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Who Do You Support To Lead Thailand?


Who should be leading Thailand?  

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Section 96: A person under any of the following prohibitions shall have no right to

become a candidate for election as member of the House of Representatives:

(1) Addiction to drugs;

(2) Bankrupt at present or in the past;

(3) Disfranchised under Section 94 (1) (2) or (4);

(4) Sentenced by judge to imprisonment or detained by warrant of Court;

(5) Banned from participating in election for a period of less than five years after

being sentenced by judge to imprisonment for a term of two years or more; except for an

offence committee through negligence;

(6) Expelled, dismissed or removed from official service of a state agency or state

enterprise on charge of dishonest performance of duties or corruption;

(7) Ordered by judgment of court that his or her assets will be confiscated by the state

on charge of unusual wealthiness or unusual increase in his or her assets; (coming soon)

(8) Government official holding a permanent position and receiving salary, except a

political official;

(9) Member of local assembly or local administrator;

(10) Senator;

11) Official or employee of a state agency, state enterprise or local government

organization, or other state official;

(12) Judge of Constitutional Court, Election Commissioner, Ombudsman, member of

the National Counter Corruption Commission, member the State Audit Commission, or

member of the National Human Rights Commission.

(13) Prohibited from holding a political position under Section 254;

(14) Removed from office by a resolution of the Senate under Section 265.

Edited by LawnGnome
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TIT! :)

The fact that you can't answer my simple question says much more about you than anything else. Who will Puea Thai run, that is going to beat Abhisit? Chalerm, Yingluck? Will either of them do a better job for Thailand than Abhisit?

Its really not that difficult. Maybe there is too much smog up there.

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Exactly Taksin's not on it because he's a greedy criminal scumbag who's on the run. Abhisit all the way. Mabye he will end that govt rice scam Cocksin started and I can finaly export from Thailand again and not have to buy from Vietnam.

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The funny thing is, the only refrain I get from Thaksinista's, when I post this question, is the same over and over. Thaksin would whup his ass, etc. Wishful thinking. How about some pragmatic opinions for a change. Who can beat Abhisit now? Puea Thai has no one to run against him, that can win. I can hear the recycled question regurgitating now, so let me add it. Then why not hold elections now? Because the problems in the consitution (which all sides agree are present, and all sides are trying to correct), haven't been finished yet. When they are, I am sure you will see a new election, and I think the result will be pretty close to what you are seeing above. Just my 2 baht.

Oh yes, your poster boy Abhisit is a winner all right.

"Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Thursday downplayed a suggestion from US Secretary of States Hillary Clinton that Burma should be kick out of Asean because of its poor human rights record.

Abhisit said an isolated Burma would not help the reconciliation and democratisation process in the military-run state.""

We can't have that can we Abhisit, all the corruption money from Burma will dry up! :)

And who gave a loan to the Burmese junta from the tax payers pocket to make the cellphone system in Burma.

Only one catch, must buy fro shin corporation and who own that one, I think you know.

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thaksin of course! after there is no non-corrupt governments in the world -.more so in asia and even more so in asean. at least thaksin made sure every poor get a chance to buy a pick-up and a hand-phone and a computer and less people go hungry.

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Wake up reds.

Thaksin will be on the ballot with his PUPPET PROXY. This is out in the open. You know it, I know it, all the Thai people know it.

But you redshirts are LIVING IN THE PAST.

Abhisit is STRONG. He is a SURVIVOR. The outrageous BLACK SONGKRAN attempted VIOLENT REVOLUTION by WANTED CRIMINAL Thaksin where the red thugs actually attempted to murder Abhisit ended up MAKING Abhisit. He came through the fire like a Phoenix. He will be leader of Thailand and get stronger and stronger for quite some time. Thaksin will only return, if ever, to face PRISON. Again, wake up.

Edited by Jingthing
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Just to point out, banned polictians and people convicted of a crime are not allowed to serve as MP's, so are not allowed to hold the post of PM. That is the reason for missing such great contenders as Thaksin "Beam me up" Shinawatra, Somchai and Samak "The Siamese Twins", Newin "Are you talking to me?", Yongyuth "The Refrigerator Man" etc, etc, etc,

Thanks for voting mc2!

If Thaskin was in thailand today and a vote was held tomorrow involving all parties...I kind of know who would win. I have no say in Thai politics I am not Thai. Too much elitist snobbery going around. The current party in charge thinks the average thai is too stupid to pick the "right" leader as do many on this forum. That is the same mentality that the rulers justified ruling Thailand for so long. It is a liberal idealogy of "we know what is better for them because they are uneducated and poor therefore cannot grasp the importance of what is going on". A democratic vote is a democratic vote. If you don't like it then use the legal means of changing things. But another part of liberal ideaology is that the 'ends justifies the means'. Why? Again, because the average person not educated enough to make the right decision on their own so we will help them make the right decision or take that right away entirely. The thai people must decide what is best for thailand...ALL the thai people.

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I agree with much of what you say end of days. After my first few visits to Thailand I had come to think of the place as progressively democratic however in the last three or four years things have seemed more like a banana republic.

Who would I vote for: Will not matter.

Who will the Thai vote for: See above.

Bad politics indeed.

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Even if Thailand was better off under Thaksin, it doesn't mean a blind eye should be turned on his wrongdoings. Generations of that kind of thinking is what has gotten Thailand in the mess it's in today.

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Exactly Taksin's not on it because he's a greedy criminal scumbag who's on the run. Abhisit all the way. Mabye he will end that govt rice scam Cocksin started and I can finaly export from Thailand again and not have to buy from Vietnam.

Indeed. And the others are squeaky clean.....

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If Thaskin was in thailand today and a vote was held tomorrow involving all parties...I kind of know who would win. I have no say in Thai politics I am not Thai. Too much elitist snobbery going around. The current party in charge thinks the average thai is too stupid to pick the "right" leader as do many on this forum. That is the same mentality that the rulers justified ruling Thailand for so long. It is a liberal idealogy of "we know what is better for them because they are uneducated and poor therefore cannot grasp the importance of what is going on". A democratic vote is a democratic vote. If you don't like it then use the legal means of changing things. But another part of liberal ideaology is that the 'ends justifies the means'. Why? Again, because the average person not educated enough to make the right decision on their own so we will help them make the right decision or take that right away entirely. The thai people must decide what is best for thailand...ALL the thai people.

great post.

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If Thaskin was in thailand today and a vote was held tomorrow involving all parties...I kind of know who would win. I have no say in Thai politics I am not Thai. Too much elitist snobbery going around. The current party in charge thinks the average thai is too stupid to pick the "right" leader as do many on this forum. That is the same mentality that the rulers justified ruling Thailand for so long. It is a liberal idealogy of "we know what is better for them because they are uneducated and poor therefore cannot grasp the importance of what is going on". A democratic vote is a democratic vote. If you don't like it then use the legal means of changing things. But another part of liberal ideaology is that the 'ends justifies the means'. Why? Again, because the average person not educated enough to make the right decision on their own so we will help them make the right decision or take that right away entirely. The thai people must decide what is best for thailand...ALL the thai people.

I agree with you about the people choosing. But I disagree with your interpretation of the outcome. PT's strength is significantly less than what it was last time Thaksin came to power. It is significantly less than the last election, with the loss of the support of the BJT Party, etc. In fact, PT is set to lose more support when the next election is called, because there will be several defections to the other parties. Of course, you or I will see what bears out in the end, but the signs point to the Dems staying in power. And frankly, I think that is better for the people of Thailand.

The proposals they have initiated, especially with regard to revising the tax structure, the property tax introduction, and a major revision of the rice/crop morgage scheme, have the chance to substantially improve the lives of the rural folks in Thailand, significantly more than any program initiated by Thaksin, with the exception of the 30 baht health care scheme, and OTOP (two of his programs that I thought were quite good, if underfunded due to corruption).

In addition, they inroads they have made into making education more affordable (I won't go as far to say free yet) are welcome. I hope that they can make positive steps in improving that education's quality, but that will take a long time. If the short term benefits are felt (by the end of the year if the economy improves), i think the majority of Thai people will be in a mood to allow them time to implement long term policies. Thaksin will continue to annoy, because thats all he can do, being exiled from Thailand and all the worlds major countries. He doesn't have it in him to return to stand trial, so he'll content himself with spending his ill-gotten gains in the world's backwaters.

The results at the top of the page seem to show that people agree with this assessment. Abhisit has the support of 82% here. That number is unequivocal.

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The results at the top of the page seem to show that people agree with this assessment. Abhisit has the support of 82% here.

82% of the farangs on Thai Visa means absolutely nothing! :)

Still here, still dodging the basic question I asked of you. Your assessment means even less than nothing.

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The results at the top of the page seem to show that people agree with this assessment. Abhisit has the support of 82% here.

82% of the farangs on Thai Visa means absolutely nothing! :)

dont burst their little thai visa bubble.

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The results at the top of the page seem to show that people agree with this assessment. Abhisit has the support of 82% here.

82% of the farangs on Thai Visa means absolutely nothing! :)

Your assessment means even less than nothing.

If you dispute my "assesment" it proves that you are missing some batteries! Almost no farangs can vote. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The results at the top of the page seem to show that people agree with this assessment. Abhisit has the support of 82% here.

82% of the farangs on Thai Visa means absolutely nothing! :)

Your assessment means even less than nothing.

If you dispute my "assesment" it proves that you are missing some batteries! :D

Sticks and stones seem to be your weapon of choice, not unlike your CM51 ilk. Don't you have a hospital to barricade, or a minister to assault? You do realize you are coming off much worse in our exchange, right?

Edited by LawnGnome
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