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I Feel Like A Mouse Led Into A Trap.


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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


Personally I think you are very lucky :D

You have the opportunity to marry into a good family, but you also have had the 'rules' spelt out. I wish it had been as easy in my own case, it took quite a while for me to discover some of the above. On top of that my own 'host family' turned about to be somewhat less 'well off' than they liked to pretend, and very willing to ask for assistance.

Finally my wife, whom I love but with whom I desperately wanted to have children; did everything possible to avoid ever becoming pregnant until it was just too late. Her private history partly explains her reasons, but the duplicity of Thais [Chinese in her case] is awesome to behold; at least it is to me.

Good luck with your future, I think you are truly fortunate. :D

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Something just doesn't seem right, but you're the one in the thick of it, so you should best be able to judge the situation.

The first thing I had to wonder about is if this really is the girl's mother, and if so, have they accumulated their (supposed) wealth by preying off gullible and horny young men? Trust your instincts! If something doesn't seem right or there's a suspicious amount of pressure put on you to do things quickly, take a step back from the situation and take some time to do a careful evaluation of it.

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1. As others said, don't be rushed into anything.

2. Um, to quote a favourite film of mine- "never mind that you slept with him/her, talk about f***ing unsafe sex!!!!"

3. Since the mother seems a bit... flip-floppy, maybe this is a good sign by itself to back off and consider.

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Let's be clear about this. These decent families may have houses/land/businesses, but they also carry massive debts and in the current economic meltdown . . . . you know what I mean.

Great post OP, I love it when people are open and honest about the bonkers situations they (like me) get themselves into.

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With all due respect - What is the age difference ?

You mentioned that she is 32 years old with a 13 year old child from a previous marriage which ended tragically.

How old are you ?

The reason I ask this is that while many people will not agree, I have observed that most successful relationships anywhere (including between Westerners and Thai's) is where the couple is of a similar age and of a similar socioeconomic background (of course there area always exceptions).

I believe a relationship is subject to a higher risk of failure in the majority of cases when the man is much younger or significantly older than the lady in question.

You mentioned that the girl is well educated and the family are not poor, so this might indicate that there are no financial reasons for Her and her families attraction to you as a potential husband other than offering companionship - but the apparent rush to tie you down appears to indicate otherwise and something appears very amiss. Certainly no sin-sod should be requested from a lady who has been married and has a child.

Good luck, don't allow yourself to get pressured into anything too soon. You will be respected for being strong and your behavior and response now lays the foundation for your future as a couple and as a member of their family.

Wear your wellies if you are not ready to father children.

Edited by richard_smith237
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In many ways I find this an amusing morning but it does have its serious side.

Having now returned from the new lady friend's mothers house, I am feeling wary and somewhat bemused.

The lady in question has seen me for the last 4 days.(She is on 10 days holiday). Day 3 we went to bed and made love after she asked me if I want to 'make babies'. I did not take it literally - more fool I.

But the condoms I had purchased a while ago were too darn small. So in the height of passion we made love anyway (yes, yes, I can hear some say,' You should not have.') But when you are both naked in bed and fully aroused......

Anyway, she is happy the condom did not fit. Tells me now she is hoping we will have a baby. Refuses the 'morning after' pill.

Wants more of the same so we can make babies. :D

Looks like a Vasectomy for me :D

Now to the other part.

After the long awaited dinner at mothers, I am at the mother's house this morning for a full discussion, at their request. And to make sure all is understood by all parties involved I have a trusted lady friend with me who speaks English / Thai fluently. I have been here before with a lack of understanding by one party or another. I wanted no mistakes this time in translation.

On the one hand Mother tells me she is happy to give me her daughter. Wants no money. Nothing. Even tells the daughter she can move in with me now and do her own laundry at my house. (This is a family that has money. Have houses. Has land. Family that has good shops in BKK, Pattaya and other places, also salons that make money. Sisters educated at University.) Not the sort of reaction I was expecting from the mother, to be honest.

The daughter explains she does not want a house, a car, land, a m/c from me. Wants nothing but honesty, monogamy and love from me. Wants to pay her own way and for WE to share and buy things together. Wants we to have a shop or similar to make a few Baht. That she is not like the 'other women' I have known.

This sounds too good to be true. Have I found myself a woman who is not 'on the make' ?

LOL An hour later the discussion takes a new turn.

Mother wants to know when will I marry her daughter? How much will I give to marry the daughter?

Wait a minute!!

Earlier she says she will give me her daughter for nothing. Now asks how much for her daughter.

Over the course of the next hour the subject of marriage is brought up so many times it is incredible. Yet I have seen the daughter a total of 6 times.

I explain that it takes time for love to develop. Takes time to know someone. Takes time to have trust.

'You no love my daughter?'

'You like have sex with my daughter, why you no make marry?'

What? :D

Seems the daughter has told mother we made love the other day. Not only that, she has proudly told her father and her sisters that we made love. :)

Whatever happened to discretion? Is love making not something that is kept reasonably quiet about, or at least not shouted from the rooftops to the whole family the same day it happens?

I thought it was only some Farang men in Farang Land who bragged like that.

Now the discussion turns to babies. How many babies will we have? Mother likes being a grandmother. Takes care of 3 babies now and wants more around. Wants our babies to care for.

Next thing I know I am holding the youngest one. Oscar. 2 months old. <deleted>??? Are they trying to get my male maternal instincts going or something?

This is not some 20 year old woman we are talking about. She is a very beautiful 32 year old with a 13 year old son. Works for her sister in BKK but desperately wants to move back to he home town yet there is little work.

Her husband died in a car accident after 5 years of marriage and mother says that I am the first boyfriend to set foot in mothers house since.

Thankfully the mechanic phoned and said he needed to see me about my car. It was a good excuse to have to leave.

As I said, I am feeling somewhat bemused at the moment.

On the one hand I feel like a mouse led into a trap, yet on the other hand......


Personally I think you are very lucky :D

You have the opportunity to marry into a good family, but you also have had the 'rules' spelt out. I wish it had been as easy in my own case, it took quite a while for me to discover some of the above. On top of that my own 'host family' turned about to be somewhat less 'well off' than they liked to pretend, and very willing to ask for assistance.

Finally my wife, whom I love but with whom I desperately wanted to have children; did everything possible to avoid ever becoming pregnant until it was just too late. Her private history partly explains her reasons, but the duplicity of Thais [Chinese in her case] is awesome to behold; at least it is to me.

Good luck with your future, I think you are truly fortunate. :D

I'm not sure I understand your post.

How can you deem someone as "lucky" when they were just asked to BUY their daughter?

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

I know. I guess it was my upbringing.


I wasn't talking about you, but the OP. He's an exploiter of women from everything I've ever read from him. Takes and takes and then wonders why they turn on him.

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I'm confused.

Is this about the same young lady and her family where you asked what was an appropriate gift to take with you to meet them? Or is this another one?

You seem to change girlfriends alot.

Also, you should be a bit worried about the "make babies" comment and then lo and behold make love without a condom. Guess what, she may have done her calculations and you may be on the way to being a daddy.

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

I know. I guess it was my upbringing.


I wasn't talking about you, but the OP. He's an exploiter of women from everything I've ever read from him. Takes and takes and then wonders why they turn on him.

I know dude, just my terrible sense of humour. I'm an exploited of women.

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

Mike has a nice shotgun and an M60 in his backyard, isn't it Mike? :) Hey Mike, if we fly of, not to the UK or any "westernized" country please. To G54: i'm sure you'r a good guy, maybe to good. Be carefull in the land of tricks.

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Having read a few of your threads, i'm surprised you're not dead yet. What an idiot.

Mike has a nice shotgun and an M60 in his backyard, isn't it Mike? :) Hey Mike, if we fly of, not to the UK or any "westernized" country please. To G54: i'm sure you'r a good guy, maybe to good. Be carefull in the land of tricks.

Portugal next for me Bart. Reckon in the next two months now. Project's been accelerated. I'm working on the planning stages right now in between talking a load of old BS on here.

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