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The Dreaded Phone Call


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I'd let her husband know. It's more than likely a gambling problem. Her husband is probably aware of it and has cut off her money.

I thought the same thing. This problem has card playing gambling debt written all over it.

I concur.

Any money given will be lost. And there will probably be a lot more hassle as she tries to get more when she loses the first 25k.

Then you'll have to deal with the fallout when she can't borrow any more from anyone else and it all blows up and the husband finds out a man has been giving money to his wife.

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Consider any "loan" to a Thai to be a gift.

This is the crux of the matter. My wife's Thai and she won't lend any money to anybody based on the above. She 'll also never guarantee a loan or finance for anybody. The lady who does my laundry (and has a chronic card playing addiction) came round with some sob story and wanted to borrow 10k baht. No way. If she hasn't got 10k now what makes her think she'll have it in the future to pay us back? Nothing. My common sense tells me she'd have no intention of paying it back.

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Do not divulge your secrets or too much of your personal life to family and friends, stay as a bit of a mystery.

Sort of like Batman?

Never do business with family or friends

Yeah I bet Paul Allen really wishes he'd never met Bill Gates. :)

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The thai transalation for loan is gift, or so it seems,it you wish to make a donation for god knows what go ahead, what if the husband found out after, he would assume something for sure, id say keep out of it and tell her you too are having a tough time, good luck,.

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Beings as you have a wife, you have defo done the right thing. If this so called friend knows you're now married, she shouldn't even entertain the idea... what a waste of space. Not you, her.

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I'd say I can't help you with cash, but I'd be happy to help you with work and/or help you cut your expenses (you'd be surprised how many people don't think to work two jobs or to cut what they feel are necessities that really aren't).

If they've mismanaged their lives to the point where they cannot fund it, there's no reason to think that even more funds will help anything.


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Thai people lend each other vast sums of money. I see it all the time. They look like drug-dealers, money flying around over the table.

The Thais are very trusting really, lend you their car (which has not insurance and not paid for until the next 10 years), lend you money , motorbike, tust you with their teenage daughter etc

Its pretty common for people to lend each other money and its not rude to ask for it,

Dont be so kee-neau youve got to think like a Thai - you will be reincarated as something better... like a Thai person !! :)

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