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Idiots Living Oposite Me


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nothing on the actual suggestion itself, but thought Id share something especially for those that think Thais do such things just to get to farangs.

my thai neighbours always park their car in front of our house, or at times its a number of motorbikes. (I dont have a car or bike). most of the time I say nothing. every now and then I have to tell them to move it cos its parked so close to the front door, I have trouble getting in. especially when I have visitors that come with luggage. once my Mom had to go tell them to move it slightly (so she can get into her own house!)

and their reply was, oh, I didnt think your daughter lives here. and then started going on about my Mom making a big fuss and complaining etc etc. great. they park in front of our house all these years, so they can keep the front of theirs free. and every now and then when it inconveniences the owner of that house, they say we are making a fuss.

Im thai, my Mom is Thai, the neighbours are Thai. so its just a case of bad manners and inconsiderate neighbours. nothing to do with any prejudice against farangs :)

just thought Id share, and also vent my years of frustration!

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MiG16, thank you for sharing, your story sounds annoying. Would you like to borrow my car for a week and do the same to them? :-)

I don't think the two ladies are doing this because I am a farang, it's more likely because we stopped them from coming in to our house once we found out they were gossiping about us.

Some people can be really inconsiderable to others and that is one thing that I hate!

I hope to speak with the main guy in the moo bahn tonight.

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Im thai, my Mom is Thai, the neighbours are Thai. so its just a case of bad manners and inconsiderate neighbours. nothing to do with any prejudice against farangs :)

just thought Id share, and also vent my years of frustration!

Leaving out the farang factor then MiG, how do Thais themselves deal with a situation like this? Surely many of them are as reasonable as the OP but will not tolerate these goings on. What would be a normal response, then a more stern response if needed?

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Just remember they are Thai and own Thailand where-as you are a mere Farang , hire a Thai with a beat up truck to run into it and smash it to pieces , then knock on their door and threaten to take them to court for building a blockage in the road if they did not pay for the damage to his truck .

Almost sounds well thought out but I doubt you'd even be able to get your own insurance company not to raise your premiums much less even get to court. It's a parked/stationary object... no different from running into a telephone pole, parked car, or whatever is on the road and not moving.

A different story though if they happened to throw the plant out into your path while you were driving.


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Its funny to see that many times we as foreigners in Thailand blame Thais for doing things just because we are foreigner. This is basically the same thing that foreigners in my country do. We never seem to think that the neighbors are just &lt;deleted&gt; but always assume its because of we are foreigners (not the OP in this case). Kinda like blacks many times assume they are discriminated when they are not.

I must admit it has happened to me a few times too.

I am lucky with my neighbors not too many problems, once in a while they trouble me and once in a while i trouble them with sounds or something like that but we accept it from each other.

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Im thai, my Mom is Thai, the neighbours are Thai. so its just a case of bad manners and inconsiderate neighbours. nothing to do with any prejudice against farangs :D

just thought Id share, and also vent my years of frustration!

Leaving out the farang factor then MiG, how do Thais themselves deal with a situation like this? Surely many of them are as reasonable as the OP but will not tolerate these goings on. What would be a normal response, then a more stern response if needed?

It does happen, but in fairly homogenous neighborhoods these situations generally don't happen because everyone knows their approximate (and equal) social status.

If I'm 'bigger,' I'd probably just hire a few guys to stand in front of their house to move the obstacle every time I needed to drive by, or just have said guys get rid of the obstacle permanently every time a new one was placed. All kinds of amusing and antagonistic things you could do, only limited by your imagination.

If I'm 'equal,' I'd go for direct negotiation or 3rd party (neighbor or police) arbitration.

If I'm 'lesser,' I'd continue to do 10 point turns or just back in and out of the soi. Also common are 'tribute' type situations where fruit baskets or whatever are involved, from the lesser party to the bigger party. This type of thing does kind of cement your status though unless you do something to leapfrog them (like by buying up the rest of the soi).

Maybe you could do something less drastic and just buy an additional home further up the street, if you have the means? Knock down the home and make it your parking area, with perhaps a small cabana, picnic table, swimming pool, small park area. That'll no doubt annoy them to no end.


Edited by Heng
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If I'm 'equal,' I'd go for direct negotiation or 3rd party (neighbor or police) arbitration.


Typically how willing are police to get involved? I've often wondered this. Since we are farang, are the police less or more likely to try to assist (assuming well mannered farang)? Calling the police has got to be a superior idea than smashing the bloody pot from hel_l into smithereens, which we would all LOVE to do! :)

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Im thai, my Mom is Thai, the neighbours are Thai. so its just a case of bad manners and inconsiderate neighbours. nothing to do with any prejudice against farangs :)

just thought Id share, and also vent my years of frustration!

Leaving out the farang factor then MiG, how do Thais themselves deal with a situation like this? Surely many of them are as reasonable as the OP but will not tolerate these goings on. What would be a normal response, then a more stern response if needed?

These sort of neighbours are infuriating and as others have mentioned potentially dangerous. You only have to read the local papers to see how many apparently minor disputes, usually inflamed with alcohol, are resolved at the end of a gun. Good luck with the Pu-yai Baan, which seems about the only way to go, much as the beaten up truck scenario appeals!

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Looks like I will have to get the wife to talk to the head of the moo bahn, that seems the best option from these replies. Along with running the pot over with a beat up truck!!! N that would be more fun.


I will post the outcome from the meeting.

Just get a mate with a pickup to rock up in the middle of the night, load it into the back of his pickup and drive off with it.

If they have to buy a new one every time that happens then they'll soon stop, or Hilti it to the ground!!

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I had neighbors that took it upon themselves to cut the grass near the garbage cans on our soi ( I used to do it) and then proceeded to dump all the grass in my garbage bin un-bagged.

Needless to say when I saw it in my bin after getting home from work, it took 10 seconds for me to dump it out next to theirs.

Not sure if it was a farang thing or just a lazy inconsiderate neighbor thing or both, either way its the same - disrespect.

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I live on a dead end soi on the edge of a moo bahn in Bangkok. When I want to park my car in my driveway I pull up and reverse it in, but now I cannot do this because of the two old women living in the house oposite me have blocked there front with a large plant on a concrete pot.

They have placed this plant there to be awkward just because they fell out with my wife. The reason they fell out is because we heard from other people on our soi that these two women have been saying nasty things about my wife and her family who stay with us. Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less.

We were all friends at first but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them, I think my wife told them why we are no longer talking to them. And ever since they sold there car they have blocked this small area off with this plant. By the way, it is on the road and it's not there land. It's really anoying as now I have to do a ten point turn to get the car in. We have two cars and the other on is parked out the front of our house.

I have moved the pot only for them to put it further out in the middle of the soi. I am thinking of just smashing it up but I think that will just giveus more problems. Do you guys have any ideas that I could try?

What if you would buy another plant with concrete pot yourself and move both pots in a way so that it does not block you.

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I'll add a vote for whistleblower's idea: "take all your rubbish (garbage) and put it next to the plant. Buy some dog treats and leave them in the plant pot. when the soi dogs start shitting and pissing everywhere they will move it!!"

You actually destroy nothing; you don't even antagonize them by moving the pot. And how can they object to soi dogs? Those are more Thai than maybe the old ladies!

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If I'm 'equal,' I'd go for direct negotiation or 3rd party (neighbor or police) arbitration.


Typically how willing are police to get involved? I've often wondered this. Since we are farang, are the police less or more likely to try to assist (assuming well mannered farang)? Calling the police has got to be a superior idea than smashing the bloody pot from hel_l into smithereens, which we would all LOVE to do! :D

Don't have any personal experience with this one as I've never had to ask the police to come and do anything like this. IMO it'll vary with who happens to get sent out and how blatant this person is blocking the soi/how wide the soi is, etc. Is it a 50 kg. potted mango tree or a 30 baht 1 foot tall cactus? 3/4 of the way into the road or barely beyond the sidewalk? Again, it could be a moot point if you're not really equals: like say a police car pulls up and before both parties explain what's going on, a police major gets out, hugs the potted plant lady and says 'hi mom.'


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I'll add a vote for whistleblower's idea: "take all your rubbish (garbage) and put it next to the plant. Buy some dog treats and leave them in the plant pot. when the soi dogs start shitting and pissing everywhere they will move it!!"

You actually destroy nothing; you don't even antagonize them by moving the pot. And how can they object to soi dogs? Those are more Thai than maybe the old ladies!

Two sayings come to mind for this one:

1. 'Don't sh-t where you live' IMO that includes inviting soi dogs to crap all over the road you have to drive through everyday, getting your tires covered in excrement, and yes, treading that into your driveway.

2. Vizzini's (Princess Bride): "You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia'"


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Sounds like they have nothing better to do, this is so pathetic you should be laughing at how sad they are. I have a number of options:

- Buy a great big enormous plant pot(s) and place it outside their gate or doorway preventing them from leaving their premises. You could also do the same with a big lump of ugly concrete. It will be too heavy for them to move. alternatively order a load of tarmac to be dumped in their drive/gate and then drive off, you could have such a laugh at their faces everytime they try to leave their house and have to negotiate the giant mole hill outside their house.

-arrange for it to vanish in the middle of the night and be donated to the nearest park, repeat at necessary. You could be seen as a very generous man in a few months.

-Pay some dodgy local to go round and threaten them.

- knock on their door, explain the problem and ask them why they are doing it (in a reasonable manner) then once they start ignoring the question or whatever suddenly flip out kicking their door and start shouting close up in their face (causing shock and subconcious protection mechanisms to kick in), then use finger pointing close to the face or hand on the shoulder (to non-verbally communicate how serious you are). This should make them realise they are biting off more than they can chew by pissing around and they will realise how silly they have been and probably wonder why they have even behaved in such a way. Finish by threatening to pay some yabba head to come round and rape them in the night if they continue to play games.

- move it and wait for them to move it back, then storm out the house shirt off and all with a &lt;deleted&gt; big axe or hammer, hurl a half drunk bottle of chang at them then smash the crap out of the pot in front of them in an aggressive and psychotic a manner as possible. Once finished point the chosen instrument of destruction close up in their face and shout as loud as possible (so all the neighbours hear and they loose face) that next time they decide to fck with you they will have serious problems.

Addmitedly some points above may seem like neanderthal behaviour and completely overboard. However, it appears you are dealing with neanderthals in which trying to resolve the issues by civilised reasoning and discussion would be a waste of time.

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A civilized attempt might be more useful, but no where near as much fun as vigilante's suggestions. Somehow with a handle like "vigilante", why does this not surprise me?

Whomever looks after the subdivision would probably have the best solution.

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one more to add:

- have your some of your mates (in fact invite thai visa members?) not take a dump for a day or two, then in the dead of night all go around and drop one on the pot, wipe your arse then smear as much of the pot as possible. I would like to see them shift the pot after this.

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If I understand correctly, the plant is on the public road. Now in our moo ban if we leave anything outside on the public property the rag man will pick it up post haste. I have gotten rid of some of the wife potted plants this way. I lied (little white one) in saying I put them out to water good and get sunlight and they just disappeared. Maybe your area does not have the garbage sorters, paper/plastic buyers etc, if not find one (offer newspaper etc) and point him/her on to a real find on public property. Once they find a source they seem to come back so subsequent plants (if their are persistent may seem like someone was just helping out the poor folk.

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I live on a dead end soi on the edge of a moo bahn in Bangkok. When I want to park my car in my driveway I pull up and reverse it in, but now I cannot do this because of the two old women living in the house oposite me have blocked there front with a large plant on a concrete pot.

They have placed this plant there to be awkward just because they fell out with my wife. The reason they fell out is because we heard from other people on our soi that these two women have been saying nasty things about my wife and her family who stay with us. Not sure what they were saying and I couldn't care less.

We were all friends at first but then we heard what they were saying and we just stopped speaking with them, I think my wife told them why we are no longer talking to them. And ever since they sold there car they have blocked this small area off with this plant. By the way, it is on the road and it's not there land. It's really anoying as now I have to do a ten point turn to get the car in. We have two cars and the other on is parked out the front of our house.

I have moved the pot only for them to put it further out in the middle of the soi. I am thinking of just smashing it up but I think that will just giveus more problems. Do you guys have any ideas that I could try?

Make a little juju doll, about four or five inches tall, out of bamboo, raffia, straw, a little hessian and rag cloth. Next find a dead jing-jok and attach it with fine wire to the doll, crucifix fashion. Then (at night) affix this creation to the top of the pot plant in the style of a Christmas tree fairy. Just wait and see what happens.

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one more to add:

- have your some of your mates (in fact invite thai visa members?) not take a dump for a day or two, then in the dead of night all go around and drop one on the pot, wipe your arse then smear as much of the pot as possible. I would like to see them shift the pot after this.


You can get REAL nasty, can't you. :D

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one more to add:

- have your some of your mates (in fact invite thai visa members?) not take a dump for a day or two, then in the dead of night all go around and drop one on the pot, wipe your arse then smear as much of the pot as possible. I would like to see them shift the pot after this.

Anyone who remembers onnuts "snake" thread (if you saw it you'll never forget it) will know that he is quite capable of providing the "material" to execute this plan by himself, without the help of mates.

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Perhaps a word to the local garbage collectors would rid you of the problem along with a few M150's.

as the ghost thing seems to hold a lot of weight around here I would start thinking down the lines of making that potted plant unlucky - unholy etc.

halloween is coming, so too is christmas. think outside of the box in order to push the right buttons.

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Again, it could be a moot point if you're not really equals: like say a police car pulls up and before both parties explain what's going on, a police major gets out, hugs the potted plant lady and says 'hi mom.'



Just got caught up on the latest posts on this thread.

Crapping on the pot? :):D

Jeez you guys can be funny!

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