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What Is The Penalty For A Farang To Found Possesion Of A Firearm?


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When are you going to stop thinking that you are above the law just because you are a farang ?

He didn't say that.

He said that everyone that is willing to fork up enough can be above the law.

Yes but in the same time we are talking about illegal firarm, this is a minor offense, even in thailand.

So to tell him that there are no risk is irresponsible.

Edited by isanb
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If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

If I felt the need to carry a gun in Thailand, I won't live here. Guns generally don't help anyway, just escalate a situation to a higher level of violence.

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When are you going to stop thinking that you are above the law just because you are a farang ?

He didn't say that.

He said that everyone that is willing to fork up enough can be above the law.

Yes but in the same time we are talking about illegal firarm, this is not a minor offense, even in thailand.

So to tell him that there are no risk is irresponsible.

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If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

If I felt the need to carry a gun in Thailand, I won't live here. Guns generally don't help anyway, just escalate a situation to a higher level of violence.

I don't think there's a need to carry a firearm on the street when you can walk away from most conflicts.............

But i think it's a good idea to have one in the home........can you imagine been awaken to a yabaa head jumping around you kitchen

with a 12 inch blade....what would he do to you??...more importantly...what would he do to you wife and kid's???

I know what i would do to protect my family.....EMPTY THE MAG!!!

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If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

I have never had any concerns or need for a gun during my 5 years in Thailand. My reccomendation - go back to USA where you can get a carry permit and may have the opportunity to use it (legally).

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I know this story of a guy sitting on his motorbike (not driving) besides the road talking to his friend. Than he got hit by a car and had to go to the hospital for treatment. Later he was blamed because his motorbike wasn't registered correctly (you know the sticker you have to put on your motorbike each year). The guy wasn't even driving and still it was his fault!

My point is: it can be worse if police finds a farang with a gun. Innocent or not, self defense or not, you'll never know.

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For myself scenario 1 could never happen.

If I had a illegal/un-registered gun & had cause to use it to kill a bad guy...

The gun is automatically inherited by the dead guy...

(The same dead guy I wrestled the gun away from before it went off & killed him)

Scenario 2 is probably sorted especially if owner of gun is spouse.

If not I doubt anyone else would let you the gun in the first place.

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If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

If I felt the need to carry a gun in Thailand, I won't live here. Guns generally don't help anyway, just escalate a situation to a higher level of violence.

I don't think there's a need to carry a firearm on the street when you can walk away from most conflicts.............

But i think it's a good idea to have one in the home........can you imagine been awaken to a yabaa head jumping around you kitchen

with a 12 inch blade....what would he do to you??...more importantly...what would he do to you wife and kid's???

I know what i would do to protect my family.....EMPTY THE MAG!!!

Having said that-

* if purchasing a firearm do it legally!....you could be held responsible for past use if illegal!

* acquire pro-training for use of!

* practice in a controlled area..pro-shooting range!

* keep firearm in a safe or safe place away from kid's and unstable people :D

* if become angry or sad "dont do it" just think happy thought's :D

* dont shoot your self in the foot :)

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I have ridden all around Thailand and ended up in some very remote places. Never felt the need to carry anything for self defence. I think that if you think you need to carry a loaded firearm around then it is because of the things you are either planning on doing or normally do. As someone has already said. If you feel the need to carry a gun it is time to leave! To legally have a firearm you need to be a resident I think ?

I second this!

Anyway, why are you so bent on selfdefence? Leaving the officialdom aside, Thais are a friendly-happy lot. Never had a trouble so far. Some farang may want a punch in a face, but a gun!??? What for?... Have you pissed off someone in local mafia? Than leave...

And finally, have you no imagination at all? Can't you think of any alternative to a gun? :)

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All right guys,

Two senarios.

1) Farang found with an illegal unregistered gun in the car. Purpose for carrying = Self defense against highway car robberies and unexpected.

- Used, open fire and shot death an attacker with a illegal unregistered gun.

2) Farang founded driving alone with a legal registered someone else gun in the car. Purpose = Self defense.

- Used, open fire anf shot death an attacker with a legal registered gun.

What are the consequence?

I think that it would depend on where and why you (or the farang) is carrying the gun. If it is in a town or city at night the consequences could be quite serious. However, if you were in a rural community with a locally registered vehicle and a plausible reason for carrying a firearm (e.g. using expensive equipment and dealing with large sums of cash in a porous border area) there would probably be no consequence, especially if you are known and respected by the police.

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Like others here, I can't understand the NEED to own a firearm in Thailand. We all know the danger areas and it's best just to stay away from them. Why poke a sleeping tiger? I own many rifles and shotguns in Canada, but I've never seen a NEED to own a handgun. I have often wanted a handgun just for the fun of plinking (target shooting) with it, but not for protection. Unlike the USA, residents in Canada can NOT carry handguns on their person, and can only transport them back and forth from a gun range. It's just not worth the hassle of all the registration papers. US citizens have always had the right to own and carry guns, so it is a moot issue. And, the USA also has one of the highest rates of weapons offences anywhere in the world.

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^^ Ian, you don't expect everyone here to display the same common sense as you. There will always be those who wanna feel like rambo, packing a piece and strutting around like they are 'the man'. :D:)

Give me a fishing rod, anyday. :D

Edited by neverdie
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All right guys,

Two senarios.

1) Farang found with an illegal unregistered gun in the car. Purpose for carrying = Self defense against highway car robberies and unexpected.

- Used, open fire and shot death an attacker with a illegal unregistered gun.

2) Farang founded driving alone with a legal registered someone else gun in the car. Purpose = Self defense.

- Used, open fire anf shot death an attacker with a legal registered gun.

What are the consequence?

Scenario 3: Stay at home in the US if you feel so insecure that you have to put local lives at risk by carrying weapons. Thailand doesn't want you and you deserve whatever the law can throw at you if you get caught.

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All right guys,

Two senarios.

1) Farang found with an illegal unregistered gun in the car. Purpose for carrying = Self defense against highway car robberies and unexpected.

- Used, open fire and shot death an attacker with a illegal unregistered gun.

2) Farang founded driving alone with a legal registered someone else gun in the car. Purpose = Self defense.

- Used, open fire anf shot death an attacker with a legal registered gun.

What are the consequence?

no consequence at all but only if you buy this kind of gun :)


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In both cases you will be trial separately for:

1. Illegal possession of a gun with different penalty for the type that can be registgered and the type that can never be registered (ie. semiautomatic centerfore rifle, bigger than 11.44 mm. in caliber).

2. Illegal carry of a gun with different penalty for different categories of gun as mentioned.

3. The use of gun in such situation.

For your samples JUST for CARRY in public can lead to up to 10 years imprisonment AND if it is the type that can't be registered at all it can be more. There is also penalty for possession of other people's registered gun but it's a bit less severe than possession of purely illegal one.

AND you will be trial for the shooting. It can be justified self defence or murder.

For more detail please visit:


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From my understanding, it is possible for a foreigner to apply in his province and the local government can make the final decision- so I would guess it is not actually totally impossible for a foreigner to own a firearm, just practically so.


Yes foreigner can legally own gun. This ad is to sell .357 lever action rifle owned by an Indonesian guy, national apperaed on the registration paper.

To buy second hand gun you have to go through the same process as buying a new one from the shop and get a new paper in your name.

The same law is applied for handgun and in contrust to many countries they prefer to permit smaller caliber and smaller gun actually, the Handgun barrel must not be longer than 160 cm.

It's now very difficult ot get carry permit but the law state that in "extreme emergency" you can carry your own licensed gun. So get a good lawyer, consult the lawyer on the past court verdicts and manage your risk/need/situation.

Edited by oldsparrow
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