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get a personal trainer - get them do a proper eval on you specially blood pressure bmi heartrate

it is has been known for people who go to fast to have a heart attack

every fitness regime is different and it is built around you and your fitness level and what you want to achieve in a reasonable time scale

after about 3 months training you should be fit enough to go into a heavier fitness regime

when i get back into training i can put on 10 kilos in 6 months but i am lucky as i have a slow metabolic rate

training is only 1/3 of it eating a decent diet is also important but many many people forget that sleep is the last bit of the equation

you should split your routine work on different parts of the body this is usually done on 3 different days as it takes between 48-72 hours to recover a particular set of muslces but this is also misleading as even when you work a different set of muscles you are still using others for control and balance

and do not forget to exercise your legs - you do not want to be called chicken legs and have the upper body of arnie that will just look weird

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It all depends on what you have to start with and how old you are. A proper diet will help and that will be necessary in any case. Start exercise slowly and build up each day. Most people over do it at the start and temorarily injure themselves. That sets the program back several weeks until you recover. The older you are and the more out of shape, the longer it takes and the slower you have to go at the start. You will do a lot better by a lot of short workouts scattered throughout the day. Don't start pumping iron until you have the muscle mass to handle it. And, you don't really want to look like a muscleman beach bum in the first place... unless you are gay and want to attract men.

If you need to lose weight, as most of us do when we start, then I suggest a hearty meal in the morning of a heavy cereal of coarse grains mixed with dried fruit and nuts. It will stick with you for a while and you won't get hypoglycemic. You'll have to give up the coffee because that is a stimulant that makes you weak and want food. You'll have to give up beer and most alcohol because they add fat. Eat fruit for lunch and lean meat and veggies for supper. You'll have to give up the starchy foods at the start until your exercise program starts to kick in. That means very little bread, potatoes and pasta. Don't eat just before going to bed. I normally lose about 12 pounds every winter in Thailand because I eat mostly a Thai diet.

I would work on the cardio vascular muscles first. That means walking and jogging at a brisk pace. Don't over do it, but walking is much easier on you that working with weights. If there are hills or stairs to climb use them. Some guys run up and down the bleacher seats in stadiums. When you are really feeling fit then that is the time to start working on weights. But, I can't stress strongly enough...DON'T OVER DO IT!

I do agree, but why giving up the coffe?

I don´t wanna say I look like Jackman but coffe works as a hunger surpresser for me...

Another good tip for all of you having problem sticking to a diet because of hunger, add more fat and cut the carbs!

Yes , I´m serious


normally when you work a set of muscles they will stay "active" for between 4-6 hours after

drinking coffee 30 minutes before a work out extends that and slightly helps growth - do a google search

also taking ICE cold showers or an ICE bath promotes quicker healing of muscles and better growth

and whatever you do - do NOT take steroids they do mess with your mental and physical health in the long run and are just not worth it

You can make it, but it requires...extra 'vitamines', taken by injections. Look up how Stallone beefed up for Rambo (4) and how Hugh Jackman beefed up for Wolverine (above) in fairly short amount of time.

Notice that he is also somewhat bloated, retaining water. A sure-way sign of usage.

Most people seem to think that injections of 'vitamines' are some sort of miracle cure.. it is not you still have to work your ass off and eat well. Its not like you gain 20 lean mass in 10 weeks. You need good food, good training and good genes. What you see there can be obtained without so called 'vitamines'

Never forget that some shades and the camera in good angles makes a lot of difference. I look way different in the sun then under some good light.

Ofcourse they are no miracle cure!

The point is that while you can train and gain x in power you can gain 1.3-1.5x with the injections based...'vitamins' if properly dosed and controlled.

This with the right training as a base. Wrong training and injections will just leave you...flabby. :)

But the OP wanted a realistic plan for the coming 5 months and frankly...it is the only way to have a chance to get close to the goal he wants to reach.

Good luck and watch out for roid-rage. (Being a teen again...)

I would never tell a beginner to start with this stuff its crazy. Even with that stuff he won't make it in that short a time.

The goal is just unrealistic, i still have goals but those are much more long term and much more obtainable.

get a personal trainer - get them do a proper eval on you specially blood pressure bmi heartrate

when i get back into training i can put on 10 kilos in 6 months but i am lucky as i have a slow metabolic rate

Its not only what you mention its also that there is such a thing as "muscle memory" whatever you lost when you stopped you will get it back quite fast.


We need to see what you look like, I mean your current physique. I wouldn't post it on here (thaivisa) but you can PM me.

Dont even think about steroids. You dont have enough training/experience/nutrition knowledge. I takes months/years to learn about how to effectively use AAS, and to differentiate between the propaganda you hear about steroids, and the facts.

IMO - if your in thailand, then just go ahead and lose the thought of a personal trainer. Ive been to a few gyms here, California WOW, Life Fitness, bla bla, and the "trainers" there are failures on an epic level. I could never take advice from someone that does not even train. Your better off reading up on your own. Again, this is my opinion.

Nutrition is 70% of training. Special "training" programs are nothing if you are not eating right. Stop drinking alcohol, soda. 80% of what you can drink will be water. 20% will be a bit of milk, and juice. Drink water until your urine is 100& clear. Then drink more. Eat everything clean. Low salt. Lots of lean chicken.

Everything you will do will be progressive, and you will be sore. Dont have to kill yourself, but if you are not tearing your muscles down, they will not grow bigger. The first 4-6 weeks is the most difficult.

Dont listen to people that are negative. They are usually the people that are fat/hairy/nasty, and think everyone should be that way. Dont train for anyone but yourself. Dont listen to anyone that says "Girls dont like big muscles" too. Even the girls that say that, are full of crap. Goes back to prehistoric days. The "alpha" male gets to breed, and the others get to cry.

There is no 50% with this stuff. Really its all or nothing. Dosent matter if you are trying to lose fat or get bigger.

Train hard for 2-3 years. If you did everything right, you should have a pretty decent transformation. You aint gonna be Arnold, or Jackman.


Well said, especially the part about "personal trainers" in local GYms, they are waste of time. You need someone private and foreigner for good results.

We need to see what you look like, I mean your current physique. I wouldn't post it on here (thaivisa) but you can PM me.

Dont even think about steroids. You dont have enough training/experience/nutrition knowledge. I takes months/years to learn about how to effectively use AAS, and to differentiate between the propaganda you hear about steroids, and the facts.

IMO - if your in thailand, then just go ahead and lose the thought of a personal trainer. Ive been to a few gyms here, California WOW, Life Fitness, bla bla, and the "trainers" there are failures on an epic level. I could never take advice from someone that does not even train. Your better off reading up on your own. Again, this is my opinion.

Nutrition is 70% of training. Special "training" programs are nothing if you are not eating right. Stop drinking alcohol, soda. 80% of what you can drink will be water. 20% will be a bit of milk, and juice. Drink water until your urine is 100& clear. Then drink more. Eat everything clean. Low salt. Lots of lean chicken.

Everything you will do will be progressive, and you will be sore. Dont have to kill yourself, but if you are not tearing your muscles down, they will not grow bigger. The first 4-6 weeks is the most difficult.

Dont listen to people that are negative. They are usually the people that are fat/hairy/nasty, and think everyone should be that way. Dont train for anyone but yourself. Dont listen to anyone that says "Girls dont like big muscles" too. Even the girls that say that, are full of crap. Goes back to prehistoric days. The "alpha" male gets to breed, and the others get to cry.

There is no 50% with this stuff. Really its all or nothing. Dosent matter if you are trying to lose fat or get bigger.

Train hard for 2-3 years. If you did everything right, you should have a pretty decent transformation. You aint gonna be Arnold, or Jackman.


Go running 3 times a week for about 45 minutes.

300 situps every other day, vary the type of sit up you do.

Lift weights that you arent struggling with aswell as pressups, dips, pullups.

Do leg exercises 3 times a week 4 different exercises 3 sets on each and 10-15 reps.

Do upper body exercises 3 times a week 3 sets and 10-15 reps on each, have 18 different exercises to make sure you do your whole body but only do 6 exercises per gym session.

Keep clear of all that protein powder and creatine its a waste of money and just eat lots of fish and meat and lots of fruit veg and salad, and i cant see the need for a fitness instructor most the time these people havent a clue.

Well said, especially the part about "personal trainers" in local GYms, they are waste of time. You need someone private and foreigner for good results.

The main things someone needs is discipline and consistency.


Not good advice here, I'm sorry to say.

Running for 45 mins 3 times a week may not be necessary for a hard gainer i.e. an ectomorph. Sure it'll keep you fit but it's likely to impede growth if anything.

300 situps every other day is entirely pointless. The abs are no different from any other muscle group in the body and therefore do not respond to excessive training any more than other muscles do. You wouldn't do 300 bicep curls every other day now would you? Quality, not quantity is the key with abdominal exercises.

Lifting weights that you aren't struggling with is unlikely to bring solid muscle growth. Muscles need to be overloaded in order for the fibres to break and grow back bigger and stronger. This simply does not happen with light weights / high reps. If you're NOT struggling to complete a set then you aren't sufficiently stressing the muscles and will see little change in them consequently.

Doing legs 3 times a week leaves little time for rest. Growth takes place during rest periods NOT during workouts.

Creatine is by no means a waste of money, it's scientifically proven to enhance performance and if you understand anything about energy processes within the body, then you'd know that creatine as an oral supplement can assist in the production of adenosine triphosphate through the phosphocreatine system.

Go running 3 times a week for about 45 minutes.

300 situps every other day, vary the type of sit up you do.

Lift weights that you arent struggling with aswell as pressups, dips, pullups.

Do leg exercises 3 times a week 4 different exercises 3 sets on each and 10-15 reps.

Do upper body exercises 3 times a week 3 sets and 10-15 reps on each, have 18 different exercises to make sure you do your whole body but only do 6 exercises per gym session.

Keep clear of all that protein powder and creatine its a waste of money and just eat lots of fish and meat and lots of fruit veg and salad, and i cant see the need for a fitness instructor most the time these people havent a clue.

Not good advice here, I'm sorry to say.

Running for 45 mins 3 times a week may not be necessary for a hard gainer i.e. an ectomorph. Sure it'll keep you fit but it's likely to impede growth if anything.

300 situps every other day is entirely pointless. The abs are no different from any other muscle group in the body and therefore do not respond to excessive training any more than other muscles do. You wouldn't do 300 bicep curls every other day now would you? Quality, not quantity is the key with abdominal exercises.

Lifting weights that you aren't struggling with is unlikely to bring solid muscle growth. Muscles need to be overloaded in order for the fibres to break and grow back bigger and stronger. This simply does not happen with light weights / high reps. If you're NOT struggling to complete a set then you aren't sufficiently stressing the muscles and will see little change in them consequently.

Doing legs 3 times a week leaves little time for rest. Growth takes place during rest periods NOT during workouts.

Creatine is by no means a waste of money, it's scientifically proven to enhance performance and if you understand anything about energy processes within the body, then you'd know that creatine as an oral supplement can assist in the production of adenosine triphosphate through the phosphocreatine system.

That bloke in the picture doesnt look as if he lifts heavy weights more that he has worked out for a long time.

What ive said works for me, if i were to lift exceptionally heavy weights which i used to i end up looking like one of them them steroid freaks who walk around Pattaya, in the short term itll make you look good but after a while youll end up being fat as not many people are going to lift heavy weights for the rest of their lives and that extra muscle will turn to flab.

300 Situps isnt the same as doing 300 curls well unless you done the curls with extremely low weights if you done 3 different sections of your abs this would work.

As for Creatine, ive taken it several times and it just bloats you out by retaining water.

If you do legs upperbody 3 times a week each on alternative days this gives a day to rest and enable muscle to growth.

But different things work for different people you need to know your own body, but the guy who posted below who said consistency is important applies to everyone.


As most posters have already mentioned, to ever even having a chance of getting anywhere close to having a body like Jackman in 5 months, you will need 4 things-the right genetics, correct weight training, proper diet, and steroids. Even with all 4 components, 5 months is probably too short of a time. The most important component (because either you have it or you don't) is correct genetics which determines muscle fiber type and amount of fiber. If you do not have the correct genetics, you might develop a fairly good body but there is no chance that you will have a body like Jackman even if you work out for the next 100 years. I am personally very opposed to steroids but they do work as is evidenced by the photos below. With the right steroids, you might even be able to develop a body like the girl with the tank top slogan "daddy's little girl" on it ! :)


Vans sent me this pix - I never promised not to print it.

You need help brother.


Yeah right and this is you, verydumbubba. If you happen to jump for joy. Your will get stuck.


Good luck to you to brother

Not good advice here, I'm sorry to say.

Running for 45 mins 3 times a week may not be necessary for a hard gainer i.e. an ectomorph. Sure it'll keep you fit but it's likely to impede growth if anything.

300 situps every other day is entirely pointless. The abs are no different from any other muscle group in the body and therefore do not respond to excessive training any more than other muscles do. You wouldn't do 300 bicep curls every other day now would you? Quality, not quantity is the key with abdominal exercises.

Lifting weights that you aren't struggling with is unlikely to bring solid muscle growth. Muscles need to be overloaded in order for the fibres to break and grow back bigger and stronger. This simply does not happen with light weights / high reps. If you're NOT struggling to complete a set then you aren't sufficiently stressing the muscles and will see little change in them consequently.

Doing legs 3 times a week leaves little time for rest. Growth takes place during rest periods NOT during workouts.

Creatine is by no means a waste of money, it's scientifically proven to enhance performance and if you understand anything about energy processes within the body, then you'd know that creatine as an oral supplement can assist in the production of adenosine triphosphate through the phosphocreatine system.

That bloke in the picture doesnt look as if he lifts heavy weights more that he has worked out for a long time.

What ive said works for me, if i were to lift exceptionally heavy weights which i used to i end up looking like one of them them steroid freaks who walk around Pattaya, in the short term itll make you look good but after a while youll end up being fat as not many people are going to lift heavy weights for the rest of their lives and that extra muscle will turn to flab.

300 Situps isnt the same as doing 300 curls well unless you done the curls with extremely low weights if you done 3 different sections of your abs this would work.

As for Creatine, ive taken it several times and it just bloats you out by retaining water.

If you do legs upperbody 3 times a week each on alternative days this gives a day to rest and enable muscle to growth.

But different things work for different people you need to know your own body, but the guy who posted below who said consistency is important applies to everyone.

Sorry, I don't wish to appear argumentative but there are a few points that you are way off on again here.

Doing 300 situps is exactly the same as doing 300 curls or 300 of any resistance based exercise. Please tell me how the abdominal muscles differ in their biological composition from any other muscle in the body? They don't and for that reason doing huge numbers of reps 3 times a week will not bring tone or growth.

Extra muscle will turn to flab? Muscle is muscle and fat is fat, the two are entirely different things and it's a physical impossibility for muscle to become fat. What can happen however is that eating the same number of calories required to sustain muscle if you are not working out with the same intensity as you previously were, will result in excess calories being stored as fat.

I stand by what I said about creatine. Study anaerobic energy systems and you'll understand why and how it works.

You think one day's rest between leg sessions is enough? Uh-uh. One day between different muscle groups maybe but one day between the same is definitely classed as overtraining.

You think one day's rest between leg sessions is enough? Uh-uh. One day between different muscle groups maybe but one day between the same is definitely classed as overtraining.

In the short term ie a few months ive done this and built up mass, but i agree over a long term this would be overtraining.

As for creatine there have been so many studies on it you can pick and choose what answer you wish to find, unless youre a serious weightlifter or and athlete or training to a similar level i cant see a need for this.

Youre right about fat / muscle, but the muscle will lose tone and will appear flabby, i should know ive gone this way and am in the long process of running it off and changing my exercise regime.


If someone kicks sand in your face just kick them in the nuts and get another beer :)

Whatever happened to Charles Atlas?

Train hard for 2-3 years. If you did everything right, you should have a pretty decent transformation. You aint gonna be Arnold, or Jackman.

Maybe he won't look like Arnold used to look "THEN" but he may eventually look like Arnold does "NOW" ! :)




Lift heavy weights only four excercises: deadlift (careful in beginning), squat, bench and abs.

Just foucs on getting strong, the rest will come along.

Not good advice here, I'm sorry to say.

Running for 45 mins 3 times a week may not be necessary for a hard gainer i.e. an ectomorph. Sure it'll keep you fit but it's likely to impede growth if anything.

300 situps every other day is entirely pointless. The abs are no different from any other muscle group in the body and therefore do not respond to excessive training any more than other muscles do. You wouldn't do 300 bicep curls every other day now would you? Quality, not quantity is the key with abdominal exercises.

Lifting weights that you aren't struggling with is unlikely to bring solid muscle growth. Muscles need to be overloaded in order for the fibres to break and grow back bigger and stronger. This simply does not happen with light weights / high reps. If you're NOT struggling to complete a set then you aren't sufficiently stressing the muscles and will see little change in them consequently.

Doing legs 3 times a week leaves little time for rest. Growth takes place during rest periods NOT during workouts.

Creatine is by no means a waste of money, it's scientifically proven to enhance performance and if you understand anything about energy processes within the body, then you'd know that creatine as an oral supplement can assist in the production of adenosine triphosphate through the phosphocreatine system.

That bloke in the picture doesnt look as if he lifts heavy weights more that he has worked out for a long time.

What ive said works for me, if i were to lift exceptionally heavy weights which i used to i end up looking like one of them them steroid freaks who walk around Pattaya, in the short term itll make you look good but after a while youll end up being fat as not many people are going to lift heavy weights for the rest of their lives and that extra muscle will turn to flab.

300 Situps isnt the same as doing 300 curls well unless you done the curls with extremely low weights if you done 3 different sections of your abs this would work.

As for Creatine, ive taken it several times and it just bloats you out by retaining water.

If you do legs upperbody 3 times a week each on alternative days this gives a day to rest and enable muscle to growth.

But different things work for different people you need to know your own body, but the guy who posted below who said consistency is important applies to everyone.

The other poster is right and you are not cant put it any other way.

300 situps is useless first you need to loose the fat around your wraist to see anything and there is no such thing as spot fat reduction. Your abs grow just like normal muscles you can use weights to make the situps heavier thus more effective.

To look like those steriod freaks is a hard task its not like you wake up one day and look in the mirror wow im huge. I wish it was that easy. You need to lift heavy weights to get muscles, you need to be struggeling with them. But what is heavy for a beginner isnt heavy for someone who is advanced. You should always add extra weights when it goes too easy. When i train im practically dead at the end of my session.

I have no opinion on creatine because for some it works for others it does not. Training your legs 3 times a week is also too much (unless your not hitting them hard enough).

About the muscle turning to fat that is impossible, what happens is that muscle shrinks a bit and if you keep eating the same amounts as when you were training then you go fat. The secret is too also eat less if you stop training, that isnt rocket science.

The guy in the pic isnt the guy who started posting the other guy was joking. Anyway any beginner should start off slowly but you can go heavy quite fast (as long as you do the exercise correct). With heavy i dont mean big weights but heavy that it cost the guy some effort and that he will break a sweat. Not heavy that he does the exercise wrong and damages muscles.

About running the other guy is correct too but it kinda depends if the guy is ecto or endo. I did not want to type all of this because going into details on a non fitness board is asking to be flamed.

Not good advice here, I'm sorry to say.

Running for 45 mins 3 times a week may not be necessary for a hard gainer i.e. an ectomorph. Sure it'll keep you fit but it's likely to impede growth if anything.

300 situps every other day is entirely pointless. The abs are no different from any other muscle group in the body and therefore do not respond to excessive training any more than other muscles do. You wouldn't do 300 bicep curls every other day now would you? Quality, not quantity is the key with abdominal exercises.

Lifting weights that you aren't struggling with is unlikely to bring solid muscle growth. Muscles need to be overloaded in order for the fibres to break and grow back bigger and stronger. This simply does not happen with light weights / high reps. If you're NOT struggling to complete a set then you aren't sufficiently stressing the muscles and will see little change in them consequently.

Doing legs 3 times a week leaves little time for rest. Growth takes place during rest periods NOT during workouts.

Creatine is by no means a waste of money, it's scientifically proven to enhance performance and if you understand anything about energy processes within the body, then you'd know that creatine as an oral supplement can assist in the production of adenosine triphosphate through the phosphocreatine system.

100% correct. Practically stole the words out of my mouth.

As most posters have already mentioned, to ever even having a chance of getting anywhere close to having a body like Jackman in 5 months, you will need 4 things-the right genetics, correct weight training, proper diet, and steroids. Even with all 4 components, 5 months is probably too short of a time. The most important component (because either you have it or you don't) is correct genetics which determines muscle fiber type and amount of fiber. If you do not have the correct genetics, you might develop a fairly good body but there is no chance that you will have a body like Jackman even if you work out for the next 100 years. I am personally very opposed to steroids but they do work as is evidenced by the photos below. With the right steroids, you might even be able to develop a body like the girl with the tank top slogan "daddy's little girl" on it ! :)

Jackman does not have an astronomical physique. The dude works out. Thats about it. Nothing about his size/fitness level is magazine cover worthy.

The most important component (because either you have it or you don't) is correct genetics which determines muscle fiber type and amount of fiber

Everyone has the same muscle fiber type. The amount you have, you can change. The only thing that is different are the insertion points/attachment areas that are different. Hence the reason people have different appearing body's. Genetics allow some people to add mass/get lean exceptionally easily.

Just for arguments sake, why are you so opposed to steroids?

That bloke in the picture doesnt look as if he lifts heavy weights more that he has worked out for a long time.

No, he looks like he trains. You are missing the point. Training intensity does not change, diet and rep-range changes. Heavy weight would mean that you reach failure at rep 6 in a set. With lighter weight, you reach failure at rep 12 in a set. You are still reaching failure in both examples, and you are will taxing your body in both examples. Intensity is the same. Just training in a different rep range.

"What ive said works for me, if i were to lift exceptionally heavy weights which i used to i end up looking like one of them them steroid freaks who walk around Pattaya, in the short term itll make you look good but after a while youll end up being fat as not many people are going to lift heavy weights for the rest of their lives and that extra muscle will turn to flab."

Muscle will never, ever, turn to flab. They are 2 different things. You never looked like a steroid freak. You are just misguided, and scared to do the real work. I don't even know what to say really.

300 Situps isnt the same as doing 300 curls well unless you done the curls with extremely low weights if you done 3 different sections of your abs this would work.

Maybe, but training them the same as any other muscle group in the body will be exponentially more effective. Using the bicep as an example, there are 2 heads of that muscle group. Therefore by your theroy, you should use a reprange of 100 per set. Does that sound effective?

If you do legs upperbody 3 times a week each on alternative days this gives a day to rest and enable muscle to growth.

If you can physically train legs everyother day, you are not training hard enough. Does not matter if you are trying to get your legs bigger, or to lose fat, or anything. Only thing that will change is diet and reprange.

But different things work for different people you need to know your own body

Swear to god my girlfriend sayd the same thing. She says it because she does not want to do the work, and therefore her body will never change.

Go running 3 times a week for about 45 minutes.

300 situps every other day, vary the type of sit up you do.

Lift weights that you arent struggling with aswell as pressups, dips, pullups.

Do leg exercises 3 times a week 4 different exercises 3 sets on each and 10-15 reps.

Do upper body exercises 3 times a week 3 sets and 10-15 reps on each, have 18 different exercises to make sure you do your whole body but only do 6 exercises per gym session.

Keep clear of all that protein powder and creatine its a waste of money and just eat lots of fish and meat and lots of fruit veg and salad, and i cant see the need for a fitness instructor most the time these people havent a clue.

You have to remember we are talking about a beginner?No way his body could handle upper body exercises 3 times per week without steroids.Why do you say that protein powder(I guess you are referring to Whey?)is a waste of money?The reason we take these suppliments is because there is no way my body can eat enough good quality food to support my lifting.An instructor is a good idea if you don't know your way around a gym,many exercise machines look like space craft to a beginner.You are basing your ideas on a person already involved in a gym,as i am assuming you are already well into weightlifting.Of course you would not keep the instructor,but a bit of guidance for a beginner cannot hurt.I tend to stay away from multi suppliments,but find Whey protein to be a good in between boost for low fat calories.Any way,not picking on you,just my view. :)


You think one day's rest between leg sessions is enough? Uh-uh. One day between different muscle groups maybe but one day between the same is definitely classed as overtraining.

In the short term ie a few months ive done this and built up mass, but i agree over a long term this would be overtraining.

As for creatine there have been so many studies on it you can pick and choose what answer you wish to find, unless youre a serious weightlifter or and athlete or training to a similar level i cant see a need for this.

Youre right about fat / muscle, but the muscle will lose tone and will appear flabby, i should know ive gone this way and am in the long process of running it off and changing my exercise regime.

Well, not to be an assh*le, but do yourself a favor and get more knowledge before you start. Most of the things you are saying are wrong/ineffective. Training like this will lead you to being burned out and quitting before you see any real things happen. Time for a new battleplan, my friend.

If someone kicks sand in your face just kick them in the nuts and get another beer :D

Whatever happened to Charles Atlas?

You better hope they dont workout :)

If you need to lose weight, as most of us do when we start, then I suggest a hearty meal in the morning of a heavy cereal of coarse grains mixed with dried fruit and nuts. It will stick with you for a while and you won't get hypoglycemic. You'll have to give up the coffee because that is a stimulant that makes you weak and want food. You'll have to give up beer and most alcohol because they add fat. Eat fruit for lunch and lean meat and veggies for supper. You'll have to give up the starchy foods at the start until your exercise program starts to kick in. That means very little bread, potatoes and pasta. Don't eat just before going to bed. I normally lose about 12 pounds every winter in Thailand because I eat mostly a Thai diet.

Actually, if you want to lose weight, it has been proven that for a given number of calories you might eat in a given day, you should exercise before you eat breakfast.  This causes the most weight loss.

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