this is not aimed at the OP btw.

Agreed 100%. Each to his own.........

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Every parent naturally wants and provides the best from their kids. Secure surroundings and as good as possible education. But let's be honest here guys. I claim that most of us if not all of us would stay and raise their kids in Thailands if they had the financial means to do it.

So it is a financial question very much. Take a look at the mirror and think about it, if you had the means to live in safe secured village in large "dream house" where your kids can roam free and safe with their bikes and then get top notch education in the best british schools in Thailand continuing to best Uni in UK or US would you do it or move back to UK ? Seriously, if you had the money.

I would stay put here, but the fact is that in few years i have to start packing...

I disagree. It is more than being surrounded by a nice house and a good school. What about when they have to venture out into the real Thailand, with its corruption, its lack or rules or regulation, its forbidden subjects, its nonsensical myth obsessions, its litter strewn streets, its sex for sale, its face saving lies, its money worship, and countless other flaws that contribute to its maintaining its status as a near banana republic.

If, as you say, I had the money, I would live in the UK and send my kids to a top notch British school there, and maybe visit Thailand to escape the dismal British weather.

But then I ask, is the weather really such a pulling factor for Thailand? For around 8 months of the year its so hot and humid that folk try to get into the comfort of an AC environment, in much the same way we escape the cold in the UK. Then if you are lucky in Thailand we have a month of cool weather when we can comfortably sit outdoors, a lot like the UK.

What exactly are the other factors that make folk want to stay here and put their kids though school here?

I agree with everything you've said on this subject. Well said.

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I’m interested to in the general opinion and ……..generally bloody nosey!! :D

Thanks Guys!


You are sure seeking a lot of sympathy for a guy who is too lazy to make your case.

The OP seems to be soliciting opinions rather than sympathy. Trying to stir things up, are you?

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Did someone ever consider there is no perfect place on earth ?

Nothing can compete with wild animals in an African reserve, the blue sea around a Greek Island, the wonderful landscape of New Zealand, the wilderness of Canada, party in Brazil and the food in France. New York is great, Rome is fantastic and Thailand is the place I chose to live.

But one thing is sure, I will never stop to travel.

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I served in the forces and what did the UK give me for that ? Basically nothing other than the knowledge I'd wasted 12 years.

Also a salary, I presume. And probably a pension of some kind. A sense of honour? Pride? The ability to poop in a bag?

What do you want? A statue?

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