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So Are You “all That” Too?


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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :)

What pray tell is a "Looser". Is it somebody who has trouble with his bowels? If you have loose bowels you can always take Imodium. It's cheap in Thailand.

I know lots of people who actually enjoy going to Thailand for all that it has to offer. I own a home in Canada, but it's cheaper to turn off the water and furnace, and only use enough power to keep a small, space heater running for the winter, and then stay in a hotel in Thailand. Nice holiday and I'm saving money. I've got friends who are fanatical golfers. They can play 3 times a week in Thailand for what it costs to play one round a week in Canada. I can ride my motorcycle for 5 months without putting on rain gear or wearing anything more than shorts and sandals.

Now, there also happens to be lovely available women in Thailand. I don't see that as being a problem. And anyone who does is a puritanical bigoted hypocrite.

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For the losers who collect statistics, I would like you to count in my very happy eleven-year relationship with my Thai wife, who fortunately did not exchange her culture for a foreign education.

Like James we have been blessed with a son, soon to celebrate his 10th birthday.

No complaints, only praise for my best friend, my lovely and loving wife.

Edited by mahtin
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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :)

Reading idiot remarks like this flaming one is why I hope TV introduce stricter rules regarding filling in the profiles.

That way it would be a little bit easier to filter out the kids that act like they are adults, spams, less intelligent people that there is no need to communicate with, etc.

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But how do you know that she is a smart gal?.....

Easy one..when i meet here she saved 80% of here monthly salary, now she save 100% of it. :D

What is your definition of the word "smart"?

Clever, quick thought and energetic in movements, capable to make adjustments. :)

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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :)

Reading idiot remarks like this flaming one is why I hope TV introduce stricter rules regarding filling in the profiles.

That way it would be a little bit easier to filter out the kids that act like they are adults, spams, less intelligent people that there is no need to communicate with, etc.

Yes, I find it strange that this should survive too.

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Someone has to say it..

The reason most of us have a TGF or wife is to avoid women like you that subject a relationship to analysis to the point of death. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable on a purely physical level, if that is the case for some. Get in where you fit in, some men do not need the hysterics of western womens' ideals/paradigms jammed down their throat.

nuff said.


me.....a western woman? :)

So you haven't come across any thai woman who can read, write, and think in your own native language?....hmm


what's so wrong as a woman to be analytically on things? It shows we too have brain along with breast!Why couldn't you handle those with brain along with their famininity too?

i have had the pleasure of knowing many well educated and well traveled thai ladies unfortunatly when ever i want to talk about world events, world history, or world geography they almost always draw a blank; as a matter of fact most do not even know that much about thai history. Having said this i still find them all attractive and yes they have great breast to look at. :D

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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :D

Reading idiot remarks like this flaming one is why I hope TV introduce stricter rules regarding filling in the profiles.

That way it would be a little bit easier to filter out the kids that act like they are adults, spams, less intelligent people that there is no need to communicate with, etc.

Yes, I find it strange that this should survive too.

So do I, considering ..........actually no I'd better not say it :)

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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :)

I'll rephrase :D

A pretty sweeping and misinformed generalization, are you bitter for some reason?

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Just out of interest what nationality are you and Mr. Mooncake? It would appear from your posts that you are not a native English speaker (yet you suggest you communicate in English with your husband), so perhaps you are also in a bilingual relationship and thus should be aware of any linguistic difficulties facing such relationships.

I am 100% thai, female with boobs and all that

.....born, raised, schooled in thailand - thai schools, did my university in the US

Mr. Mooncake......dutch/french/among others

We communicate in English 100% of the time - no problem for either of us whatsoever.

That's why our relationship runs quite smoothly :D

That's why I do have some questions in my earlier posts...of

How do some of you manage it, w/ 2 languages and neither of you good in another's? :D


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So are you “all that” too?

I have read here bunches of …

OH my thai gf/wife is… a good cook, BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG, SEXY, and she‘s taking care of me good….bla bla bla

Howcome I seldom come across the words…..smart, funny, she’s my best friend…etcs? :)

So just some questions…

what do you think the gf/or wife says about you to her friends?

What did you bring into the marriage, beside money mostly?…Because it seems you think you’re “a prize catch” and “all that”!

And from my general impression here on TV - both directly and indirectly, that “most” of you just want… a bedmate, a maid, or a butler….and nothing else?

Is that why you like “thai” women, because they are good at “servicing”?…don’t care much for a brain or good communicating ability or sharing the same values & belief or outlooks in life?

This is the conclusion I get from reading thaivisa, esp in the “General Forum”, that most of you seem to have “many problems” dealing with your partner outside the bedroom and at many times…to the point of frustration.

This is not meant to be a funny or sarcastic question, but a genuine enquire wants to know type of…..

How do you define the word “marriage” and your view of the life partner?…and why with the thai woman, in particular? Even though some of you don’t seem to like Thailand much. :D


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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :)

I'll rephrase :D

A pretty sweeping and misinformed generalization, are you bitter for some reason?

:D I caught the first one :D

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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :D

Reading idiot remarks like this flaming one is why I hope TV introduce stricter rules regarding filling in the profiles.

That way it would be a little bit easier to filter out the kids that act like they are adults, spams, less intelligent people that there is no need to communicate with, etc.

Yes, I find it strange that this should survive too.

Hey, we have to have SOMETHING to laugh at. Let the poor sod make a fool of himself for all to read. If it was all serious stuff we might all get bored and do something else. :):D:D

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[in the framing of your question you refer to posts and comments which lead to the assumption that you are referring to the majority of Thai people - i.e. non-wealthy. I will answer based on this group also. If you meant to refer only to wealthy, old or new money Thais, then a different answer is necessary]

Again this is a cultural thing.

Back in the UK, when discussing your boyfriend with friends, you expect to hear "hes my best friend." "We're soulmates" "we share the same interests and concerns". Even when this isnt always true, and when it is true, these are the things your friends expect to hear and what you want to say. These things reflect well upon you and your boyfriend, to your friends.

What things reflect well on you and your boyfriend, to friends, for many thai girls? Well, here's some of the top ten:

"He cares about my family" "he helps me out with money" "he shows me alot of respect".

Being "best friends" and "sharing the same interests" would not be ranked, and might even reflect badly on you. This is culture.

Edited by OxfordWill
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When I met my wife (over 13 years ago now) - I thought she was sexy. She was a friend's niece - though she taught English, she could not speak that well and back then I knew about 20 words of Thai. We were chaperoned for almost 2 years before we married, so talking was just about all we could do. We learnt to communicate - first with dictionaries and remembered words - then in a pigeon Thainglish and eventually into how we talk now (that is some things always in English - others always in Thai).

As we got to know each other I learned she was funny, witty, and intelligent (though she would not agree with any of that - which is another wonderful thing about her). I was her first boyfriend (and I hope her last) and this has never been an issue for her (though she hates my ex-wife - of two whole years, mostly the divorce! just through association - I rarely mention her and don't tend to downmouth about her simply because it was so long ago and for such a short period of time its water under the bridge for me - not so much my current wife!).

So, if I was honest I would say it was her physical appearance that attracted me to her, but when we married we were best of friends, soul-mates and inseparable. We still joke and tease each other and still have fun together - we have our ups-and-downs (arguments) like anyone, and its usually her that breaks something (I tend to swear a lot and sulk instead!).

Incidentally, she is a great cook, a great and caring mother and hot too boot. There is a very small age difference between us.

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What do you expect from loosers who mostly failed in their own country and flied to Thailand to find that they can buy sex here.

These loosers couldn't get any "loyal" wife at home, so they flied here to buy "loyalty" :D

Reading idiot remarks like this flaming one is why I hope TV introduce stricter rules regarding filling in the profiles.

That way it would be a little bit easier to filter out the kids that act like they are adults, spams, less intelligent people that there is no need to communicate with, etc.

Yes, I find it strange that this should survive too.

So do I, considering ..........actually no I'd better not say it :)

Agreed - but best to just ignore him - I got a ticking off when I flamed him (naughty me - deserved the ticking off - but he is still posting this manure)

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So are you "all that" too?

I have read here bunches of …

OH my thai gf/wife is… a good cook, BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG, SEXY, and she's taking care of me good….bla bla bla

Howcome I seldom come across the words…..smart, funny, she's my best friend…etcs? :)

So just some questions…

what do you think the gf/or wife says about you to her friends?

What did you bring into the marriage, beside money mostly?…Because it seems you think you're "a prize catch" and "all that"!

And from my general impression here on TV - both directly and indirectly, that "most" of you just want… a bedmate, a maid, or a butler….and nothing else?

Is that why you like "thai" women, because they are good at "servicing"?…don't care much for a brain or good communicating ability or sharing the same values & belief or outlooks in life?

This is the conclusion I get from reading thaivisa, esp in the "General Forum", that most of you seem to have "many problems" dealing with your partner outside the bedroom and at many times…to the point of frustration.

This is not meant to be a funny or sarcastic question, but a genuine enquire wants to know type of…..

How do you define the word "marriage" and your view of the life partner?…and why with the thai woman, in particular? Even though some of you don't seem to like Thailand much. :D

Well, my wife is smart, funny (very - she has a great sense of humour), and is my best friend. She is also beautiful, young, sexy, and takes care of me good.(sic)

And I didn't bring any money into the marriage - my divorce took care of any money I had. My wife gave up a high paying professional job in Bangkok to be with me.

And we don't seem to have any problems, either inside or outside the bedroom.

And I love Thailand, and will retire there in a few years.

So I guess I'm not the average TV poster...........

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This thread has been borderline on being closed, but then posts such as Wolf5370's (the one about his wife) and OxfordWill's show that there are still valid points to be made.

So let's keep in in this light for those interested in the subject and keep away from the flames and other posting breaches.


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The reason I moved to Thailand was because of my partner, but we met and dated in the US for almost two years while he was working on his masters degree. After he graduated, he found some jobs right away, but wasn't very excited about them. So I said if you want to move back home, then I'll follow you there in a few months. And a few months later I lived in Thailand. I never cheated on my partner while we were together in Thailand, actually I never even really considered it. We eventually went our own ways though, apparently giving up my life and moving overseas wasn't a big enough sign that I would do anything for someone... but that's another thread... haha

This thread is kind of amusing though... I don't know why some guys have such a hard time admitting why their wife/gf is with them... anyone that hates on you for it is just jealous, so who cares. LoL If I fall in love with someone and I am able to support us with my job, then I will support us. If someone wants to call me a sugar daddy cuz of that.. I just don't care that much. Hopefully there is more to the relationship than that, but a good job and security never hurts, even in western countries. I would hope my partner wouldn't be trash talking me behind my back though... but that's another reason to learn Thai... :)

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Do you know all those sad pathetic farang you see everyday in Thailand?... well, they all post here, and to their respect, the Mods will quickly close this thread.

one never knows when a mod will close a thread. its like they have no rules. sex allowed here but not there. farang bashing allowed but not thai. GO FIggure!

Joined today and already an expert. One wonders eh ? Apt nickname though. :)

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This thread has been borderline on being closed, but then posts such as Wolf5370's (the one about his wife) and OxfordWill's show that there are still valid points to be made.

So let's keep in in this light for those interested in the subject and keep away from the flames and other posting breaches.


Just like the reply you gave me :) .

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1) I made no assumption YOU were a western woman

2) There are some things in life that do not need to be analyzed, love is one of them.

3) My wife has her Masters Degree in Psychology and is hot to boot, your point is??


Masters Degree in Psychology.... :) Many women here have Masters degree in something (or even Doctors), if you look at the level in which they are taught in Universities here you will understand why.... :D

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1) I made no assumption YOU were a western woman

2) There are some things in life that do not need to be analyzed, love is one of them.

3) My wife has her Masters Degree in Psychology and is hot to boot, your point is??


Masters Degree in Psychology.... :) Many women here have Masters degree in something (or even Doctors), if you look at the level in which they are taught in Universities here you will understand why.... :D

It reminds me of the first job I applied for after university. All proud with degree in hand I sat there anxiously. The guy interviewing me said, "So I see you went to University - well I won't hold that against you."

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Someone has to say it..

The reason most of us have a TGF or wife is to avoid women like you that subject a relationship to analysis to the point of death. There is nothing wrong with being comfortable on a purely physical level, if that is the case for some. Get in where you fit in, some men do not need the hysterics of western womens' ideals/paradigms jammed down their throat.

nuff said.


me.....a western woman? :)

So you haven't come across any thai woman who can read, write, and think in your own native language?....hmm


what's so wrong as a woman to be analytically on things? It shows we too have brain along with breast!

Why couldn't you handle those with brain along with their famininity too?

Go Girl! This thread is long overdue! I for one am sick of all the negative stereotyping of Thai women on this site. Unfortunately a lot of the guys 'have been lookin' for long in all the worng places' ....as the song goes. I've been happily married for nearly twenty years, have three great kids and my wife is my best friend. We talk about everything, she is not 'just after my money, gossipy, colluding with the in-laws to fleece me of all my money, lazy, short-tempered, foul-mouthed, ignorant' or any of the other stereotypical comments that are common on TV. I must be swimming in a different pond to a lot of posters. Or just plain lucky. Anyway there it is.

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1) I made no assumption YOU were a western woman

2) There are some things in life that do not need to be analyzed, love is one of them.

3) My wife has her Masters Degree in Psychology and is hot to boot, your point is??


Masters Degree in Psychology.... :) Many women here have Masters degree in something (or even Doctors), if you look at the level in which they are taught in Universities here you will understand why.... :D

oh here we go......let's start bagging out Thai universities shall we

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I love my girlfriend because she cares for me as much as I care for her and also because when I say 'I love you' I know she means it when she replies. We are also best friends and do nearly everything together. Sometimes we have misunderstandings but I know she cares and she knows I care and that is all I need. I am most certainly not 'all that' either.


Edited by ianwuk
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