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Hi Everyone,

Please note the below press release & attached PDF from the British Embassy drawing attention to their Beermat campaign to encourage tourists/expats to register online via ‘FCO Locate’. For more on ‘FCO locate’ please see http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living...ing-safe/Locate

Those in the Samui archipelago should note that these Beermats will be available on all 3 islands, furthermore I intend to visit all 3 islands before Christmas to informally enlighten interested parties as to what we can and cannot provide by means of consular support and what their individual responsibilities are. For security reasons details <ie dates/venues> will be withheld until appropriate.

The press release should appear here in due course: http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/en/newsroom/press-centre

Questions for me can be directed to [email protected]

Questions to the Embassy can be submitted via [email protected]


Dave Covey | Honorary British Consul | Koh Samui | THAILAND

Tel (+66) 08694 10649 (GMT+7hrs) | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.help4brits.org



LOCATE is FCO web-based registration service for all British Nationals living or travelling overseas. Registration on LOCATE will enable British embassy to contact you in case of an emergency.

The British Embassy encourage all British Nationals travelling of living in Thailand to register details by clicking www.fco.gov.uk/locate

Long term residents who has registered in paper form with the embassy before are strongly recommended to re-register again. Data from old database will not be automatically migrated.

Key benefit of self registration - ownership of contact details will be yours. With password protected system, you are able to access and amend your record anytime, anywhere to ensure it is fresh and up to date.


Don't get caught taking the slop mat remember the Aussie lass

Wonder how they determied best way to contact Brits who may get into trouble

Beer Goggles,What an excuse for a pub crawl

Pity Uk embassy cannot spell,I kow many here not native speakers but

'residents who has'

Perhaps they need a TESOL degee form Cow Sane rood?

Don't get caught taking the slop mat remember the Aussie lass

Wonder how they determied best way to contact Brits who may get into trouble

Beer Goggles,What an excuse for a pub crawl

Pity Uk embassy cannot spell,I kow many here not native speakers but

'residents who has'

Perhaps they need a TESOL degee form Cow Sane rood?

What's a degee RubbaJohnny???

Can't find it in the Oxford English Dictionary.


i come here to get away from england and its system they already have a micro chip sim card in my passport. cctv cameras all over te u.k. they have too much information not enough priavcy.

also it nearly a fact that most british ctizerns are not natives. so parden me england for this traditional english sign but up yours. if they really want to help then after seeing that documentry about uk citizerns that get banged up aboard. i was discusted that in america after deportation they only have to serve 3 months of their orgional sentence and in europe a few years. yet in the u.k they have to serve the full time.

i know these people derserve punishing but our govement also has the responsablity to look after its own. which it looks after every other person exept their own. for this reason i feel safer in the jungle with the law of the jungle.


This was posted as a public service to the British members. But it seems a few have taken it upon themselves to turn it into a private criticism thread.

Thank you.CLOSED.

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