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If a Thai local had hit you in front of his gate...........he would deny everything.

I suggest if there were no witnesses, you consider the same.

Anything you have said about it was just a mis-communication.

HMMMMMM!! May work, not a bad idea. :)

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Hey May I ask, if your front gate has a padlock or a keyed lock? Was it locked, when he was clutzing around when you first noticed the sound of him?

Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

Fair play to you, but now youve got every possible outcome on what to do i bet you wish you never posted on here for advice.

You couldnt have done that much damage to him if he managed to run away and explain to someone exactly what happenned.

What's up with the Thai, are they holy or something? Uhum.....
Holy,? no. savage like and unpredictable at times yes, .im probably in the minority here it seems as i think he over reacted, the amount being asked however is way over the top,id offer nothing, see what happens, if it starts to get ugly negotiate,just be aware they DONT consider the consequences of their actions,. :)
Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

Your story is very weird. First: It's not your country, you might think you own a house? You've heard a noise went outside and saw the drunk Thai who wanted to go inside your house? You beat the man on his head? Not calling the cops? Are you really naiv, or what's wrong with you. I hope the Thai will take the best lawyer to show you what's right or wrong. You're very wrong, he was maybe looking for his own house............let's hope you'll de drunk soon and a Thai will bring you a week in a hospital because you couldn't find your house......


What's up with the Thai, are they holy or something? Uhum.....
Holy,? no. savage like and unpredictable at times yes, .im probably in the minority here it seems as i think he over reacted, the amount being asked however is way over the top,id offer nothing, see what happens, if it starts to get ugly negotiate,just be aware they DONT consider the consequences of their actions,. :)

I think so. The best way is the OP says, G.F.Y and wait what happens.

Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

You're very wrong, he was maybe looking for his own house............let's hope you'll de drunk soon and a Thai will bring you a week in a hospital because you couldn't find your house......



The guy ran away and then spent 3 days in hospital - it was probably because of the blisters...

Razor wire above your gate, end of.


Please check the following;

1) Trying to get in - Trying to gain access, or half way into to your property, or being leary outside your pad?

2) Beat the man over the head - Struck him once, or mashed him up bad (again, inside or outside your property??)

3) pay nothing on street demands if you do not want to contest - receipts only, otherwise go to court.

You beat the man on his head? Not calling the cops? Are you really naiv, or what's wrong with you.

So youre someone who isnt naive about Thailand and you recommend he calls the cops!

Says it all really.


I assume you own the house. This indicates that you have resources of many times 100,000 baht. Bargain down as much as you can and then pay him. 60,000 thousand baht, say, is not big money to you. Is the potential of physical harm not clear to you?

Much of the advice given to you is based on Western legal principals and probable Western court results. You ain't back in Kansas any more. If you are worth ten million baht and faced with a situation that has a five percent probability of ending up in serious injury or death but can be avoided for 60,000 baht the choice should be clear.

Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

Neither of the above. My advice is leave the country a.s.a.p as it`s only a matter of time before the police turn up at your house and arrest you for GBH.

Some years ago, a drunken middle aged Thai man walked onto my property and was shouting to himself.

My daughter, who at the time was only 8 years old, was terrified.

The solution was simple; I just walked over to him, spoke calmly and escorted him off the premises.

Hitting someone on the head with a stick has probably caused this person serious injury and as in this case the guy was drunk, you could easily had killed him.

You’re an IDIOT! And judging by your spelling, an aggressive idiot. I have no doubts that you will get taken to the cleaners over this assault and possibly end up in jail.

Look forward to seeing you in the national headlines.


You claim the guy was drunk.

He probably doesn't remember hitting you and threatening your family and throwing up in your yard.

Sounds like he deserved a good thumping. Where have the world's real men gone? Buncha wimps. (awww, the poor widdle drunky man) His wife prolly whacked im harder than you when he got home.

Nice trroll, though.


I am moving this suspected troll topic from General Topics to the Pattaya Forum, where it belongs.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

you see a man loitering outside your house

you ascertain he is drunk

you take a stick and beat him over the head with it

he flees for his life

you are a big man

Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

you forgot to mention that not only he was drunk, he was also abusive, holding a big stick and was about to attack you...!!!!!!! :) It was self defense... :D


U can't hit anyone, if he ins't on your property yet. It isn't trespassing yet, as he just try to open your gate. Another thing, you should let him try to hit you first and then you can say you was doing self defence. But now you are in trouble. He can say anything to the court, you don't have any witnesses. He can even say that he only passed your gate without try to walk in. My advise: Pay the 100'k and let them sign on a paper with a text who says, that they cant go any furture anymore. Never go to the court.

I am moving this suspected troll topic from General Topics to the Pattaya Forum, where it belongs.



So just because its a suspected troll topic it belongs in the Pattaya Forum? Do we get now all this troll topics? :)

Why not have a Subforum "Suspected Trolltopics" and one "Trolltopics" :D

I am moving this suspected troll topic from General Topics to the Pattaya Forum, where it belongs.



So just because its a suspected troll topic it belongs in the Pattaya Forum? Do we get now all this troll topics? :)

Good point!

I am moving this suspected troll topic from General Topics to the Pattaya Forum, where it belongs.



So just because its a suspected troll topic it belongs in the Pattaya Forum? Do we get now all this troll topics? :)

Good point!

I have from a source,which can not be named because he was not allowed to comment and the sensitivity of the case,that the name of this subforum soon will be changed to Pattaya Troll forum. :D

I am moving this suspected troll topic from General Topics to the Pattaya Forum, where it belongs.



So just because its a suspected troll topic it belongs in the Pattaya Forum? Do we get now all this troll topics? :)

Good point!

No I would imagine it was moved to the Pattaya forum as the OP states in the second line that his house is in Pattaya. :D

Do people not read the posts ? Pattaya gets a lot of this as it attracts a certain type of person, especially from my country!

If not a troll I imagine he now realises that he is in the crap big style!

Hi all, I have quite a big problem and your advice and help will be appreciated. Three evenings ago I heard a noice outside my house in Pattaya, after investigating I found a drunk Thai man infront of my gate trying to get in. I picked up a stick and beat the man over the head and he fled into the darkness. A few minutes later another man came to my gate and asked if I new who hit the first man and I said that I had because he was trying to get into the gate. He spent three days in the hospital and now his familly are demanding I pay them 100,000 Baht. Should I pay or take the situation to court.

Your story is very weird. First: It's not your country, you might think you own a house? You've heard a noise went outside and saw the drunk Thai who wanted to go inside your house? You beat the man on his head? Not calling the cops? Are you really naiv, or what's wrong with you. I hope the Thai will take the best lawyer to show you what's right or wrong. You're very wrong, he was maybe looking for his own house............let's hope you'll de drunk soon and a Thai will bring you a week in a hospital because you couldn't find your house......

SHUT UP! first of all if the guy was that pi@#ed that he did not know his own house he deserves to be hit on the head just for being a public nuisance, and second what kind of response are you going to get from the police by saying there is a drunk at your gate?.... i hope someone comes to sisaf#$@in nowhere and hits you on the head with a big stick just to knock some sense in to you.

rejected by western society now you become so nationalistic about a country that despise your presence, but to add insult to injury you uphold the wrong doings of Pi@#ed up peasants, who no doubt are the same type as the ones that blow smoke up your ring telling you that you are "good man"

get back to your village life of cheap thai whiskey and farming, where being so drunk you dont know your own home is the norm

I assume you own the house. This indicates that you have resources of many times 100,000 baht. Bargain down as much as you can and then pay him. 60,000 thousand baht, say, is not big money to you. Is the potential of physical harm not clear to you?

Much of the advice given to you is based on Western legal principals and probable Western court results. You ain't back in Kansas any more. If you are worth ten million baht and faced with a situation that has a five percent probability of ending up in serious injury or death but can be avoided for 60,000 baht the choice should be clear.

<deleted>! 60,000 THB are you mad? sometimes i find it difficult to take in some of the absolute utter nonsense that gets posted on here....the only one in kansas is YOU


You should not have hit him.

You should not have admitted to a third part that you did.

Best solution is to get legal help, possibly to negotiate with him/his family, not only do you want to see hospital bills but also doctors report, did it state he was drunk when admitted? what was the reason for him being admitted for 3 day, head injuries consistent with being hit over the head with a stick, alcohol poisoning, or other reasons not connected to your assault on him?


If these events actually happened then under the circumstances I would have investigated whilst carrying a big stick and if the sh-t had hit the fan then so be it, theres enough written in the press and indeed posted on Thaivisa about robberies and attacks on farangs and with the economy in the state it is in, crime is expected to increase, you would be a fool not to be prepared for all eventualities.

Please note I said prepared .


Hi all , thanks for the advice and comments. Sorry for taking so long with an update on this issue but yes i am in big s#!t now with this guy. He is out of the hospital and medically OK, I decided not to pay the money yesterday and go to court as it came out that the so called family that were demanding the money wer'nt even actually family and secondly after getting some feedback from Thais in my area Pattaya (Hat Yai) the meen was a known trouble maker and drunk. I went to the police station this morning and send I was not going to pay the man and want to lay a charge against him for trspassing and threatning my family. The police said I could not make a charge because I was in the wrong and that I wanted to kill the man and not just chase him off my property.

Will advise soon


YOu would be much better off cutting your loses and tossing him a bone.

Give him a few thousand even up to 10K if you like.

It is much easier to pay a bit and have it done and dusted.

You shouldn't have whacked him with a stick unless he was attacking you which is not the case.

Even thou he might technically be in the wrong you compounded it by hitting him.

What is a few thousand baht for peace of mind.

Not much imho

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