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Our Burma had to go back and get a passport. On his return he was given a visa with 90 day reporting. Happily that conincides with my 90 day report. (Finished my hoop jumping yesterday). So I know I can go 7 days early/late, but does anyone know if he can. I'm just concerned if a weekend pops up on the report day, he wil have to go on a Friday where my inclination would be to go on the Monday.


Visa entry is for 90 days or less so no reporting is required - you must leave the country. What exactly does this person have? Extensions of stay are where 90 day reports are normally required and what I expect you have. What does the stamp in passport say?


I'll have to ask him to show me again. I didn't pay too much notice yesterday. I was too involved with my own concerns. I was that pessimistic I was even having dreams about drinking Tiger Beer. :)

Visa entry is for 90 days or less so no reporting is required - you must leave the country. What exactly does this person have? Extensions of stay are where 90 day reports are normally required and what I expect you have. What does the stamp in passport say?

I'm about to go through this process with our Burmese maid. She is legal here with a permission to work card....but technically her nationality has never been 'proven' by any offical ID when going through the registration process. We simply have ticked the box saying she is burmese..when in fact she could be Bhutanese.

The Thai government, along with the Laos, Cambodian and Burmese govts have a MOU which is being implemented...and will mean that all here under the current system for migrant labourers will have to prove their nationality, and have a temp passport issued by their home country.

Seems like the OP's guy has gone through this. Our maid has sent her 'identity checking' form off to immigration here, who in turn will liase with the burmese government to issue her a passport, in which proper visa's etc will be entered. She'll apparently have to go up to Mae Sot or something to receive the passport.

Based on what I've read, I think she'll then come under a fairly similar structure to the current visa system for other non-citzens who work here, with the exception being that as migrant labourers, they will be able to work in low income, menial labour jobs which are covered by the migrant labour scheme which Thailand has.

I think it will allow them to travel more easily as well back and forth, which is a good thing..... but I think it gets rid of the ID card, which is a shame, given it would be good if thailand implemented a system of ID's for all foreigners with a non-immigrant status here, similar to HK or singapore.

Samran, for info. The issuing of the passport only takes about 1 hour or so. :)

Thanks...was it only a matter of having to cross the border, pick it up, and then come back?


Must be, ordering wasn't done in advance, as our guy only had 24 hours notice. I was a bit worried at 1st as the immigration people filled out a deportation order.



We have a Burmese Nepali maid working for us for more than 3 years. She has legal working ID, issued by thai labour system but does not have Burmese passport. We are moving out of the country by January and would very much try to take her with us. She is very close to our family, specially with kids and she is more than willing to go with us. I was wondering, if its possible to get a New Burmese passport without going to Burma. Are there any agencies, that can help ?? Any advise or suggestions are welcome.



And we wonder whay thaey hate falang employing cheap keks to undermine the idle free who would love to do it

Ho ho

I hope your Burma doesnt get any democratic aspirations and start tapping you !

Chok Dee or as they say in Burma bring back the Poms all is forgiven

And we wonder whay thaey hate falang employing cheap keks to undermine the idle free who would love to do it

Ho ho

I hope your Burma doesnt get any democratic aspirations and start tapping you !

Chok Dee or as they say in Burma bring back the Poms all is forgiven

yeah, they hate it so much they just spent a month handing out work permits to any burmese national who had a thai sponsor, and threw in a national insurance card and state education for their kids for good measure.......


OK talked to my wife about our guys visa. He has a visa for 2 years, during which he hast to report every 90 days. He is allowed to work as he also has an IC Card.


" Our maid has sent her 'identity checking' form off to immigration here, who in turn will liase with the burmese government to issue her a passport, in which proper visa's etc will be entered. She'll apparently have to go up to Mae Sot or something to receive the passport."

Hi Samran,

What do u mean send identity checking form to immigration? How can I do this? And do you know how much it costs for the whole process?

Tks again.

" Our maid has sent her 'identity checking' form off to immigration here, who in turn will liase with the burmese government to issue her a passport, in which proper visa's etc will be entered. She'll apparently have to go up to Mae Sot or something to receive the passport."

Hi Samran,

What do u mean send identity checking form to immigration? How can I do this? And do you know how much it costs for the whole process?

Tks again.

if your burmese maid is legal, then you can go to the labour office where she has her work permit card from, and they will give you a burmese language form for her to fill in.

It gets sent off to the address they tell you to send it off to.....not suan phlu though. It does, as I understand, end up in immigrations hands, who liase with the burmese embassy to check to see if that person is indeed burmese. What happens next, I don't know, but apparently from what Mosha says, they get notified to go up to the thai burmese border, cross over, and get their passports, and coming back, they must get stamped in with new visa's.

" Our maid has sent her 'identity checking' form off to immigration here, who in turn will liase with the burmese government to issue her a passport, in which proper visa's etc will be entered. She'll apparently have to go up to Mae Sot or something to receive the passport."

Hi Samran,

What do u mean send identity checking form to immigration? How can I do this? And do you know how much it costs for the whole process?

Tks again.

Somewhere you should have a "Bureau of proof of Myanmar nationality". You don't say where you are, but we have one in Ranong. We took him there, I left it all to my significant other. AKA wife. The visa is I was told 2000 Baht (I suspect 1900) Immigration in Ranong never seem to have change for 2000. :)

" Our maid has sent her 'identity checking' form off to immigration here, who in turn will liase with the burmese government to issue her a passport, in which proper visa's etc will be entered. She'll apparently have to go up to Mae Sot or something to receive the passport."

Hi Samran,

What do u mean send identity checking form to immigration? How can I do this? And do you know how much it costs for the whole process?

Tks again.

Somewhere you should have a "Bureau of proof of Myanmar nationality". You don't say where you are, but we have one in Ranong. We took him there, I left it all to my significant other. AKA wife. The visa is I was told 2000 Baht (I suspect 1900) Immigration in Ranong never seem to have change for 2000. :)

Tks Samran, Mosha. She is legal with the work permit card, but it was under name of previous employer though. We're in Bangkok. I'm surprised its only 2000 baht. She had a friend who had it done, went back to Yangon took like a month, and had to pay something like 30,000baht!

So with this passport, it means she can exit and enter thailand with no problems, only need to stamp every 90 days?


I think you need to get her "registration" to your other half's name. These temporary passports are only valid for travel between Burma/Myanmar and Thailand. Every 90 days she has to do a 90 report, just like the guys on vusa extensions. The IC card enables her to work, but if you don't have papers in your wife's name it can be expensive. 50,000 Baht, if someone checks up on you.


thats right, easist way would be your wife, the thai citizen, to employer her as a domestic house keeper. Your wife would be the sponsor, and it would require moving the sponsorship from the old employer to your wife. Enquire at the Ampur and or the labour office as to how to do this. note, this can only be done if she is actually currently legal here.

The whole process is very cheap. We just registered our maid and the entire resitration, WP process was about 6000 baht all up with offical fees. Once she is reigistered, then she can go through the nationality checking process, as Mosha has outlined.

thats right, easist way would be your wife, the thai citizen, to employer her as a domestic house keeper. Your wife would be the sponsor, and it would require moving the sponsorship from the old employer to your wife. Enquire at the Ampur and or the labour office as to how to do this. note, this can only be done if she is actually currently legal here.

The whole process is very cheap. We just registered our maid and the entire resitration, WP process was about 6000 baht all up with offical fees. Once she is reigistered, then she can go through the nationality checking process, as Mosha has outlined.

thanks! interestingly... i am the other half :) and i'm not thai. But i guess if the passport only can allow her to go between Thailand and Burma, then probably not very useful as we were thinking if she can travel out of the country with us. I guess in this case not.

thats right, easist way would be your wife, the thai citizen, to employer her as a domestic house keeper. Your wife would be the sponsor, and it would require moving the sponsorship from the old employer to your wife. Enquire at the Ampur and or the labour office as to how to do this. note, this can only be done if she is actually currently legal here.

The whole process is very cheap. We just registered our maid and the entire resitration, WP process was about 6000 baht all up with offical fees. Once she is reigistered, then she can go through the nationality checking process, as Mosha has outlined.

thanks! interestingly... i am the other half :) and i'm not thai. But i guess if the passport only can allow her to go between Thailand and Burma, then probably not very useful as we were thinking if she can travel out of the country with us. I guess in this case not.

In that case she would have to go back "home" and apply for a full passport.

Edit. Try asking at the Myanmar Embassy.


No way she can make a burmese passport from overseas or through agencies.She will have to going back to Yangon(former capital) and apply by her self or there is some available agencies in Yangon though,but she will need to find out herself.Process will take 2-4 weeks by the express service.


We have a Burmese Nepali maid working for us for more than 3 years. She has legal working ID, issued by thai labour system but does not have Burmese passport. We are moving out of the country by January and would very much try to take her with us. She is very close to our family, specially with kids and she is more than willing to go with us. I was wondering, if its possible to get a New Burmese passport without going to Burma. Are there any agencies, that can help ?? Any advise or suggestions are welcome.


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