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What Is The More Important Personality Trait For A Good Pm? Ethics Or Management Skills


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It goes back to February... when he was fully caught out... and admitted to his fabrication..

that's still more believable than mc2 seriously saying he has a "phD [sic] in Thailand cultural studies."

probably should have slipped a smily in there somewhere. :)

But, at least on a brighter note, at least another troll has been positively identified and any further posts can be seen in that light (although I'm sure that's nothing new for many other members who've already connected the dots with the poster).

LOL. it was a joke not a troll.

and now... months after being caught out with his falsehoods, it's now changed to:

Asian Studies... :D

Edited by sriracha john
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and now... months after being caught out with his falsehoods, it's now changed to:

Asian Studies... :)

Yes it was meant as a bit of a light hearted joke at the time, however, there was a lot of truth in it as back then I was still writing up my thesis and the PhD was close to completion. Technically, however I could not claim the title back then because I had not completed the thesis. The thesis was related to Thai Culture, and I was doing research in the Asian Studies department of the university, so it was not inaccurate to refer to it on this basis.

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A lack of ethics of people in a position of responsibility seem to be a characteristic in the LOS. It could probably be rooted out if the powers that be/associates were not so suspect themselves. False claims, cheating on exams, mail order degrees, degrees from overseas where recipient does not have passport, degree issued to people which is a one of a kind, by the University. One of the first and maybe the most important capabilities of a liar, con man, etc is they must have a excellent memory. The recipients of doctors/masters degrees surely would remember the thesis matter as well as the board who heard and questioned their orals, in the former case. Joking, misunderstanding, half truths, and numerous other excuses are standard cop outs. Excuses/mouths are like a.. holes everyone has one, the brain normally determines what is expelled from both.

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Question: Are you in fact a teacher? If you are then I can promise you that I will not allow my children to ever come near you.

relax, you would probably never be able to afford my tuition fee anyway.

and I am not a teacher, I am a university lecturer.

At Shinawatrara University? :)

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Nice idea but the reality of poltics anywhere is that it gets filled with meglomaniacal, egomaniacal, greedy, self important, (add a few more negatives of choice) lunatics, so any occasional redeeming feature is a good point but will still stay lost in the menagerie of darkness. Of course occasionally they allow a real clean, good innocent to front things up but the menagerie of darkness remains beneath.

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So you would advocate for Stalin and Hitler then?

Well, he advocates Thaksin, which is the same thing. The two reasons Thaksin didn't get to reach the same excesses of those two were Thailand is nowhere near as powerful as their countries were, and the Thai people had the balls to kick him out before he could do too much damage, although any one of the thousands he had murdered would plead otherwise.

Sorry, but wasn't Thaksin the only leader of a Thai political party that gained government through an outright majority, rather than having to bargain with other parties? And the Thai people that 'had the balls to kick him out' I assume that you're referring to the Thai military that were brave enough to bring about a coup whilst Thaksin was in NY for a UN meeting, at the connivance of the personalities who were no longer on the 'must consult/pay' list?

I certainly don't believe that he was an outstanding leader, but he did bring to the table a forum of social conscience that was previously (and now) lacking in Thai society. Surely there has to be an alternative to the Sunday Roast (i.e. carving of spoils) syndrome of Thai politics, with Ministerial appointments being made with only budget responsibilities in mind.

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