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Thaksin To Award 6,000 Scholarships


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Thaksin to award 6,000 scholarships

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will award 6,000 scholarships in Thailand to celebrate his 60th birthday in what is seen as a direct challenge to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's popularity.

"I really doubt whether Abhisit will have the brains to keep up with my move," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.

Students can apply by submitting a personal essay on the topic of "Thailand as I dream to see" to Thaksin's Thaicom Foundation.

Thaksin called in Tuesday from Dubai to his redshirted supporters to reveal what he described as his presents to Thai citizens to mark his birthday on Sunday.


-- The Nation 2009-07-21

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Usual BS spin. If it was actually done for the right reasons, rather than for political I might think differently. I'm just wondering would it be illegal to accept the scholarships in case it could be seen as accepting laundered money?

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of course the cynics will find something bad in it if they look hard enough.

well i didnt have to wait long.

Usual BS spin. If it was actually done for the right reasons, rather than for political I might think differently. I'm just wondering would it be illegal to accept the scholarships in case it could be seen as accepting laundered money?

if there are 6000 scholorships that means we have tens of thousands of young thais writing up their positive vision of future Thailand, a great idea and i think its quite clear it is done for the right reasons. its a win win for all except for Abhisit lol. now if all opposing parties put their resouces into similar positive ideas like this instead of using resources for destructive purposes the country would get back on track in no time.

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"I really doubt whether Abhisit will have the brains to keep up with my move," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.

It doesn't take a doctorate to work out the reasons why he has done it. Nothing cynical, it's even been stated.

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of course the cynics will find something bad in it if they look hard enough.

well i didnt have to wait long.

Usual BS spin. If it was actually done for the right reasons, rather than for political I might think differently. I'm just wondering would it be illegal to accept the scholarships in case it could be seen as accepting laundered money?

if there are 6000 scholorships that means we have tens of thousands of young thais writing up their positive vision of future Thailand, a great idea and i think its quite clear it is done for the right reasons. its a win win for all except for Abhisit lol. now if all opposing parties put their resouces into similar positive ideas like this instead of using resources for destructive purposes the country would get back on track in no time.

scholarships for what? To where?

Last time he did this via scholarships for 'the best, brightest and connected' in local towns to go OS and study, all he proved was that he cared about was the fact that he gave the scholarships, not the welfare of the students. Kids were stuck overseas, couldn't adjust and had no support. And that was only the kids who got the scholarships given their TRT connections!!


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well i doubt he will leave this project vulnerable to attack by giving away half baked scholarships . i dont think he will make any mistakes on this one or make any openings for his opponents to critisize.

but im looking forward to more details and for Abhisits response, and the students response

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well i doubt he will leave this project vulnerable to attack by giving away half baked scholarships . i dont think he will make any mistakes on this one or make any openings for his opponents to critisize.

but im looking forward to more details and for Abhisits response, and the students response

Well mc2, I too will talk negatively about your darlings 'scholarships'. And by the do you think you can impress people by quoting your academic credentials

"mc2 Ph.D(Asian Studies), M.Ed, B.A. (Hons), Dip. Appl. Sc.

Well sorry but this doesn't impress me, in fact for somebody who has done this much study I'm surprised that you are so quickly fooled by this sharletan.

Do you really think he can fool the thinking masses. Sorry but those days are over.

If taxsin really wanted to genuinly be philanthropic he would have done so 15 years ago.

And why do you so quickly think this will be a neagtive against PM Abhisit? Do you think PM Abhisit will respoind with something bigger> Naar don't think so, PM Abhisit is looking at development of Thailand not silly games.

I say again, taxsins days of fooling the masses are finished.

And just for the record, I have 2 bachelor degrees, two masters degrees, one PH.D. which had two major focus areas and I am a visiting profeesor.

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If his true intentions were to give something back rather than gain something he should have done this anonymously.

Broadcasting it in this manner indicates that he is buying popularity.

I have Thai friends who support him and also Thai friends hate him - they have given me further insight into his activities and how they have been observed in their negative and positive light - but few ever offer a non-bias opinion. So from my side I pretty much sit on the fence... I believe he has done some good, but also enriched his wealth as a direct result of his position when in power. Now he appears to be creating more damage. If he loved Thailand more than himself his ego might well have relented a while ago.

It is actions such as this that I believe are nothing more than publicity stunts and ridiculously transparent. It's insulting to Thai people that he thinks they are not smart enough to see through the facade. But this is Thailand and it seems that quite often people here only see what they want to see and refuse to acknowledge any information conflicting with their ideal.

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well i doubt he will leave this project vulnerable to attack by giving away half baked scholarships . i dont think he will make any mistakes on this one or make any openings for his opponents to critisize.

but im looking forward to more details and for Abhisits response, and the students response

Why does he need to respond to a convicted criminal? There are more important things that need to be sorted out, rather than short term jestures that have no real meaning.

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i think it is an excellent idea from Thaksin, nothing short of brilliant

of course the cynics will find something bad in it if they look hard enough.

Amazing. Pavlov's dogs are nothing compared to you. Thaksin opens his mouth and you start salivating. You know nothing about who, what and where these scholarships are for, but they're "excellent" and "nothing short of brilliant". Now go get a tissue and clean yourself up.

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well i doubt he will leave this project vulnerable to attack by giving away half baked scholarships . i dont think he will make any mistakes on this one or make any openings for his opponents to critisize.

but im looking forward to more details and for Abhisits response, and the students response

So mc2, wheres the details? Since he's your darling and buddy, perhaps you might like to help him to advertise and explain the schemes (scam):

- Who can apply / who will be automatically rejected (exact details please)

- What level: primary school / high school / undergraduate degree / masters degree / Ph.D.?

- Whats' the coverage? (Academic fees / flights / accommodation / research expenses / living allowance (needs to be quite big to survive)?

- What absolute and watertight guarantee is there that the funds etc., will continue for the total time of the program?

- What institutions will recognize these scholarships (names of the institutions and their location please)?

- What obligations are there after graduation?

- What strings are attached?

Waiting mc2! Need quick answers please, maybe I'd like to apply!

Just another thought - maybe the children of the convicted 111 could be automatic recipients, then the 'big boss' (scam artist No. 1) could keep these gullible folks tricked for a while longer.

Hey maybe some of the red shirt 51 group could also have automatic approval, they're pretty gullible also.

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I would suspect the poor Thais receiving the scholarship couldn't give a stuff what posters here think, they are just happy to have it. If morally challenged why don't you lot complaining award some scholarships with your pure motives, then maybe they don't need Taksin handouts. Put up or shut up.

Also if it pushes the government to match him then many more students are all winners. Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public.

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I would suspect the poor Thais receiving the scholarship couldn't give a stuff what posters here think, they are just happy to have it. If morally challenged why don't you lot complaining award some scholarships with your pure motives, then maybe they don't need Taksin handouts. Put up or shut up.

Also if it pushes the government to match him then many more students are all winners. Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public.

Well I don't have the money to give total scholarships, but I do give a lot of time and devotion and actual contribution to poor kids and i've done so for nearly 40 years. And I just hate to see sharlotans like this scum play games using poor people as his playthings.

What's your track record?

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I would suspect the poor Thais receiving the scholarship couldn't give a stuff what posters here think, they are just happy to have it. If morally challenged why don't you lot complaining award some scholarships with your pure motives, then maybe they don't need Taksin handouts. Put up or shut up.

Also if it pushes the government to match him then many more students are all winners. Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public.

"....Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public."

I'll never agree to this gem.

Chunkton, how much contact do you have with multi levels of Thais?

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I would suspect the poor Thais receiving the scholarship couldn't give a stuff what posters here think, they are just happy to have it. If morally challenged why don't you lot complaining award some scholarships with your pure motives, then maybe they don't need Taksin handouts. Put up or shut up.

Also if it pushes the government to match him then many more students are all winners. Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public.

Well said.

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scholarships for what? To where?

Last time he did this via scholarships for 'the best, brightest and connected' in local towns to go OS and study, all he proved was that he cared about was the fact that he gave the scholarships, not the welfare of the students. Kids were stuck overseas, couldn't adjust and had no support. And that was only the kids who got the scholarships given their TRT connections!!


Very well remembered.

It says loads about the guy that he is willing to screw around with the lives of kids to score points in his little game. If he loves Thailand so much, then come back, go to jail, serve his time and pay the taxes he owes.

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My Vision For The Future Of Thailand.

An Essay by Somchai Wanawat, aged 12.

My vision for Thailand is that it is a place where everyone has a mobile phone, even my Issan uncle who works in the rice field where there is no coverage. The Government can give everyone a mobile phone.

My favourite colour is red, so I think in future, everyone should have red clothes.

I see the government will give all Issan rice farmers a tractor and also make sure no farang who take my sisters are poor or abusive.

I think students should get good jobs in the government when they finish high school so that my sisters do not have to work far away in Pattaya.

The end.


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Anytime there is anything remotely positive that benefits Thais, the silence is deafening.

Are we that that bigoted that we dont even wish our gracious hosts well?


Because we have seen it all before from this chap. Remember the paper birds over the south? what ever happened to that scholarship?

If Thaksin truly did love Thailand, and only wanted the best for the country then he would step back, enjoy his retirement and let Thailand find it's own way.

He wouldn't be pleading over the phone to not let him die in the desert. He would be in Thailand serving his time, if it is a conspiracy against him then he would be here proving it albeit from behind bars.

He would be clearing his name so that he can then lead the great unwashed to the shower block.

But no, he needs to pull stunts like this because he is a greedy, power hungry egomaniac. May he rot in hel_l.

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its not that he is giving away 6000 scholarships that makes the idea good IMO (its generous for sure) but its cos we will have thousands and thousands of young people thinking and putting together their personal and positive vision of thailands future.

One of the reasons why this country is finding it hard to get out of the mess is becuase there are not enough people with a positive dream for Thailands future. Abhisit seems to have failed to communicate or execute his vision of reconciliation to the people.

A lot of people are stubbornly locked into a narrow and negative anti-thaksin vision which unfortunately doesn't leave room for much else, let alone a positive, creative vision.

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Thaksin marks birthday with scholarships

By The Nation

Published on July 22, 2009

Ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra will award 6,000 scholarships in Thailand to celebrate his 60th birthday in what is seen as a direct challenge to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's popularity.

"I doubt of Abhisit has the brains to keep up with my moves," Thaksin was quoted by his aide as saying.

Students can apply by submitting a personal essay on the topic of "Thailand as I Dream to See" to Thaksin's Thaicom Foundation.

Thaksin called his red-shirt supporters yesterday from Dubai to reveal what he described as presents to Thai citizens to mark his birthday on Sunday.

He said he had allowed the red shirts to hold a merit-making ceremony with nine monks giving him their blessings. No details of the event or its location were given.

As part of the "Bridging Thailand to the World" project, the D-television station will also start airing courses within three months for students preparing to enrol in universities, he said.

To ensure world-class education, each instructor would be paid Bt10,000 per hour and foreign tutors would also be hired, he said.

Plus he is putting down his turbulent experiences on paper, and will share his life lessons with fellow citizens in due course.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declined to comment on Thaksin's project, saying, "I've not acknowledged the issue yet."


-- The Nation 22/7/09

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I would suspect the poor Thais receiving the scholarship couldn't give a stuff what posters here think, they are just happy to have it. If morally challenged why don't you lot complaining award some scholarships with your pure motives, then maybe they don't need Taksin handouts. Put up or shut up.

Also if it pushes the government to match him then many more students are all winners. Ironically the most fervent Taksin haters are here, not in the general Thai public.

Well said.


and for the record, I have dual Bachelor degrees, one Masters and one Doctorate, and I can't speel worth a chit either.

But I do know not to "look a gift horse in the mouth" as my pappy would say.

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It will be interesting to see how this one pans out.I cant see how a criminal can be allowed to do this.

Its obviously a childish taunt directed at the primeminister and the only kind of response from the government is that it will have to deliver the bad news to the public that such a plan,to be implimented by a fugitive criminal, is in fact illegal and will never see the light of day...are there any such laws against benefitting from the proceeds of chrimes in LOS...maybe no, i think this might be an aussie exclusive.

In any case Thaksin probably has no intention of following through and will blame the government regardless....just another feeble attempt to manipulate the public into a backlash against the government.

Rich crook trying to dupe the uneducated

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