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Higher Percent Bis In Thailand?

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Once again, a thread by a straight man supposedly about gayness which devolves into a discussion among straight men about ladyboys.

I mean, we just about NEVER discuss ladyboys here in the gay forum. When the topic is brought up, it is most often by straight posters (sometimes trolls).

Judging by how interesting the straight men find them- I can only assume there are some really morbid and creepy repressed feelings about ladyboys in most straight men. And have you ever noticed where the ladyboy bars are? Are they in the gay zones where most gay Thai people are? Why, no. They're generally located in straight nightlife zones... wonder why?

I moved the thread here because theoretically it is about bisexuality (I mean, that's the title and part of the opening post). I think you will find that most bisexuals are persons who sleep with men and women, but probably very rarely any ladyboys.

So I understand that in your homophobia and anxiety about yourselves, you want to make something "gay" out of the ladyboy-straight man phenomenon, and perhaps by saying so I will increase the insecurity and hypocrisy among straight men in the thread, but really- ladyboys are YOUR thing. I'm sorry that you guys haven't organised a word to refer to it yet; but the straight world is pretty squeamish about gender realities.

Gayness is about men sleeping with men. You guys can have the ladyboys (and you do).

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More like buy sexual in Thailand.

:D Noted author in his book 'Video Nights In Katmandu' in his section on Thailand states:

Thailand has the nicest people........................money can buy....his words not mine but a thread of truth n'est ca pas?

I am amazed at the number of farang males here who have previously been maried, kids, grandchildren, met very few of them in Australia with same story although one of these men, no kids, and left the wife eons ago, is coming for dinner at our place, my thai partner and myself hosting him a small dinner in repayment for his generosity this trip....a small gesture but a willing one....the thai meal smells delish. bon appetit...!! Dukkha... :D

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I think there's another angle.

Most of us know men who have tried marriage (with a woman), trying to follow the 'socially expected' route, and then later in life come out and seriously embraced the gay world. Some of course go through enormous emotional pain and distress until they finally 'out'. Some of course go through the charade for their entire lives, some including long-term marrriage until death do us part.

There must be many millions of such men all over the world right now who go on a business trip or whatever and take advantage of every minute they are away to explore the gay world.

Many would have discovered that's it's quite easy to quickly find casual sex partners in Thailand by going to go-go bars / massage venues etc., and not all that expensive relative to home. I'm guessing this could even mean several sex partners in one night for those who have very limited free time in the evenings.

On a different angle - I wonder how many people realize the enormous number of gay massage venues all over China, most of whom will send a young man to your hotel. Again, not expensive.

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In all the time I have been in Thailand there have been so many mates from back home asking me if I have started "batting for the other side". They generalize that blokes coming to Thailand like men and ladyboys.

How true is this generalization?

Does Thailand have a higher percentage of bisexual expat men than other countrys like Hong Kong, Spain, Norway?

I have been here a lot of years and now think that some acts performed by those half women half men would be accpetable for a red-blooded Aussie bloke like me. 10 years ago it would have shocked me.

Does living in Thailand a bloke?

Sexuality his a hard question for anyone. Someone in this thread said you don't choose your sexuality you are born with, while i agree with the born with it bit, we do discover, try, experiment and with our sexuality to discover who we are and come to grips with their sexuality. The coming to grips part because of the way society etc is and the and also way people are brought up can make harder or easier for some people to discover there sexuality and this can also cause some people not to able to come to grips with their sexuality(Suicide rates are much higher among gay/lesbian etc teens).

As for why many guys that come to Thailand who their mates(maybe not themselves) would class as straight, come back bi, gay what ever. Main reason would be peer pressure from their friends especially when in groups out somewhere. Most western countries even though it is changing with the each younger generation, its still seen as negative to be gay or bi by a lot of people. So these guys who might be coming back from thailand may have just discovered and come to grips with part of their sexuality. Which may not have been possible for them back home because of societies views and peer pressure. This I think is because its more out in the open and is just there in thailand and sexuality doesnt matter that much there. So they feel more free from soceities views and peer pressure(is there on holiday with one or two people normally best friends) as they are away from home and no one knows them so they feel more relaxed as their sexuality doesnt matter in thailand, so they are more free to experinment and discover who and what they are.

After working in a gay nigtspot for so long in a western country, I see this alot guys coming in with groups of people, who meet somone they like the look off may flirt alittle etc etc, but because of the people they are with dont want to be seen to me gay or bi. I have seen guys come back by themselves the next night or week again after this happens, to discover their sexuallity a bit more without the fear of having to be labeled by their friends.

Sexuality itself is hard to define its easy if a person just likes guy or just likes girls or both. But what about the ones inbetween those, some people only like to do certain things with other people of the same sex or sexual hybrids(transexuals and transvesttes etc). Some people like transexuals pre op some post op. The list goes on defining somones sexuality into our own labels and boxes is hard they never seem to fit because each person has their own view of their sexuality. In the end does it matter ? Who cares if people come back from thailand bi or gay or whatever after discovering their own sexuality, long as its consenting of legal consenting age, its not a problem for society and society shouldnt make it a problem for people. But unfortunalty for some parts of society it is, but that is slowly chaning which i regard as good.

These are just my view and opinions on this, shrug i dont claim to be right but above is just a short amound of can be discussed on this topic.

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No one I know 'back home' even thinks of Ladyboys and homosexuality here. They all seem to think we are dirty old men for coming here to shag all the sexy young ladies.

Does Thailand change a bloke? Into a queer? No!!

I still love getting my rocks off with a woman. Cannot get the juice if it is a Ladyboy !!!! :D

Ummm....Ewwwwwww! Did you reallllly have to had that repulsive detail? :)

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bkkjames said: I hear the Middle Ear guys like em because if they go through the back door - it's not a violation of their religeon. Don't quote me on this.

OK. Who should we quote then?

I do think in conservative middle eastern countries where women are covered up, at least the younger men often go for alternative outlets ... doesn't make them gay per se ... It wouldn't be surprising if through positive conditioning that some of them start to prefer it. This happens with heterosexual male prostitutes for the gay trade, its a scientific fact, a certain percentage will "turn gay" just because of the pleasure provided by the homosexual sex acts. In countries like Iran, being gay in the western sense is a severe taboo sometimes punishable by death, but on the other hand Iran is one of the major male to female SEX CHANGE SURGERY centers on the planet. Gay people are strongly encouraged to change their gender, its OK for the minority that want to do that, its a severe human rights outrage to those who don't.

Jingthing just reminded me of another point.

I wonder how many people, especialy from homophobic societies, think all gay men want to be women?

Or, think that all gay men go home any put on women's clothes.

Or, are quite unaware that the carpenter, the bricklayer, the truck driver they have regular contact with are in fact gay?

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Jingthing just reminded me of another point.

I wonder how many people, especialy from homophobic societies, think all gay men want to be women?

Or, think that all gay men go home any put on women's clothes.

Or, are quite unaware that the carpenter, the bricklayer, the truck driver they have regular contact with are in fact gay?

How many 'straight' folks are bi? How many of them do oral and anal sex with the opposite gender, or swap wives, or have a computer crammed with straight porno?
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bkkjames said: I hear the Middle Ear guys like em because if they go through the back door - it's not a violation of their religeon. Don't quote me on this.

OK. Who should we quote then?

I do think in conservative middle eastern countries where women are covered up, at least the younger men often go for alternative outlets ... doesn't make them gay per se ... It wouldn't be surprising if through positive conditioning that some of them start to prefer it. This happens with heterosexual male prostitutes for the gay trade, its a scientific fact, a certain percentage will "turn gay" just because of the pleasure provided by the homosexual sex acts. In countries like Iran, being gay in the western sense is a severe taboo sometimes punishable by death, but on the other hand Iran is one of the major male to female SEX CHANGE SURGERY centers on the planet. Gay people are strongly encouraged to change their gender, its OK for the minority that want to do that, its a severe human rights outrage to those who don't.

Jingthing just reminded me of another point.

I wonder how many people, especialy from homophobic societies, think all gay men want to be women?

Or, think that all gay men go home any put on women's clothes.

Or, are quite unaware that the carpenter, the bricklayer, the truck driver they have regular contact with are in fact gay?

Millions of them. There are quite a few on Thaivisa. When you explain to them that gay men like other men who dress like men and look like men and that lesbians like women who look and dress like women they shuffle off scratching their heads. It's all to much for their poor little brains to cope with :)

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  • 1 year later...

in europe a guy may be bi-curious and never do anything about it but comes to thailand encounters a ladyboy he will be more than tempted to satisfy his curiousoty in a more relaxed atmosphere.

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