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District 9 Movie Release Date In Thailand


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I looked this up on IMDB as I like Sci-Fi movies, it's got some good reviews on there and apparently it's released this weekend in the US / most of the world and at the beginning of September in Europe, there is no release date for Thailand.

I'd say you will likely be able to buy it on DVD within a week or two.

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I looked this up on IMDB as I like Sci-Fi movies, it's got some good reviews on there and apparently it's released this weekend in the US / most of the world and at the beginning of September in Europe, there is no release date for Thailand.

I'd say you will likely be able to buy it on DVD within a week or two.

I actually just found this link w/ release dates: http://www.pantip.com/cafe/chalermthai/rel...lease-2009.html

Does anyone know if this is Thai for August or September? พฤหัสบดี 20 สิงหาคม

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Does anyone know if this is Thai for August or September? พฤหัสบดี 20 สิงหาคม

That's Thursday August 20th. Out of date according to movieseer. Next week's movies are here


Ya Movieseer says sept 17th but go to the movies OFFICIAL website and look at the international release dates and Thailand is NOT even listed as a country slated for release.. <deleted>?

And after all the amazing reviews its been getting I was so looking forward to seeing it! its was bad enough that they supposedly pushed Thailand's release 1 <deleted> month after the U.S. release..

I certainly hope they just didnt advertise Thailand as region on its own and will release it here anyways

I live in Phuket and I remember when Kung <deleted> Panda was released they never brought it to Phuket you could only see it in BKK. I would be so pissed if this the the same for District 9


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Is it on Pirate DVD yet ? Cant be that good if it isnt ! :)

IDk about that, but why would anyone living in Bangkok buy a pirated DVD when the big screen is only 100 baht?

where do you go then?

ive never noticed anywhere under 140

MBK during the day at all the normal theatres (not VIP) are 100baht, and they're brand new and everything sounds and looks 100% perfect too...

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Great movie - highly recommend it. Interesting angle on the internment camps and alien/human bias. :) Prawns rock - go see it. Def one of the better films of the year!

Too bad it's not released in Thailand til September 20th

I'm bummed and will maybe have to find a pirated copy at MBK

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Great movie - highly recommend it. Interesting angle on the internment camps and alien/human bias. :) Prawns rock - go see it. Def one of the better films of the year!

Too bad it's not released in Thailand til September 20th

I'm bummed and will maybe have to find a pirated copy at MBK

Mate, I am sure the movie will still be good in a month.

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Any sci fi movie fans? This movie called District 9 just looks amazing.

How do I find out when it comes out here?

I found it on the SF cinema city website http://www.sfcinemacity.co.th/index.php/en...tail/District-9

But it's not in English and I see no dates. Does anyone have a link for release dates?

The Thailand premiere was held in my living room yesterday and the audience of 2 liked it very much. While it's not always necessary to wait for the cinema to show a current movie, but this movie will be worth seeing again once it arrives on the bigger screen here.

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Is it on Pirate DVD yet ? Cant be that good if it isnt ! :)

IDk about that, but why would anyone living in Bangkok buy a pirated DVD when the big screen is only 100 baht?

because the movie theatres i've been in are colder than Norway in December.

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Because movies like this are shown later in the year than in the US/UK it is obvious that you can 'get' it already if you do not want to wait and you know where to look. Same applies for current coming soon movies such as Bandslam and Land of the Lost.


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According to Guru magazine, it's being released here on August 20, but of course as usual things don't make sense here cause it's not in the list of movies on the SF website. Let's hope it will come some time in September or maybe earlier on DVD. I checked in DVD store, they don't have it yet. Does anybody know where I can get the movie "Moon" with Kevin Spacey? Nobody heard of it here but in States it's being released I think in July.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Because movies like this are shown later in the year than in the US/UK it is obvious that you can 'get' it already if you do not want to wait and you know where to look. Same applies for current coming soon movies such as Bandslam and Land of the Lost.


Actually, that is not always the case. Sometimes Hollywood movies are released earlier in Thailand than the US and quite often it is the exact same day/week.

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Seen it, good movie, interesting theory, good effects with the aliens, not unrealistic(apart from the alien aspect, of course) available at various websites, quality is not perfect but it's good enough to watch on my little eeepc 701...


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Lol MaiDong, cinema entry is only 140 baht. You have to see movies like district 9 on a big screen with surround sound, not on a 15" laptop screen.

LOL new2bangkok, sitting comfortably in my office with a nice big screen and surround sound, pause button, smoking area, nearby toilet, no crisp/sweet wrapper noises, no annoying imbeciles talking, no mobile phones ringing is just fine thanks a lot :) AND IT'S FREE.

p.s. new2bangkok - first watched on 7 inch screen which was just fine - later downloaded a better version for my large screen :D

Anyhow, a good movie, not AMAZING but good, not silly hollywood cars rolling and bouncing and exploding but quite subtly done

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