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Idiots Living Oposite Me


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You have imagined wrong, sorry.

I am a decent sort of person and get on with most people I meet, I have to for a living. I have been calm about this for a year now and have never spoken to them bad or in any otherway. When there is a problem my wife deals with it as she is Thai. The other inhabitants on the soi also feel the same about these women but say or do nothing as that is the Thai way.

the OP started with calling the neighbor Idiots

One can imagine ... what a nice neighbor you are ...

Your signature gives another hint.

My prophecy about you and your life in Thailand is to stay put for troubles coming your way. You yourself invites them.

I can assure you if you were a half reasonable person then your other neighbors would clear that problem for you effectively, just by talking, without you having to ask for it.

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so what is it then?

You say they're gossiping, if so, they must have someone to listen to them.

Now you say, my other neighbors feel the same.

How do you know? Is that not from gossiping?

Now start talking with your neighbor without any prejudgments and you will see it works.

Have a little garden party or whatsoever ... Call it 'getting to know each other better' and maybe the flower pot will end up as a statue in your garden. :)

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Mate. Please believe me, my wife and I plus her family have all been really good to these people. This is our third year living in this house. Our relationship started off very nice with them offering to look after our boy while we were working. We have a nanny but it's always nice to have other people around.

But after some months one of the ladies started telling our nanny things about us and saying we were not good people a d she should resign. Our nanny told us that another person on the street said to her that this women was telling everyone that she thinks there is something wrong with my son, as in with his brain. Which is not true by the way.

So my wife spoke to this lady in a nice Thai way to try and stop it but she continued doing it so the next time she walked into our house we told her to leave. She used to just walk in when she felt like it.

Then the lady who lives with her started shouting at us and saying nasty stuff in Thai everytime we were outside, which is why I call them idiots from now on.

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You don't need to justify yourself - what you had previously written was clearly understandable.

Some folk simply refuse to accept that a situation can happen. And until it actually happens to them they assume everyone else is either making it up for attention or has a very skewed view of reality....

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After speaking about this around the dinner table it turns out that one ofthese ladies has been living of a married man, as in mia noi! Obviously this would have been a few hears ago. Last year he stopped paying for her and so she had to sell her car. They do not work and so asked my wife if she needed help with baby sitting. I guess she was after money and that was why she wanted to getour nanny to leave.

So now we know why they are being like this. It does not make me feel any better though and I still want the bloody pot out the way.

Some strange folk out there.

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I see

Maybe your wife can go to the district office which also has a court attached. You don't need a lawyer. They will come and check, talking with the neighborhood and will start with a warning to remove the pot or they face court and fine.

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An old lady as a mia noi? Are they really Cambodian too? Sounds like your wife and her friends might not be feeding you 100% factual information. This is your wife's issue right? Why don't you take her parking space and let her 10 point turn into the drive way until she and Cinderella's step sisters can work out their squabble. It looks like you might be getting fed some false information.

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They can put things in the road - can't you?

Place your own ultra heavy pot in a location which provides inconvenience to them - f**ks up their access to their property.

With my bitterly jealous, idiot neighbours across the road, I always make sure they get back what they give. Loud music = loud music. In my case I put Pavarotti on at 5am. Bottles thrown into the garden at night, if not broken on impact get smashed by me and put outside my wall, just on my side of the verge of the narrow soi. All passers can see it.

Their single failed attempt at throwing poison into my garden at night (to kill my dogs) meant the poisoned chicken on a stick was lobbed back into their garden when they were out. Their grandkid picked it up. They screamed at him, but couldn't say boo to me.

After the last beer bottle incident, my neighbours helpfully called the poo yai baan. I had to NOTHING but await his arrival.

After a full and detailed history of their behaviour, the poo yai baan being told clearly "what comes in goes out" he went straight across the road and laid it out to them in loud and clear terms. All trouble stopped. The neighbours still don't talk to us - nor we to them. No deeply intellectual or cultural conversation lost there. Thanks to the poo yai baan's motor mouth, the whole moo baan knows this fahrang won't sit meekly and be bullied by any nationality, anywhere on the planet.

Respect gained. Peaceful, if strained co-existence is achievable. Don't take crap.

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doc! She was a Mia noi when younger and the guy provided well for her. Now she has no income.

First of all my wife does not lie to me and she would not hide anything from me either. I think you should read some other posts because you don't seem to understand mine. Sorry but I will not answer you anymore.

An old lady as a mia noi? Are they really Cambodian too? Sounds like your wife and her friends might not be feeding you 100% factual information. This is your wife's issue right? Why don't you take her parking space and let her 10 point turn into the drive way until she and Cinderella's step sisters can work out their squabble. It looks like you might be getting fed some false information.
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An old lady as a mia noi? Are they really Cambodian too? Sounds like your wife and her friends might not be feeding you 100% factual information. This is your wife's issue right? Why don't you take her parking space and let her 10 point turn into the drive way until she and Cinderella's step sisters can work out their squabble. It looks like you might be getting fed some false information.

You are well out of order there big time.

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Having followed this thread with interest and commiserated with the OP regarding an unpleasant situation it does occur to me that, from his description of the dead end nature of the Soi, this plant pot has been placed in a position that could quite legitimately be filled by the parking of another car which would cause exactly the same problem for him.

One could take the view therefore that he is lucky that the old grannies don't have a car to park there any more as the plant pot surely must take up less space!

Sorry Onnut. :)

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You have imagined wrong, sorry.

I am a decent sort of person and get on with most people I meet, I have to for a living. I have been calm about this for a year now and have never spoken to them bad or in any otherway. When there is a problem my wife deals with it as she is Thai. The other inhabitants on the soi also feel the same about these women but say or do nothing as that is the Thai way.


This is not the Thai way. In fact is the total opposite.

Somehow you must be winding these people up.

If not and as you said, your wife has been dealing with it, than if I was you, I would pay more attention to what your wife is saying as she maybe adding more fuel to the fire.

Perhps you are not suited for Thailand and can`t adapt to it`s way of life.

Edited by sassienie
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You have imagined wrong, sorry.

I am a decent sort of person and get on with most people I meet, I have to for a living. I have been calm about this for a year now and have never spoken to them bad or in any otherway. When there is a problem my wife deals with it as she is Thai. The other inhabitants on the soi also feel the same about these women but say or do nothing as that is the Thai way.


This is not the Thai way. In fact is the total opposite.

Somehow you must be winding these people up.

If not and as you said, your wife has been dealing with it, than if I was you, I would pay more attention to what your wife is saying as she maybe adding more fuel to the fire.

Perhps you are not suited for Thailand and can`t adapt to it`s way of life.

Just proves how little you know about the Thai way!

Some Thais must be the amongst the most selfish, self-absorbed and inconsiderate people in the world. Most other Thais just put up with it and suffer in (nearly) silence.

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This is not the Thai way. In fact is the total opposite.

Somehow you must be winding these people up.

If not and as you said, your wife has been dealing with it, than if I was you, I would pay more attention to what your wife is saying as she maybe adding more fuel to the fire.

Perhps you are not suited for Thailand and can`t adapt to it`s way of life.

I love this -- it's now Op's fault because he wants to park his car at his house. So Thai: No matter what is done to you, it's your fault if you react, or heaven forbid, get angry after intentional and chronic provocation.

I lived in Thailand for 14 years and saw people doing this petty sh*t over some tiny or even fabricated reason. Amazing how childish it can get, but it can also turn very serious as things escalate. I think its actually a form of entertainment or simply something to do in an otherwise empty life.

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Finish by threatening to pay some yabba head to come round and rape them in the night if they continue to play games.

- move it and wait for them to move it back, then storm out the house shirt off and all with a <deleted> big axe or hammer, hurl a half drunk bottle of chang at them then smash the crap out of the pot in front of them in an aggressive and psychotic a manner as possible.

I like it :)

Find some way of securing the pot to the road in front of their house in a location where it doesn’t affect you… I’m not sure how you could do this, some sort of concrete glue etc…

Liquid Nails works really well


I can assure you if you were a half reasonable person then your other neighbors would clear that problem for you effectively, just by talking, without you having to ask for it.

And I guess you would lower yourself and kowtow to people like this after they'd been dissing you and yours? What crap.

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alright, lets focus on suggestions and ideas for the OP shall we?

lets not start a festive words of what thais do and dont do, who knows thailand best or doesnt.

lets focus on constructive suggestions. the humorous ones are fine too....as long as we all understand they are simply meant to be such, and the OP does not take it upon himself to really try some of them suggested :)

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The poo yai baan is the obvious way, or getting the cops around, or perhaps the local district office, but do something rather than sit back and take it. Personally, getting right in their face would be really tempting, although that often backfires badly here. I've always been partial to the idea of projecting there are ghosts in the vicinity for dealing with people like this. Most are deeply superstitious and will make tracks if they suspect there is one around. Get yourself a projector and flash something like this on their back wall every now and then


followed by some 'oooh' sounds with the speaker in your attic :)

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Try this option for a while, it will only takeup a little time.

When you come home move the planter so you can park your car, After you have parked go and move the planter back to it's original postion and see what they make of that.

As one poster has suggested the planter is placed where a car could be parked, So maybe they just do not want anyone parking there.

Edited by cyb
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You have imagined wrong, sorry.

I am a decent sort of person and get on with most people I meet, I have to for a living. I have been calm about this for a year now and have never spoken to them bad or in any otherway. When there is a problem my wife deals with it as she is Thai. The other inhabitants on the soi also feel the same about these women but say or do nothing as that is the Thai way.


This is not the Thai way. In fact is the total opposite.

Somehow you must be winding these people up.

If not and as you said, your wife has been dealing with it, than if I was you, I would pay more attention to what your wife is saying as she maybe adding more fuel to the fire.

Perhps you are not suited for Thailand and can`t adapt to it`s way of life.

Rubbish! Not all Thai wifes or women in general lie or twist the truth. And I believe it is the Thai way to suffer in silence, not all butmost anyway.

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Try this option for a while, it will only takeup a little time.

When you come home move the planter so you can park your car, After you have parked go and move the planter back to it's original postion and see what they make of that.

As one poster has suggested the planter is placed where a car could be parked, So maybe they just do not want anyone parking there.

Why not just move the planter and leave it moved?

Then they have to move it back every time, they might just get fed up with doing that a couple of times a day.

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I drive a 2008 Accord for those who are wondering.

Thanks to your avatar none of us are wondering :):D

Perhaps you should prioritize a better more spacious house / more high end moobaan before spending money on a nice car ??

Eh! you don't know where I live.

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Onnut just ignore those who want to pick a fight. Sometimes the vultures come in after a thread runs for awhile to find posts to pick apart. They can make their points without being offensive. Just ignore them, as most of us do.

This thread has been a lot of fun with lots of good laughs - and good ideas too!

Personally I like the suggestion to have a few extra beers to loosen up, then go piss on the old ladies' gate while they are looking. :):D :D

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Try this option for a while, it will only takeup a little time.

When you come home move the planter so you can park your car, After you have parked go and move the planter back to it's original postion and see what they make of that.

As one poster has suggested the planter is placed where a car could be parked, So maybe they just do not want anyone parking there.

Why not just move the planter and leave it moved?

Then they have to move it back every time, they might just get fed up with doing that a couple of times a day.

I'd bet they get tired of putting it back.

As for the keyboard warriors, silly to pick a fight with folks without cars in your own soi. Three words: endless road tacks.


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Try this option for a while, it will only takeup a little time.

When you come home move the planter so you can park your car, After you have parked go and move the planter back to it's original postion and see what they make of that.

As one poster has suggested the planter is placed where a car could be parked, So maybe they just do not want anyone parking there.

Why not just move the planter and leave it moved?

Then they have to move it back every time, they might just get fed up with doing that a couple of times a day.

I believe he has already tried that, So maybe the best option is to show that you do not care.

If it is only to get his back up then it is going to be fruitless for them to continue if they think it's not working.

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Why not just move the planter and leave it moved?

Then they have to move it back every time, they might just get fed up with doing that a couple of times a day.

Good idea.

Although this is no way as serious as what the OP is dealing with. I live in a apartment building and each floor has a wifi access point unit. There is a Thai at the other end of the hallway that thinks the unit is exclusively his and points the antennae directly down his hallway without regards to other tenants living at the other end. Every time I see this, I simply position the antennae back to the center. I used to position it directly towards me out of spite, but have since modified my response. More often than not, the antennae has remained in the center. Of course, it is a lot easier for me than moving a large heavy pot.

Getting back to the pot, if you were to move it, perhaps you can inch it further away each time they put it back, making it more and more difficult for them.

Patience and calm persistence.

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The poo yai guy visited them to see what the problem is.

One old lady started shouting and saying that I am a falang and have no say in where she puts the pot and it is there on purpose to make it hard for me to park my car. The poo yai guy was cool, he looked like a biker and scared the he'll out of me when he turned up as I thought they had called some heavys to sort me out out. Ha ha

He told them they can have a pot outside there house but it has to be on the pavement and not the road. Man the women were angry, I wonder if they will try something else? Probably. Ah well, it's all good fun for you lot to read this.

he told my wife if the pot is still there tomorrow he will go see them again.

One old lady said she couldn't believe that I have any rights even though my wife and I own the house. Some people are so rude. :)

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The poo yai guy visited them to see what the problem is.

One old lady started shouting and saying that I am a falang and have no say in where she puts the pot and it is there on purpose to make it hard for me to park my car. The poo yai guy was cool, he looked like a biker and scared the he'll out of me when he turned up as I thought they had called some heavys to sort me out out. Ha ha

He told them they can have a pot outside there house but it has to be on the pavement and not the road. Man the women were angry, I wonder if they will try something else? Probably. Ah well, it's all good fun for you lot to read this.

he told my wife if the pot is still there tomorrow he will go see them again.

One old lady said she couldn't believe that I have any rights even though my wife and I own the house. Some people are so rude. :)

Do you own Kevlar?

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