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Adolph Welomes You To Pattaya


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For those who want to know more about Hitler and what he and his cronies did and why, Richard J. Evans' The Third Reich at War has recently come in to the bookstores. This the third part of his trilogy on the Third Reich. Evans was the chief expert witness in David Irving's trial in Austria.

That sounds like an interesting work, not seen it on the shelves in Pattaya but I should be able to order it right?

Anyone that helped discredit revisionist David Irving has to be worth reading.

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Being a German myself I have no problems about having Hitler on display in a museum next to other historical figures, provided that a proper historical brief/context is given.

Having Hitler advertising his display at the wax museum in Thai only is not appropriate as foreigners not understanding what it is all about might rightfully take offense.

//edit: just looked up the Swastika history on Wikipedia. Interesting how widespread its use was until the Nazis gave it a bad name and it more or less disappeared.

1. Being 50% German, I'm only 50% offended..........er........to be honest, I'm not offended at all. And about the billboard..........usually I only pay attention to the road and not so much to billboards along the road.

2. But ok, about Hitler and him being known in Thailand..............THAI ARE NOT STUPID and there might be just a few less Thai compared to Westerners who actually know the whereabouts of Adolf.

3. In fact, most Westerners start to moan by just seeing AH on a billboard, understandable, but it would be better to pay attention to the AH's popping-up around us.

4. Thai driving with a German helmet................and what about the bearded, fatbellied and tattoo-ed Westerners on their noisy machines?

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They are not saying Hitler was a good man or a bad man by advertising his image. He was no doubt very famous and I understand why a sensationalistic business like a wax museum would be interested in exploiting any kind of fame. I think their ad is effective. We are talking about their museum!

BTW, I would pay extra to THROW STUFF at the waxy Hitler. Marketeers, are you listening?

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They are not saying Hitler was a good man or a bad man by advertising his image.

You're beginning to understand what the problem is.

He was no doubt very famous

No doubt. Infamous, rather.

A wax museum is not a real museum; rather it is ENTERTAINMENT. They are not responsible for educating people.

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I think Adolf is in line with Ghandi and a few other who deserved to be shown.


Both Hitler and Gandhi were on the cover of the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album. But both removed as EMI executives thought Hitler too tasteless, and the picture of Gandhi might upset people in India. Outtakes from the photo shoot show both of them.

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Our 'Jews' and the general public could care less about Adolph. We don't have media entities creating huge films every few years 'to help remind' folks of how bad it was.

Try glorifying the rape of Nanking though and they'd probably take it down.


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I am not sure whether this has been mentioned yet but as I drove into Pattaya on sunday the first thing that greeted me after the Sawasdee to Pattaya sign was a massive billboard with Hitler giving the Nazi salute. There was some Thai writing on it which my gf said mentioned something about him being alive. Although she did say she had not taken too much notice so could be wrong.

There was no English writing so I have no idea why Hitler is promoting Pattaya, presumably some waxworks. But what were they thinking??????? AM I the only person who finds it offensive or is that the huge jewish chip on my shoulder!!!

This is Thailand!!


Unless the fringe conspiracy folks have got it right and Hitler made it out to antarctica then I'd say it's probably thai humour :)

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I am not sure whether this has been mentioned yet but as I drove into Pattaya on sunday the first thing that greeted me after the Sawasdee to Pattaya sign was a massive billboard with Hitler giving the Nazi salute. There was some Thai writing on it which my gf said mentioned something about him being alive. Although she did say she had not taken too much notice so could be wrong.

There was no English writing so I have no idea why Hitler is promoting Pattaya, presumably some waxworks. But what were they thinking??????? AM I the only person who finds it offensive or is that the huge jewish chip on my shoulder!!!

This is Thailand!!

No, you're not the only one who found it extremely offensive. To publicly advertise, for whatever reason, a man who single handidly was responsible for 50+ million deaths is disgusting. Thinking of the people affected: Most Germans really want to avoid this subject for obvious reasons, the Japanese too. Obviously the French, British, Russians (who lost absolutely millions), Australian and almost any other country would surely not appreciate it.. The Thai, Chinese and other Asian women who were subjected to disgusting rape and torture.. The list goes on..

I don't think they meant to make offense but clearly a few history lessons wouldn't go amiss.

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A few years ago a girlfriend in Thailand came one day with a t-shirt with a big pic of Herr Hitler. She did not have the faintest idea of who the guy was - I just told her not to use the thing in Europe, and more or less succeeded in explaining the reason. Never saw her use it again thou we are now married.

After the blowing of the twin tower world trade center, they sold also T- Shirts with Pictures of Bin Laden, mentioned as a Hero, here in Pattaya. Hitler had the right idea of a "United Europe" (exactly what we have today), but with the typical "German Arrogance" he tought he is the greatesd and biggest and untouchable he started the war, killing the Judes, etc, wich was absolutely wrong. He got crazy. But the Japanese done many wrong things as well, to US and Australia. Times are changing. Today the US Goverment think they are the biggest, best and untouchable, wich is very wrong again!

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Today the US Goverment think they are the biggest, best and untouchable, wich is very wrong again!

Anyone who compares the United States and Hitler is a blithering idiot. :)

True, but the USA is far from being a force for good. It is a force for it's own agenda and that includes profiteering.

And when I say the USA I mean the government not the US people who are ok in my book.

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This picture itself is worse than I thought it would be. It does not scream out to me: That's Entertainment! Bad taste by western standards but last time I checked we aren't in Kansas anymore.

It (the sign) says "Hitler is still not dead" Maybe the Thais know something we don't??

Oh and BTW, when I saw the title of this thread I thought it was another rant about the volunteer tourist police...LOL.

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This picture itself is worse than I thought it would be. It does not scream out to me: That's Entertainment! Bad taste by western standards but last time I checked we aren't in Kansas anymore.

As the writing is in Thai very few foriegners will understand it's meaning, and even if they did it's still very offensive!

Maybe Pattaya wants to attract more Neo Nazis?

Amazing Thailand!

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Please no more slagging off of any nations, generally anywhere in TV, but especially in this thread.

tx, raro :)

Fair point Raro.........to use broad-brush stroke stereo-typing of the Germans as 'arrogant" is a tad uncalled for.

However,on a corollary note I think it would be NOT uncalled for to "slag off " the nation that promulgated the

quite unbelievable billboard.If not the nation, then at the very least the "individuals" who approved the signage and its' erecting.

The people who approved this sign are ASININE RETARDS. I am not German or Jewish,(am Irish) and am merely stunned that

one of the most notorious,vindictive,demagogic and all-out cruel humans of the 20th century(indeed of all humanity) was used

as a billboard on one of the main entrance promenades to (according to TAT), one of the premier,international,family-orientated

tourist resorts in all of South East Asia.

The mind boggles at the unequiveocable stupidity of the decision that was made. Of course,innocent childlike defence could be

given that it was merely tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken seriously.Well if so, then it would be better to use someone like

Elvis, et alia , when the use of Hitler was sanctioned,we were brought into the realm of the other 2 heinous devil-lords of the 20th

century..........Polpot and Stalin!!! Maybe Pattaya pines for a return to the fascist,right-wing era. Bring on Benito Mussolini,why not,

when we are at it.

Not to mention that the promulgators of the billboard,probably have no idea that in countries like Germany and Austria it is not only

highly offensive,but also illegal to erect such signage.

I think the people of LOS have an empathy and real-life experience with the concept of an effective censorship/blackout of the

use of an "individual" or "pictures thereof" that would be deemed to be offensive....I think we all know what I'm refering to.

If their own censorship here in Thailand is deemed to be legitimate and fair, then some of that "caring sensitivity" should be also

directed into the international spectrum :D:D .......seeing since they are all so concerned about peoples' hurt feelings. However,don't

hold your breath, I would be majorly surprised if the hierarchy in Pattaya even knew what year the 2nd World War started and finished.

They probably think that "Hiroshima" is the brand-name of a Japanese motorbike and that the "night of the long knives" is an

upcoming cooking competion in the new Central Shopping Centre............retards!!!

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Thais in general know nothing about european history.

I am not Jewish, but I find that sign extremely offensive!

Why? It's just an advertisement self-evidently intended for readers of the Thai language. By what sensible reason could it possibly cause offence to you? And who cares anyway? USA consistently refuses to enforce in its territory the censorship laws of Thailand. Quite rightly.

Moreover, I can assure you that the average Thai knows more about European history than the average European or American knows about Thai history.

In your own country, did you campaign for the suppression of the "Scarejew" episode of Family Guy? You know, the one in which Peter Griffin erects a scarecrow figure of Hitler outside his front door in order to dissuade his Jewish neighbour from coming round to borrow things.

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Kitsch, that was humor and people watching Family Guy know they are going to be watching sometimes edgy humor. The ad we are talking about is very in your face with no humor to it and no softening with some kind of entertainment context. I am not offended as nothing surprises me anymore in Thailand but I do see bad taste when its stuck in my face. Think of all the Russian tourists here too, they don't exactly get warm and fuzzy feelings when seeing a welcome billboard like that.

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Kitsch, that was humor and people watching Family Guy know they are going to be watching sometimes edgy humor. The ad we are talking about is very in your face with no humor to it and no softening with some kind of entertainment context. I am not offended as nothing surprises me anymore in Thailand but I do see bad taste when its stuck in my face. Think of all the Russian tourists here too, they don't exactly get warm and fuzzy feelings when seeing a welcome billboard like that.

I do not think that I disagree with anything you say (except possibly your perception that the Hitler advertisement contains no "humor"; the Thai concept of humour is so different from my own that I feel unqualified to judge what a Thai does or does not intend to be humourous. I do not believe that the legend "Hitler is not dead" was intended to be taken seriously). Unless I have misunderstood, the billboard was an advertisement for the newly opened Tussaud's waxworks exhibition. It is traditional (worldwide, so far as I know) for such concerns to focus in their content and advertising on the ghoulish, the ghastly, the shocking and the unpleasant. Effigies of the great villains of history are a major part of their stock in trade. What picture better than that of Hitler for them to use for advertising purposes?

No doubt the animal-rights loonies will be offended if the Sri Racha Tiger Zoo shows a picture of a tiger on its billboard.

Although I, like you, think that I know bad taste when I see it, that is a criterion existing within me. I do not expect for one second that anybody else will care whatsoever whether I think that what they do or say is in bad taste. For me to allow my judgement of somebody else's taste to cause me to be "offended" simply indicates that I am attaching far too much importance to myself.

You say that you are not offended by the sign. I agree. You say that the context of humour can justify what would otherwise be poor taste; again I agree. I just think that the context of advertising can also justify what would otherwise be poor taste, but apparently you do not really agree with that view.

When advertisements for French Connection UK ("<deleted>") were the subject of a ban in England on grounds of poor taste, I was left with the feeling that it was the ban and not the advertisements which gave me, personally, the greater cause for offence.

I see nothing wrong with the billboard. Each of us can make up his own mind. If you do not like it, then do not go to see the show.

And sod the Russians!

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