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Is The Flu Made It To Chiang Mai?


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What's happening now is no different from every year. there are different strains of flu that mutate and kill the vulnerable. This year is no different.

This year is very different. There is no vaccine.

I would like to avoid being knocked on my *ss for two weeks. As Woody Allen said(more or less) "I don't mind dying. I just don't want to be there when it happens."

None of us are getting out of this alive. I just would like to feel well while I am still here.

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..Well actually Jingthing, i really dont know. All im doing is staying indoors and away from people at the moment. Bf is checking on me and only a phone call away if i need help. Should i report that i have flu to somewhere? I kind of thought i would feel like i am at deaths door if i had the H1N1. I just feel a big tired and getting hot and cold etc. Not the worst systems ive ever had regarding flu.

No for most people it is a very mild flu! There is no reason to go to the doctor unless your symptoms get severe. Staying at home for a week is the best thing for you and everybody. Also if you get sick and then better (fever breaks) and then the fever comes back again, then go to the doctor.

How do you know that you are infected with novel H1N1. Sounds like a bad hangover. Oh, if you do go to the Dr. please wash your hands and wear a mask on you way there. Best you don't share.

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Bad hangover would be strange considering i dont drink alcohol. I eat well, exercise, and its not common for me to come down with sickness. I did not say at any point that i had H1N1, i just said i am taking precautions. Geez.. thanks for the overtly patronising advice there.

No dramatics implied, just recommending people look after themselves.

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just for everyone's information, the screening test for H1N1 is Baht500 at the RAm.

There was a news report just posted on Thaivisa that indicates that all private hospitals have increased the price to 3,500 Baht now. Wonder how wide spread that increase is?

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I have flu at the moment! But, I would say just a regular strain of flu. Friday I was around the airport for a while waiting for my bf's kids to come back for a trip. I laughed at him for being too serious about the mask wearing. He went outside to get them, i waited just outside (didnt have a mask with me and he thought it better i dont go in). Maybe thats too short a time to have caught a bug at the airport as i started to feel unwell on the Friday night/sat morning. Yesterday I slept a lot, today feel pretty weak. My point is, that I learned my lesson about laughing at my bf for being careful regarding wearing a mask. This has given me a bit of a fright! :) So..be careful guys, good idea to wear at least wear a mask in crowded places.

Btw..the news the other day mentioned that most of the fatal instances of H1N1 happened to people who were obese (immunity issues???) Im sorry, i dont recall the exact details as i wasnt feeling so good. But, if you are in that category, I think best to be extra careful, as seems your system may have more problems defending against the virus.

The masks will not stop you catching flu. They are designerd to be worn by those with flu to try and minimise the spread of germs through coughing and breathing.


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just for everyone's information, the screening test for H1N1 is Baht500 at the RAm.

There was a news report just posted on Thaivisa that indicates that all private hospitals have increased the price to 3,500 Baht now. Wonder how wide spread that increase is?

The initial screening test is THB500. Sort of like a strep test with cotton swab. You get the result within the hour. If you test positive Influenza Type A and Type B, you have to do the second test. A blood test. The specimen is sent to Bangkok and takes two days. That one costs THB3,500. If only the government would take that cost up! I assume you have be quarantined after the blood result. Don't know for sure.

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Swine Flu......sponsored by Roche Laboratories.

My thoughts exactly. Pharmaceutical companies have to create these pandemics every year to keep their profits obscenely high.

None of us get out of this world alive. If we live fairly responsible lives then our immunity system is better

and we fight off disease better. Lead a decadent life any you pay for it one way or another. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I grew up at a time when there were no penicilin related drugs. Only Sulpha drugs were available for treating infections. If you caught the measles, the mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, strep throat or any one of a dozen other bugs then you either died or survived. If you survived you got stronger.

The world actually needs MORE disease and pestilence. There's just too dam_n many of us.

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Swine Flu......sponsored by Roche Laboratories.

My thoughts exactly. Pharmaceutical companies have to create these pandemics every year to keep their profits obscenely high.

None of us get out of this world alive. If we live fairly responsible lives then our immunity system is better

and we fight off disease better. Lead a decadent life any you pay for it one way or another. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I grew up at a time when there were no penicilin related drugs. Only Sulpha drugs were available for treating infections. If you caught the measles, the mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, strep throat or any one of a dozen other bugs then you either died or survived. If you survived you got stronger.

The world actually needs MORE disease and pestilence. There's just too dam_n many of us.

Right on! and do not forget to wear your Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie!!


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Swine Flu......sponsored by Roche Laboratories.

My thoughts exactly. Pharmaceutical companies have to create these pandemics every year to keep their profits obscenely high.

None of us get out of this world alive. If we live fairly responsible lives then our immunity system is better

and we fight off disease better. Lead a decadent life any you pay for it one way or another. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I grew up at a time when there were no penicilin related drugs. Only Sulpha drugs were available for treating infections. If you caught the measles, the mumps, whooping cough, scarlet fever, strep throat or any one of a dozen other bugs then you either died or survived. If you survived you got stronger.

The world actually needs MORE disease and pestilence. There's just too dam_n many of us.

Right on! and do not forget to wear your Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie!!


I'll converse with my alien friends and get right back to you when I get a definitive answer...


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I'm in a country right now with a whole lot of H1N1 deaths yet nobody wears masks.. Get to Asia and everyone and their dog wears a mask.

Wearing masks is already rather ingrained in Asian culture. It give faces to the hysteria.

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I'm in a country right now with a whole lot of H1N1 deaths yet nobody wears masks.. Get to Asia and everyone and their dog wears a mask.

Wearing masks is already rather ingrained in Asian culture. It give faces to the hysteria.

I just got back from a trip to Phayao, Chiang Rai, and Mae Sai and it seemed like maybe 1 in 2 people were wearing masks. Kinda like a sci-fi movie or something.

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... snip ... The world actually needs MORE disease and pestilence. There's just too dam_n many of us.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Ian,

Well, I think "what the world needs now is love, sweet love," as the song says.

It makes more sense to me to think that mortality is sponsored by the same fine entities that bring you the fiction of a continuous personal self in a corporeal form ... rather than a large pharmaceutical company.

I often think there are too many of me, and that many of them should be "put down," but then I remind myself of what Walt Whitman said :

"Do I contradict myself ?

I am large, I contain multitudes"

Are you finding your cup half-empty today for some reason ?

best, ~o:37;

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... snip ... The world actually needs MORE disease and pestilence. There's just too dam_n many of us.

Well, I think "what the world needs now is love, sweet love," as the song says.

Ian is probably right, but I like orang37's contribution better.

"All You Need is Love" by John Lennon is along the same lines :)

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I mentioned this on another post, but if you don't have or want to use anti-virals import some Olive Leaf, probably the d-lenolate from East Park is the best. This stuff has been around since Noah, but only recently found what a potent anti-viral it is. Quite a long and interesting story involving Upjohn here too. Also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal (cleans out Candida and cold sores quick smart). Also as an anti-oxidant wipes the floor with everything.

Do your own research and decide yourself.


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... snip ... Olive Leaf, probably the d-lenolate from East Park is the best. This stuff has been around since Noah, but only recently found what a potent anti-viral it is. Quite a long and interesting story involving Upjohn here too. Also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal (cleans out Candida and cold sores quick smart). Also as an anti-oxidant wipes the floor with everything.

Here's a quote from a popular "nutritional supplement" website describing possible side-effects of using the Eden Park olive leaf product :

"The Die-off effect - a good sign!

When people have been suffering with a chronic problem there may be a quick and somewhat adverse reaction. This is part and parcel of the detoxification process, when large numbers of microbes and pathogens die, releasing toxins into the system. This can overload the body's elimination system, with common reactions being fatigue, diarrhea, headaches and flu like symptoms. If this happens to you, you know d-Lenolate is working! You can limit these effects by:

Drinking as much pure water as possible, at least 8 large glasses a day Take saturation doses of MSM, which helps flush these toxins out, and supports the liver. In severe cases, stop taking the d-Lanolate for a few days to allow the toxins to be flush out, and then continue with a lower dose for a few days If you need a pain killer, take buffered aspirin, not ibuprofen which increases the load on the liver. Remember, these symptoms are a GOOD SIGN, and temporary. Persist with the treatment. If you have leaky gut, and you are using d-Lenolate to repair your gut, you need to know how to rebuild the lining while you destroy pathogens."

So in the case you felt yourself starting to have flu-like symptoms, and you used this product, you would probably soon have flu-like symptoms, and in the case you really did have swine flu, what might be the interaction of such side-effects on the terrific impact of the swine flu on your body ? You can also see a scenario in which, having flu like symptoms as a result of using olive leaf, you would be promptly diagnosed as having swine flu because you or your insurance plan would not pay for an expensive diagnostic test since it seems reasonable, in times of pandemic, to assume the worst ("Ockham's Razor" or "primo non nocere," your choice) So then you are medically treated with something powerful for swine flu : and what is the reaction of that treatment with your current state influenced by olive leaf.

I'll stick with chicken soup, and lots of liquids, and rest, thank you.

On the other hand if you have any scientific evidence for the preventive value of olive leaf against influenza, or its ameliorative or curative effect during an episode of influenze, let me be the first to offer you the olive branch.

best, ~o:37;

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This is two days old but it has some relevant info in it. The flu is pretty mild so not much to worry about. The numbers sound quite high though.....


That's interesting because based on that video Thailand and the US are about the same stage in infection penetration relative to their population. Estimated 180,000 in Thailand and an estimated one million infections in the US.

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A few of my students turned up to class today wearing masks, supposedly to protect themselves from the flu. I asked how many of them wore helmets while riding their motorbikes and it turned out none of them did. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on them.......

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... snip ... Olive Leaf, probably the d-lenolate from East Park is the best. This stuff has been around since Noah, but only recently found what a potent anti-viral it is. Quite a long and interesting story involving Upjohn here too. Also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal (cleans out Candida and cold sores quick smart). Also as an anti-oxidant wipes the floor with everything.

Here's a quote from a popular "nutritional supplement" website describing possible side-effects of using the Eden Park olive leaf product :

"The Die-off effect - a good sign!

When people have been suffering with a chronic problem there may be a quick and somewhat adverse reaction. This is part and parcel of the detoxification process, when large numbers of microbes and pathogens die, releasing toxins into the system. This can overload the body's elimination system, with common reactions being fatigue, diarrhea, headaches and flu like symptoms. If this happens to you, you know d-Lenolate is working! You can limit these effects by:

Drinking as much pure water as possible, at least 8 large glasses a day Take saturation doses of MSM, which helps flush these toxins out, and supports the liver. In severe cases, stop taking the d-Lanolate for a few days to allow the toxins to be flush out, and then continue with a lower dose for a few days If you need a pain killer, take buffered aspirin, not ibuprofen which increases the load on the liver. Remember, these symptoms are a GOOD SIGN, and temporary. Persist with the treatment. If you have leaky gut, and you are using d-Lenolate to repair your gut, you need to know how to rebuild the lining while you destroy pathogens."

So in the case you felt yourself starting to have flu-like symptoms, and you used this product, you would probably soon have flu-like symptoms, and in the case you really did have swine flu, what might be the interaction of such side-effects on the terrific impact of the swine flu on your body ? You can also see a scenario in which, having flu like symptoms as a result of using olive leaf, you would be promptly diagnosed as having swine flu because you or your insurance plan would not pay for an expensive diagnostic test since it seems reasonable, in times of pandemic, to assume the worst ("Ockham's Razor" or "primo non nocere," your choice) So then you are medically treated with something powerful for swine flu : and what is the reaction of that treatment with your current state influenced by olive leaf.

I'll stick with chicken soup, and lots of liquids, and rest, thank you.

On the other hand if you have any scientific evidence for the preventive value of olive leaf against influenza, or its ameliorative or curative effect during an episode of influenze, let me be the first to offer you the olive branch.

best, ~o:37;

Just giving a heads up, try it or don't, won't change my life. Considering that Upjohn researched it, found it extremely effective, but couldn't get a patentable variation with potency says something.

"The Upjohn researchers determined that olive leaf extract inhibited at least 56 disease-causing bacteria, viruses and protozoa, including the malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum. The researchers also found it was effective against Vaccinia, a contagious viral disease of cattle, produced in humans by inoculation with cowpox virus to confer immunity against smallpox. Finally, it should be emphasized that the components of olive leaf extract inactivated every cold and flu virus they were tested against." Do your own research and decide, there is too much info to cut and paste onto a forum. Not just health pages, dig deep and you will find the actual scientific research.

The die off effect is true, had that years ago when I tried it out, doesn't last long, nor is it dangerous. With all those microbes in your system being wiped out, you would expect no reaction then? Sorry your anti-argument is frivolous. Again, I posted this for those that are interested in having a potential aid against viral infections, not to get into a useless ongoing debate with those that prefer pharmaceuticals.

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... snip ... Olive Leaf, probably the d-lenolate from East Park is the best. This stuff has been around since Noah, but only recently found what a potent anti-viral it is. Quite a long and interesting story involving Upjohn here too. Also anti-bacterial and anti-fungal (cleans out Candida and cold sores quick smart). Also as an anti-oxidant wipes the floor with everything.

Here's a quote from a popular "nutritional supplement" website describing possible side-effects of using the Eden Park olive leaf product :

"The Die-off effect - a good sign!

When people have been suffering with a chronic problem there may be a quick and somewhat adverse reaction. This is part and parcel of the detoxification process, when large numbers of microbes and pathogens die, releasing toxins into the system. This can overload the body's elimination system, with common reactions being fatigue, diarrhea, headaches and flu like symptoms. If this happens to you, you know d-Lenolate is working! You can limit these effects by:

Drinking as much pure water as possible, at least 8 large glasses a day Take saturation doses of MSM, which helps flush these toxins out, and supports the liver. In severe cases, stop taking the d-Lanolate for a few days to allow the toxins to be flush out, and then continue with a lower dose for a few days If you need a pain killer, take buffered aspirin, not ibuprofen which increases the load on the liver. Remember, these symptoms are a GOOD SIGN, and temporary. Persist with the treatment. If you have leaky gut, and you are using d-Lenolate to repair your gut, you need to know how to rebuild the lining while you destroy pathogens."

So in the case you felt yourself starting to have flu-like symptoms, and you used this product, you would probably soon have flu-like symptoms, and in the case you really did have swine flu, what might be the interaction of such side-effects on the terrific impact of the swine flu on your body ? You can also see a scenario in which, having flu like symptoms as a result of using olive leaf, you would be promptly diagnosed as having swine flu because you or your insurance plan would not pay for an expensive diagnostic test since it seems reasonable, in times of pandemic, to assume the worst ("Ockham's Razor" or "primo non nocere," your choice) So then you are medically treated with something powerful for swine flu : and what is the reaction of that treatment with your current state influenced by olive leaf.

I'll stick with chicken soup, and lots of liquids, and rest, thank you.

On the other hand if you have any scientific evidence for the preventive value of olive leaf against influenza, or its ameliorative or curative effect during an episode of influenze, let me be the first to offer you the olive branch.

best, ~o:37;

Just giving a heads up, try it or don't, won't change my life. Considering that Upjohn researched it, found it extremely effective, but couldn't get a patentable variation with potency says something.

"The Upjohn researchers determined that olive leaf extract inhibited at least 56 disease-causing bacteria, viruses and protozoa, including the malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum. The researchers also found it was effective against Vaccinia, a contagious viral disease of cattle, produced in humans by inoculation with cowpox virus to confer immunity against smallpox. Finally, it should be emphasized that the components of olive leaf extract inactivated every cold and flu virus they were tested against." Do your own research and decide, there is too much info to cut and paste onto a forum. Not just health pages, dig deep and you will find the actual scientific research.

The die off effect is true, had that years ago when I tried it out, doesn't last long, nor is it dangerous. With all those microbes in your system being wiped out, you would expect no reaction then? Sorry your anti-argument is frivolous. Again, I posted this for those that are interested in having a potential aid against viral infections, not to get into a useless ongoing debate with those that prefer pharmaceuticals.

I didn't realize "chicken soup, and lots of liquids, and rest" were pharmaceuticals.

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A few of my students turned up to class today wearing masks, supposedly to protect themselves from the flu. I asked how many of them wore helmets while riding their motorbikes and it turned out none of them did. It took a few seconds for it to dawn on them.......

As it took them a few seconds to understand, it is probably just as well that they do not wear helmets.

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