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Pattaya Post Office With 333% Increase In 1 Year.


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Pattaya post office with 333% increase in 1 year.

My postbox in Pattaya post office last year was 150 THB.

This year they demand THB 500 in fees on my postbox.

That is a 333% increase in 1 year.

I think the crisis begin to scratch to the good Thais.

I noticed they have a love for the figure.

What we do boss?

Hmm ... Let's make a price increase of 100%.

What with 200% boss?

Ha ha ha ... No wait ... 300% or no no wait, let's say 333% increase, it looks good and is comfortable unrealistic. It slips right through and I am admired for my ability to act and be kreaitiv.

No one will EVER noticed such a good number.

Do you know of other such absurd price increase?

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I understand that 333% is not a good news,

but I think that prices in Post Office was way bellow prices in others places,

and they have lot off more people asking for postbox than postboxes available,

so it's the law of the market : they adjust with price similar to other places

as they know they will continue to have people to rent them.

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Pattaya post office with 333% increase in 1 year.

My postbox in Pattaya post office last year was 150 THB.

This year they demand THB 500 in fees on my postbox.

That is a 333% increase in 1 year.

I think the crisis begin to scratch to the good Thais.

I noticed they have a love for the figure.

What we do boss?

Hmm ... Let's make a price increase of 100%.

What with 200% boss?

Ha ha ha ... No wait ... 300% or no no wait, let's say 333% increase, it looks good and is comfortable unrealistic. It slips right through and I am admired for my ability to act and be kreaitiv.

No one will EVER noticed such a good number.

Do you know of other such absurd price increase?

Oh yes, the 150 baht charged by the banks for using my foreign bankcard.

That said, in Khon Kaen the price for a PO Box has been 500 baht for over a year since 2008

Well, it really is an enormous price for a POBox, isn't it?

500 baht per year, less than a dollar or euro per month

At least the cost of a bottle of Leo per month,


That said, you can always get your mail delivered at home, free of charge.

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To put this in a new mailbox users context, I recently took one in Pattaya and I was almost incredulous when they said the fee was only 500 Baht. I had to check if that was PER MONTH, which I would have thought was a bit steep, or per annum, wich struck me as absurdy low!

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Yeah, a price increase of 333% on a yearly fee of 150THB would drain my budget so hard I'd to leave LOS
I think he has a valid point, would you have made the same comment if it had been beer and barfines that had that increase,..... :)

His point was good but some posters, for some reason, don't get it.

Thais are hurting themselves with the unwarranted price increases over the past 5 years (and not just at the post office).

Thais, apparently, don't understand basic economics.........especially how it works during a global recession.

One solution: Don't spend your money at any place that has raised prices like that........restaurants, post office, hotels, etc.

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Yeah, a price increase of 333% on a yearly fee of 150THB would drain my budget so hard I'd to leave LOS
I think he has a valid point, would you have made the same comment if it had been beer and barfines that had that increase,..... :)

His point was good but some posters, for some reason, don't get it.

Thais are hurting themselves with the unwarranted price increases over the past 5 years (and not just at the post office).

Thais, apparently, don't understand basic economics.........especially how it works during a global recession.

One solution: Don't spend your money at any place that has raised prices like that........restaurants, post office, hotels, etc.

Yawn. In this case Thais understand basic economics far better than you do. Note that the farang OP couldn't even figure up the correct percentage of the increase!

Demand for those mailboxes has long outstripped supply, and they have been ridiculously cheap, probably because the original pricing was for Thais. But since they also rent the boxes to farang, a high proportion of them now go to farangs. And they realized that any Thai who "needs" a box can and will pay more as well.

They will rent all of their mailboxes easily at the new price, which is still the cheapest around. In fact they probably could have gone even higher.

We heard the same outcry when visa fees were raised after staying the same for about 20 years, despite the fall in the baht. It was "another nail in the coffin," all the farangs were gonna leave, etc. ZZZZZZ

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Yes, sorry about my calculator. It is not 333% but only 233%. So the dialogue may have been.

What we do boss?

Hmm ... Lets make a price increase of 100%.

What with 200% boss?

Ha ha ha ... No wait, let's say 233% increase, it looks good and is comfortable unrealistic. It slips right through and I am admired for My Ability to act and be creative.

No one will EVER notice such a good number.

I also think it will bring me luck if I buy the same numbers here for the first. I will be rich and everyone will admire me for my luck and wealth, when I win the lottery on those good numbers.

I just wish my mother could have lived and seen my bright future as these numbers will bring me.

My message is simple. An absurd price increase can only get the humour forward to defence. I see it as a crisis signs where the hole in the budget should be closed.

It has nothing to do with money and I have had my post-box in 4 years with pries increase each year starting from approx. 96 thb thb up to 150 last year.

And now the big question...

Do you know of other such absurd price increase?

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233% increase . . . An absurd price increase can only get the humour forward to defence. I see it as a crisis signs where the hole in the budget should be closed.

Do you know of other such absurd price increase?

Well, you're just terribly obsessed with percentages, aren't you? Initially you even exaggerated this one.

Thais are very fond of round numbers. They don't have make as much change that way. Nor do they much think in terms of percentages. And why should your percentage be any more valid than their percentage? How would you KNOW exactly what the percentage should be, whether up or down? On what basis? Just feeling, right.

True, they could have chosen 200, 300, or 400 rather. Why not? Because they figured the demand would support 500. With 500, they can even rent fewer boxes but still come out ahead and with less effort. And they are surely right.

It's just a matter of charging what the market will bear. It has nothing specifically to do with a hole in the budget, though government demands for revenue are infinite. Any business will do the same. And why should government subsidize a service when it is not necessary to do so?

Compare that price with others around town. It's still a bargain.

So it's hardly absurd. Surprising, perhaps, that they just figured out they could easily be charging a lot more. But nothing to be done about it anyway.

Can we move on now?

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