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my thai wife left my home 4 weeks after having her ilr visa, say that she wanted a divorce, she also finished her full time job, so she could get free benefits, also went into a hostel, so she can get a free council home. could her ilr visa be revoked.

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No it could not be revoked.She has indefinite leave to remain in the UK now, whether or not she decides to live you or not has No bearing what so ever on her immigration status. Find it difficult to believe she will just walk in to a free council house though, there is quite a waiting list,and she will find it difficult to claim un employment benefit if she left work on her own will.

Sorry to say this but this is cruel, Really hope she gets whats coming to her. But also shows what some will do just for a stamp.

Wooah hang on a minute ! how can you possibly make a comment like that ? have you any insight in to there relationship prior to this unfortunate break up ? i some what think not. It takes two to make a marriage work, i am not saying what she has done appears correct, but your views were not asked for, the thread was , can a Visa be revoked.


The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.

The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.
What a wonderful rule I ponder to think which jackass made that one up

It's very sad to know that many people from foreign lands will stoop so low to get an ILR. The Home office would know the official figures but the general public will never know the the full extent of this sham marriage fiasco. By cross correlating divorce dates with ILR's one will see the true intent of many a group.

In my case I worked out that my Thai wife married me for an ILR. I divorced her before her time was up so she could not get one. A few months after the divorce was settled she had already got herself another British husband. These girls are ruthless, cold, calculating and not very nice people.

Betrayal of trust is a very disgusting thing and unfortunately there is no law to stop it.

micky44 OK we do not know anything about this relationship but I think it's quite obvious what this particular ladies intention is.

mego You will have to except that the time you spent with your Thai wife was a complete lie, something quite difficult to swallow


ok mr biggus i take those points on board,id be curios to know what the age gap was between him self and his wife ( the original poster) and you and your ex ?

The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.
What a wonderful rule I ponder to think which jackass made that one up

It's the same jackass that says that before you are convicted of an offence, it has to be proved. This isn't Burma.

The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.
What a wonderful rule I ponder to think which jackass made that one up

It's the same jackass that says that before you are convicted of an offence, it has to be proved. This isn't Burma.

hahahaha, cant beat living in a democracy :):D:D

It's the same jackass that says that before you are convicted of an offence, it has to be proved. This isn't Burma.
Indeed, the assumption of innocence is at the heart of the British justice system.

We only ever get one side of the story in cases like this. I for one would be interested in hearing what Mrs. Mego has to say, and Mrs Biggus as well.

Edit to add quote.

It's the same jackass that says that before you are convicted of an offence, it has to be proved. This isn't Burma.
Indeed, the assumption of innocence is at the heart of the British justice system.

We only ever get one side of the story in cases like this. I for one would be interested in hearing what Mrs. Mego has to say, and Mrs Biggus as well.

Edit to add quote.

hi 7/7 this was my point exactly.as mentioned in my first post. i have seen so many (and I'm not suggesting the above mentioned posters fall in to this group) treat there Thai wifes like second class citizens,treating them as possessions. as i said it takes 2 to make a relationship work. The amount of work one has to do just to get your loved one to the UK, let alone ILR gets harder every year, what a terrible shame when somthing like this happens.


We only have one side of the story here, so lets stop judging the woman. Yes, she could have been a real cow who was only after a visa, or she could have been in a relationship from hel_l where "being sent back home" was regularly threatened and only now can she break free without it involving leaving the country. We just don't know.


I have no idea what happened in the Megos' marriage, nor what kind of a person Mrs Mego is. At least she seems smart enough to have figured her rights in the British welfare state. If Mego met her in a bar and she felt compelled to seize the opportunity to marry a foreigner and go abroad for financial reaons, then Mego really has to blame himself for pulling the wool over his own eyes and convincing himsself this was love match. A acquaintance of mine in the UK married an East European girl he met working in a caberet while he was on holiday in Cyprus. She was never an early riser but he noticed that she was suddenly getting up before him and rushing down to pick up the mail when her ILR was due. The day it came she left the house with their new born baby without saying anything and never came back. He got his own back by selling up all his extensive property holdings in the UK and leaving the country, so she got nothing from the divorce court but was of course set up with benefits and council housing as a mother with a baby. The East European bar girls are much more hard boiled than their Thai and Filipina sisters.

I have no idea what happened in the Megos' marriage, nor what kind of a person Mrs Mego is. At least she seems smart enough to have figured her rights in the British welfare state. If Mego met her in a bar and she felt compelled to seize the opportunity to marry a foreigner and go abroad for financial reaons, then Mego really has to blame himself for pulling the wool over his own eyes and convincing himsself this was love match. A acquaintance of mine in the UK married an East European girl he met working in a caberet while he was on holiday in Cyprus. She was never an early riser but he noticed that she was suddenly getting up before him and rushing down to pick up the mail when her ILR was due. The day it came she left the house with their new born baby without saying anything and never came back. He got his own back by selling up all his extensive property holdings in the UK and leaving the country, so she got nothing from the divorce court but was of course set up with benefits and council housing as a mother with a baby. The East European bar girls are much more hard boiled than their Thai and Filipina sisters.

Err and you point is ?


Derogatory posts about Thai women in general and responses to those posts have been deleted. Please read the forum rules again before posting as further such posts will result in more formal moderator action than mere deletion

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.
What a wonderful rule I ponder to think which jackass made that one up

It's very sad to know that many people from foreign lands will stoop so low to get an ILR. The Home office would know the official figures but the general public will never know the the full extent of this sham marriage fiasco. By cross correlating divorce dates with ILR's one will see the true intent of many a group.

In my case I worked out that my Thai wife married me for an ILR. I divorced her before her time was up so she could not get one. A few months after the divorce was settled she had already got herself another British husband. These girls are ruthless, cold, calculating and not very nice people.

Betrayal of trust is a very disgusting thing and unfortunately there is no law to stop it.

micky44 OK we do not know anything about this relationship but I think it's quite obvious what this particular ladies intention is.

mego You will have to except that the time you spent with your Thai wife was a complete lie, something quite difficult to swallow

Hold on, not every Thai lady is the same buster. Some of the guys who marry are not to nice ether I bet.

The only reason her ILR might be revoked is if there was proof that she gained it by deception, but proving that it was not her intention, at the time of the application, to remain with her husband is virtually impossible. Mere suspicion is not enough.
What a wonderful rule I ponder to think which jackass made that one up

It's very sad to know that many people from foreign lands will stoop so low to get an ILR. The Home office would know the official figures but the general public will never know the the full extent of this sham marriage fiasco. By cross correlating divorce dates with ILR's one will see the true intent of many a group.

In my case I worked out that my Thai wife married me for an ILR. I divorced her before her time was up so she could not get one. A few months after the divorce was settled she had already got herself another British husband. These girls are ruthless, cold, calculating and not very nice people.

Betrayal of trust is a very disgusting thing and unfortunately there is no law to stop it.

micky44 OK we do not know anything about this relationship but I think it's quite obvious what this particular ladies intention is.

mego You will have to except that the time you spent with your Thai wife was a complete lie, something quite difficult to swallow

Don't generalise until you know both sides of the story. What kind of hostel? A battered wives hostel?

I recalled a similar case of a relatively, well educated Thai wife who married a Brit, and he made her life hel_l. She had to go to Women's Aid and get help there as he was punching her and she was fearful of him.

You dont get hostel accmodation and state benefits that easy, if you do there is likely to be good reason.

my thai wife left my home 4 weeks after having her ilr visa, say that she wanted a divorce, she also finished her full time job, so she could get free benefits, also went into a hostel, so she can get a free council home. could her ilr visa be revoked.

could her ilr visa be revoked...basically ILR ...means just that...... :D

I know of some mostly Thai and Phillipinos (Male/females) over here who have never felt the need to go for Full UK/EU Citizenship and have successfull businesses,own houses ,cars, have kids at the local schools/university etc (kids got the PPs) and dont seem too bothered.


Conditions of Indefinite Leave state that once you have been granted ILR, it is important to try to not spend 2 years or over outside of the UK, as this can lead to it being revoked.

In order to avoid this, most migrants will be able to apply for British Citizenship after 1 year as a permanent resident after qualifying. :)

It's the same jackass that says that before you are convicted of an offence, it has to be proved. This isn't Burma.

Breaking the law by stealing or violence; I agree can be and should be proven by witness and hard evidence

Civil law is not the same as criminal law.

I'm no lawyer but I think that Civil law is about signing agreements and holding to them proving dishonesty in these cases is virtually impossible.

There is no law in the UK for fraudulent marriage especially when dealing with non-Europeans.

The fact that the marriage was short or broke down just after the ILR was handed over seems more than suspicious

I think it is quite obvious what this womans intention was yet there is no law to stop it.

I believe that the rule for ILR should be at least five years not two.

Many of these scammers would walk away from the idea of sham marriage if this was the case.

English Law does not seem to accept that people lie and bear false witness in cases like these as it is virtually impossible to prove.Thus the scammer from whatever country can get away with it very easily and makes British men a target.

In other words there is no protection from a very long and convoluted scam like fraudulent marriage.


The OP has been played like a ‘toon’ .

His wife when she realises that she gets full legal aid will (with her solicitor) screw him for every penny he has.

He could lose his house; he could end up in much debt.

It is quite easy for a woman to get entry into a house of protection just by making up simple stories.

‘Women against violence against women’ have a many safe houses with much legal aid and legal help.

This will help her get a council flat. We Brits fell very sorry for foreign women who have been attacked by hubby.

Sorry man but really you need to go see a solicitor ASAP and not think about revoking ILR. People here on TV will think that you are trying to get revenge and that will just not do in a place like this.

You will get no help nor sympathy here.

Go see a solicitor ASAP

We only have one side of the story here, so lets stop judging the woman. Yes, she could have been a real cow who was only after a visa, or she could have been in a relationship from hel_l where "being sent back home" was regularly threatened and only now can she break free without it involving leaving the country. We just don't know.

If she was in a relationship from hel_l then she should have left the first chance she got.



Its a personal issue between two adults and IMO has no place to be discussed who did what and when.

On a positive note you are now free to enter Thailand and start a new adventure so to speak and much wiser :)

The OP has been played like a 'toon' .

His wife when she realises that she gets full legal aid will (with her solicitor) screw him for every penny he has.

He could lose his house; he could end up in much debt.

Rubbish. No children, no reason for any maintenance order that I can see.

It is quite easy for a woman to get entry into a house of protection just by making up simple stories.

'Women against violence against women' have a many safe houses with much legal aid and legal help.

She may get help from various charities on her word alone, but if she wanted to take any form of legal action she would need evidence; police and medical reports. Assumption of innocence works both ways.
We Brits fell very sorry for foreign women who have been attacked by hubby.

Personally, I feel sympathy for anyone who is the victim of abuse and violence; regardless of their gender, nationality or race.

People here on TV will think that you are trying to get revenge and that will just not do in a place like this.

You will get no help nor sympathy here.

Go see a solicitor ASAP

If he has been 'scammed' then I feel sympathy for him. If they had a genuine relationship which has simply broken down, then I feel sympathy for them both. I have no sympathy for those who commit violence.

Revenge is a nasty emotion, and can colour one's thinking and cause actions one later regrets.

See, you can give rational advice when you try. Whatever the cause of the marriage breakdown, the OP should see a solicitor.

QUOTE (Mrbiggus @ 2009-08-14 05:45:05) *

The OP has been played like a 'toon' .

His wife when she realises that she gets full legal aid will (with her solicitor) screw him for every penny he has.

He could lose his house; he could end up in much debt.

Rubbish. No children, no reason for any maintenance order that I can see.

Mr 7by7 do you know what Ancillary Relief is?

I think not a divorce settlement can cost a very lot of money more than you think.

maintenance order has nothing to do with it.

As far as getting help from WAVAW there will be no problem we are not talking about DV we are talking about getting a council flat.

Derogatory posts about Thai women in general and responses to those posts have been deleted. Please read the forum rules again before posting as further such posts will result in more formal moderator action than mere deletion
7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

Thats 99.9% of posts knackered then :)

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