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Things To Do Without Alcohol In Thailand


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I have to admit that when I am g/f free I like to go out pubbing a lot, yet when I have g/f I stay at home 5 nights out of 7. Better to be snuggled up to a beautiful woman than snuggled up to a drink.

Plenty of non drinking things to do. At home, watch movies, use the computer, potter about the garden. But best of all is to make long, slow love to the g/f.

Outdoors there are many things to do as others have pointed out.

Go to a waterfall, a zoo, a park, the beach, a temple. Go to the park and walk around admiring the scenery, take up gardening (especially in a condo :D ). Fitness, swimming, education. The list of activities can be very long.

For those who do like a drink, all the above can be done outside of drinking hours too :)

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Join the Hash !!!

What is the hash exactly.

I know, I should just google it shouldn't I.

Like GaryH said, the hash is the Hash House Harriers. Most cities have a Hash House Harriers bar or cafe. They arrange weekend runs that can be a lot of fun for active people. You don't really have to be a serious runner, but you shouldn't be an out of shape waddler either. The runs are more like a trip through the woods on trails, and you have to find the clue/note leading to the next spot. You can walk, jog or run, it's up to you. The route usually goes in a circle and ends back at a previously arranged spot. After the run there is beer and food, and a lot of joking around... such as sitting on a block of ice in your bare butt. Women don't usually participate in the bare butt ritual.

The onononanists I used to know described themselves as drinkers with a running problem.

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A flask of wine beneath the bough

A loaf of bread, a book of verse, and Thou

Beside me, singing in the Wilderness

And the Wilderness is paradise enow.

My favourite quattrain from the Rubaiyat Of Omar Khayam.

It's what they did a couple of centuries before karaoke, I suppose.

Edited by Harcourt
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Don't the teetotalers already have their own subforum to preach in?

I don't see any preaching going on in here. Just people relating their different reactions to and experiences with alcohol. If that offends or bothers someone, maybe they need to read more.

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All of the funny and exciting shit you can do on alcohol, can also be done without it, true story.

Another great thing is that you get to remember the exciting shit the next day.

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Fishing without a beer???? I suppose it's possible.

I can't drink and fish at the same time. Both hands are occupied. It's the same with women. :D



So thats the real Thailand you love lol.Has anyone ever said you look like Gary Glitter

:):D I must admit Gary sorry, Ian, your probably a nice guy however you seem to be obssesed with "showing off " now if they are a couple of 6 ft tall sewdish backpackers with double D cup, That couldnt resist the errm charms of a 70 year old stud then we would be enviouse LOL. But there NOT! LOL

Arnt you worried your grand kids may google your name and see this? :D

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:):D I must admit Gary sorry, Ian, your probably a nice guy however you seem to be obssesed with "showing off " now if they are a couple of 6 ft tall sewdish backpackers with double D cup, That couldnt resist the errm charms of a 70 year old stud then we would be enviouse LOL. But there NOT! LOL

Arnt you worried your grand kids may google your name and see this? :D

Naw, I don't care if my grand kids see that. Right now they are too young to understand, and their parents know what I do and don't care. I was replying to the comment about beer and fishing. I was just showing that I need both hands for women or fishing. I don't drink when I fish and seldom drink more than a beer or two at a bar. And, I never get drunk. From what I've observed it usually ruins an evening with others. But, I really don't care what others do. I just like to have a good time my way and all the ladies from 8 to 80 seem to enjoy my company. The stuffy, older ones I don't associate with and there's never any complaints from the younger ones. Anyone who's not fat and slobby, has a few dollars to spend and can hold an intelligent conversation can have the company of attractive women all over the world. Just be happy, smile and joke a lot and never put any demands on anyone. I've got lots of pictures of me with big blonde babes, but that doesn't prove anything other than we shared some time together.

Oh, and about Garry Glitter comment, I had to Google his name to learn who he was. Until he shaved off his big mop of hair and grew a goatee he certainly doesn't resemble me. Other than the white beard we have nothing else in common. As far as his life style goes I'll say nothing. Very few rock stars are people to be looked upon favourably.

I still say there is a lot to do without alcohol in Thailand. If I go to a bar I can buy lady drinks all night and not touch a drop myself. There's never any complaints.

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:):D I must admit Gary sorry, Ian, your probably a nice guy however you seem to be obssesed with "showing off " now if they are a couple of 6 ft tall sewdish backpackers with double D cup, That couldnt resist the errm charms of a 70 year old stud then we would be enviouse LOL. But there NOT! LOL

Arnt you worried your grand kids may google your name and see this? :D

Naw, I don't care if my grand kids see that. Right now they are too young to understand, and their parents know what I do and don't care. I was replying to the comment about beer and fishing. I was just showing that I need both hands for women or fishing. I don't drink when I fish and seldom drink more than a beer or two at a bar. And, I never get drunk. From what I've observed it usually ruins an evening with others. But, I really don't care what others do. I just like to have a good time my way and all the ladies from 8 to 80 seem to enjoy my company. The stuffy, older ones I don't associate with and there's never any complaints from the younger ones. Anyone who's not fat and slobby, has a few dollars to spend and can hold an intelligent conversation can have the company of attractive women all over the world. Just be happy, smile and joke a lot and never put any demands on anyone. I've got lots of pictures of me with big blonde babes, but that doesn't prove anything other than we shared some time together.

Oh, and about Garry Glitter comment, I had to Google his name to learn who he was. Until he shaved off his big mop of hair and grew a goatee he certainly doesn't resemble me. Other than the white beard we have nothing else in common. As far as his life style goes I'll say nothing. Very few rock stars are people to be looked upon favourably.

I still say there is a lot to do without alcohol in Thailand. If I go to a bar I can buy lady drinks all night and not touch a drop myself. There's never any complaints.

Fair play to you Ian.

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I drank not a drop from 1965 to 2001, and led a full life while other family and friends were trapped in alcoholism. I am still offended at pub when drinkers dismiss my cries that I can't tolerate the shit and have to ride home. There is a lot to do without it. Almost always, alcohol use = abuse.

That's all good PB, I am sure your liver thanks you.

But does beg the question, how many drinks in the last 8 years?

Your last statement is a pretty broad stroke. I have a few beers once a week (tonight for example) and can honestly say that 99.9 percent of the abuse I hand out is when I am on TV - and sober.

Suffice to say some people are good drunks while some are not. Same goes for drivers, golfers and insurance salesmen.

In the past 8 years I doubt I've averaged a drink a month, unless you include a tiny smidgen of 6% wine a few times per week since my second stroke, strictly for medicinal purposes (and I still suspect red unfermented grapes are healthier). Ethyl alcohol is pure poison - a toxin - that always intoxicates. My last quoted statement begins 'almost always' and is generally a proven fact. I only drank for a few years before going 'on the wagon' and it was abusive. My alcoholic children and in-laws were abusive drinkers. Very few of my friends have been problem drinkers.

Life is too much fun to be lived in an altered state of reduced awareness.

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:):D I must admit Gary sorry, Ian, your probably a nice guy however you seem to be obssesed with "showing off " now if they are a couple of 6 ft tall sewdish backpackers with double D cup, That couldnt resist the errm charms of a 70 year old stud then we would be enviouse LOL. But there NOT! LOL

Arnt you worried your grand kids may google your name and see this? :D

Naw, I don't care if my grand kids see that. Right now they are too young to understand, and their parents know what I do and don't care. I was replying to the comment about beer and fishing. I was just showing that I need both hands for women or fishing. I don't drink when I fish and seldom drink more than a beer or two at a bar. And, I never get drunk. From what I've observed it usually ruins an evening with others. But, I really don't care what others do. I just like to have a good time my way and all the ladies from 8 to 80 seem to enjoy my company. The stuffy, older ones I don't associate with and there's never any complaints from the younger ones. Anyone who's not fat and slobby, has a few dollars to spend and can hold an intelligent conversation can have the company of attractive women all over the world. Just be happy, smile and joke a lot and never put any demands on anyone. I've got lots of pictures of me with big blonde babes, but that doesn't prove anything other than we shared some time together.

Oh, and about Garry Glitter comment, I had to Google his name to learn who he was. Until he shaved off his big mop of hair and grew a goatee he certainly doesn't resemble me. Other than the white beard we have nothing else in common. As far as his life style goes I'll say nothing. Very few rock stars are people to be looked upon favourably.

I still say there is a lot to do without alcohol in Thailand. If I go to a bar I can buy lady drinks all night and not touch a drop myself. There's never any complaints.

One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

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:):D I must admit Gary sorry, Ian, your probably a nice guy however you seem to be obssesed with "showing off " now if they are a couple of 6 ft tall sewdish backpackers with double D cup, That couldnt resist the errm charms of a 70 year old stud then we would be enviouse LOL. But there NOT! LOL

Arnt you worried your grand kids may google your name and see this? :D

Naw, I don't care if my grand kids see that. Right now they are too young to understand, and their parents know what I do and don't care. I was replying to the comment about beer and fishing. I was just showing that I need both hands for women or fishing. I don't drink when I fish and seldom drink more than a beer or two at a bar. And, I never get drunk. From what I've observed it usually ruins an evening with others. But, I really don't care what others do. I just like to have a good time my way and all the ladies from 8 to 80 seem to enjoy my company. The stuffy, older ones I don't associate with and there's never any complaints from the younger ones. Anyone who's not fat and slobby, has a few dollars to spend and can hold an intelligent conversation can have the company of attractive women all over the world. Just be happy, smile and joke a lot and never put any demands on anyone. I've got lots of pictures of me with big blonde babes, but that doesn't prove anything other than we shared some time together.

Oh, and about Garry Glitter comment, I had to Google his name to learn who he was. Until he shaved off his big mop of hair and grew a goatee he certainly doesn't resemble me. Other than the white beard we have nothing else in common. As far as his life style goes I'll say nothing. Very few rock stars are people to be looked upon favourably.

I still say there is a lot to do without alcohol in Thailand. If I go to a bar I can buy lady drinks all night and not touch a drop myself. There's never any complaints.

One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

Well, that and being a nonce.

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Good stuff! Maybe we can make a list and add more activities?

1. Swimming/fishing/kayaking/sailing

2. cooking classes

3. shooting range/jet ski/ go karts

4. golf/tennis/yoga

5. people watch and drive home sober before 12 am(being around people who are drunk when sober is a detterent to drinking in itself)

Don't forget to Visit beautiful temples too. :)

shroom shakes

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One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

In the 1970s I had a wife, two children and I was homesteading a farm property. I was building my own home from the foundation to the roof (and everything else in between), as well as going to work 8 hours a day. I didn't have time to listen to radio and we didn't have TV. I was too tired after working on the house to worry too much about anything but my immediate family. That went on for 10 years. I had no time for parties or drinking, and very little time for anything other than some skiing in the winter and the occasional fishing trip in the summer.

Life truly does bring some startling changes that no amount of planning can take into account for.

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Good stuff! Maybe we can make a list and add more activities?

1. Swimming/fishing/kayaking/sailing

2. cooking classes

3. shooting range/jet ski/ go karts

4. golf/tennis/yoga

5. people watch and drive home sober before 12 am(being around people who are drunk when sober is a detterent to drinking in itself)

Don't forget to Visit beautiful temples too. :)

shroom shakes

Certainly is an alternative thing to do. I used to love them down on Koh Pa Ngan many years ago.

Something everyone should do once in their lives - that and going to India.

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IanForbes - I thought those women in the photo were your grand-daughters :)

I am not a teetotaller, but I try to limit my alcohol intake because it all ends up on my stomach and I start to look like Homer Simpson... So I do not visit bars as a rule, but will have a drink with my meals.

Some of the things that I do in Thailand:

- Work! (Unfortunately, I'm not rich to retire early and would probably continue to work even if I was rich)

- Cycle and jog. Apart from the health benefits, it gives me time alone to think.

- Amateur radio. Tediously boring to most people, and closely associated with train-spotting :D I'm often asked why I want to chat with someone in India using a radio when I could just send them an email or Skype. Difficult to give a reasonable answer to that one!

- Learning languages. My written/spoken Thai is reasonable and I try to find time to improve it. I have been learning written/spoken Burmese for a while

- Charity work. A reasonably private thing. I no longer have big funds to donate to charities, but a pair of hands can often be more useful than money

There must be more, but I just saw a train pass by and I need to grab the number :D :D


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One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

Outside the UK he wasn't known that well.

Being a convicted pedophile didn't help him any either.

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One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

Outside the UK he wasn't known that well.

Being a convicted pedophile didn't help him any either.

It would certainly reduce your chance of being asked on Oprah.

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IanForbes - I thought those women in the photo were your grand-daughters :D


I guess technically they could be if I had children when I was 15 and my daughter had children when she was 15. My grand daughters are 3 and 6 years old. The two Thai gals are in their twenties and I've known them for 5 years. They are both just friends and currently have farang boy friends.

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One of the greatest was Gary - where were you in the 70's? I thought everyone over 40 would know him.

Alcoholism was what caused his downfall.

In the 1970s I had a wife, two children and I was homesteading a farm property. I was building my own home from the foundation to the roof (and everything else in between), as well as going to work 8 hours a day. I didn't have time to listen to radio and we didn't have TV. I was too tired after working on the house to worry too much about anything but my immediate family. That went on for 10 years. I had no time for parties or drinking, and very little time for anything other than some skiing in the winter and the occasional fishing trip in the summer.

Life truly does bring some startling changes that no amount of planning can take into account for.

Sounds like your retirement is well-earned Ian. Good on ya.

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IanForbes - I thought those women in the photo were your grand-daughters :D


I guess technically they could be if I had children when I was 15 and my daughter had children when she was 15. My grand daughters are 3 and 6 years old. The two Thai gals are in their twenties and I've known them for 5 years. They are both just friends and currently have farang boy friends.

Someone who is 69 and had children with 15 and they have children with 15...would be a grand-grand-father with 24 year old grand-grand-daughters.

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the crocodile farm in Samut Prakan is a nice day out. Take a taxi or bus from On Nut. Has an elephant show and shooting range ect.... has 2 entry prices for TOURIST and RESIDENTS so speak thai and show your wp or dl or u buy the ticket if you're not thai

also has the biggest croc that was in confinment, is still in the guinness book still, now it's stuffed and on display

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IanForbes - I thought those women in the photo were your grand-daughters :D


I guess technically they could be if I had children when I was 15 and my daughter had children when she was 15. My grand daughters are 3 and 6 years old. The two Thai gals are in their twenties and I've known them for 5 years. They are both just friends and currently have farang boy friends.

The lighting is obviously not doing either of them any favours if they are in their 20s.

How much are they paying the farang to be their boyfriends?

Dont tell me, they both have lovely personalities.

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the crocodile farm in Samut Prakan is a nice day out. Take a taxi or bus from On Nut. Has an elephant show and shooting range ect.... has 2 entry prices for TOURIST and RESIDENTS so speak thai and show your wp or dl or u buy the ticket if you're not thai

also has the biggest croc that was in confinment, is still in the guinness book still, now it's stuffed and on display


Yes, everyone knows that, even tourists....

don't forget to mention Damoen Saduak...

you certainly did not heard it all before..check out the thread with the unknown places

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the crocodile farm in Samut Prakan is a nice day out. Take a taxi or bus from On Nut. Has an elephant show and shooting range ect.... has 2 entry prices for TOURIST and RESIDENTS so speak thai and show your wp or dl or u buy the ticket if you're not thai

also has the biggest croc that was in confinment, is still in the guinness book still, now it's stuffed and on display


Yes, everyone knows that, even tourists....

don't forget to mention Damoen Saduak...

you certainly did not heard it all before..check out the thread with the unknown places

did u read the op dipshit?

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the crocodile farm in Samut Prakan is a nice day out. Take a taxi or bus from On Nut. Has an elephant show and shooting range ect.... has 2 entry prices for TOURIST and RESIDENTS so speak thai and show your wp or dl or u buy the ticket if you're not thai

also has the biggest croc that was in confinment, is still in the guinness book still, now it's stuffed and on display


Yes, everyone knows that, even tourists....

don't forget to mention Damoen Saduak...

you certainly did not heard it all before..check out the thread with the unknown places

did u read the op dipshit?

well, I gave you good advice and you are calling people dipshit. :D better watch your mouth!

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