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Thai A(H1N1) Resistant To Tamiflu – Malaysians Told To Stop Wanking

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OMG now what do I do with myself in my free time? is it ok if I get my wife to do it for me or is that still considered wanking?

Looking at this through the eyes of the Doctor and considering all medical and scientific advice, is your wife able to do this in the rhythm method ?? but your answer is : y= x - 2 + C2 x 69 = No it's not, so long as it is in daylight with a High Pressure front moving in..... don't forget the whistle test..!!


if you deny these sex starved crazy jihaddists masturbation

they'll be so backed up

they just might destroy the whole world.


********************WANK POLICE*******************

Oh, I forgot to add... on the blogspot he plugs one of his books, normally RM120, now down to RM60. Ya gotta love it!

double the 'pleasure' for half of the price- please wake me up when this treatment goes video, huh.....

can you honestly Adam'n'Eve the angles some people are going to in order to make £££....

rgdz and zzzzzzzzzzzzz,



you see, cures are so simple, for that relegion that still lives in the middle ages

masturbation, yeah, it also makes you blind and stuff.. if you believe the other stupid religion

my god, professor of stupid nonsense science I guess

with a online bought degree I presume

djeezes... I guess a lot of those low educated followers might believe this crap


Well, so this is the bottom line...

Can't shag girls --> HIV will knock you off!

Can't shag boys --> (don't like them but they will give you swine flu)

Can't wank --> friction and swine flu...

What is left to do??? Pls. advice!

PS... Don't like religions so church/moske/temple is out of it!

Soon someone is going to tell me that TV is bad for my eyes and music is bad for my ears... All the good food is bad for my healt... WHAT IS LEFT TO D?


when all the wanke_rs and butt.fkrs on T.Visa die from the flu next week, who'll be left to continue this thread?

"Malaysians told to stop wanking" -OMFG....

What is the world coming to? Muslims are told to stop jerking off!

Maybe coconut water, orange, lemon and pomelo can prevent AIDS as well!

God is great! :)

Let's see, Malaysians are Muslims, so they're condemned if they have hetero sex outside of marriage. So single fellows have other fellows or their right hands, or ripe fruit or domestic animals. But now a prominent PhD has said that too is a no-no for reasons of internal heat leading to flu susceptibility. Perhaps the only viable option left, is getting intrapersonally intimiate with oneself in a cold tub.

(THAIVISA.COM): -- Thai authorities are urging calm after the first case of pandemic A(H1N1) found resistant to the front-line antiviral drug Tamiflu was found in a patient at Ramathibodi Hospital.

Why is this such a big deal ? Tamiflu has never been a cure for swine flu.


Homosexual contacts and masturbation hahahahahaha!!! There has not ever been a doctor from Malaysia

that was even close to be a scientist of rang. The best thing to do, DO NOT WRITE IN NEWSPAPER WHAT THESE IDIOTS SAY!!!

Here in Thailand, latest last week I heard; "Cancer is also spread among people by sexual intercause". So too much medication given or wrong medication given here is very frequent!!

I am not surpriced that people now are more and more getting resistant to all ind of medicine! This will be and are already now a BIG BIG problem for the people of Asia and Thailand!!!



Articles such as this one should be split in two parts: One which is accurate and the other which is subjective (if not downright silly). Unfortunately, it's the 2nd part attracting the attention.

I would be interested in the source of the data on the resistance to medication. Is it possible that the 'homemade' version isn't quite 'up to snuff' and needs some improvement? Is there a comparative resistance to the brand-name version?

I'd also be interested in the data source for the second portion of the story--perhaps first hand observations were used?

Articles such as this one should be split in two parts: One which is accurate and the other which is subjective (if not downright silly). Unfortunately, it's the 2nd part attracting the attention.

I would be interested in the source of the data on the resistance to medication. Is it possible that the 'homemade' version isn't quite 'up to snuff' and needs some improvement? Is there a comparative resistance to the brand-name version?

I'd also be interested in the data source for the second portion of the story--perhaps first hand observations were used?

well, the 33% or 2 billion peeps on this planet who are expected to catch H1N1 this 'winter' (according to the WHO....what an acronym:o)

would also welcome some 'fact not friction', Scott.

Well, so this is the bottom line...

Can't shag girls --> HIV will knock you off!

Can't shag boys --> (don't like them but they will give you swine flu)

Can't wank --> friction and swine flu...

What is left to do??? Pls. advice!

KY jelly - it's the friction that's the big problem.

Here in Thailand, latest last week I heard; "Cancer is also spread among people by sexual intercause".

Actually, a germ that promotes cervical cancer (human papilloma virus) is spread by sexual intercourse.

the first part of the news about drug resistance is more important.

here it goes the next stage of pandemic

Are you sure you do not mean the next stage of the hysteria. 2 cases of A(H1N1) resistant to Tamiflu is not necessarily the next stage. Tamiflu resistant strains have been reported on the WHO website almost since the virus first became a concern. The strains which were resistant were also less virulent. Better reporting is needed not sensationalism.

Thai A(H1N1) resistant to Tamiflu – Malaysians told to stop wanking

By John Le Fevre


Meanwhile a doctor in Malaysia has said that avoiding masturbation and homosexual activities are among preventive measures people can take to reduce their chances of contracting the virus.


He recommended people drink coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of pandemic A(H1N1), along with orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.


-- thaivisa.com 2009-08-09

My thai doctor at the local hospital told me, that he agrees with Prof Dr Wasun Chantratita. But as he knows that I eat a lot of stinkbeans (Sator), which are even more high in potassium, and have a coconut every morning, I was told not to worry:".....with these high amounts of daily potassium intake, and your addiction to coconuts, you can safely keep on wanking!"

As you see, it is only a matter of a healthy diet! :)


Statistics show that 90% of all men masturbate. The other 10% are liars.

As Woody Allen once said; "Don't knock it. It's sex with someone I love."


so us wanke_rs have had it then!! And who's gonna care? 'Yes, okay, loads died from Swine Flu, but they were all wanke_rs anyway...' ... 'never even touched that coconut juice I told em to drink, what' they expect?... bashing away furiously like there wasn't a pandemic coming to wipe em off the face of the Earth as they sat obliviously glued to their bluies!!... I told em that's not what the tissues were for!!'...


Hello, it is good to know about the attitude and general misguided medical advice coming from Malaysia. I for one will not be seeking any medical attention in Malaysia any time soon, and it is concerning for the pople that do need immediate medical attention. My first thought about this "doctor" is that it is someone that has escape from a home for the insane, and I hope the reporters will follow him to see how barking mad he is. Cheers.


So on the sole basis of being friction inducing he...

- Rules out w@nking and homosexual sex, all homosexual sex, not just anal. Your girlfriend can give you head but not your boyfriend because the latter has more friction. And there's no such thing as lube, or taking it easy.

- Totally ignores every other non-sexual physical activity. Massage, bike riding, exercise in it's various forms, stirring your cake mix, feeding chooks, people working in factories doing the same repetitive crap all day.... it's as if he thinks apart from sex we're all sitting on our asses doing bugger all, no not bugger all but sitting at computers writing the most moronic medical advice one can fabricate, as this guy does, despite all those qualifications listed, but not too quickly because if we type too fast we'll develop friction and our acid levels will change and leave us open to viral infection.

What am I doing wrong? How can I get paid well to be a total d*ckhead??? I guess you have to be willing to take advantage of the world's gullible half-wits, there's not justice.

:D What would they think of next? :D

You gentlemen should stop wanking ASAP then.

Does that mean I have to stop d/l porn?? :D



Everyone 'KNOWS' sinners are the FIRST wiped out by plagues and God/Alla/Yawea's Righteous Wrath,

'so be good for goodness sake', or die like a scurvy rat...

High morals will save YOU from pandemic deprivation and palm rot.

You better not wank

I'm telling you why

With piggy Flu here

You surely will die

Sinners get the killer flu-oo first

The rubbing is bad

Enjoyment is worse

Wanking they say is a koranical curse

Sinners get the killer flu-oo first

He knows if you've been wanking

He knows if you have not

He's sure he knows that sex is bad

So don't bugger or you'll rot.

Women don't wank

He sure of this fact

Never met one who does

In his cloistered think tank

(But he's sure that)

Sinners get the killer flu-oo first

This ironic satire was brought to you by the

Save The Wanke_rs from Early Death League for Global Hand Warming.

When will they put KY with alcohol in every 7/11? Solves the whole problem!


I've had my life saved by alternative medicine, so am loathe to dish out blanket criticism.

Some non-medial 'alternative' therapies do work & have good science behind them - and indeed high acidity can cause disease sometimes.

However there is a fantastic rate of fraudulent claims, which tends to devalue the discipline as a whole. This would certainly appear to be one of them.

If doctors learned to think within a holistic model, & alternative practitioners learned that we are now in an evidence-based era, we may make better progress.


This idiots pontifications have been spread around the world via the internet at record speed.

Thank whatever Gods you want that it wasn't a Thailand doctor this time.

amazing that people here think they know better than this scientist.

Well, the good Ph.D. (not M.D., mind you) says that it's his personal oberservations that led him to these conclusions. Not research.

As western science teaches: Without research, you're just an anecdote. Maybe we don't know better, but based on what this Ph.D. has written - yeah, c'mon, we *do* know better.

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