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Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

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QUOTE(eddie11 @ 2005-03-07 17:40:22)

QUOTE(DJ_Tom @ 2005-03-07 11:57:24)

Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.


At times facts can get on your tits !

This is not a fact!

I agree it is <deleted>

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(We are often better equipped physically than thai guys, at least that's what I'm told  )

sorry to break your delusions, but as a women with a fair bit of knowledge on this subject :D your not :o

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Many men know their g/f/wives etc are with them mainly for money (& not just in LOS) & are happy with it as both of them get what they want from the relationship, it's when one is being decieved that it's unfair, but whatever reasons couples get together, as long as neither side is getting hurt then whats the problem :o

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- in real life, there are Thai women in vulnerable situation - I will talk about this next. The Farang man comes to Thailand to exploit this vulnerability, and uses the economic disparities to his advantage.

Who's exploiting who? Works both ways if you ask me

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Wow, not a great topic to be reading 3 days before marrying the GF but interesting anyway.

Basically, "Why does anyone get involved with anyone else at all, regardless of their culture?" would be a better question.

The GF might have started out life as an ignorant, poorly educated village girl from Isaan, but she's been living with me in the UK for some time and is now far from the person I first met - she has grown in confidence, outlook and expectations for her life.

From the missus' point of view, she claims to love me because I've got a good heart, am not a butterfly, and I'm handsome (this one's a complete lie by the way but i appreciate her saying it). She also loves me because I look after her and respond to her needs / feelings in a way that no Thai man would even be able to consider.

Yes, the new house and the million Baht in her bank account will make a huge difference to her social standing and her life in general when we move to Thailand in a few months time. I can't say that I don't think it's a huge factor in why she's with me but I know for a fact that she'd rather be homeless and starving than with someone she didn't love.

Not only that, but she couldn't have kept up the pretence for two years before getting the so called "pay off" which is just a more practical way, in my view, than the western way of doing things whereby the woman gets half of your net worth the day you marry her regardless.

My GF will get what we have agreed on, can do what she wants with it and will NEVER ask me for money for her family as she will have the means to look after them herself.

For myself, I eschew the so called "values" of the Western (lack of) Society and couldn't possibly reconcile myself to a life with someone who has those values ingrained into them.

There's not much a farang girl could or would teach me about myself or the world around me that I don't already know and I very much appreciate the opportunity to look at the world from a different perspective.

Yes, I do also like to think I'm "King" in my own home and I'm lazy to boot so having a Thai GF all works fine cause I get to be both. We all know who the real boss is - just like in a relationship with a farang woman. This way though I'm allowed my delusions and everyone's happy.

Frankly, I respect my GF and the culture she comes from. I think I've probably got as much, if not more, to learn from her in terms of the way to live a good life as she has from me.

So, maybe the reasons she wants to be with a farang are the opportunities to better herself (finacially and otherwise) and the respect and encouragement that she receives in doing so.

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"sorry to break your delusions, but as a women with a fair bit of knowledge on this subject your not "

Fair bit of knowledge, that's good, but there are still things to discover on the subject. :o

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why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang?

Love these troller posts!

But, I've got to answer Rolo: Maybe 'cause we're bigger? :D

Wonder if guys posting on african expat sites are this "cocky" about the subject? :o


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Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.

I would submit that if that is the case... when it happens... it's because of the shortcomings of the farang girls that they choose to pal around with.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, John: are you saying that when a Farang-Farang relationship goes Deadside way, it's always due to the "shortcomings of Farang girls"?

goodness no. I was responding to the comment that farang women reject farang men/thai gf relationships. My comments reflected the shortcomings of those women that do so.

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Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.

I would submit that if that is the case... when it happens... it's because of the shortcomings of the farang girls that they choose to pal around with.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, John: are you saying that when a Farang-Farang relationship goes Deadside way, it's always due to the "shortcomings of Farang girls"?

goodness no. I was responding to the comment that farang women reject farang men/thai gf relationships. My comments reflected the shortcomings of those women that do so.

Unfortunately this seems to be what a lot of Female Farang Expats seem to do. So <deleted> 'em - how dare anyone that doesn't know you judge your relationships past or present.

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excuse me, <deleted> are you talking about peterzxr. What do a lot of female farange xpats do? I need some clarification on this as your response seems a tad agressive to the original quote. So I wanna make sure I get you right before deleting this post.

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excuse me, <deleted> are you talking about peterzxr. What do a lot of female farange xpats do? I need some clarification on this as your response seems a tad agressive to the original quote. So I wanna make sure I get you right before deleting this post.

Other than getting oversensitive??? :D

They reject farang men / thai gf relationships - if you read the whole post from start to finish it sorta makes sense despite my "agression" :o

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really & how many farang women have you asked about it. Jesus, some of you guys couldn't see night from day. Get over yourselves, farang women really couldn't give a monkeys who your with, they don't care when guys are with other nationality women so why should thai be any different? Only you lot seem to have to justify it by dragging us into it all the time & presuming to know what we think.

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Back to the subject at hand, who cares why people get together or what makes them stay together, if they are both happy then leave them be. No amount of guess work or gossip can get into the heart of a relationship as only 2 people really know what goes on.

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really & how many farang women have you asked about it. Jesus, some of you guys couldn't see night from day. Get over yourselves, farang women really couldn't give a monkeys who your with, they don't care when guys are with other nationality women so why should thai be any different? Only you lot seem to have to justify it by dragging us into it all the time & presuming to know what we think.

Having lived both in Thailand and the UK with my GF I've seen it and experienced it time after time.

Actions speak louder than words I'm afraid and I've seen the condescnding way that SOME people have treated my GF just because she happended to be born in a country where the education system leaves something to be desired. Let alone due to the stigma that such a prevalent sex industry automatically creates in people's minds before they even meet someone.

Don't tell me it doesn't happen or that it isn't actually a prevalent attitude until you've been treated like sh*t in your own country by foreigners just because of who your partner is. :o

Personally, I'm not trying to justify anything (other than my GF's physical violence towards others :D ) and I don't care what you gals think.

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I lived in Sweden with my(thai)wife and I never heard or sensed anything bad about her or the fact that I was married to a woman of thai origin.

Then again, the people we usually met were my friends, real friends without biases.

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