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3 Italian Men, Thai Woman Arrested At Drug Party In Pattaya

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So you are on your bike (motorcycle) its after 12pm, your accompanied by your lady for hire, you've drunk copious amounts of beer beforehand....neither of you are wearing helmets. You stop off for some street side som-tam, further alcholic refreshments and smoke a few cigarettes while you are at it....Then its back to yours with your bint to finish the night off with some bedroom gymnastics (maybe some Viagra chucked in to the mix) while watching a couple of pirated porno DVDs you bought on the street.

So if you wake up in the morning feeling guilty just repeat these lines in penance...

We all know pornography is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know not wearing a helmet is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know drinking on the street is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know smoking in public places is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know buying prescription drugs over the counter is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know buying pirate DVDs is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that!!!

all of the above are nothing to compared with drug abuse ..... and since when is it illegal to drink in the street and smoke in public place? as for the helmets if you don't wear one , and get caught , somnomna ..... hiring a prostitute or buying a porn DVD will not land you in jail anyway...... still i reiterate , what is your point????? are you saying that its not normal that they got busted? that they were right to buy and use drugs? WHAT ?????? explain to me what is the truth you want us all to understand ............

nothing compared to drug abuse????have you had your daughter kidnapped yet and forced to be a prostitute for 10 years,is that better thaN D ABUSE,,and pirate dvds support terrorism,,is terrorism better than drug abuse ,,wow id never thot that,,now i know from the top,,d abuse is the worst oh noooo

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We all know pornography is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know prostitution is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know drinking on the street is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know smoking in public places is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know buying prescription drugs over the counter is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that.

We all know buying pirate DVDs is illegal in Thailand. We've to respect that!!!

Excellent points! I'd allow that enforcement of these six henious crimes would eliminate about 98% of the foreigners here :)


I saw the whole thing unwind on Thai TV this morning.The three farangs looked absolutlety terrified.Obviously theyve been set up after purchasing the gear.Their own fault.It may be ok in Italy or Holland so stay there and do it.


Sorry, not to be rude or racist, but to all Thai's and Thai Lovers

Walking up and down Walking street or the beach, i get approached at least 10 times by THAI drug dealers offering me drugs, some even go an extent of following me and annoying by making more and more offers to buy drugs.

So how and why is it ok for the THAI'S to sell drugs on Walking street with Mighty Tourist Police and Police around and is a huge crime to have it behind closed doors.?

Why is it that the THAI drug dealers selling it in the open do not get arrested, and yet 3 Italian Idiots get busted and once again behind closed doors?

Why does this make a story headline and there hardly any news or arrests made on Walking Street or the Beach?

Some made comments that the girl did not want to be gangbanged by 3 guys so had police come-People writing this or agreeing, are you really that naive? Girl is not a baby and can simply say NO.

AND ASSUMING this was the case of a gangbang, this is no reason to call the police, but she could of simply walk out of the door.

Some said that they know cops and cops do drugs but make other smells and blah blah, so that means that security was walking around patrolling each floor?-WAKE UP people, you can not get a lazy security guard ass in Pattaya to open boom gate for incoming cars, do you really think they bother to check floors?

This was a clear set up for extortion money or simply to show how good cops are at doing their job.

One thing that this morons did not think about, which is always the case is the publicity this got and will further get in Italy, making Italian tourist despise Thailand and hence less tourism.

For those who will argue with the last point, you may want to reconsider. See examples of Australian woman who was jailed for 4 days for stealing a stinky bar towel, followed by another arrest of an Australian girl who ate chocolate bar prior to paying for it at Family Mart and now visit Phuket and see how may Aussies you find there.

Yes drugs are illegal in Thailand and this should be respected, but such a tough law should be applied evenly across the board to tourists as well as Thai's

Some times, especially now when Thailand is loosing tourism by the minute, Laws can be applied individually and with the amount of drugs found split between 4 people, this would of been a 200 baht fine per person-should all 4 were Thai bar girls or Thai men.

After raiding some clubs and arresting over 100 people in total all being Thai, how many were jailed?-0

All got 200-500 baht fines and were sent home.

So why the big case now?MONEY MONEY AND MORE MONEY.

Cops can not extort at the moment, not enough people, hardly anyone renting motorcycle and most people riding one have the licence-so they need to find new avenue to make the money-and here you go.

I do feel sorry for the 3 Italian Idiots who were simply made escape goats for either some cash or an extra star on the shoulder for some new officer.

Why is this 12th page story (if it even deserves that) so significant ?

Just because it involved Italians ?

Sheesh ... are we THAT bored ?

isnt this very deja vu? I seem to recollect almost identical report just a few months ago, sure it was pattaya, private party, police tipped off. Seems one has to judge when Police feel need to pounce when deciding party date.

Cmon credit where credit is due.....the police found the only drugs party that was going on in Pattaya that night, there must have been a lot of detective work and man hours gone into this operation and the great haul they found is worthy of National press especially as it happened in such a family orientated and cleancut Pattaya.........im amazed something like that could even happen in Amazing Thailand as drugs are highly illegal arent they!

yeah, astonishing, since it is so difficult to get anykind of drugs here, because i remeber, this guy Thaksin cleened up the whole scene, you remember? Amazing clean Thailand :)

We all know that drugs are not allowed in Thailand. We've to respect that.

Maybe we do but the BKK is the main distribution center to send drugs oversees.

So someone is looking the other way with a greased palm. It is easy to get it

out of BKK airport but well know that custom officers in other countries are waiting.


No offense but you guys should visit a couple of other forums, or behold, read a book and understand how this works. If you want to be taken seriously, you don't just "know about" cases of extortion, bribing, false imprisonment, etc, you actually come up with a link or two to sustain your claims.

I know a guy who has 67,000 wifes and 80 feet long feet.

Sorry for being off-topic, but all these general, maybe false accusations are becoming a pain where you wipe.

Sounds like the old sell and bust from the BIBS, who then collect said contraband and resell.

resell 0.3g meth and 20g marijuhana? More likely they take it themselfs, not worth any resell just 1,750 bt worth drugs.

You are well informed on the price of drugs!! :)


I am more concerned about men abusing poverty striken women, I hope she got some money out of it and her kids back in her province eat well for the week, what goes around comes around, that is the Buddhist wheel............enjoy your stay sex pests :)

It is so easy stay away from prositude or just dont bring them with you and stay away from drugs. Drugs fuc_k up lifes for so meny people and will only make the mafia ore rich and stronger. So just kill al 4 of them.......

Drug money and being used to buy weapen in the 3 world, so people who buy drung are guilty of all the killing in the 3 world.

So why dont al the farang that use drugs just go and fuc_k out of thailand back to there own country. All the farang how do stupid things in thailand make it more difficult for all of us who just want a normale life here.

Your research on statisics re: gun Law is way out.

Good for you to stay away from those drugs..and stay away from prostitutes....begs the question: what you do ??? j/o ?

All farangs enjoy a wonderful life here, without people like you .No need to kill anyone.You should be the one who should be back with its Viking people....

I am more concerned about men abusing poverty striken women, I hope she got some money out of it and her kids back in her province eat well for the week, what goes around comes around, that is the Buddhist wheel............enjoy your stay sex pests :)

Is there any other way to address this posting by Padrino but RETARDED!

It is so easy stay away from prositude or just dont bring them with you and stay away from drugs. Drugs fuc_k up lifes for so meny people and will only make the mafia ore rich and stronger. So just kill al 4 of them.......

Drug money and being used to buy weapen in the 3 world, so people who buy drung are guilty of all the killing in the 3 world.

So why dont al the farang that use drugs just go and fuc_k out of thailand back to there own country. All the farang how do stupid things in thailand make it more difficult for all of us who just want a normale life here.

What kinda dope are you on? Everything now is organized regardless if it is considered contraband or not. You buy pork at the market and that supplies the funds for pork mafia same with the pot, beer, noodles and everything else.

These people were obviously just enjoying a Friday night and the fuzz had nothing better to do then shake them down instead of doing crime prevention at bar closing time.

I know drugs are illegal, but just about everything else is too. :D





I go away from my country , Italy, because is shit more then here why you guys do not look what's happening in the rest of the world then comment everytime what and how bad is to live here ? I always read thai are bad , they are stupid , they this , they that... Ohhh why you stay here if they are bad like this ?

Thank you....i like the thais and living just with them here...no foreigners in my hood!if you not like it here or the people ...f... off and go home!!


So let me get this straight.If you are in an enclosed area (room etc) and the police burst in and find drugs hidden in that room then everybody in that room is now guilty of drug possession ?

1) Who says drugs are worse than alcohol, cigarettes, driving a motorcycle under the influence, contributing to the world of pirating, pornography, prostitution, the sell of prescription drugs over the counter ...Who is in a position to judge....Have you never done anything illegal?

2) It is illegal to drink and smoke in Thailand in public places...consult your local policeman.

3) Som Nom Na is not an answer..it's illegal in Thailand..as you obviously put your life in danger.

4) Prostitution is illegal so is pirating in Thailand...again consult your local policeman.

1) Who says drugs are worse than alcohol, cigarettes, driving a motorcycle under the influence, contributing to the world of pirating, pornography, prostitution, the sell of prescription drugs over the counter ...Who is in a position to judge....Have you never done anything illegal? i used to do all kinds of drugs and illegal shit in MY country , since i live in Thailand i behave because i know the risks , like everyone does , and i don't drive drunk , and i wear helmets when on a motorbike , i don't hire hookers anyway

2) It is illegal to drink and smoke in Thailand in public places...consult your local policeman. it is NOT illegal to drink in the street ( but i do not drink in the street anyway) and smoking is prohibited in restaurants , air cond locations, bars and bus stops , NOT in "public places".

3) Som Nom Na is not an answer..it's illegal in Thailand..as you obviously put your life in danger. yes SOMNOMNA is MY answer to people who put their freedom at stakes while they know the risks

4) Prostitution is illegal so is pirating in Thailand...again consult your local policeman. i never said it wasn't illegal , just that the risks of hiring a hooker and byuing a pirate DVD are not comparable to the risks of buying or using drugs

so once again , in your self rightgeousness , what are you telling us? the poor guys were right to buy and use drugs? and we are all idiots except you because there are many other things illegal ?

You call Id68 "self righteous" whilst you go on about how you are the model farang and never break any laws in Thailand (you are in the minority mate) then you coldly say "somnomna" about three people who are currently going through a nightmare for a minuscule amount of gear.

It's you who's being self righteous mate. Pot and Kettle geez

Get down off your high horse and smoke a bong or something. It might make you more likable.

If I drink a bottle of whisky and damage my liver that's up to me, if I smoke a joint and sit in my room being lazy, it hurts nobody. I'm damaging myself not kicking the shit out of old ladies. Drug use is a victimless crime so all this hollering about how these evil drug users are getting what they deserve is just hysterical bollo.

These people weren't violent and they obviously can't afford the bribe money.

Yes they should have known better but drug use is rife in Thailand, so many well to do Thais and Farangs are at it so it's an easy mistake to make. When everyone is telling you it's cool, wealthy expats who've been living here for years are sniffing powder and Thais with dreadlocks are openly smoking weed then it's easy to end up joining them.

I am like you SabaiBKK I gave up taking drugs before I moved to Thailand and I don't drink and drive but I still feel for people who are unlucky and fall foul of a brutal criminal justice system or crash their bike on the deadly roads in Thailand.

If you don't have any compassion just a sense of smug schadenfruede then I can only assume your not a very nice chap.

We all make mistakes and sometimes we come unbuckled.

It's self righteous callous people who say "somnomna" "good riddance" etc who are displaying the text book definition of self righteousnes.

I hope someday the shit hits the fan for you or one of your loved ones and you see how it feels. Mistakes get made, drugs get taken it's doesn't mean that the perps deserve the grief they are in or that draconian drug laws and brutal corrupt police forces are acceptable.

...it's pathetic to read comments from some particular expats who just go ahead and assume things have to be the same way as they are in your home country..usually this wise ass attitude is the reason why locals seem to mistrust you...and then you go ahead and blame them for not being friendly or whatever reasons.

wouldnt you get arrested in europe for doing drugs illegally in a hotel room?? And you know that Asia is harsher than spoiled europe when it comes to drug penalties. You may get a slap on the wrist in the UK or France for smoking a joint but here you got to pay....frankly. Who would rather have a record on paper, than paying a little bit to forget about it and learn from it to be smarter the next time you do it.

As for how those cops knew. Sheesh...people talk!! Especially when you bring back a thai girl and its three whiteys next to her. People will talk and probably tip the coppers.....they see their opportunity to enforce the law (or make money) if you don't or can't pay, it will be in the news and a little plus on the record for the coppers. IF you can pay, you go home free without any noise...I gotta say its a fair game no???

My advice is to behave like you were back home...respective and smart. Thinking you can be all laid back just because its a sabai country will get you into some mess in the first place. Wanna do crystal meth?? do it alone or with a friend, smoke a jay? Do it privately and light up incense or some stuff...

DO we halfies have to teach you everything on how things work over here?

ps. sisaketmike is probably right, the "hooker" probably did tell the receptionist to call the cops coz she didnt wanna get gangbanged by 3 hairy italians. And thus, might get a thou or two for sorting this out. ...again, IF the farangs paid......money talks, everywhere....

Spot on :)

... They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing.

The fact that it rose to actual charges being filed for a small amount of contraband would appear to indicate another method of resolving the issue wasn't offered, or offered and refused, interesting. Could this have been an actual legitimate bust.

Like Mr Macky of South Park would say, drugs are bad, umm k. :)


Everyday i heard about this kind of news and there is one think i will never understand : Why going in thailand to take drug when you know that it's one of the most repressive country in this matter. I don't do drug but if it was the case i will go rather in holland or if asia is a must i will go cambodia where gvt are far more permissive.

The message is clear dont do any drugs in Thailand. Why is this so difficult to understand?

So stop drinking to.


billshot this is not the health forum what has drinking got to do with it? last time I checked it wasn't illegal here however as soon as they announce life for a pint of guineas Im out of here :)

It is so easy stay away from prositude or just dont bring them with you and stay away from drugs. Drugs fuc_k up lifes for so meny people and will only make the mafia ore rich and stronger. So just kill al 4 of them.......

Drug money and being used to buy weapen in the 3 world, so people who buy drung are guilty of all the killing in the 3 world.

So why dont al the farang that use drugs just go and fuc_k out of thailand back to there own country. All the farang how do stupid things in thailand make it more difficult for all of us who just want a normale life here.

that is an understatement how can you have a normal life in thailand, when everything is already f--ked up there, i agree with the drugs but also remember who supplied them, so your country has to take blame as well and stop being so <deleted>--ing corrupt will help more than anything

3 Italian men, Thai woman arrested at drug party in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri: -- Police arrested three Italian men and a Thai woman at a drug party in this seaside town less Friday night.

They were arrested at a rented room in Southern Pattaya at 15 minutes after midnight. Police found 0.3 gramme of crystallised methamphetamine and 20 gramme of marijuana inside the room.

The tourists were identified as Davide Migliorero, 38, Davide Tomasi, 28, and Caroselli Loca, 31.

The Thai woman, Orwan Juminorn, 24, said one of the men took her from a bar on Pattaya Walking Street, where she works, to the room.

They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing.


-- The Nation 2009-06-20

I'm Italian and i live here since 6 years now , i always know the use of drugs here is persecuted and i hope they will have what they merit... Maybe they thought to be in Italy where everything finish in a soap ball...

I don't care who speak or who said they have drugs but i see so many people lose their life for drugs and i'm happy to see something like that.

Unfortunally i also see there are many users here (commented this 3d) that use drugs... Nice guy...

I read this forum since long , alsmost everyday, but i usually do not reply because many times i really think that the people come here and live here must know where they are and not only think thai people must change because they don't like... This is not your country , you are a guest , if they want to lose tourist is not your problem but this do not justify if you don't like their methods that they must change...

I go away from my country , Italy, because is shit more then here why you guys do not look what's happening in the rest of the world then comment everytime what and how bad is to live here ? I always read thai are bad , they are stupid , they this , they that... Ohhh why you stay here if they are bad like this ?

Thai law forbid the use of drugs and if you want to use you must understand something bad can happen... Up to you but if something happen after don't go cry and say why ? why me ? what i did ?

Think before you do...

Sorry for my english but is not my mother tongue.

Thai Law also forbids prostitution. I wonder why she was not arrested for Prostitution?

Why was it called a "Drug Party" why not "Sex Drug Party" or just Party.

Drugs are illegal, Prostitution is illegal, and many things are illegal, but this story is a clear case of sensationalism.

3 Italian men, Thai woman arrested at drug party in Pattaya

Pattaya, Chon Buri: -- Police arrested three Italian men and a Thai woman at a drug party in this seaside town less Friday night.

They were arrested at a rented room in Southern Pattaya at 15 minutes after midnight. Police found 0.3 gramme of crystallised methamphetamine and 20 gramme of marijuana inside the room.

The tourists were identified as Davide Migliorero, 38, Davide Tomasi, 28, and Caroselli Loca, 31.

The Thai woman, Orwan Juminorn, 24, said one of the men took her from a bar on Pattaya Walking Street, where she works, to the room.

They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing.


-- The Nation 2009-06-20

If this is not a clear case of set up or extortion, then i do not know what is.

How the "F" would police know what 4 people are doing in their hotel room??????????????????????

"They were charged with having narcotics in possession for abusing." ABUSING WHAT??? Drugs? Thai woman? their own body?

Maybe all the hotel rooms are bugged in the ope of bagging a farang. What was she doing in the room with 3 men? Did she walk out?


3 Italian men, Thai woman arrested at drug party in Pattaya

This is a reflection of the new immigration order to ensure tourists don't come to Thailand. To make sure no country is missed they are going one country at a time. The drugs probably belonged to the lady.

So let me get this straight.If you are in an enclosed area (room etc) and the police burst in and find drugs hidden in that room then everybody in that room is now guilty of drug possession ?

Yes of course, why would you think otherwise? cops break in drugs on table , gunga being passed around.. what did you think they were doing in there?

Conspiracy theories crack me up lol. You would have to be stupid in the extreme to light up in a hotel room, kind of gives the game away.

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