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Jealousy Amongst The Friends Of A Farang Mia


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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

for huge portions of thai society, marrying a farang is considered hiso. the word hiso is super common in thai pop culture. you sound a bit out of touch.

if your wife hasn't been in Thailand tatler Magazine (regularly), and your engagement/wedding wasn't attended by senior politicians/and blessed by a member of the royal family, then you are talking of stuff you know nothing about

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The Lo-So, mostly prostitutes, that have married money from farangland are obvious to all Thais and some foreigners. Dark-skinned, too much gold, toyota hilux or fortuner, tatoo on shoulder. The way they speak too gives it away - 'same same', 'too much', and some Thai(which has been banned from this forum for some strange reason). They'll also open a restaurant called ' Dave and Noi's' or Bob and lek's'.


So true. I like your style.

I agree, brilliant post.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

Marrying a Farang makes her high-so?? Maybe if he (the husband) is the golden goose type and they are flaunting their wealth. Many women I know prefer not to be associated with Farangs, because they will ruin their chances to get a proper Thai husband, ie they have no interest in them.

So what makes you different from all the other farang?

In regards to what? I don't have piles of money to throw at them (the women), so my choices are limited. I Never bought a house or car for one, so I'm really a "cheap Charlie". But, I have found one, who does not base our relationship on money and has never asked me for any. (The first and only one I have met in five years here, I might add.) Although, what makes her different is that her parents are well off and she has a professional job. ...and don't tell me about bar girls. I NEVER went looking there for a GF. It was quite a fluke that I met this one. Just in the right place at the right time.

It`s the same for me.

When I first met my Thai wife, she never asked me for anything. Just take me she pleaded. So you see, not all of them are the same.

If you are limited funds, my wife has a twin sister who will only be too pleased for you to marry her.

Don`t knock it, please. You only get what you pay for.

Her photo below:


Edited by sassienie
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My Thai wife would never be mistaken for being Hi-So. She doesn't own any make up, not even a tube of lipstick. She also doesn't own a single dress. She did borrow a dress for a friend's wedding and the beauty shop made her up. Actually I like her better as the farm girl I married.

She did get a phone call from a former friend who told her that I was seen with another woman. My wife told her that it was up to me and that I would come home when I was ready. She didn't bother to tell the caller that I happened to be home and sitting beside her. My wife told me it was just a jealous woman trying to cause problems.

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It's almost as difficult for someone in Thailand to enter into High-society as it is in North America. It's almost impossible to get into the high society of the UK without being born into it. Loads of money does not elevate anyone into high society. It MIGHT be possible for the second generation of wealthy parents to enter high society, but it would depend on what university they attended.

People within the high society circles stay pretty much to themselves. The physically attractive ones can pretty much write their own ticket and pick what ever partner they wish. The men might "dabble" with prostitutes and so called "low class" women, but they certainly don't marry them.

I have personal friends from all classes, but no matter how much money I might make (or luck into) I could never join the actual high society crowd... even though I've had a university education. I just wouldn't be allowed to mix in those circles.

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My current GF was jealous with her friend but after she joined a few Asian dating sites she realized that farang guys are just a dime a dozen, especially for the really attractive Thai girls like her.

So how do the 11 other boyfriends feel about sharing the dime with you?

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My wife has a hand full of close friends and a bunch of associates, some with more cash then us (a huge real estate developer family) some with less (a simple factory worker) . While most all have expressed admiration for her, only one let the green eyed monster screw up their friendship. She had a friend from HS that never really had anything but married into a lil money. She was insanely jealous of anyone who had a satang more than her. When we returned from Lausanne and Paris after the honeymoon, it was the pics and bags and such that made her friend loose it and start talking all kinds of junk behind her back.

Good riddance really, sometimes situations like this are good because you get to see who your friends are and who's just plotting behind your back.

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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

for huge portions of thai society, marrying a farang is considered hiso. the word hiso is super common in thai pop culture. you sound a bit out of touch.

if your wife hasn't been in Thailand tatler Magazine (regularly), and your engagement/wedding wasn't attended by senior politicians/and blessed by a member of the royal family, then you are talking of stuff you know nothing about


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My friend informed me today that his wife has experienced many problems because of marrying a farang because her friends are green with jealousy. They hate the idea that she comes from the same background as they do but now she is a Hi-So Farang Mia. Have you and your wife experienced this in your village/personal life?

This is a joke right? Marrying a farang make a Thai a Hi-So. OMG Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy must be churning out so many Hi-So's Thai's it unbelievable.

for huge portions of thai society, marrying a farang is considered hiso. the word hiso is super common in thai pop culture. you sound a bit out of touch.

if your wife hasn't been in Thailand tatler Magazine (regularly), and your engagement/wedding wasn't attended by senior politicians/and blessed by a member of the royal family, then you are talking of stuff you know nothing about

Or try to get half a foot into the Royal Bangkok Sport Club or at least the so called "younger sister", the Royal Polo Club.

Not the nong or Ror Po Por mind you but as a member.

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I know I often get looked at walking with my girlfriend, and really I feel I am very lucky as well. My girlfriend can think very well, understand the defects and nature of other thais and even some of her friends. She doesnt like to associate herself with people of a devious, jealous, shallow nature, and doesnt appear to be devious herself at all. I believe she is true in what she says and feels, but I have heard some crazy stories before. She is definately a little crazy, and everything she does or says definately isnt perfectly supportive of our being together. If she was being devious or playing or had some other motive, it would make her appear to do everything perfect and never have any problems. She expresses what she feels and we fight too. She is rather evolved in her mind and ability to understand life, and has spent a ton of time reading Buddist and philisophical material. He long term ex-boyfriend, according to her story, was a very kind hearted Japanese man, so she learned alot about a different culture previously, as well she can speak Japanese. She performs and functions in bed better than I have ever experiencd before as well. Must have alot of testosterone.

She is definately not high-so, though her ex is the owner of a ton of cloths stores in Bangkok, knows the owners of banks here, and his father is always on the news coming from Japan, as a wealthy man giving money to poor people. Though I would have never known meeting her as she helped her friends local shop in some back soi of Phra Kanong. I never feel people are jealous when we are together, though people to look out here in Nong Khaem where there are no foriegners. I suppose it is still in Bangkok, so it isnt like the country. She is the one that is jealous if I talk to others or other stare at me. I wouldnt dare give my number to a female.

It is funny though because I know people assume I have money and all that about Thais with falang, especially the people at our condo which I am getting fed up with. But I dont have a penny or save a penny. Im studying. Shes the one that bought the condo and the car, and heck the motorcycle too. Shes drop dead gorgeous and says shes that one that broke up with the Japanese man. If she wanted money she could have stayed with him, or easily get a new wealthy Japanese boyfriend, or whomever. She says that alot of people have expressed a liking to her, and I dont doubt it, as her "aura" or "alom" is so nice, but she always just plays nice but doesnt do anything, apparently, although all this was in the past during her study of university and learning of Japanese, when she had more a social life. Now she doesnt see anyone unless we go visit her friends together on the weekend. Now we have moved far because I am studying, and she doesnt know or see anyone here. She expresses always that she loves what we share together and experience together.

I can`t think of anything she could be lying about, as she never wants to let me leave the condo, and when Im at school shes always calling and never wants to me stay at school and study. Aparently scared of me seeing other girls. Im with her every day, almost all day, and we sleep together. The only motive that I can think of (besides feeling good with me and we share and experience, as she says) that makes sense could be that I am younger and maybe she wants a younger guy to take care of her when shes older. She has 7 years on me, but will always be more beautiful that 95% of the girls in Canada.

I have been ridiculed on this form a couple time with comment about being with a Thai girl, and really, I think alot myself, but find it hard to find something "wrong" as compared to what people percieve as a "real" relationship, though nothing can be illegitimate or "bad" as that is all just based on beliefs, the status quo or norm, etc, etc.

There is no jealousy with her friends. Some of them have Japanese boyfriends and are in Japan. Others are attending the best universities in Thailand. Others she met in the soi where she used to live, and has known for 3 years, and they have a small salary, but we never have any problems when visting. She often helps their shop when its busy. They usually feed us, and a couple times they have expressed that they wish they had a condo, as they are 20 years older and still paying off a cheap house in Phra Kanong. she said she doesnt want me to see one of her friends anymore (we ahev me her a couple time together, at her will, nothing devious)because shes jealous when I talk to her, because her friend is younger and beautiful as well, and speaks better english, and is studying psychology, which I have an interest in. She told me this. We usually speak Thai as I can speak basic thai.

But no problems.

Edited by lennya12threh
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I wish you'd stop getting banned dude, you actually can be funny. Hope life here doesn't get to you. (DonJuan seemed to be on the verge of a post breakup breakdown)


Times have been tough. This friend is actually me. I was walking down the street today and a vendor was selling ao dais. I practically broke down in tears. I don't know if I am going to make it through this.

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