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Your last paragraph highlights the problem. It really is becoming that ridiculous in the UK to the point where it is detracting from the real issue. You mention yourself that 'black' does not offend and why would it?, after all it is only a colour.

A while back in a UK prison, the wearing of the cross of St. George by wardens and staff was banned so as not to 'offend' inmates belonging to ethnic minorities. Could you imagine that? Not being allowed to display your own country's flag whilst in your country! There was also once a notion to have St. George's cross removed from the national football team's shirt for a similar reason, thankfully that one was nipped in the bud.

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I really can't comment on the UK, I know they have allot of unbelievable laws that would make me seriously not want to live there (no 2nd amendment equivalent for example) Did England ever go through a period like our last century where black people were so often lynched that the photos and memorabilia now fill a museum? I'm guessing you guys must not have really had to over come serious racism so that some of your people ( I would bet the majority of this push is from whites too) are looking for nonsensical things to meld into true PC.

I can't help but think that most of the foolishness like the black boards and black coffee protests are actually championed by bigots looking to undermine the validity of true Political Correctness.

All I know for sure is you don't hear that seriously in the US, and the American flag will never be banned in any govt institution, and especially not from any of our national teems... I can hardly fathom the spinelessness that that would require.

Your own flag banned from your national teem??? WTH are they on?

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Just saw the best PC quote ever

Pattaya Mail today. Ripping out a mangrove forest "Scenery Adjustment"

lovers of the politically incorrect should seek out the musings of Pat Condell

an Englishman who still has a pair and received the death threats to prove it....

Edited by timekeeper
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My personal fave is what my niece was told at school in Devon. Apparently you must say "coffee without milk" when ordering a black coffee now.

hahaha. Never heard that one. Thailand doesn't care about PC stuff, thats why I like it.

One of the main reasons i came here too.

You presumably arrived so recently as to be unable to remember "Darkie" toothpaste and the forced name change to "Darlie".

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I am Black. I do not find the term offensive at all. I am also a nigger to others, I find this term highly offensive. It's the phasing out of terms like this that is at the heart of PC.

I like my coffee like my women, of a good quality, hot and sweet. I could care less how dark or light it is, I'm bigger than that. If someone gave me a Golliwog I would beat them with it, it's ignorant and offensive. If I made a doll that looked like a stereo typical Hisidic Jew with the long locks of hair comming down out of the cap, a huge nose and a penny tightly clasped in one hand, the jewish community would have it banned almost instantly. But Golliwogs are supposed to be cool???...Think pepoloe, have a lil respect, thats all PC is about.

Those who are against PC are bigots and and suffer from a inferiority complex in my opinion

"A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Men" these are only two examples

that people who are bigots and against PC use as an excuse to justify their bias. I grew up in the States all my life I have never seen anyone or even heard of anyone having a problem with these simple terms of endearment and blessings.

And the bit about Black coffee or Black Boards being offensive and taught as being wrong...give me a break. Seriously, offensive too whom? Taught wrong where? I have never seen nor heard any of that garbage. These are just distractions thrown about by people who are against the simple common courtesy and respect that is at the heart of Political Correctness.

-reason for edit typo-

I am British. While racial prejudice is widespread throughout UK, we have no KKK, no tradition of lynching blacks and (for at least 40 years) no colour bar. In these circumstances I shall probably never be able to understand why you feel so strongly about the word "nigger". When you say you find it offensive, do you mean that the word (an alphabetical combination) is offensive or that you are offended by your perception of the thoughts in the minds of the people who use that word? How do you feel about the (apparently quite common) use of that same word by blacks referring to other blacks?

How do you feel about people losing their jobs because they have used the word "niggardly"?

How PC do you feel you are when you use your expression "I like my coffee like my women, of a good quality, hot and sweet"?

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There are many words that truly are offensive when used inappropriately, but the UK media does seem to have gone over board with tying to be politically correct. And, it seems to be one sided. It's okay for radical Muslim groups to preach hatred in the UK and Canada, but anyone doing the same in reverse is quickly charged with racism. There have been many historical books that were written at a time when the word "Nigger" was common usage. The word "Nigger" IS offensive today, but shouldn't be banned from writing or the theatre if it's trying to convey a message. Black Americans often call each other "Nigger" in a slang form of companionship, but it's inappropriate for caucasians to use the same term.

There are many gender biases as well, and many are borderline ridiculous. You can't call someone the "Chairman of the board". It now has to be the "chair person of the board", or just the "chair" for short. When I hear that I call them the "Table" instead.

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I am Black. I do not find the term offensive at all. I am also a nigger to others, I find this term highly offensive. It's the phasing out of terms like this that is at the heart of PC.

I like my coffee like my women, of a good quality, hot and sweet. I could care less how dark or light it is, I'm bigger than that. If someone gave me a Golliwog I would beat them with it, it's ignorant and offensive. If I made a doll that looked like a stereo typical Hisidic Jew with the long locks of hair comming down out of the cap, a huge nose and a penny tightly clasped in one hand, the jewish community would have it banned almost instantly. But Golliwogs are supposed to be cool???...Think pepoloe, have a lil respect, thats all PC is about.

Those who are against PC are bigots and and suffer from a inferiority complex in my opinion

"A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year". "Peace on Earth and goodwill to all Men" these are only two examples

that people who are bigots and against PC use as an excuse to justify their bias. I grew up in the States all my life I have never seen anyone or even heard of anyone having a problem with these simple terms of endearment and blessings.

And the bit about Black coffee or Black Boards being offensive and taught as being wrong...give me a break. Seriously, offensive too whom? Taught wrong where? I have never seen nor heard any of that garbage. These are just distractions thrown about by people who are against the simple common courtesy and respect that is at the heart of Political Correctness.

-reason for edit typo-

I am British. While racial prejudice is widespread throughout UK, we have no KKK, no tradition of lynching blacks and (for at least 40 years) no colour bar. In these circumstances I shall probably never be able to understand why you feel so strongly about the word "nigger". When you say you find it offensive, do you mean that the word (an alphabetical combination) is offensive or that you are offended by your perception of the thoughts in the minds of the people who use that word? How do you feel about the (apparently quite common) use of that same word by blacks referring to other blacks?

How do you feel about people losing their jobs because they have used the word "niggardly"?

How PC do you feel you are when you use your expression "I like my coffee like my women, of a good quality, hot and sweet"?

Ok yes your right, You will never be able to understand why I feel so strongly about the word nigger. That being said I was asked to explain how I felt about it on YouTube once so if ya wanna check it out you can see it here .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n41xPmz11CA...re=channel_page I look like I had a stroke when I made this because I had got an infection in the main facial nerve that runs along the right side of my face so I was messed up for a couple months...I get the chills just thinking about it I thought it was gonna be perminant.

Anyway, as for the term niggardly this is something TOTALLY different and unrelated. This is a commonly used British term for something petty or annyoing yes? If someone was fired for that term without warning. Then they were injustly persecuted.

And as far as the coffe and women comment, I feel very PC, I'm a man who likes good quality, hot, sweet women. Now keep in mind the context, this is how I like the women I have intimate relationships with. Now as far as friends, co workers, employees, ect I don't care what the person looks like. But my bedroom is private and PC has no place there. Heck if more pepole kept there bedroom private there wouldn't be such a big push for allot of PC in the first place.

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A Very PC Celebration

At this time of the year it's difficult to know what to say without offending someone. So I've checked with my legal adviser and on his advice I wish to say the following to all friends and colleagues.

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practised with the most enjoyable traditions of religious persuasion or secular practices of your choice with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practise religious or secular traditions at all.

I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2010, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make our country great (not to imply that Great Britain is necessarily greater than any other country) and without regard to the race, creed, colour, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishee.

By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms:

This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.

Disclaimer: No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.

I am not the author and do not claim it as my work. Can't remember where I got it from. But it did put a smile on my face, hope it does the same for you. :)

Edited by Lantern
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Ridiculous. Yet we still call whiteboards, whiteboards? Being white I find that racist and insulting, I also just insulted myself by saying that I am white. I am going to sue myself for the mental trauma I caused myself.

Being white you should know perfectly well by now you are not allowed to find ANYTHING rascist and/or insulting, as you personally share blame for the worlds woes, both historical and current. Rascist gangs - you. The slave trade - you. Genocide atrocites in Sudan - you. Not actually being alive at the time by the way is not an excuse.

I would debate with you, [you evil git] but I am off to listen to "Baa baa sheep" on my Sony walkperson at a reasonable volume while taking into account the sensitivities of those around me especially none hearing persons.

May I apologise to dyslexic humans if correct spelling has caused offence. :D:)

Edited by baboon
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May I apologise to dyslexic humans if correct spelling has caused offence. :D:)

theres a thought. maybe those of us with good english skillz should tone down our speeling and gramar so we dont offend those who cant read and rite proper!'?.

Absolutely disgusting Monicker. Moonrakers, indeed. What about those people, regardless of gender, race, faith and sexuality [hey,rapists and child molesters are human too, and so what if their aspirations are different to the narrow minded like you] who wish to persue a career in flying or indeed one day become an astronaut but cannot because of poor eyesight? You insensitive %^&*.

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Awww poor Baboon, the world blames you for everything, because your white huh? :)

Get over your self, your not that important. And using your skin color as an excuse to be ill tempered and ignorant is the mark of a peasant, who is either unable or unwilling to take accountability for their actions.

I could sit around and cry a river , with all kinds of nonsensical BS like that, as well by saying things like; everyone things I'm a drug dealer, thief, pimp, rapper, basketball, player, gangster, on welfare, or some kind of criminal because I'm Black and the MAN is holding me back so I can't get a job or succeed in doing anything other than sit on the corner drinking a "40oz" and smoking crack.

Please, your melee mouthed pleas for sympathy fall on long deaf ears.

You would have cracked along time ago if you had to walk a mile in my shoes growing up. But I never let that stop me or used it as an excuse for failure.

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In the UK, PC has become an expression of ridicule which has undermined genuine efforts to reduce prejudice. Worse still, it has allowed far right political parties such as the BNP to flourish by suggesting that indigenous Brits are somehow in the minority and our way of life is threatened. Very 1930s Germany and almost all nonsense.

Vive la difference. If we spent half as much time recognising our commonalities as we do in looking for our differences, we'd all be a lot happier.

And just as an aside, I'm an adult trainer and a number of PCisms have crept in. Blackboards are now chalkboards, whiteboards are now wipeboards, and in order not to offend epileptics, we no longer brainstorm, but we boardblast. I kid you not. As it happens, an epileptic friend of mine finds this pathetic and offensive.

And as for my women, I find them like my coffee - white and bitter. (Unless my lovely wife is reading this, in which case I didn't write it. Someone else did and made me post it. I have a picture of me not writing it).

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The problem here is that American's and the British had a whole different history with regards to civil rights, slavery and the amount of slaves historically. The UK outlawed slavery in 1833 (although importation was illegal from 1807 in all colonies and the mainland) - although in the States importation was banned in 1808, it was pretty much ignored because it only covered importation from Africa (and not via other places used as staging areas!). However, civil rights in America was well behind, most likely because the numbers were frightening to the landowners and they were such an important part of the wealth making machine in aggrecultural America. Britain, being smaller and more boased towards business ad trade than aggriculture of the size that required massive workforces, the ideology (or supposed need perhaps) was different. In Britain we sent our own, white kids, up chimnies and into active machinery to unjam them! There were enbough poor whites to be taken advantage of, not much need for imports - until two wars thinned the work force down - then they had the former colonies (the Commonwealth) to look to.

In the UK blacks can think back to the 50's when hotels had small signs banning them, but there were no laws doing the same. No laws saying that blacks had to give up their seats or whatever. If they became (or were) British citizens, then they could vote. To attack a black man in thje street carried the same legal penalty as to attack a white man (ignoring the personal racism of the judge and jury of course!).

So, international discussions like this never really work as Brits and Americans have different view points and it will be another 100 years or so before its historical enough for these viewpoints to become parallel.

I would like to say that some suggest it is the bigotted whites that make these PC things - and often that's true. However, in the UK there have been enough cases of the minorities (often indivduals ridiculed later by their own communities) that cause a lot of hoohar. There was a case of a 12 year old Muslim girl who refused to wear the school uniform - even though she knew when she started what the school requirements were - because she wanted to wear a Burker (no idea how to spell that!). Another Muslim woman working for a local authority who complained that pigs were aginstg her religion and she was offended by any siter of them - prompting the council to ban any images of pigs from their offices - including calendars, stuffed animals, pet pictures, wallpapers and money boxes (her religion only said she shouldn't eat them!). ...and many more. SOme people just take advantage and they make it worse. However, it was a white major who tried to ban the ancient carrol service at a 900 year old London church because it was not inclusive enough - and it took a Bishop to point out that anyone could come, there were no checks at the door (and a public uproar) to get it reversed.

PC was very important, but the current UK craziness causes nothing but watering down of it affectiveness and amo for the rightwing to use.

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An do not forget we have "coon cheese" and a stadium named after a Whiteman named Brown, a footballer

whose nickname was "Nigger Brown", the stadium was so named after him in Toowoomba, Australia.

And Mulsims should realise that "pigs can fly" And the "White Australia Policy" which had a very logical reason behind it in 1901.

And I found those cartoons quite harmless, they were just cartoons they will not hurt you, a lookback to the past when "men were men and boys were boys and monkeys chewed tobacco" and one may add "women knew their place in society".

Edited by david96
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The problem here is that American's and the British had a whole different history with regards to civil rights, slavery and the amount of slaves historically. The UK outlawed slavery in 1833 (although importation was illegal from 1807 in all colonies and the mainland) - although in the States importation was banned in 1808, it was pretty much ignored because it only covered importation from Africa (and not via other places used as staging areas!). However, civil rights in America was well behind, most likely because the numbers were frightening to the landowners and they were such an important part of the wealth making machine in aggrecultural America. Britain, being smaller and more boased towards business ad trade than aggriculture of the size that required massive workforces, the ideology (or supposed need perhaps) was different. In Britain we sent our own, white kids, up chimnies and into active machinery to unjam them! There were enbough poor whites to be taken advantage of, not much need for imports - until two wars thinned the work force down - then they had the former colonies (the Commonwealth) to look to.

In the UK blacks can think back to the 50's when hotels had small signs banning them, but there were no laws doing the same. No laws saying that blacks had to give up their seats or whatever. If they became (or were) British citizens, then they could vote. To attack a black man in thje street carried the same legal penalty as to attack a white man (ignoring the personal racism of the judge and jury of course!).

So, international discussions like this never really work as Brits and Americans have different view points and it will be another 100 years or so before its historical enough for these viewpoints to become parallel.

I would like to say that some suggest it is the bigotted whites that make these PC things - and often that's true. However, in the UK there have been enough cases of the minorities (often indivduals ridiculed later by their own communities) that cause a lot of hoohar. There was a case of a 12 year old Muslim girl who refused to wear the school uniform - even though she knew when she started what the school requirements were - because she wanted to wear a Burker (no idea how to spell that!). Another Muslim woman working for a local authority who complained that pigs were aginstg her religion and she was offended by any siter of them - prompting the council to ban any images of pigs from their offices - including calendars, stuffed animals, pet pictures, wallpapers and money boxes (her religion only said she shouldn't eat them!). ...and many more. SOme people just take advantage and they make it worse. However, it was a white major who tried to ban the ancient carrol service at a 900 year old London church because it was not inclusive enough - and it took a Bishop to point out that anyone could come, there were no checks at the door (and a public uproar) to get it reversed.

PC was very important, but the current UK craziness causes nothing but watering down of it affectiveness and amo for the rightwing to use.

Excellent Post, and you bring up some very good points. It's really quiet different for us in the States. And having never been to England I can't say what it's like there . But in the States PC is not without it's faults but by and large it's a great and much needed ideal.

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An do not forget we have "coon cheese" and a stadium named after a Whiteman named Brown, a footballer

whose nickname was "Nigger Brown", the stadium was so named after him in Toowoomba, Australia.

And Mulsims should realise that "pigs can fly" And the "White Australia Policy" which had a very logical reason behind it in 1901.

And I found those cartoons quite harmless, they were just cartoons they will not hurt you, a lookback to the past when "men were men and boys were boys and monkeys chewed tobacco" and one may add "women knew their place in society".

Actually I would say a look back to when "Men were not challenged for there ignorance, bigotry & hate. And when woman had not stood up for their rights" Men were still men they just had no reason to change. Was your father a boy all his life? Your Grandfather? Of course not. It wasn't about men growing up, it was about the righteous fighting against evil.

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Awww poor Baboon, the world blames you for everything, because your white huh? :)

Get over your self, your not that important. And using your skin color as an excuse to be ill tempered and ignorant is the mark of a peasant, who is either unable or unwilling to take accountability for their actions.

I could sit around and cry a river , with all kinds of nonsensical BS like that, as well by saying things like; everyone things I'm a drug dealer, thief, pimp, rapper, basketball, player, gangster, on welfare, or some kind of criminal because I'm Black and the MAN is holding me back so I can't get a job or succeed in doing anything other than sit on the corner drinking a "40oz" and smoking crack.

Please, your melee mouthed pleas for sympathy fall on long deaf ears.

You would have cracked along time ago if you had to walk a mile in my shoes growing up. But I never let that stop me or used it as an excuse for failure.

Are you perhaps familiar with the word "joking"?

How do you know I am white, btw? :D

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