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Red Shirts' Planned Rally Worries Pm


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Red shirts' planned rally worries PM

By The Nation

Published on August 24, 2009

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday expressed concern over a planned anti-government protest by the red shirts who threatened to gather at Government House next Sunday to oust his administration.

He said he had instructed security agencies to ensure the protest did not get out of hand as he feared violence would cause damage to the country.

Meanwhile, a group of people were injured after 10 men in a pickup, hooded and dressed in black, threw stones and Home-made Bombs into a commercial building in which 300 members of the yellow shirts were celebrating the opening of a "We love the King" centre in Chiang Mai's Muang District.

As the yellow shirts fled, the men in black chased them with sticks, smashing glass doors and windows and a pickup parked in front of the building.

Kuakun Yodkam, secretary of the group "We love the King", said 10 minutes before they were attacked, he had received a phone call warning the red shirts were about to strike - but they did not believe it as they were making merit as part of the centre opening.

Pol Col Aksorn Wongyai, superintendent of Mae Ping District Police Station, vowed to bring the culprits to justice saying they had committed an outrageous offence in broad daylight before a large gathering of people.


-- The Nation 2009/08/24

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"........as he feared violence would damage the country" --------- Normally that is called "imputing negative motives where none are indicated".............Perhaps a comment on the stated purpose of the rally would be more productive. Stonewalling on electoral demands is self-serving enough.

2/3 of the remaining article tries hard to smear the pro-democracy movement even more. Again imputing negative motives to a group of people by insinuation, where none are indicated.

Also, placing the yellow shirts into a motherhood-and-apple pie situation..................

Edited by Maiya
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Hello, the red shirt people have a lot of thugs and/or psychopaths as members so they should worry most people in Thailand because no one will know what they will do or to what extent. Violence is in the recent history of the red shirt meetings, and I hope for the best things to happen for Thailand as the world is watching.

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The red shirts have been ordered to wear black for General Prem's birthday and attacking the PAD wearing red shirts would be plainly foolish. It could be agents provacateur but that violence sounds all too familiar from the red shirt thugs of Chiang Mai.

Red shirts pro democracy- a new oxymoron.

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Lots of people, from Senate speaker to Interiot Minister himself, are saying that police chief appointment is not a reason for either House dissolution or Abhisit resignation.

The fact that the panel had guts to refuse PM's nomination is a testament to democracy in itself.

Red shirts apparently can't tolerate that - their version of democracy is when everyobody follows the boss and rubberstamps everything put in front of them.

The economy is also showing signs of recovery, they can't get Abhisit for that. What else is left?

For now Anhisit can safely ignore whatever reds came up with and focus on containing their violence. The Chiang Mai attack is despicable, and it's difficult to point fingers at anyone but reds. "Agent provacateur" theory could work only if there's any response favourable to any particular party. So far there's nothing, not even against reds. It looks like the sole purpose of the attack was to get yellows, without any hidden motives.

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This isn't going away anytime soon. Forbidding a gay awareness event, beating and murdering a radio announcer, carrying guns into an airport while the supporters rally around and attack the police for arresting him, and now a good possibility the reds are attacking people at a merit making ceremony. That's only the north. Disgusting they continue their barbaric ways . Red shirts = democracy? What a joke!

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These are likely the last kicks from Thaksin as his influence diminishes daily as the economy levels and slowly picks up.

Unfortunately it's not his "last kick" that would be too much to hope for, but you are correct his influence is waining more and more each day and the sooner the stupid media stop reporting every bowel movement he has the sooner it will be over.

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.... looks like this carries the signature of "Love Chiang Mai 51"... genuine "Democrats", "Democracy against dictatorship" - are the all "off the planet"?

like the loveUdon pacifists ?

these thugs would not be doing this unless they were paid - so they need to find the paymasters and punish them .

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Hooded and dressed in black? Doesn't sound much like Red Shirt tactics to me. I'm afraid the term 'agent provacateur' come to mind.

I have been working here now for more than 10 years and most Thais aredecent law abiding citizens but regretfully and this is just my personal opinion they do not really have any ambition to see their country become an Asian Tiger like their surrounding neighbours and therefore are easily influenced by the lawless element of these dim wits who I guess are mostly unemployed and have nothing better to do to fill their days. I guess it must be the highlight of their day to demonstrate and cause trouble which makes these out of work no hopers feel important. When will they wake up and see what damage they are doing to the country. Do they care...I guess not and are only interested in their own personal situations and have no cares about any body else. I see no end to the political turmoil but we carry on regardless and muddle through.

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This isn't going away anytime soon. Forbidding a gay awareness event, beating and murdering a radio announcer, carrying guns into an airport while the supporters rally around and attack the police for arresting him, and now a good possibility the reds are attacking people at a merit making ceremony. That's only the north. Disgusting they continue their barbaric ways . Red shirts = democracy? What a joke!

Yes, agree, no doubt the reds lost the farang gay vote closing down that gay parade. Doubtful they will ever recover from that set back, it is the main topic of conversation in every Thai household.

Appears that opposing forces are too evenly balanced for either side to establish a stable long term government. Despite that the reds would win an election too much power won't accept it, hence the pseudo-balance.

Why won't they cut a deal with Taksin, give him the money or have they grabbed and spent it already? Regardless of the overwrought emotions of posters that belabor us here, seems the only way forward.

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So far Democrat led coalition appears to be stable and long term looking. It might implode from inside, but surely not because reds have something to offer - 'cos they don't.

Thaksin's is still one man figthing against the whole country, on his last leg and suffering from cancer. Reds might run around with his pictures for a while but they don't make the weather and have absolutenly nothing to offer.

Who takes "we will bring Thaksin back as economic advisor and he will solve all problems" crap seriously?

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Hooded and dressed in black? Doesn't sound much like Red Shirt tactics to me. I'm afraid the term 'agent provacateur' come to mind.

I have been working here now for more than 10 years and most Thais aredecent law abiding citizens but regretfully and this is just my personal opinion they do not really have any ambition to see their country become an Asian Tiger like their surrounding neighbours and therefore are easily influenced by the lawless element of these dim wits who I guess are mostly unemployed and have nothing better to do to fill their days. I guess it must be the highlight of their day to demonstrate and cause trouble which makes these out of work no hopers feel important. When will they wake up and see what damage they are doing to the country. Do they care...I guess not and are only interested in their own personal situations and have no cares about any body else. I see no end to the political turmoil but we carry on regardless and muddle through.

I didn't saw many lay abiding citizens here. ZigZag every one all the time. Not even wear the helmet on the motorbike. Don't even know the speed limits on the street, offer everything without VAT etc etc....

And where are the surrounding tigers? Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos? Only Malaysia is running well, but only by Chinese/Indian/Arabs and because the have Oil.

But I complete agree with the rest.

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Yes, agree, no doubt the reds lost the farang gay vote closing down that gay parade. Doubtful they will ever recover from that set back ...

You bet your sweet patootie.

We are fierce!post-37101-1251123912_thumb.jpg

Edited by Jingthing
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weither its yellow or red or green or the colors of the rainbow. This is a endless merry go round. Thai history shows in the last 30 years 18 or more military coups. only 1 prime minister to get all 4 years. Average prime minister time is less than 2 years. Thailand will never be a asian tiger more like a drunk and high monkey. Thai Politics show that they walk that fine line of being retarted and non retarted. Thailand's future is already known. It will still be reliant on tourism and exports because social and economic growth within will never happen.

on the whole Thaksin thing. losworld you have it correct. even though it pops up ever now and then like a gofer. The longer he's gone out of the country the better. He might have friends or influence left but I'm sure the situation would be much different had he actually be here. I highly doubt he'll get that pardon he's looking for. The thing with people is, memories of people like him don't go away but the picture starts to fade more though as years pass by.

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This isn't going away anytime soon. Forbidding a gay awareness event, beating and murdering a radio announcer, carrying guns into an airport while the supporters rally around and attack the police for arresting him, and now a good possibility the reds are attacking people at a merit making ceremony. That's only the north. Disgusting they continue their barbaric ways . Red shirts = democracy? What a joke!

Yes, agree, no doubt the reds lost the farang gay vote closing down that gay parade. Doubtful they will ever recover from that set back, it is the main topic of conversation in every Thai household.

Appears that opposing forces are too evenly balanced for either side to establish a stable long term government. Despite that the reds would win an election too much power won't accept it, hence the pseudo-balance.

Why won't they cut a deal with Taksin, give him the money or have they grabbed and spent it already? Regardless of the overwrought emotions of posters that belabor us here, seems the only way forward.

Because he fails catastrophically at the old trust/throw test.

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I don't think the country's problems are going to go away until they follow the rule of law and that means prosecuting wrong doers--all of them, whether they are yellow or red. It means prosecuting politicians as well, all of them. It doesn't mean endless sentences. It means prosecuting military and police who commit crimes as well. It can mean fines, jail time and a criminal record if what they did is a crime.

The problems will be resolved when the country is firmly controlled by the electorate.

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And where are the surrounding tigers? Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos? Only Malaysia is running well, but only by Chinese/Indian/Arabs and because the have Oil.

The 4 or 5 (if 5, including Thailand) tigers are: South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, according to most sources.

And, I don't think China and India are running well because they have oil as you put it. Arabs ? yes.


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And where are the surrounding tigers? Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos? Only Malaysia is running well, but only by Chinese/Indian/Arabs and because the have Oil.

The 4 or 5 (if 5, including Thailand) tigers are: South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, according to most sources.

And, I don't think China and India are running well because they have oil as you put it. Arabs ? yes.


I think I need a new map, really can't find them surrounding Thailand......

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And where are the surrounding tigers? Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos? Only Malaysia is running well, but only by Chinese/Indian/Arabs and because the have Oil.

The 4 or 5 (if 5, including Thailand) tigers are: South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, according to most sources.

And, I don't think China and India are running well because they have oil as you put it. Arabs ? yes.


I think I need a new map, really can't find them surrounding Thailand......

Nope they aren't anywhere near Thailand.

What is the biggest difference that those 6 countries have?

Respect for education and increasingly or completely liberalised investment and financial markets. They have their networks but someone with a good education can expect to have a long, successful and well remunerated career in a myriad of positions in either domestic multinationals or foreign MNC's. They are embracing the rest of the world, whilst Thailand frets over foreign husbands owning houses and some land through their wife.

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Reds are politically isolated, they have absolutely no one on their side. It's Thaksin vs the rest of Thailand.

vs the rest of thailand?

Every little bar girl still loves thaksin and some ppl in the north also.

Nearly every thai i spoke so far likes thaksin, so you must be completly wrong normally!

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