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Penang: Tourist Visa Rejected If Have 3 Tvisas Already...

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Weird that none of the "get legal" guys reply to a poster's questions where he asks how to stay without getting married or having a business or working.

Maybe some of you don't realize that you don't have to be retired to be financially set for the rest of your life!!!

ANd Huey, how can one get a non B without the intention of putting up a business here or getting a job?

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There was always - ALWAYS -- a rational basis for the policy decision (even though one might not like it).

So relax and accept that fact that you don't understand the basis for the policy, and the authorities don't care if you do or not.

This is the bigger issue.... governments should be willing to explain the rational basis for their policies

Then society decides if they "accept" the rational basis and if not, then members of society will take actions to try and change the policies or the people making the descisions.

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Come on people, really just get a type B it's easy as hel_l and its pennies. I spent like $174 from Houston, and got it back in less than a week. It can't be much more difficult than that elsewhere. Who wants to be stoped by some bothersome ill mannered immigration official over something easy to avoid?

More detail please.

Are you legitimately going into business or did you fib?

If you are fibbing, do you intend to go back there periodically for a refresh?

Do you think they will give you those indefinitely for exploring business that you never start?

Sorry if I make too many assumptions, but if you legitimately are doing business, of course the US consulates will issue visas. I understand they will also issue exploratory business visas with a letter from Sunbelt or some such, but year after year? I do not think so.

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alternatively, you can get a new passport every 9 months!!!

just a problem with that.. they have computers... 5-10 years ago that would do the trick

I was told THAT it works if you have a new passport because they not check it in computer but they browse through the pages.

Again i can not verify it but I can believe it.

As for me, my wife faxed me the birth certificate of my daughter to penang and it seems that it will actually be easier

for me because I do not have to travel to bangkok to extend one more month and pay 1900 baht. I paid in Penang

2200 Baht and get 3 month straight. On the other hand it makes it legitimate for me to stay in Thailand for long time.

So guys, lets 'hook up' ;-)

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simple answer to al ur problems,,,go live in cambodia :D

Better overstay in Thailand until they catch me!

The problem with Cambodia is that it's full of Cambodian, same problem as France, that would be nice without all these French !


After 20 + years in thailand i just spent a year in Cambodia and loved it. NO its not thailand, THANK GOD>>>>the people are more open and friendly than Thais, (like the thais were 25 years ago before the caught the $ bug) and no it is not cheaper to live the same life style one lives in Thailand there, ( expect for drinking, smoking and whoring) everything else cost more

If my half thai daughter didn't hate it i would be living there.

Do agree about the french :)

Edited by phuketrichard
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Weird that none of the "get legal" guys reply to a poster's questions where he asks how to stay without getting married or having a business or working.

Maybe some of you don't realize that you don't have to be retired to be financially set for the rest of your life!!!

ANd Huey, how can one get a non B without the intention of putting up a business here or getting a job?

Maybe because he is one of the guys that falls between the mazes of the net: can not stay legally longterm (well, actually can, just don't go to Penang), but not the average tourist, so the normal tourist visa rules are not favourable.

In any system, there will always be people that fall victim to the system.

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when the free-Tourist Visas promotion will be over, even Penang will re-issue visas, it's just a matter of money

As far as I know, only the "one entry" tourist visas are free of charge. So, why not ask for adouble entry and pay for it?

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There is no option for a foreigner, under 50 years old, who don't want marry or not want to work. So there should be a visa category for this kind of foreigners. But there isn't. Basicly we foreigners who living and invested here, are all trapped (not easy to get out, when all the money is invested here). Some of us married, some of us have businesses, investet money, bought houses, cars, raising families and kids (even the kids we didn't made), etc, but we never get citizen ship overhere, unlike Thais who living in Europe. Sooner or later all of them have possibility to be Citizen overthere. The fault is NOT here, the fault is on the goverments of our homecountries. They should treat Thais (even the married ones), the same way as we foreigners get treathed overhere. So Air lines would make Profit again and stimulate the European Economy, because every year Millions of Thais had to travel for Visa Purposes, even to their homecountries (10'000 of miles). This would help to solve the problem immindently and as i said: stimmulate the economy).

Edited by stingray
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There is no option for a foreigner, under 50 years old, who don't want marry or not want to work. So there should be a visa category for this kind of foreigners. But there isn't. Basicly we foreigners who living and invested here, are all trapped (not easy to get out, when all the money is invested here). Some of us married, some of us have businesses, investet money, bought houses, cars, raising families and kids (even the kids we didn't made), etc, but we never get citizen ship overhere, unlike Thais who living in Europe. Sooner or later all of them have possibility to be Citizen overthere. The fault is NOT here, the fault is on the goverments of our homecountries. They should treat Thais (even the married ones), the same way as we foreigners get treathed overhere. So Air lines would make Profit again and stimulate the European Economy, because every year Millions of Thais had to travel for Visa Purposes, even to their homecountries (10'000 of miles). This would help to solve the problem immindently and as i said: stimmulate the economy).
Sorry, but for foreigners who (even under 50) are married, have businesses, have money invested, have kids, there are plenty of other options than the tourist visas.
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I don't understand why people wouldn't get a class 'O' Non immigrant visa from your home country before coming here, it means that you can stay here for 15 months, you just have to leave the country every 90 days. It costs £100 which is about 5600 Baht very quick and easy to apply for.

Going home every year and a quarter is no huge problem, maybe going back every now and then is actually a good idea as it will make you grateful for the life you have here. however I'm sure there are one or two people out there who are running from various things at home :)

Thousands of teachers are living on Thai wages and can't afford a flight home plus expenses. You don't have to be running away from home or living some scummy drunken sex tourist lifestyle to find flights and living expenses in the West too expensive.

I know some very respectable hard working primary school teachers who don't have degrees so they are working illegally and they don't earn enough money for flights to Singapore let alone London or New York.

The sad thing is is some of the decidedly slimy time share operators are given their work permits and visas easily. No questions asked.

Those of you who think that being skint and working under the radar makes you scum and a drain on Thailand who should be sent home (with a short stay in the monkeyhouse) should think again.

If you think that those with bags of money living in gated communities and eating in high end establishments are all upstanding members of the community who should be welcomed with open arms you are wrong once again.

Some people who are living here illegally on a budget are contributing to the community and some rich farangs don't have any contact with the Thai population unless they are cleaning their condo or sex workers.

It works both ways and economic status says nothing about whether your a good person or not.

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These threads are becoming laughable. Genuine holidaymakers do not normally need to get three consecutive 60 days tourist visas, especially not from the same consulate! The only people this will have any effect on, should not be on tourist visas in the first place.
I work in the diving industry and am completely legal. However, I haven't always been. If all the divemasters and instructors working on tourist visas were to go home right now I don't believe there is one dive shop on this island that wouldn't go under. (There are about 47 in Koh Tao.) While being inconvenient and a bit sad for them, the Thai people that own these and work on this island would never recover. Literally thousands and thousands of dive courses that have been pre-booked would have to be refunded, ruining the real holidaymakers trip wasting there time and earning their derision forever.

Two years ago there was a major crackdown on illegal Burmese workers here, (there was a murder and of course you know it had to be a Burmese) and due to the fact that very few Thai folks here are willing or capable of doing any sort of work, the island literally stopped. If this happened with the skilled labor that the Farangs represent on this island (and many other places in Thailand) every single person with any vested interest (including me) in this island would be financially devastated and completely screwed. This will especially be true of some extremely rich and influential Thais.

I just think it's another shining example of shooting yourself and everyone else in the foot because of some ill-conceived attempt to do what?



Well, maybe it is time the Koh Tao diving industry got its act together and started operating legally as a whole?

Here on Phuket in the diving industry there are illegal workers, as there are everywhere, but the vast majority of the instructors here are legal, including work permits.

Well, obviously they should (I did) but that's not really the point I was making if you read my post all the way through. You have to take into consideration REALITY!! I will write more clearly. With that amount of money in the balance, considering the Thai people involved,(as well as their highly ranked government family members) this visa stupidity won't last the week, let alone become the rule of all consulates. In a government corrupt as Thailand's you can believe that the owners of these mega shops have their act together on more levels than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio. The point is, why do they not use their collective acorn sized brains before making broad sweeping moves like this. WHY was the point, not whether they will or won't....they can't!!
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There is no option for a foreigner, under 50 years old, who don't want marry or not want to work. So there should be a visa category for this kind of foreigners. But there isn't. Basicly we foreigners who living and invested here, are all trapped (not easy to get out, when all the money is invested here). Some of us married, some of us have businesses, investet money, bought houses, cars, raising families and kids (even the kids we didn't made), etc, but we never get citizen ship overhere, unlike Thais who living in Europe. Sooner or later all of them have possibility to be Citizen overthere. The fault is NOT here, the fault is on the goverments of our homecountries. They should treat Thais (even the married ones), the same way as we foreigners get treathed overhere. So Air lines would make Profit again and stimulate the European Economy, because every year Millions of Thais had to travel for Visa Purposes, even to their homecountries (10'000 of miles). This would help to solve the problem immindently and as i said: stimmulate the economy).

GREAT, at least somebody gets the point. THANKS.... not everybody here is old or rich or both. Intelligent rich people prefer other countries anyway.....but the special-xxx is easier here for the old guys :)

Some ppl are really trapped here, rules are not the same when we spent all our money here

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Well, obviously they should (I did) but that's not really the point I was making if you read my post all the way through. You have to take into consideration REALITY!! I will write more clearly. With that amount of money in the balance, considering the Thai people involved,(as well as their highly ranked government family members) this visa stupidity won't last the week, let alone become the rule of all consulates. In a government corrupt as Thailand's you can believe that the owners of these mega shops have their act together on more levels than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio. The point is, why do they not use their collective acorn sized brains before making broad sweeping moves like this. WHY was the point, not whether they will or won't....they can't!!

I think one of the reasons of these kind of measures (at the moment apparently though only from Penang) is the number of people working illegally, amongst others in the diving industry.

So in a way the diving industry is partly to blame for these kind of measures and has to get its act together.

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most of these people are not "tourists" - real tourists dont stay that long!

these are people who are working black, not paying taxes and so on.

if you have a job get a work permit - where is the problem..

amarka :)

Work permits are tough to get unless youv'e got a bottomless pit of cash to start your own company with.

You need a business that employs four Thai staff plus 1million THB in the bank, a degree if your a teacher or a company prepared to sponsor you for a work permit.

Companies are rarely prepared to sponsor people unless the company is loaded, most teachers in Thai government schools don't have degrees and starting a business in Thailand is an expensive undertaking full of hidden charges.

It's just not that easy. I can only assume you have enough money to grease the wheels. Well you should try being legal on a budget and you would find that the is a problem.

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There is no option for a foreigner, under 50 years old, who don't want marry or not want to work. So there should be a visa category for this kind of foreigners. But there isn't. Basicly we foreigners who living and invested here, are all trapped (not easy to get out, when all the money is invested here). Some of us married, some of us have businesses, investet money, bought houses, cars, raising families and kids (even the kids we didn't made), etc, but we never get citizen ship overhere, unlike Thais who living in Europe. Sooner or later all of them have possibility to be Citizen overthere. The fault is NOT here, the fault is on the goverments of our homecountries. They should treat Thais (even the married ones), the same way as we foreigners get treathed overhere. So Air lines would make Profit again and stimulate the European Economy, because every year Millions of Thais had to travel for Visa Purposes, even to their homecountries (10'000 of miles). This would help to solve the problem immindently and as i said: stimmulate the economy).

...that does not comply with the common policy to reduce the output of CO2!

and when I think about the trouble Thai people have to go throught to get a visa for Germany: personal Invitation, return ticket, health insurance, declaration of cost transfer by the one who issues the invitation, proof of funds, ability to communicate either in German or English...

It is quite easy for us Europeans and Brits too, to go wherever and whenever we want.

Sure there should be some changes from the Thai side, but if Thailand would require the same paperwork from Germans, as Germans do for a 3-month Schengen Visa, I would not be here, but in Mexico!

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A lot of countries work hard to build a tourist industry. Thailand seems to be the opposite working extreemly hard to destroy thiers.

Cmon....! The people affected by this issue are NOT real tourists... they're long stay people who cost the country money and pay no taxes... they cost Thailand money... hey, you can't live on back to back tourist visas in most developed countries and Thailand is trying hard to develop. Time to stop complaining about our generous host country... get a real visa or move on. Easy.

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and when I think about the trouble Thai people have to go throught to get a visa for Germany: personal Invitation, return ticket, health insurance, declaration of cost transfer by the one who issues the invitation, proof of funds, ability to communicate either in German or English...

good point fxe, BUT what the foreigners in Germany and the other Schengencountries get in return? how many of them are on social welfare, free healthcare, and unemployment benefits etc. etc......what Thailand do for us here? never heard of unemployment or social welfare offices for farangs.

If you can not pay cash, they even let you die in front of a hospital...so WE have to take care ourselfs here. I dont need 400k on my account or an income of 40,000 up for a month living in Thailand.....i am absolutely fine with 20k a month

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A lot of countries work hard to build a tourist industry. Thailand seems to be the opposite working extreemly hard to destroy thiers.

Cmon....! The people affected by this issue are NOT real tourists... they're long stay people who cost the country money and pay no taxes... they cost Thailand money... hey, you can't live on back to back tourist visas in most developed countries and Thailand is trying hard to develop. Time to stop complaining about our generous host country... get a real visa or move on. Easy.

Why do they cost Thailand money? They can't claim benefits. If they are just beering it up they are still paying tax.

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I've never seen nor heard of a tourist refused visa or entry to Thailand.

Now as for all you long stayers that aren't actually tourists at all, just what exactly is wrong with going back to your own country just once a year to apply for a new O visa ? Oh is the cost of the flight too much - tuff !

If it were as hard for farangs to come to Thailand as it is for Thais to go to Farangland then you might have something to moan about. In the meantime, consider yourselves lucky this is a one embassy policy only.

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A lot of countries work hard to build a tourist industry. Thailand seems to be the opposite working extreemly hard to destroy thiers.

Cmon....! The people affected by this issue are NOT real tourists... they're long stay people who cost the country money and pay no taxes... they cost Thailand money... hey, you can't live on back to back tourist visas in most developed countries and Thailand is trying hard to develop. Time to stop complaining about our generous host country... get a real visa or move on. Easy.

How is it they cost Thailand money? Using the free healthcare system? Food stamps? Using up all the government housing? Or possibly making sooo much money that they're transferring it to a off-shore account? Maybe running big crime syndicates or an illegal lottery? :) No, sorry, that's the Thai people.... :D
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ohh btw, wait until next year when the Chinese start shopping on international markets and throw the usd in which the Americans printed for them in masses. After the Americans get about 25-28 Baht for an USD, will see how many of them start Visaruns to Penang then :)

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The sad thing is is some of the decidedly slimy time share operators are given their work permits and visas easily. No questions asked.

How do they do it. I was " kidnapped " once ( I would never them give any money though)

and there must have been at least 10 farangs and certainly not the " degree bearing type "

So how could they possibly say they have 40 Thai employees somewhere for 10 work permits ?

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Beautiful country. The Thai Government motto: Spend a lot, but do not stay too long.... And about the tourism industry; who gives a hack. The government will pay the interest bill of the hoteliers anyhow. Not everybody on tourist visas are working, I assume.

This is total rubbish.

I have a non immigrant visa and have been living in Thailand for the last 6 years and prior to that, on and off for the last 20 years, never had any problems.

And as for problems with obtaining tourist visa extensions; a tourist is someone who is meant to be on holiday, not for those who believe they have a right to stay in the Kingdom indefinitely without meeting the requirements as imposed by the Immigration department.

The termination of visa runs will save costs for taxpayers and help deter those foreigners who consider Thailand as a soft touch for criminals and lawbreakers.

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It is not up to a consulate to stop illegals from working here this matter should be handled by the authorities IN the country and I wish they would.

They should crack down on illegal working teachers, divers and the like..... That way people who are here as long term tourists might have less hassle obtaining a TR visa even consecutive ones.

As some have already stated but no one gives a clear answer since there isn't any, some of us are indeed financially set for life without having the right age to retire, willing to marry or operate a business.

Well for those of us there isn't an option except getting consecutive TR visas.

Personally I'll be getting married next month so will be out of the line of fire yet I have sympathies for sincere money spending long term tourists.

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What's new? Almost 2 years that the only place where they give Tourist visa easily is Vientiane in Laos, so I wonder why someone is still going to Penang ?!

riiight. Vientiane is by far the most easiest.

Penang was easier for single entry tourist visas.

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A lot of countries work hard to build a tourist industry. Thailand seems to be the opposite working extreemly hard to destroy thiers.

Cmon....! The people affected by this issue are NOT real tourists... they're long stay people who cost the country money and pay no taxes... they cost Thailand money... hey, you can't live on back to back tourist visas in most developed countries and Thailand is trying hard to develop. Time to stop complaining about our generous host country... get a real visa or move on. Easy.

Once again someone who has cash and qualifications (or both) saying it's easy.

How do you get legal when your on a budget and you don't have a degree?

Being on a budget cancels out starting a company and not having a degree means you can't teach legally or get the kind of job which comes with a permit. (Unless you fancy time share that is) :)

Although I agree with you that Thailand is very accommodating and that disgracefully most Thais wouldn't even get into countries like America or Britain without vast amounts in the bank and a native spouse or well to do sponsor.

I'm not one of these guys who thinks the Thai authorities are out to get us (they could make getting a work permit easier though) I'm just exasperated with all you obviously financially secure degree carrying folks who keep saying "Get legal, it's easy"

It's not unless you are financially set or well qualified.

There are plenty good people who want to be legal and pay tax but the system doesn't allow for folks on a budget or without a university education to get a permit.

Will you all please stop saying it's easy and get off your high horses.

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apparently tourism is down drastically in the south, hard to understand why??????, this will help??????

I can't believe that you are that ignorant not to know why tourism in the South is down.

For myself I will never travel to the South also, as I like to avoid Muslims, one of the reasons I left my home country. I lived 25 years amongst them and that's more than enough for me.

You can call me an racist if you like, I really don't mind it at all.

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alternatively, you can get a new passport every 9 months!!!

just a problem with that.. they have computers... 5-10 years ago that would do the trick

You're wrong.

A new passport works just fine.

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