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Penang: Tourist Visa Rejected If Have 3 Tvisas Already...

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In interest of keeping folks clear on what is going on, I will ask again if anyone has any details or updates.

a) Is this an issue of having 3 consecutive tourist visas from Penang?

:) Is this an issue of having 3 consecutive tourist visas from ANY consulate-embassy?

c) Is this an issue of having 3 tourist visas (non-consecutive) from any period/any consulate-embassy in your current passport?

All of the above? one or more of the above?

I think most readers are looking for information like this.

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Oh well, they really know how to screw with your head... thailand should adopt the uk policy, let you in and give you a house, 5 years tax free and state benefits even if you have nothing to do with the country but just need asylum or some where to crash...

im going to Peneng on Wed for my Non B wonder if i will get it... we'll see??

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Tourism being killed? ...

But by enlarge, they are few in number. I feel sorry for them, but the vast majority of visa runners are not in that group. They are working. Illegally.

The correct english is : But by and large.

Not "But by enlarge". :D


"...for all intensive purposes" :)

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Most of the English teachers out here do not have degrees so they are unable to get work permits. They are living and working illegally on Thai wages so no healthy Western bank balance to smooth the way.

Without the illegal teachers the government schools would have hardly any native speaking English teachers. Most people with degrees work in private language schools or they go to Japan or Korea. Thai government school pay is small and the kids unruly so it's rare that the highly qualified end up working in them. The system needs budget farang teachers and plenty of them.

Are they bad apples who should be weeded out and admonished by you wealthy business owners and loaded VIP retirement visa crew?

I understand Thailand's policies and disagree with those that bang on as if Thailand was being draconian when they know that a Thai can't visit most farang countries without jumping through firey hoops and proving they are rich.

It's you wealthy expats who talk about those who can't win the day with bundles of cash as if they where scrounging scum who are truly out of order. It's such pomposity.

"well I've got the cash to do what I want, if you haven't then your a loser who deserves to be got rid of"

Having no money doesn't automatically make you a scrounger milking the system and having bundles of cash to fly home to get your visa doesn't automatically make you a desirable and respectful farang.

It is not about money, it is about taking responsibility to obtain the proper permissions to be here as fits your situation. No foreigner has any "right" to be here, we are guests in this country.

If your situation is such that a visa/permission to stay which fits your situation requires some amount of money that you do not have, too bad....go home.

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Beautiful country. The Thai Government motto: Spend a lot, but do not stay too long.... And about the tourism industry; who gives a hack. The government will pay the interest bill of the hoteliers anyhow. Not everybody on tourist visas are working, I assume.

That is the price they pay for their nationalism.We live in a global world, but thai gouvernment doesn't seem to take notice of this,to say the least

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If it is only Penang, and I haven't seen any reports from other countries besides Malaysia refusing tourist visas for one or other reason, then there is not too much to worry about - at the moment.

True, several people have been stranded in Penang and this is very regrettable and should be addressed by relevant Thai authorities.

In the meantime people who are stranded in Malaysia should consider asking the consulate either directly or through a reputable agent and find out what the real and true situation is. There might be some untold reason why tourist visas were not given out now. We would not know until asked and answered by the consulate.

Alternatively they could fly to KL with a budget airline. Costs should not increase much and will solve the immediate problems faced.

Slightly offtopic:


"The tourism industry has suffered its deepest slump in many decades with the number of visitors expected to be down 22 per cent on last year, according to the Tourism Council of Thailand chairman Kongkit Hiranyakij.

It was the biggest plunge in tourism growth in 49 years, he said.

...causing the country to lose up to 200 billion baht of tourism revenue this year...

Last year, Thailand gained 540 billion baht in tourism revenue."

So from a 22% drop in arrivals they lose up to 37% total revenue.

One might think the numbers do not add up, or the 22% drop in arrivals are the "high spenders" that abandon Thai travel.

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Most of the English teachers out here do not have degrees so they are unable to get work permits. They are living and working illegally on Thai wages so no healthy Western bank balance to smooth the way.

Without the illegal teachers the government schools would have hardly any native speaking English teachers. Most people with degrees work in private language schools or they go to Japan or Korea. Thai government school pay is small and the kids unruly so it's rare that the highly qualified end up working in them. The system needs budget farang teachers and plenty of them.

Are they bad apples who should be weeded out and admonished by you wealthy business owners and loaded VIP retirement visa crew?

I understand Thailand's policies and disagree with those that bang on as if Thailand was being draconian when they know that a Thai can't visit most farang countries without jumping through firey hoops and proving they are rich.

It's you wealthy expats who talk about those who can't win the day with bundles of cash as if they where scrounging scum who are truly out of order. It's such pomposity.

"well I've got the cash to do what I want, if you haven't then your a loser who deserves to be got rid of"

Having no money doesn't automatically make you a scrounger milking the system and having bundles of cash to fly home to get your visa doesn't automatically make you a desirable and respectful farang.

It is not about money, it is about taking responsibility to obtain the proper permissions to be here as fits your situation. No foreigner has any "right" to be here, we are guests in this country.

If your situation is such that a visa/permission to stay which fits your situation requires some amount of money that you do not have, too bad....go home.

My experience is the same as many English teachers here.

Many of us are not university graduates and we are told by the TEFL schools that they can get us jobs in Thailand without a degree. The schools and agencies wont tell you that it is illegal to teach in Thailand in fact the TEFL industry actively promotes Thailand as a destination for teachers without a degree.

Most people don't find out that it's illegal to teach in Thailand without a degree until they are already out here.

It would have been crazy for me to scrap my plans and write off the investment considering the majority of teachers are working illegally and arrests are very very rare.

I only found out it was illegal to be a teacher in Thailand without a degree once I had got here completed and paid for my TEFL course and started the job hunt. Now I'm here I have invested a lot of time and effort and established a life which is a hundredfold better than my life ever was back home.

You are right, in theory I should have said "Oh well it wasn't meant to be" and packed up my dreams then headed back to the long hours and low wages of a forklift driver in London but that's just not human nature and you know it.

People rarely make these moralistic calls to honesty when they aren't sorted themselves.

Something tells me the only people who are saying "if you can't afford to be legal go home because your abusing Thailand's hospitality" are people who have the financial clout to stay out here as long as they want.

Lets be honest this urge to say that we should all respect Thailand's immigration policies is not coming from a selfless love of Thailand. It's less a case of we don't break the law or abuse Thailand's hospitality because we are respectful and we care than a case of I'm alright jack if your not, TOUGH. I've made my dough if you haven't then on yer bike!

We are all Thatchers children after all :)

It is a rare and supremely moral fellow indeed who says I'm giving it up healthier happier life because I refuse to break the law. It's not like I'm robbing grannies for gawdsakes I'm teaching English to underprivaliged kids.

PS: If we all decided to be morally perfect, pack up our lives and head home Thailand wouldn't have enough teachers. They need teachers and here we are, I am not abusing Thailand's hospitality I'm providing a much needed service. I just hope one day soon the regulations or my financial situation changes and I can become legal.

Until then I will keep my head down and enjoy my blessings whilst I have them.

Edited by mrbp
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alternatively, you can get a new passport every 9 months!!!

just a problem with that.. they have computers... 5-10 years ago that would do the trick

for the UK passport holders you get a NEW passport number with every new passport... so there is a 'chance' that you can get in as a 'first timer',, (rather than a 4th timer).

actually,, as far as I remember, cant one get 4 entries on a tourist visa? (ie: 12 monoths of visas)...

but,, probably a thai education visa (from a language course) is an easy option.

could one enrol to the course and not turn up? (lets say one found a CHEAP course in chang rai, (but you live in bangkok). could you enrol, get the visa and get 1 year of not having to do a visa-run. (and not turn up to the course).

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I lived and had a company in Thailand for 13 years supporting Thai engineers and bringing in a ton of cash. When I shut down my company due to a down turn in business I lost my visa and thus started the Thai screwing ( I was not 50 at the time). It got to a point that I was not welcomed in the country I helped for so many years. I left and have never been happier, trust me !!! I still come to Thailand from time to time as still have contacts that I need to meet with but I have given up all hope that this country will ever get it.... Many more places to go that have fair visa laws and will respect the people that help support the locals. Why be a sucker. Why put up with the Thai BS. Have a little backbone and don't let them treat you like trash. Their time is coming ( perhaps here now) and I can't be happier !!!!! :):D:D

What comes around goes around... hear this before ?

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thanks for posting the directional signs below.

now i just realize why i am always missing lake tahoe-california; vale-colorado, or snowbird- salt lake city.... lol

but never mind.... french alps or australian alps would be just fine....

but why.... the snow flakes in the alps are much heavier.... lol

thx for reminding me of what a wonderful and fulfilling life style i once enjoyed to the fullest....

5,000 baht for a single day ski lift, 800 baht for a hamberger, 250 baht for a cup of hot choc.... lol

well, the best part is, the skiing partner costs even more.... lol

cheers with a red cherry on top.... lol


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Today i arrived at bana guesthouse and I was told when I gave them my passport, that since yesterday over 30 passports were rejected for tourist visa. The reason was stated as: If you have 3 Tourist Visa's already you have to fly in your own country to get another one. I was told this by staff of bananguesthouse and can not verify it.

I myself have 3 tourist visas (yeah, dam_n...) and tomorrow I will see whether I will get rejected too. I have a daughter and try to go for Non-O Visa (never did it, lets see...)

I just wanted everyone to know before you come here to penang, because here is a lot of chaos -farang wise. Some don't know where to go or what to do. People breaking down. I wonder why people can not fly/drive to Thailand and get the 15/30days.

Anyone has a idea whats going on? It started yesterday 21.07.2009.


if you have a connection or know someone that`s not a problem.

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Lets hope this isnt a new trend to sweep through to all consulates . I cant see that happening though .


By the way, does anyone know if it is still possible in Vientiane to get a Tourist Visa, nowadays ??

I hope so...

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Lets hope this isnt a new trend to sweep through to all consulates . I cant see that happening though .


By the way, does anyone know if it is still possible in Vientiane to get a Tourist Visa, nowadays ??

I hope so...

No problem at all there, even double entry tourist visas.

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I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

If you want to stay here longer then you are no longer a tourist and you have to go through the correct channels and get the relevant paperwork, much the same as you would in your own country.

For those of us that are here legally, have legal visa's and work permits, all you scammers are making it even harder for us to do it legally, paying outlandish tax rates, unbelievable company tax payments, twice yearly book-keeping, etc etc, all these things cost money and I can understand if some people cannot afford it, you must leave then.

For example, I want a Ferrari, but I cant afford it, does that mean that I am gonna go and complain in the Ferrari forums that they are charging too much for their cars and should make some available to the small man that only wants it for the weekend!

It just doesnt work does it.

Yes, the Thai government is constantly moving the goalposts, not surprising really as their immigration laws were always 20 years behind the west, If you are not british, then go and try and get a visa for the UK, I am sure you would have fun battling the english bureaucrats. The same for Australians and Americans, getting into Oz and the US is not easy, especially if you want to stay and work.

Thailand is not so picky, they will take virtually anyone, a wander through Koasan Rd or Patpong will demonstrate this too you, all the dregs of the western world are allowed into Thailand.

I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.

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The Thai government have laws on visa's the same as any other country . If they change the rules now and again , ok , just do as they ask.

Those of you that think people staying here are flaunting the laws , wake up .

Everyone who requires a visa, does exactly as the government asks , there is no back door, we follow the rules.

So for all of you 2 faced hypocrites , try thinking about what you write before spouting off about those who are here on ' Tourist Visa's. Regardess of what visa you have , it is a visa and is what is required . Nuff Said !!

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I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

If you want to stay here longer then you are no longer a tourist and you have to go through the correct channels and get the relevant paperwork, much the same as you would in your own country.

For those of us that are here legally, have legal visa's and work permits, all you scammers are making it even harder for us to do it legally, paying outlandish tax rates, unbelievable company tax payments, twice yearly book-keeping, etc etc, all these things cost money and I can understand if some people cannot afford it, you must leave then.

For example, I want a Ferrari, but I cant afford it, does that mean that I am gonna go and complain in the Ferrari forums that they are charging too much for their cars and should make some available to the small man that only wants it for the weekend!

It just doesnt work does it.

Yes, the Thai government is constantly moving the goalposts, not surprising really as their immigration laws were always 20 years behind the west, If you are not british, then go and try and get a visa for the UK, I am sure you would have fun battling the english bureaucrats. The same for Australians and Americans, getting into Oz and the US is not easy, especially if you want to stay and work.

Thailand is not so picky, they will take virtually anyone, a wander through Koasan Rd or Patpong will demonstrate this too you, all the dregs of the western world are allowed into Thailand.

I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.

You are right re western and even some ASEAN countries immigration laws vs Thai ones. However playing the holier than thou from your ivory tower is not going to solve anything.

Incidentally if one applies for a visa to UK, US , Canada and Australia etc there tend to be consistent rules world wide for the that country and the majority of applicants.

That said seems there are a large number of wingeing POMS etc out there waiting for someone to solve their problems.......don't there?

re your view of the tourist dregs..you been to Mexico , P' Rico or Cairns..lol?

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I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

If you want to stay here longer then you are no longer a tourist and you have to go through the correct channels and get the relevant paperwork, much the same as you would in your own country.

For those of us that are here legally, have legal visa's and work permits, all you scammers are making it even harder for us to do it legally, paying outlandish tax rates, unbelievable company tax payments, twice yearly book-keeping, etc etc, all these things cost money and I can understand if some people cannot afford it, you must leave then.

For example, I want a Ferrari, but I cant afford it, does that mean that I am gonna go and complain in the Ferrari forums that they are charging too much for their cars and should make some available to the small man that only wants it for the weekend!

It just doesnt work does it.

Yes, the Thai government is constantly moving the goalposts, not surprising really as their immigration laws were always 20 years behind the west, If you are not british, then go and try and get a visa for the UK, I am sure you would have fun battling the english bureaucrats. The same for Australians and Americans, getting into Oz and the US is not easy, especially if you want to stay and work.

Thailand is not so picky, they will take virtually anyone, a wander through Koasan Rd or Patpong will demonstrate this too you, all the dregs of the western world are allowed into Thailand.

I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.


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Some consulates don't like people traveling to Thailand a lot on tourist visa and can give a stamp in your passport saying that they will not further isue a tourist visa to you. That is the policy of the consul, not of the Thai government.

its a very hard job to stamp many many farang passports everyday , they get tired of it and they want relax a bit probably... nobody control them anyway..

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This is not just a Penang problem. Kota Baru are no longer issuing tourist visas if you have 3 used visas. I got that from Herbert who runs a visa run bus firm operating between samui and Kota Baru- so Kota Baru is also a definite no (he also said you may have to leave Asia completely to get a tourist visa!) . Its also not just a problem with Banana Guest house as one poster suggested as I called njbookshop (usually sort you a visa out no problem) and they said they have been unable to get visas issued for such people.

Looks like KL/Vientiane may be the closest, if they are still issuing

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This is not just a Penang problem. Kota Baru are no longer issuing tourist visas if you have 3 used visas. I got that from Herbert who runs a visa run bus firm operating between samui and Kota Baru- so Kota Baru is also a definite no (he also said you may have to leave Asia completely to get a tourist visa!) . Its also not just a problem with Banana Guest house as one poster suggested as I called njbookshop (usually sort you a visa out no problem) and they said they have been unable to get visas issued for such people.

Looks like KL/Vientiane may be the closest, if they are still issuing

maybe sooner vientiane will start also refuse people who asking for tourist visa,

when everbody hear and go there now apply for tr, will be kaos in there.

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The Thai government have laws on visa's the same as any other country . If they change the rules now and again , ok , just do as they ask.

Those of you that think people staying here are flaunting the laws , wake up .

Everyone who requires a visa, does exactly as the government asks , there is no back door, we follow the rules.

So for all of you 2 faced hypocrites , try thinking about what you write before spouting off about those who are here on ' Tourist Visa's. Regardess of what visa you have , it is a visa and is what is required . Nuff Said !!

Webster's English definition of the word tourist: One who tours for pleasure or culture.

How does this include permanent visitors, i.e. a person who arrives and never leaves? Those are immigrants. So this implies the visas are intended for people touring i.e. visiting with the intention of returning home; hence the requirement to show an air ticket.

Compare it say to obtaining a business licence back in your home. If you hold a permit to trade fish in a market, it does not entitle you to open a casino - but they are both permits.

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Further to the suggestion that some are 'forced' to use consecutive Tourist visas because there is not a visa type specific to their 'just testing the water to see if [insert employment of choice here] is a sustainable employment option' reason for being here.

So the Thai authorities, who are are claimed to be in denial of the importance of unqualified and inexperienced [insert employment category, skill or trade here] have a mensa moment and create this new 'no thanks, just looking, thank you' type visa and the foreigners simply flood in.

Some of these get employed, get WP's, get paid, get legal... while the greater amount of them quit and float around thinking of what to do next... teach a bit, pitch time-share a bit, dabble as a real-estate, dive. No WP so they don't need to report to the Labour Dept or even leave the country every time they quit. Down the pub, have a few beers, flirt with the girlies... nice.

Roll the clock forward another 10 or so years and there's another need for a purge of all this deadwood who consider that being an illegal deadbeat in Thailand is much more sustainable than being the same back home, mainly because the weather is better of course.

Edited by NanLaew
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I really dont see what the fuss is all about if you are staying in Thailand long term, tourist visa's are for tourists, visitors to the country, people that are here for only a short period ( i.e ~3months).

Your post falls down at the first post.... If this were the case, why it is still possible to obtain Triple Entry Tourist visas valid for six months, theoretically allowing you an over eight month stay?

Of course the point is that 'tourists' go home....eventually :) It's the people who don't want to go or can't afford to go home and are unable to fit the criteria for other types of long stay visa who are shouting the loudest.

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The Thai government have laws on visa's the same as any other country . If they change the rules now and again , ok , just do as they ask.

Those of you that think people staying here are flaunting the laws , wake up .

Everyone who requires a visa, does exactly as the government asks , there is no back door, we follow the rules.

So for all of you 2 faced hypocrites , try thinking about what you write before spouting off about those who are here on ' Tourist Visa's. Regardess of what visa you have , it is a visa and is what is required . Nuff Said !!

A tourist visa therefor is a tourist visa....

A Non-Imm-B for "Business" - covers all around the big "B", employment the lot!

A Non-Imm-O for "Others" as in being married, retirement, etc.

all of them have certain criteria to be fulfilled by the applicant if not application will be rejected!

On a good day, anyone ever experienced what is going on at Penang Consulate?

And not being completely blind to certain things like dress code, appearance, one may only guess...

I f.E. stayed 10 in a row and never had to leave... it's possible, but ONLY if the applicant is willing

to fulfill the requested criteria - it's all up to the applicant NOT to the government or TAT - who whishes to

make a fool out of him/herself welcome - go ahead - but stop whinging!

About an assumed wronghandling about your intentions ILLEGALY

working in a country which gives an incredible amount of individual freedom to

everyone without being asked - except the visa story has became more stingent - and who

do you think caused that?

The "bureaucrats"?

Because "they don't want tourism"? :)

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I could go on about this for hours, I am fed up with reading in this forum the moans and whinges of farang law breakers coming here and attempting to get something for nothing, although my heart does go out to anyone who is ATTEMPTING to stay here legally, either as a farang or married to a Thai, it can be rough doing it the legal way but I firmly believe that if they manage to stamp out the illegal farangs then it will become easier for the legal ones to make a life here.

I can't seem to understand why there is such outrage against teachers without degrees; when did these all high and mighty expats appear from and think that Thailand is theirs all of a sudden?

1. Let's look at this logically - a degree does NOT mean you will make a good teacher; it's like saying I have a degree in Biology so I would make a good racing car driver. A teaching certificate or teaching experience would probably make someone a good teacher. Yes, someone with a degree in teaching or English would be an excellent choice, but would they choose the low pay in Thailand?

2. "People are not putting anything back in as it's Thai money being paid to these teacher" - has some basis this point, but it could be argued if you got rid of all the teachers without degrees or using fake ones, what are you left with? Some qualified teachers, some degreed teachers who may not actually be any good and...... a HUGE shortage of teachers, meaning less people getting taught English all round the country, which would mean less oportunities for the locals. this would be a big impact and will hurt Thailand on the International stage. So, YES they are putting something back in.

3. What is it that winds these people up on the boards, just because people don't have degrees or work permits? The poster quoted above, said it's costing him more money. Give me a break! In what context? You must know Thailand by now, to know if they will make more money or work out of you, they will; it has NOTHING to do with other farang without the right papers. Nothing!

4. Yes there are lowlife aroung Patpong and Kho San; try Nana too, complete lowlifes, but you make it sound these are all illegal teachers!!!!!! A lot will be tourists that don't stay too long or expacts with the correct papers. I think the schools and Thailand should be concentrating getting rid of teachers or others that prey on young girls or who have criminal records settling over here then rather worrying if a teacher has a degree or not. They are the ones we need to rid of, not the non-degree teachers.

5. It is the law though and people should respect it - I agree, people are breaking the law, but all these high and mighty 'hey look at me, loaddsamoney with correct visa types' I must ask - have you paid for a girl over here for sex? Not that you will admit it on here, but if you have then you are a complete hypocrite as though Thailand may not look like it sometimes, the sex trade IS illegal. So, practice what you preach and as you've been saying ....... go home! I met some guy here the other week who loved himself a bit, had a degree got good paid IT job that snorts coke all the time, gets his Thai friends into the drug and shags anything going. Great example..... throw that idiot home instead.

I can see how it may amuse people slightly, that someone is not here legally; but all these high and mighty types I would love to see what you would do if a new Thai law came in tomorrow that stopped you being able to live here. Would you look for a loophole if it was quite easy to get away with it? Or would you go home? I think very much like the rest of us on here, you'd look for a way to stay, and if not, I think you're lying.

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How many of you whiners are real tourist. If you have more than a few tourist visas back to back I would say you are not a tourist.

I know I know< I come here long time and spend big money and support family, then get a real visa for that purpose.

Oh dear no 1

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