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Financial Status For Tourist Visa?

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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

“Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months.”

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don’t have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

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Did you apply at the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane or did you go to the Consulate in Savannasakhet? The Consulate in Savannasakhet is known to be reluctant to give out Tourist Visa without showing Bankbook.

Thanks for clarification.

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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

What is going on? You are working illegally on a tourist visa, that's what.

Why is it that so many people here think that they are entitled to break the law by living in Thailand on the wrong kind of visa, getting all upset when the rules are enforced?

Nothing shocking about Thai immigration expecting you to travel to Thailand for tourism, given that's the reason that you gave on your visa application form. Nothing wrong with Thailand expecting you to have sufficient funds for your trip either.

Edited by dbrenn
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Did you apply at the Consular Section of the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane or did you go to the Consulate in Savannasakhet? The Consulate in Savannasakhet is known to be reluctant to give out Tourist Visa without showing Bankbook.

Thanks for clarification.

All my three years, i am going to Savannakhet and i never had any problem. This time, there is a new guy, well educated, sofisticated and i am sure that wasn't his idea to do. I was in talk to him some half an hour and guy is really good one.

I am afraid this is not the only case and as i saw postings here, i guess something is changed in policy about tourist visa.

As i can see, this is not the only case but also not the last one.

I would like to know is it truth what clerk says about regulation?He says recently that is changed in some few days ago If so-that means only one thing and it is as they are trying to reduce foreigners but the question remains:why they are not doing it with foreigners who are in teaching there?Why to be restrictive for tourist visas?

Real mess, as i can see this moment.


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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

What is going on? You are working illegally on a tourist visa, that's what.

Why is it that so many people here think that they are entitled to break the law by living in Thailand on the wrong kind of visa, getting all upset when the rules are enforced?

Nothing shocking about Thai immigration expecting you to travel to Thailand for tourism, given that's the reason that you gave on your visa application form. Nothing wrong with Thailand expecting you to have sufficient funds for your trip either.

First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand?All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology.



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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

What is going on? You are working illegally on a tourist visa, that's what.

Why is it that so many people here think that they are entitled to break the law by living in Thailand on the wrong kind of visa, getting all upset when the rules are enforced?

Nothing shocking about Thai immigration expecting you to travel to Thailand for tourism, given that's the reason that you gave on your visa application form. Nothing wrong with Thailand expecting you to have sufficient funds for your trip either.

If i wasn't clear to you as well, let me tell you again that ALL my three years i have no ANY SINGLE DAY ILEGALLY in Thailand. So , wrong address mate.

Once again, read carefuly.

Cheers mate

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First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand?All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology.



In your original post you said that you were teaching, which is working. You are not supposed to work on a tourist visa, period. A tourist visa is for tourism, not for living or working, hence you are breaking the law by working without the right kind of visa and work permit.

Be careful you don't get caught working illegally - you could get deported and permanently banned from Thailand.

Edited by dbrenn
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Anyway, to the other guy,why do you assume he did not have legal work permits in the previous years?

It seems to me that he is going to another country for a time and in the future he may return and need a tourist visa for a few months until he can secure a job,accom, ect

So the question he is asking is "why the need to show details of income if returning on a toursit visa?"..am i right?

It seems highly unlikely that such a stamp would be placed on an exiting persons pasport, so in that regard, i too would like to know of this rule change he is talking about??

If what he says is true then it would seem the authorities in LOS want a gaurantee that they are only allowing entry for highly cashed up tourists...but in light of whats going on with the tourist industry here, i would have thought any tourist is a good tourist!

Anyway, as far as i know, the showing of income is only needed for retirement and marriage visas??

maybe the OP is older and the official assumed he would be requiring a retirement visa on his return?

Maybe he misunderstood?

...or trolling?

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Anyway, to the other guy,why do you assume he did not have legal work permits in the previous years?

Stepenwolf states "First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand? All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology."

but in another post states

"They are trying to reduce foreigners but the question remains:why they are not doing it with foreigners who are in teaching there?Why to be restrictive for tourist visas?"

NO Steppenwolf you are not clear. Have you been teaching on a tourist visa as your post suggests or do you have a work permit?

If you do have a work permit why not say for the sake of clarity. If, however, you are working on a tourist visa why would you ask for an apology from dbrenn who seems to be speaking sense.

I only hope you have not been teaching English.

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What is going on? You are working illegally on a tourist visa, that's what.

Why is it that so many people here think that they are entitled to break the law by living in Thailand on the wrong kind of visa, getting all upset when the rules are enforced?

Hear hear!! Don't do things in Thailand that you wouldn't do in your own home country!

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Anyway, to the other guy,why do you assume he did not have legal work permits in the previous years?

Stepenwolf states "First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand? All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology."

but in another post states

"They are trying to reduce foreigners but the question remains:why they are not doing it with foreigners who are in teaching there?Why to be restrictive for tourist visas?"

NO Steppenwolf you are not clear. Have you been teaching on a tourist visa as your post suggests or do you have a work permit?

If you do have a work permit why not say for the sake of clarity. If, however, you are working on a tourist visa why would you ask for an apology from dbrenn who seems to be speaking sense.

I only hope you have not been teaching English.

The post heading kinda gives it away too, really :)

To the OP....you should give up teaching English to ANYONE, as you are crap at it, going by what you have written here


Edited by Penkoprod
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Looking over some of the OP's earlier posts it appears that he has had a number of problems with several different departments. Immigration, MOE, Labor Dept Consulate plus at a couple of schools.

According to him, the problems are never his fault. On numerous occasions other posters offered advice that didn't fit what he wanted the answer to be, so he argued with them, even made some threats, saying over and over it was somebody else's fault, not his.

Here are a couple of his quotes.

"Thanks to all of you for time to make me understand all of this. First of all i can see, based on your comments, i can understand that i can not understand all of this at all."

"Yes miss.... ....OP dont worry, I am a native English speaker and I haven't got a clue <deleted> she is talking about either... "

"This is my third public school in 2 years (10-20-08)"

He also posts about having to pay overstay of 11,000 baht last year. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to be here illegally to pay that much for overstay? That doesn't fit his latest posts saying he's never been here a day illegally. Oh, he says the overstay wasn't his fault.

After looking at some of his other posts I don't think any advice anyone has to give him will be accepted unless it fits his, "It's not my fault." attitude.

Yes, I have way too much time on my hands.

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hehe..i can see theres no mercy for "english challenged" english teachers in this thread :)

Im not usually a sma8rt ar8se either but maybe we should ask him what language he filled his papers out in??

If relying on his written english skills its no wonder the immigration officers are asking questions...

probably still shakin their heads :D:D

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Here are a couple of his quotes.

"Thanks to all of you for time to make me understand all of this. First of all i can see, based on your comments, i can understand that i can not understand all of this at all."

He could get a job writing comedy.......or government policy. :)

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That was fun but now let's examine the point raised.

Isn't it (and hasn't it always been) the prerogative of any Consular officer to request financial info even for 60-day tourist visas? I believe that is within their discretion, and, based on what we surmise in this case, I'd say it was wisely applied.

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First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand?All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology.



In your original post you said that you were teaching, which is working. You are not supposed to work on a tourist visa, period. A tourist visa is for tourism, not for living or working, hence you are breaking the law by working without the right kind of visa and work permit.

Be careful you don't get caught working illegally - you could get deported and permanently banned from Thailand.

Sorry but I think you you should read more cafully before charging in like a bull in a china shop. You should perhaps consider the apology.

The OP states that he applied for a tourist visa and had issues regarding funding or income. This is the point of the topic.

The OP does also state that he was, past tense, working as a teacher and had been here for 3 years. He did not say that he was working for all those 3 years as a teacher or working at all. He does not mention his visa status at the time he was working. Thus, your assumptions are based on your reading far more into it than was possible based upon the information supplied.

I would assume that whatever visa the OP had has expired, such as an "O" visa and WP based on a fixed term contract which has expired. He may have a new contract starting in the future but for now, he needs another visa to remain legally. Hence the tourist visa application.

I agree that the op might have been working illegally and may be looking to do so in the future but until he states that that is the case, surely he deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty ?

Just noticed that you have been granted Thai citizenship. Is that why you are so hard on this guy who may be (illegally !) providing a service to your fellow countrymen who would otherwise not be able to afford a quasi western / half decent education because your government funded education system is an absolute disgrace ?

Edited by torrenova
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... your assumptions are based on your reading far more into it than was possible based upon the information supplied.

Some of the OPs previous threads provide some background...

"Shock In Bkk Immigration Office...(out Of The Law?), surprise.." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Shock-Bkk-Im...ou-t218180.html

"Overstay?, So strange situation... " http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Overstay-t220804.html

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... your assumptions are based on your reading far more into it than was possible based upon the information supplied.

Some of the OPs previous threads provide some background...

"Shock In Bkk Immigration Office...(out Of The Law?), surprise.." http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Shock-Bkk-Im...ou-t218180.html

"Overstay?, So strange situation... " http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Overstay-t220804.html

After reading about the other incidents you guys have mentioned,it seems the story is unfolding way beyond the issue the O.P has brought up today.

If he was fined 11,000 for overstay in the past,this will be clearly seen by any immigration official who examines his passport,so its within reason that they should ask him about his financial status, given that his overstay may have been due to financial difficulty at the time.

Also another thing...and im NOT saying this to be nasty to the OP...

To have a legal work permit you MUST have a bachelors degree right?

Seeing that one of the other posters found the O.Ps comment that he is from a native English speaking country,then its to be assumed that he must have a degree from that country..

Dont get me wrong, his nicko sounds like it may be German or something, and no doubt he could have got a very good degree from some such country,but his writing style is not really indicative of someone educated in a native english speaking country.

Once again, not trying to be nasty, just an observation..

And YES, i also have to much time on my hands :)

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just to be pedantic: he stated that he first needs to get a tourist visa while he is waiting for some contract... and that that is standard procedure...

secondly, he may not be teaching english, cant remember but anyway, he could conceivably teach english to thais since grammar is different then spoken english and many europeans teach english where i come from and their grammar is excellent, their spoken and usable daily english is horrible...



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First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand?All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology.



In your original post you said that you were teaching, which is working. You are not supposed to work on a tourist visa, period. A tourist visa is for tourism, not for living or working, hence you are breaking the law by working without the right kind of visa and work permit.

Be careful you don't get caught working illegally - you could get deported and permanently banned from Thailand.

Sorry but I think you you should read more cafully before charging in like a bull in a china shop. You should perhaps consider the apology.

The OP states that he applied for a tourist visa and had issues regarding funding or income. This is the point of the topic.

The OP does also state that he was, past tense, working as a teacher and had been here for 3 years. He did not say that he was working for all those 3 years as a teacher or working at all. He does not mention his visa status at the time he was working. Thus, your assumptions are based on your reading far more into it than was possible based upon the information supplied.

I would assume that whatever visa the OP had has expired, such as an "O" visa and WP based on a fixed term contract which has expired. He may have a new contract starting in the future but for now, he needs another visa to remain legally. Hence the tourist visa application.

I agree that the op might have been working illegally and may be looking to do so in the future but until he states that that is the case, surely he deserves to be treated as innocent until proven guilty ?

Just noticed that you have been granted Thai citizenship. Is that why you are so hard on this guy who may be (illegally !) providing a service to your fellow countrymen who would otherwise not be able to afford a quasi western / half decent education because your government funded education system is an absolute disgrace ?

First point: Even if the OP is waiting for a contract, is a tourist visa the right kind of visa to do that? No, it isn't. The OP should get whoever is going to hire him to write a letter of invitation for a non-imm. A lot of people don't realise just how serious it is to work on the wrong kind of visa, with deportation and blacklisting, so a warning is well placed. Tourist visas are for tourism

Second point: Apart from the fact that the OP quite obviously is unqualified to teach English, tourists teaching my kids with no background checks? No thanks. Read the papers and you will see examples of why I feel this way. I'm not sure why you single out Thailand's education system as a disgrace - sounds rather arrogant and condescending. I know plenty of locally educated Thais who are smart, capable and hard working people, and who would regard your comments on the way that they were educated with the disgust that they deserve. The western world (UK) is not so great either.

Edited by dbrenn
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just to be pedantic: he stated that he first needs to get a tourist visa while he is waiting for some contract... and that that is standard procedure...

secondly, he may not be teaching english, cant remember but anyway, he could conceivably teach english to thais since grammar is different then spoken english and many europeans teach english where i come from and their grammar is excellent, their spoken and usable daily english is horrible...



If he is waiting for a contract, he can get his employer to write him an invitation letter for a non-immigrant visa. Problem solved.

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just to be pedantic: he stated that he first needs to get a tourist visa while he is waiting for some contract... and that that is standard procedure...

secondly, he may not be teaching english, cant remember but anyway, he could conceivably teach english to thais since grammar is different then spoken english and many europeans teach english where i come from and their grammar is excellent, their spoken and usable daily english is horrible...



Similar to the above then. :)

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..First point: Even if the OP is waiting for a contract, is a tourist visa the right kind of visa to do that? No, it isn't. The OP should get whoever is going to hire him to write a letter of invitation for a non-imm.

A letter of invitation from a prospective employer is not sufficient for obtaining a non-B visa in the region.

A foreigner who is in Thailand with a permission to stay based on entry with a tourist visa can apply for a work permit. With the receipt for the work permit application and the necessary documents from the company he can then get a non-B visa from a Thai consulate in the region, and with that he can later pick up the work permit when it is ready. This is how I understand the procedure to be at present.



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First of all, read carefuly. My advise is: don't run with your conclussions and don't think i am illegally here any single day. Is this clear to you now?

All three years NO ANY problem, understand?All three years my papers are perfectly clean and according to the Law in Thailand. So you owe me apology.



In your original post you said that you were teaching, which is working. You are not supposed to work on a tourist visa, period. A tourist visa is for tourism, not for living or working, hence you are breaking the law by working without the right kind of visa and work permit.

Be careful you don't get caught working illegally - you could get deported and permanently banned from Thailand.

Yes mate, I said in OP that i were teaching but i said until now, all 3 years...

But to make something clear for you,ok?

Any time, any of us, when we go for new contract-we have to go FIRST for tourist visa...All procedure about getting working visa(non B0 will start with tourist visa first.

If we make a new contrac, with some new school, we have to go out of country and first to ask tourist visa. That is at the beginning of procedure for to get working visa. Always.

And you could not see that i said i was working on a tourist visa as i didn't say that at all.

By the Thai Law, every time when you start NEW contract-you must go for TOURIST VISA as first.After that-you are going for visa non B(for work) and after that for work permit and after that again for extension of your running visa non B(working visa)

You just didn't read carefuly my words but now i think you understand where is the problem.

I want to know regulations changed as clerk says or what?


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What is going on?.............illegally working people like you are not welcome in THAILAND

This looks like intention to get rid of us...............YES YES YES

A few more Chang beers will help you to understand?

Three years(read my lips THREE years in Thailand) i am in teaching and i never made any violation upon the Thai Labour or Immigration Law.

So, give me a break, will you?

So, WHO is illegaly working people, ha?

Next, i was very clear with my question. Something happened to me there and i don't understand why is that so. I think this web people made as a HELP in such cases as mine. So i want answer, please.

I would like we talk about that, not about my past comments here, not about my education, not about my overstay that i didn't make by mysekf but by incompetence of head of administration in my school.

It is irelevant but yes, i am not native speaker and i am not frustrated about it because i am good at teaching. I know how much i know English and i think i am qualified for teaching in Thailand and in Europe, I can prove it by my certificates here and in Europe.

Don't make stupid jokes on me here because you should be about my topic.

I think we all know that when we make a new contract, we have to go FIRST for tourist visa. We all know that, right?

So, as i was doing the SAME in all 3 years, this time i made the same. I needed tourist visa first and i have all papers from school including contract. But, i have on my sticker HANDWRITEN note that next time i have to show my 6 months incomes when i apply again.

That is strange and that is what i asked here.

Please, find something else to cut your time. Don't use this my topic for childish acting.


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I am 3 years in Thailand, and this time I tried to relocate to another country and I asked for TOURIST visa in Thai Consulate in Laos.

Visa is given to me but down under on visa sticker I found shocking note.

"Next time when apply for visa-to show financial status in 6 months."

I asked man at the counter, to explain to me and explanation was as it is recently changed regulation (man says few days ago????).

Is it possible that all tourists will have to show financial status in last 6 months if go to visit Thailand? This sounds incredible and ridiculous so much.

The reality is that we are teaching in Thailand for years and what will be if we have to show financial status any time we make a new Contract? In procedure about any new Contract, we are going for Tourist visa first.

Of course, most of us have a lack of money and this giving a chance to Immigration Office to say that you don't have enough money and your application will be refused.

This looks like intention to get rid of us.

What is going on?

Sorry to detract from the subject but are you implying that you teach English in Thailand, may I ask what country are you from? :)

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