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I think Thai men wait for their women with farangs' money

Farangs are getting poorer than before. It won't last long (the 'wait for their women with farangs' money'). Farangs no longer want to be walking ATMs.

if you are old, fat and want to get young Thay lady anyway you will pay for it.

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I can give you one smaII exampIe. The aussie mate of my bf (Thai) went out one night to a Karaoke joint. Bf toId his friend that the pIace was crazy..and why does he want to stay in a crazy pIace...paying money to have some siIIy girI come and sit with you. :)

Probably because they all went to a massage parlour earlier and it's nice to have a drink, dinner, and coffee talk before doing anything else.


Bf prefers to go to a massage parlour alone or with me, not friends, because he likes to relax, not chat. Drink, dinner and coffee in the massage parlour? Never seen that, or do you mean afterwards? :D Your post isnt clear. But maybe are you trying to say my bf and his friend went to get laid in some random dingy massage place? Honestly Heng, i didnt take you for one of the cliche' spouters. Oh well.

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...anyway, that aside, it was funny because of my bfs reaction when he told me. I thought i would share it to you guys because this was a direct comment from one Thai guy, not that it reflects all Thai men of course. I thought would be funny and interesting to let you hear one Thai mans viewpoint. I did kind of expect that someone may make a derogatory comment in some way..not too unexpected. But anyway..when he told me the story, he looked shocked that a person would spend a lot of money to have a woman come to talk to you. He wasnt aware that i was already familiar with the idea of a Karaoke bar like that from reading up on Thailand. So when he told me his reaction was funny to me. He asked me in a flabbergasted way, why a westerner would pay for that. Made me laugh. The aussie mate in question, is a big guy..actually thats putting it mildly. But hes was a good friend to my bf when he was here, and they keep in touch. The aussie also has a filipina wife and had apparently no desire to go to another women for anything physical, but enjoyed the karaoke and "bar" environment. Not everyone feels the need or desire to mess about behind their partners backs...

..and not that this really matters but as a side note my bf is not Hi-So :) but he is educated and owns his own businesses. I trust him, because thats what relationships are supposed to be about. :D

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To answer the op's question seriously.......when my wife was at school she was in a class of thirty kids and only 5 were boys. She tells me that most classes would consist of one third boys and two thirds girls, in all schools, junior and high.

So although I have no idea of population figures, that would suggest that there are more girls born in Thailand.

HL :)

Either that or the boys didn't turn up for class. Truency is a major issue in Thai state schools.

That wouldn't surprise me. I noticed similar numbers when I visit the family I take care of in Kanchanaburi. There seems to be more girls than boys when I pick up my little Fong at school. And, when I go to the local internet site during school hours there are more boys there than girls.

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villages in Isaan full of men

a majority of employable thai men between the age of 20- 40 are working over seas in various areas for up to five years; some for ten years, coming home for a two month home break once or twice. dubai, israel, canada, now finland (blueberry season) , singapore are some of the heavy duty thai male work force areas.

also, i think although havent seen stats for this, that accidents (drunk driving) take more boys than girls as boys , teenagers (as well as men) , are more apt to be out and about and drunk than a teenage thai girl in small villages (sounds like indian reservation stats in arizona); and yes, i also noticed, and was told by teachers, that more girls than boys study; girls are more serious, the boys want to go out, they find jobs more easily as labourers, factory workers, or just play truent to be with the big boys.

oops just realized that lacito wrote more or less the same thing... oh well. so i reiterated it.

oh, one more thing, chances are that men are at work in heavy industry/factories and such, whereas more women are in the stores, shops, service areas that u as a tourist would notice. hubby and i slept in a workers' hotel in bangkok , mostly men, two or three guys to a room, working swinging shifts at various places, and they just work, come home, shit shower eat and sleep . they dont go strolling around in bars.



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Eek, enjoyed your posts. Always interesting to hear from a female perspective. At the risk of offending, could you reveal your age group? I am 38 [but look 17, just ask my mother!]

Thanks baboon. :)

Im open about my age, no worries. Im 36.

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To start off with, the question posed is a little vague. I am not sure if the OP is referring to Thailand, or places like Pattaya and areas of Bangkok. If they are talking about Thailand as a whole country, then, from my observations, it is just about equal. That is because, I suppose, I see more than just bars, go-go's, and massage parlors. Driving the streets in Udon, you see men unloading trucks, driving tuk-tuks, and selling vegetables at the market. In the village, you see men working the fields, cleaning onions (but not as much as women), running the shop/store, and getting drink with their friends. I would say that most of Issan is pretty much 50/50.

If the OP is referring to a trip that he took to Pattaya, that is a no brainer. Of course there is going to be an overload of women due to what Pattaya is. Don't get me wrong. There are many nice things in Pattaya, but with sex stigma it has, it must "supply" the men what they want.

In regards to men and women in general, I have heard from many different Thai's that daughters are more desirable than sons. I would suppose that it is because the daughters , upon marriage, come into money and the sons, upon marriage, will be paying the rest of their life LOL :)

But that is just based on what I have seen and information that I have gathered.

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I have been to Thailand a few times and there is something that really bugs me.

There are so many bars filled with girls but I have always thought "where are the men?". It just doesnt add up. Are they at home waiting for their teerak to come home? Are there villages in Isaan full of men because the girls have all gone to BKK/Samui/Phuket etc?

This is something I have thought about a bit, but am not as knowledgable as some people on this board so a genuine insight would be great.

If you are talking about the bar industry in the tourist areas full of girls, what you are seeing is a phenomena that is very much about the tourist market, and the girls which work in them. They are actually, despite appearences, a minoirty percentage of Thailands young female population - the vast majoirty of whom would only go to such places with a group of friends to see what it was all about, but wouldn't care otherwise to hang out in the enviroment.

Yes - there are Isaan villages with distorted male/female ratio's, and it's in no small part because the girls have a lot more going for them potentialy in the "bright lights" industry, than do the guys, but again, overall they still represent a minority group within the overall Thai female population - it just looks so much more in the bar areas because there is little else to make a comparison with.

... and to answer your question regards Thai males waiting at home for their Teeraks' - you bet, more so than many ex-pats realise. All to often they (i.e. the Thai male partners) know full well what their girlfriend is up to in the bar! Why do they tolerate it? Income - they view it (as most of the girls do) as a job and nothing more than that - which is something else a lot of visitors don't realise.

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Thai lads do not go to the farang bars. You will see them in thai oriented Karaoke(s) ect. Check out a thai disco and well heaps of thai lads around.

Absolutely right.

Many Thai guys prefer to socialise within their own groups. In these bars, they can drink cheap liquor, eat local Thai food that most Farangs wouldn`t eat, chat amongst themselves using local dialects and sample the delights of the cheap local female talent.

Farangs are not particually welcome in these places, because the Thais consider Farangs as competitors who can have first choice of the best looking girls and better service because the Thais cannot compete with them, financially.

Thais have no reason to visit the Farang orientated bars, where they would be paying Farang prices with mostly English language venues.

Edited by sassienie
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are Isaan villages with distorted male/female ratio's

muu baan around ban chiang, nong khai, udon thani and korat -- what do they have in common? lots of wives with kids and husbands away over seas at work... didnt notice any dearth of women between ages 20-40 but did notice the lack of husbands and when i asked, i was told that they were overseas. and since here, overseas, i see whole muu baans of male thais (guys from the same villages tend to bring their friends cousins et al to the same places of work), that makes sense. udon thani, ubon, korat, nong khai buriram are the major providers of male workers for agrculture over seas here; building in singapore, adn whatever it is that thais do in dubai (what do they do?) .

and as for the idea of thai men pimping their teeraks -- sounds like urban myth but what do i know. i seem to know a whole different thailand than many of these guys on here.



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I think Thai men wait for their women with farangs' money

Farangs are getting poorer than before. It won't last long (the 'wait for their women with farangs' money'). Farangs no longer want to be walking ATMs.

if you are old, fat and want to get young Thay lady anyway you will pay for it.

Farang usually pays, maybe percentages a bit less, if you are younger (20 something). Over 35 and U pay. I think those are the "union rules" here.

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are Isaan villages with distorted male/female ratio's

muu baan around ban chiang, nong khai, udon thani and korat -- what do they have in common? lots of wives with kids and husbands away over seas at work... didnt notice any dearth of women between ages 20-40 but did notice the lack of husbands and when i asked, i was told that they were overseas. and since here, overseas, i see whole muu baans of male thais (guys from the same villages tend to bring their friends cousins et al to the same places of work), that makes sense. udon thani, ubon, korat, nong khai buriram are the major providers of male workers for agrculture over seas here; building in singapore, adn whatever it is that thais do in dubai (what do they do?) .

and as for the idea of thai men pimping their teeraks -- sounds like urban myth but what do i know. i seem to know a whole different thailand than many of these guys on here.



Working? Oh no, that can't be right bina. I mean, the 30,000 plus mostly Thai men working in Israel alone, never mind the 170,000 working elsewhere can't be working. Really, they are all hiding at home, letting their wives do all the work drinking themselves blind in the closet. :)

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and as for the idea of thai men pimping their teeraks -- sounds like urban myth but what do i know. i seem to know a whole different thailand than many of these guys on here.



When I was fancy free I had a regular girl who visited two or three times per week. I noticed that the same guy brought her to my place and picked her up in the morning. I thought nothing of it, perhaps he was a favourite mototaxi rider? Then I saw them shopping together in Big C - with their two children. So much for her being a widow forced into P2P to feed her kids.

Many of the Beach Road ladies come down from Esan or wherever, earn for a few days and then scuttle back home with their dosh. My view of Thais is that many are totally self centred. So long as they get their leg over and she hands over their beer money, who cares?

I would like to think Bina that you have never gone to some of the places where many that come here sometimes (or regularly) go to, so their experiences and knowledge may contrast with yours.

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When I was fancy free I had a regular girl who visited two or three times per week. I noticed that the same guy brought her to my place and picked her up in the morning. I thought nothing of it, perhaps he was a favourite mototaxi rider? Then I saw them shopping together in Big C - with their two children. So much for her being a widow forced into P2P to feed her kids.

Many of the Beach Road ladies come down from Esan or wherever, earn for a few days and then scuttle back home with their dosh. My view of Thais is that many are totally self centred. So long as they get their leg over and she hands over their beer money, who cares?

I would like to think Bina that you have never gone to some of the places where many that come here sometimes (or regularly) go to, so their experiences and knowledge may contrast with yours.

Seems to me this says more about you than "the Thais".

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sbk, i see that u got the stats... mine were in hebrew so couldnt post them...and the 3,000 that are in finland picking blueberries (i heard from a finish friend that its a really cool set up for the thais, and while it was new last year, word of mouth has made it the new fave destination for three months. again, friends bring friends so lot of guys from same muu baan..



and your right, the only 'ladies of teh night' i ever saw were in some muu ban noodle bar and my husband drove us past so quick i didnt even get to peek inside, only heard him mutter 'poo ying mai di'...


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Seems to me this says more about you than "the Thais".

I am not celibate or ever likely to be. The same could be said for many Buddhist monks. I have always treated the few ladies whose services were freely offered and accepted by myself with respect and safeguarded their dignity. I feel no sense of shame since Western mores have no currency in these parts. You've never had a one night stand?

You might give some thought to what all those pretty coloured lights outside shacks in most villages mean.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I had heard somewhere during school that Thailand had a disproportionate number of females to males... but apparently this data proves that teacher wrong:

Sex ratioat birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.83 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2008 est.) at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female 15-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female 65 years and over: 0.83 male(s)/female total population: 0.98 male(s)/female (2009 est.)

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To answer the op's question seriously.......when my wife was at school she was in a class of thirty kids and only 5 were boys. She tells me that most classes would consist of one third boys and two thirds girls, in all schools, junior and high.

So although I have no idea of population figures, that would suggest that there are more girls born in Thailand.

HL :)

I think you got a good point,you ask any bar girl that has a kid it's always a daughter the answer

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The nightclubs along the beach area of Pattaya are oriented towards farang customers. The same is true in the Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza areas of Bangkok. Get away from those areas and you'll find the Thai karaoke bars frequented by Thai men.
Many Thai guys prefer to socialise within their own groups. In these bars, they can drink cheap liquor, eat local Thai food that most Farangs wouldn`t eat, chat amongst themselves using local dialects and sample the delights of the cheap local female talent.

Farangs are not particually welcome in these places, because the Thais consider Farangs as competitors who can have first choice of the best looking girls and better service because the Thais cannot compete with them, financially.

Do you suggest that farangs might be not welcome in such areas as Sutthisan in BKK or Thepprasit in PTY? :)

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Many Thai guys prefer to socialise within their own groups. In these bars, they can drink cheap liquor, eat local Thai food that most Farangs wouldn`t eat, chat amongst themselves using local dialects and sample the delights of the cheap local female talent.

Most Thai guys don't pay for it in fact the girls end up footing the bill in the relationship. If you want to see places with a good split percentage of thai guys/gals go to clubs like RCA or the ones on Ratchada. They are normal thai clubs and the guys go there to pick up normal girls. You're confusing pay for play prostitution dens with everything else. I don't think there are very many if any legitimate farang orientated nightlife venues that don't revolve around prostitution. Even popular farang clubs like Q-bar etc.. have morphed into places where mostly prostitutes hang out to pick up farang punters.

Farangs are not particually welcome in these places, because the Thais consider Farangs as competitors who can have first choice of the best looking girls and better service because the Thais cannot compete with them, financially.

Unless a farang is young and good looking they would have a very tough time picking up at a normal Thai club.

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