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Did You Know Your Posts Are Maybe On Nation Website?


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...But maybe I'm ilked by this because I have an inherent distaste for the English language newspapers in Thailand. I don't really want my learned comments being reproduced on their website - sort of destroys the 'cosiness' of the Thaivisa community...

I’m afraid you’ve still got it wrong, Simon. Your comments, ie your posts on ThaiVisa, are not reproduced on the Nation website. There are links to some selected topics, selected by ThaiVisa, on the Nation website.

When the cooperation, or whatever you want to call it, between ThaiVisa and the Nation started the Nation shut down their webboard. What used to be the discussion forum on the Nation is now the ThaiVisa forum. Check it out, click on “WEBBOARD” at the top of the list of blue links and the webpage www.thaivisa.com/forum pops up.



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If someone is simply reading the nation online and a post is presented to them that shows "X says Y", then that is very different.

This is not what is happening. Reading the Nation online, you do not find a post of ThaiVisa presented there that reads “X says Y”. You get a list of titles of topics on the ThaiVisa forum and if you choose to click on one of these titles the ThaiVisa webpage that has the starting post of that topic appears on your screen.



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If someone is simply reading the nation online and a post is presented to them that shows "X says Y", then that is very different.

This is not what is happening. Reading the Nation online, you do not find a post of ThaiVisa presented there that reads "X says Y". You get a list of titles of topics on the ThaiVisa forum and if you choose to click on one of these titles the ThaiVisa webpage that has the starting post of that topic appears on your screen.



And if you start that topic? Then surely it's coming off as a statement.

Edited by Benjie
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Some seem to be missing the point.

If someone finds posts on a google search, tehy are actively looking for information of which the posts here will be one of thousands of snapshots.

If someone is simply reading the nation online and a post is presented to them that shows "X says Y", then that is very different.

If someone is simply reading the nation online and a post is presented to them that shows "X says Y", then that is very different.

This is not correct. The link opens the topic - the OP and not somewhere down at post no 124...

Like a book. People don't start reading it in the middle but start from beginning.

Why don't you test first before you make your comment? Have you ever visited the board?

Topic titles are shown - not single postings from members. And like Google - they can click on it if they need information.

One more remark. Someone does not read Thaivisa on the Nation server but on the Thaivisa server.

Thaivisa is not hosted on the Nation web server

Edited by webfact
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Many of the posts can be searched in Google and other search engines, including member’s profiles.

When you create a thread or post on an open web site, you are publishing in the public domain and these may turn up anywhere. Anyone with a little on-line savvy should know this.

I don`t believe there are any copyright laws protecting posts included in the forums.

Although ThaiVisa forums are exclusively Thai related, it is still an open forum available for unconditional viewing and sharing on the worldwide web. When you publish onto any forum you do so at your own risk, this is why members are given user names as a pseudonymous.

If you don`t like the idea that these posts may not remain exclusively on the ThaiVisa website, than it has an excellent personal mail one to one system or use emails with a secure account.

So why don`t you go back where you came from, otherwise I`ll take my hammer and (oops, sorry, wrong thread).


Edited by sassienie
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And if you start that topic? Then surely it's coming off as a statement.

So John Doe, who is not yet a member of ThaiVisa, is reading the Nation online. Under the heading WEBBOARD he sees the line “Windows 7 Media Centre”, he clicks on it and up pops the ThaiVisa website with the topic you started. It’s that starting post of yours which you call “coming off as a statement”, isn’t it? Are you ashamed of that post that you do not want John Doe to get easy access to it via a link on the Nation online? Why did you post it if you do not want John Doe and the rest of the world to know about it, to be able to read it? Isn’t this how the Internet works, that what you post on a publicly accessible website you want everybody to be able to read?

If you have a wrong conception of what the Internet is you should try to find out more about it and if necessary adjust your activities on the Internet according to your personal requirements of privacy.



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Are they editing the posts?

Obviously not.

Bit harsh mate :)

Without having seen the linked threads on The Nation, I was responding to a posters statement of political bias regarding TN and Google and wondered if it was because of editing.

I subsequently checked it out and realised they were links and not selected 'posts of the day' to suit their own purposes, however I do accept, the answer was stated earlier in this thread.

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I cannot wait for all My royalties to come flooding in :) I thought you had to have copy right permision to publish some one elses work, :D

From the forum rules which everyone has agreed to when joining: "When you post in any forum on ThaiVisa, you are granting a license to Thaivisa.com to display that post publicly"

However, in regards to The Nation and has been repeated several times, posts are not being published there, only links to the Thai Visa forum topic similar to an RSS feed.

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I cannot wait for all My royalties to come flooding in :) I thought you had to have copy right permision to publish some one elses work, :D

From the forum rules which everyone has agreed to when joining: "When you post in any forum on ThaiVisa, you are granting a license to Thaivisa.com to display that post publicly"

However, in regards to The Nation and has been repeated several times, posts are not being published there, only links to the Thai Visa forum topic similar to an RSS feed.

It was only ment to be tong in Cheek :D

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Did you not read the announcement made what was it, a year ago? I am quite sure things were laid out very clearly at the time.

As jingthing says, they are direct links to the ThaiVisa forums. Not Nation webboard copy pastes.

And just curious if any of you have ever done a google search for anything remotely Thailand related? ThaiVisa forums almost always comes up within the first four hits. How is this different? In fact, its probably even more intrusive since far more people use google to search for Thailand information than read The Nation online.

Umm, i'm not too sure about that. SBK in Koh Phangan says: "ThaiVisa forums almost always comes up (on Google Search) within the first four hits" (about Thailand)

Let' first take 'Thai Food' - i dont see Nation/Thaivisa/forum getting at all in Google top 50!


Now, lets' look at 'Thai Music'


Again thaivisa isn't not even in the top 50

Now lets look at 'Thai Women', again thaivisa doesn't get a mention in top 50.


Sbk: get a life; besides Thai visa enquiries, thaivisa/forum doesnt do anything on Google search engines.

Google the most basic aspects of Thai life such as Thai food, Thai music, Thai life, Thai women, Thai traditions, Thai culture, Thai dance. Thai Visa is nowhere to be seen in the top 50 Google Search.

Your big brother competitors over at www.Paknamweb.com on the other hand, are sucking it in.

Edited by ThaiEye
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I cannot wait for all My royalties to come flooding in :) I thought you had to have copy right permision to publish some one elses work, :D

Yes and no.

I create and run many websites. I am a legal executive specialising in copyright laws.

If you prefer your posts limited to the ThaiVisa forums only and it`s contents covered by International copyright laws, you need to change the user name to your actual name and include within the title of your post: Copyright © Protected - All rights Reserved.

Publishing as an alias, one is not covered by copyright laws, unless that alias name is registered as a limited company or trademark.

As I said previous, one publishes in the public domain at their own risk. ThaiVisa is a host web site and holds no responsibility, whatsoever, as to what happens to the contents of your posts.

This pertains the same for any website hosts, unless a member or guest of the web masters, publishes material that is defamatory, contravenes any laws, is obscene, pornographic or abusive.

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I simply cannot see why some members are getting their knickers in a twist over this.

Thai Visa is an open forum where any one, member or not, can visit and read posts. I used to do so frequently before I joined.

There are plenty of internet forums where only members can read posts, some of them Thai related. So those who are concerned about the populace at large reading their posts can always join one of those.

The words 'storm' and 'teacup' spring to mind.

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Just checked. Contrary to what moderator SBK says in Koh Phangan. Sorry, but Thaivisa is not even ranked in the top 1,000 Google Search for even the most basic Thai 'things'.

Thai food, Thai women, Thai beach, Thai massage etc... thaivisa only ranks Google for Thai visa information and that is it. She herself, SBK, needs to take a good look at the Internet instead of being derogatory of others.

Edited by ThaiEye
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I really cannot see what all the fuss is about, I'm thinking some people just like to moan like a bunch of old women.

It's all being explained to you by several posters yet some of you still do not get it.

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A year ago, SBK? I am quite the announcement came this year sometime, about the end of January. I know time is moving on and I guess it's 9 months ago now but a year is a year! Be exact.

As for the OP, I do not really care. I know this site gets more traffic than the Nation so who cares? Well, ok, some of you do, and that is fine, but it does not bother me in the least.

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Just checked. Contrary to what moderator SBK says in Koh Phangan. Sorry, but Thaivisa is not even ranked in the top 1,000 Google Search for even the most basic Thai 'things'.

Thai food, Thai women, Thai beach, Thai massage etc... thaivisa only ranks Google for Thai visa information and that is it. She herself, SBK, needs to take a good look at the Internet instead of being derogatory of others.

You are wrong. Anyone with any knowledge of keywords knows your argument is ludicrous. You are talking about very general searches. But often I am searching for something on google to help me out with some problem about finding accommodation or something else in Thailand and I see thaivisa.com in the search results for many, many search terms not related at all to visa issues. This forum does not rank for every generic search term about Thailand, no, but it does come up in many more specific search results. Thai food, Thai women, etc. are going to be extremely hard terms to rank for and not really the point of this forum.

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Are they editing the posts?

That is worth noting. Text taken out of context can have an entirely different meaning than the original poster intended. There have been many spoofs on US presidents using only a few words of what they actually spoke.

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Im not very tech savvy, but several posters as well as George has tried to explain that no content is 'extracted' from thaivisa forum and pasted on to any other site. no posts is edited for the purpose of any publicity (any posts edited by MODs and ADMINs are simply so they comply with forum rules)

links are placed on other sites by websites to generate traffic to the original site all the time. its basic site marketing. get more links out there so your site gets more visitors. these days technology allows that through RSS feed (dont ask me the mechanism of it - Im still clueless, but I do know that it seems to show a scrolling list of topics that readers to another site can click if they are interested and be brought to where the content of that topic sits ie. in this case thaivisa.


ohhh, and moving this to forum support :)

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And if you start that topic? Then surely it's coming off as a statement.

So John Doe, who is not yet a member of ThaiVisa, is reading the Nation online. Under the heading WEBBOARD he sees the line "Windows 7 Media Centre", he clicks on it and up pops the ThaiVisa website with the topic you started. It's that starting post of yours which you call "coming off as a statement", isn't it? Are you ashamed of that post that you do not want John Doe to get easy access to it via a link on the Nation online? Why did you post it if you do not want John Doe and the rest of the world to know about it, to be able to read it? Isn't this how the Internet works, that what you post on a publicly accessible website you want everybody to be able to read?

If you have a wrong conception of what the Internet is you should try to find out more about it and if necessary adjust your activities on the Internet according to your personal requirements of privacy.



No need to be offensive, I completely understand how the internet works - This is the first time I've ever personally seen a forum I'm a member of posting threads on a newspaper website.

The point is that if I make a thread about something thats lets say political or about corruption I'm expecting a niche on Thaivisa to be my audience, not a national newspaper with a totally different audience.

Its all the more worrying for those who use their real names or are otherwise easily identifyable.

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as all explanations for thaivisa topic title showing on Nation site have been offered, we hope that members understand the mechanisms a bit more now.

if you have further concerns or queries, I suggest discussing this further in PM or email with site administration. you may do so by emailing



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