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remember this...


Not a recommended position for prison ...

:D Thanks for the laugh J.T. You must know what you are talking about .....but I didnt think you were the type that had spent time in

prison :)


He tries so hart - PR campaign in full spin!

Welcome to Mr.Thaksin's Absurdisthan!

The show must go on..!

But shows who he is and that he cares not much about anyone else except himself!

So what he is pulling on monday a "thank you for your immense support!" - Party?

Thaksin should not apologise to people who stole his position

what position was that? Caretaker prime minister who refused to call an election as he was supposed to?

He tries so hart - PR campaign in full spin!

Welcome to Mr.Thaksin's Absurdisthan!

The show must go on..!

But shows who he is and that he cares not much about anyone else except himself!

So what he is pulling on monday a "thank you for your immense support!" - Party?

I can hear The Black Swan cackling in the background!

What a rare and wondrous absurdity.

"Thaksin sorry for hogging limelight"

Headline brings no value, but VERY funny indeed.

Agreed, it is very funny, and more evidence he is suffering a meltdown.

"Thaksin sorry for hogging limelight"

Headline brings no value, but VERY funny indeed.

Agreed, it is very funny, and more evidence he is suffering a meltdown.

The silly man lives for ther limelight.

It's the only validation he has left

ceptin' his dwindling bank balances.

haha typical Thaksin announcement :)

....and what a show! keep it up , thaksin, we love it.


(ph.d. lao studies,,m.p.a. (pubic studies),ibb (buculaurette in thaksinomics),diplome (space sc.),b.sc.(b.s'tology)


Thaksin needs enlightenment: Abhisit

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra needed to be enlightened to be happy.

During his weekly TV programme, the host asked him to comment on the big celebrations of Thaksin's birthday in several provinces.

"He may like other people who would like to be happy. If I can send message to him directly, I would like to say 'if you are enlightened and understand dharma, you will be much happier,'" the prime minister said.


-- The Nation 2009/07/26

Thaksin needs enlightenment: Abhisit

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra needed to be enlightened to be happy.

During his weekly TV programme, the host asked him to comment on the big celebrations of Thaksin's birthday in several provinces.

"He may like other people who would like to be happy. If I can send message to him directly, I would like to say 'if you are enlightened and understand dharma, you will be much happier,'" the prime minister said.


-- The Nation 2009/07/26

And when Abhisit is enlightened and understands Pinnochio and free and fair elections we will all be much happier.

Thaksin needs enlightenment: Abhisit

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra needed to be enlightened to be happy.

During his weekly TV programme, the host asked him to comment on the big celebrations of Thaksin's birthday in several provinces.

"He may like other people who would like to be happy. If I can send message to him directly, I would like to say 'if you are enlightened and understand dharma, you will be much happier,'" the prime minister said.


-- The Nation 2009/07/26

preparing for the last supper before calling an elections? wow, like the sermon on the mount. wow, he ain't heavy, he's my bro...........nirva is near. salvation is on hand.

haha typical Thaksin announcement :)

....and what a show! keep it up , thaksin, we love it.


(ph.d. lao studies,,m.p.a. (pubic studies),ibb (buculaurette in thaksinomics),diplome (space sc.),b.sc.(b.s'tology)

If you have it why can't you spell it?

A baccalaureate degree in 'Thaksinomics' is still just BS.

We can find:

Game Theory, Interest Theory, Supply Theory

* An Introduction to Game Theory

* Game Theory Law

* Game Theory in Supply

* John Nash Game Theory

* Strategy Game Theory

* The general theory of employment interest and money

* Loanable Funds Theory of Interest

* Theory of Labor Supply

* Money Supply Theory

Market Theory Demand Theory Exchange Rate Theory

* Perfect Competition

* Monopolistic Competition

* Monopoly

* Oligopoly

* Kinked Demand Theory

* Theory of Money Demand

* Approaches to Theory of Demand

* BOP Theory

* Exchange Rate Determination

* Purchasing Power Parity Theory

What no Thaksinomic theory? I am non-plussed!

Major Schools of Economic Theory

* Introduction

* Mercantilists

* Physiocrats

* Classical School

* Marginalist School

* Marxist School

* Institutionalist School

* Keynesian School

Still no Thaksinomics School.

* ability-to-pay principle

* absolute advantage theory

* absolute income hypothesis

* abstinence theory of interest

* acceleration principle

* adaptive expectations

* adding-up problem

* adverse selection

* agency theory

* aggregate demand theory

* Allais paradox

* anarcho-syndicalism

* arbitrage pricing policy

* Arrow-Debreu model

* asymmetrical information

* axiomatic theories

* balanced budget multiplier

* bathtub theorem

* benefit approach principle

* Bernoulli's hypothesis

* Bertrand duopoly model

* bilateral monopoly

* bimetallism

* bioeconomics

* bionomics

* bounded rationality

* bourgeoise

* bureaucracy

* business cycle

* Cambridge capital controversies

* capital asset pricing model

* capital logic

* capital theory

* capture theory

* catallaxy

* catastrophe theory

* central place theory

* CES production function

* class struggle

* classical macroeconomic model

* classical theory of money

* clubs, theory of

* co-operative games theory

* Coase theorem

* Cobb-Douglas production function

* cobweb theory

* collective bargaining theory

* collusion theory

* colonialism

* commodity theory of money

* comparative advantage theory

* comparative costs

* compensation principle

* composite commodity

* Condorcet's principle

* consumer demand, theory of

* consumer surplus

* contestable markets theory

* continuity thesis

* contract theory

* convergence theory

* core, theory of the

* corporatism

* cost-benefit analysis

* cost-push inflation

* countervailing power

* Cournot duopoly model

* Cramer's rule

* crisis of capitalism

* crowding hypothesis

* crowding-out

* currency principle

* customs union theory

* cyclical theory

* decision theory

* DeLorean theory

* demand for money theory

* demand theory

* demand-pull inflation

* demographic transition

* dependency theory

* differential rent theory

* diminishing returns, law of

* disequilibrium theory

* distribution theory

* distributism

* dual decision hypothesis

* dual economy theory

* dual labor market theory

* duopoly theory

* economic liberalism

* economic methodology

* economic theory of politics

* economic theory of the state

* efficient market hypothesis

* Engel's law

* entitlement theorem

* envelope theorem

* equal sacrifice theory

* equilibrium theory

* error learning hypothesis

* Euler's theory

* exploitation

* externalities

* factor-price equalization theorem

* falling rate of profit

* fine tuning

* firm, theory of the

* fixed point theorems

* forced saving

* free banking theory

* free rider problem

* fundamental disquilibrium

* game theory

* general equilibrium theory

* general strike

* general theory of employment, interest and money

* Gibrat's rule of proportionate growth

* Giffen paradox

* golden rule of capital accumulation

* gold standard

* gravity model

* Gresham's law

* group theory

* growth of the firm, theory of the

* growth-pole theory

* Harrod-Domar growth model

* Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory

* Hicks-Hansen model

* historical materialism

* Hotelling's law

* human capital theory

* imperfect competition

* imperialism

* impossibility theorem

* income determination, theory of

* income distribution, theory of

* information theory

* input-output analysis

* insider-outsider wage determination

* internal and external balance

* invisible hand

* iron law of wages

* IS-LM model

* just price

* Keynesian economics

* Kondratieff cycles

* labor force participation

* labor market discrimination

* labor theory of value

* Laffer curve

* laissez-faire

* large numbers, law of

* Le Chatelier principle

* learning-by-doing

* least cost location theory

* Leontief paradox

* life-cycle hypothesis

* Lindahl equilibrium

* linear programming

* loanable funds theory of the rate of interest

* long wages

* lump-of-labor theory of wages

* Lyapunov's theorem

* machinery question

* Malthusian population theory

* managerial theories of the firm

* marginal efficiency of capital

* marginal productivity theory of distribution

* marginal utility theory

* market socialism

* markets, law of

* Marshall-Lerner principle

* Marxism

* material balances principle

* measure theory

* mercantilism

* Modigliani-Miller theory of the cost of capital

* monetarism

* monopolistic competition

* monopoly

* monopoly capitalism

* moral hazard

* multiplier

* multiplier-accelerator



* Nash equilibrium

* national income

* nationalization

* natural and warranted rates of growth

* natural monopoly of economics

* natural rate of unemployment

* negative income tax

* neo-classical growth theory

* neo-classical theory

* neo-Ricardian theory

* new class

* new classical macroeconomics

* non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment

* non-competing groups

* non-nested hypothesis

* non-profit organization

* occupation segregation

* Okun's law

* oligopoly theory

* opportunity cost

* optimal tariff theory

* option pricing theory

* organization theory

* own rate of interest

* paradox of thrift

* paradox of value

* paradox of voting

* Pareto efficiency

* Pareto optimality

* partial equilibrium theory

* peak-load pricing

* perfect competition

* permanent income hypothesis

* Phillips curve

* Physiocracy

* Pigou effect

* political business cycle

* portfolio selection theory

* Prebisch-Singer thesis

* price discrimination

* privatization

* product life-cycle theory

* production, theory of

* profits, theories of

* property

* public choice

* public utility pricing

* purchasing power parity

* quantity theory of money

* queuing theory

* Ramsey pricing

* random walk hypothesis

* rational expectations theory

* rationing

* Rawls theory of justice

* Reaganomics

* real bills doctrine

* regulation

* regulatory capture

* relative income hypothesis

* rent seeking

* returns to scale

* revealed preference theory

* Ricardian equivalence theorem

* roundabout method of production

* Rybczynski theorem

* satisficing

* Say's law

* Scitovsky paradox

* screening hypothesis

* search theory

* second best, theory of

* secular stagnation theory

* segmented labor market theory

* shadow pricing

* signalling

* Slutsky's theorem

* small is beautiful principle

* social welfare function

* Solow economic growth

* specie-flow mechanism

* St Petersburg paradox

* stationary state

* stock-flow analysis

* structure-conduct-performance theory

* substitution theory

* sunspot theory

* supply-side economics

* surplus value

* syndicalism

* tax incidence

* technological gap theory

* term structure of interest rates

* Thatcherism

* Tiebout hypothesis

* time preference theory of interest

* trade cycle

* trickle-down theory

* turnpike theory

* uncertainty

* underconsumption theory

* unemployment

* variable proportions, law of

* vent for surplus

* Verdoorn's law

* wages fund doctrine

* Wagner's law

* Walras's stability

* Weber's theory of the location of the firm

* Wicksell's theory of capital

* x-efficiency

We find Marxism, Thatcherism even Reaganomics, Nash and Keynes of course

but not a word on they august field of study "Thaksinomics".

Many people have made a name fro them selves with economic ideas,

Thaksinomlics seems to not get in the big list or small, except locally...

Did he happen to ENDOW the chair in Thaksinomics... Me thinks yes..

Maybe Thaksin is trying to win a Nash Equilibrium?

Named after mathematician JOHN NASH, and central to game theory,

Nash equilibrium refers to a situation in which individuals participating in a game

pursue the best possible strategy while possessing the knowledge of the strategies of other players.

It works on the premise that the player cannot improve his/her position given the other players' strategy.

Nash equilibrium is sometimes referred to as

the non-co-operative equilibrium because

each player chooses his/her own strategy

believing it is the best one possible, without collusion,

and without thinking about the interests of either his opponent

or the society in which he/she lives.



Thank you so much for reminding me of the nightmare which was my undergraduate and graduate programmes. :)


How does it feel Animatic, knowing that when is all said and done, at the end of the day, everyone knows you are wrong, and I am right. That is an irrefutable and unassailable truth. Accept it and relax. life is short!


Thank you so much for reminding me of the nightmare which was my undergraduate and graduate programmes. :)


sorry for the stagger down memory lane. :D

Don't worry the pain will fade in time.

Reminds me of the classic joke.

If you want 100 opinions and 300 arguments,

put 100 economists in one room.

if you only want 50 arguments, put 50 economists

and 50 of their grad students in the same room.

Then they play tag team.

Keynes distinguished three motives for holding money:

the transaction motive (to meet day-to-day needs);

the speculative motive (in anticipation of a fall in the price of assets);

the precautionary motive (to meet unexpected future outlays).

But this doesn't come to grips with the Thaksin Hubris Motive.

It doesn't allow for obsessive avarice, and hubris to win

sans reference to cost or remorse vis avis the smaller players,

in relation to the Asian equation of 'money equals power equals face',

and how THIS dynamic can skew market theory.

There just might be a doctoral thesis hidden in the last paragraph.


Seems like the return from the banned is attempting to turn logic ion it's head as usual.

Being a musican, among other things,

does not disqualify someone from thinking nor common sense.

Everyone knows what they think know,

but just because you say they agree with you,

doesn't make it so.

If I cause some un-biased minds to take a turn at thinking through the issues

and not accept blanket pronouncements of spurious PR statements then I fell fine.

It is giving an observation from another view point, without it being shut down or shouted down,

something not typical in a mind-controlled East German or Hungarian pseudo-proletarian regime.

Roots of youth run deep and color perceptions in some cases.

It isn't a falling back to those days of yore here,

but a new paradigm which you seem not to grasp fully.

And your lame attempt to instill FEAR in me bodes for nothing.

I feel fine.


"...the returned from the banned...? Huh?

My friend Animatic. Can you or someone else tell me how to post a comment about a newspaper artcle, without that entire article being part of my post, when I use the 'reply' button?

"...the returned from the banned...? Huh?

My friend Animatic. Can you or someone else tell me how to post a comment about a newspaper artcle, without that entire article being part of my post, when I use the 'reply' button?

Click on the Add Reply button at the bottom of the page, rather than then "Reply button at the bottom of the post containing text.


did he apoligise for the business debacle that is the Thailand Elite Card ?

is the Thailand Elite card representative of the thaksinomics strategy to bring the Thailand economy from its slump ?

he is a fool.

Doesn't it remind you of your days in kindergarten aged about 3 , pick me me me me me me me me me me me please pick me me me, sob sob, mummy mummy no one likes me, I don't want to go to school tomorrow :)

You are absolutely correct Artisi, that is the problem of all the anti-democratic forces, Abhist and friends and the musicians on this board. If there is ever another election, this is exactly what would happen. Thaksin would be "picked" by the astute Thai electorate.

The only problem being that Thasksin will never be in the position to be picked - and thank your lucky stars for that.

Again, you are absolutely correct Artisi. Electoral Democracy will be eliminated and as many on this board have speculated, there will never be another election preventing the astute Thai electorate from exercising their Democratic rights. The appointive process will ensure that the perp's of the military coup and judicial coup as the pro-democracy Red Shirts have characterized it, will appoint their own kind. And all the Democracy loving musicians on this board will applaud....unbelievable!

Cant see this happening in reality. Think it more likely that at some stage an agreement will be reached between the players in the game and then an election held after which it wont matter who wins to the players.

Cant see this happening in reality. Think it more likely that at some stage an agreement will be reached between the players in the game and then an election held after which it wont matter who wins to the players.

Can't see that happening either.

If it was all just about power sharing between the players, they would have settled it long time ago.

Now people are involved, too.

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