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Good Samaritan Caution


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I have two examples. A good friend of mine saw a motorcycle accident. He delivered the kid to the nearest hospital and was then asked for money to treat the kid. He managed to slip out of the hospital and told me later that he wouldn't try to help any other victim.

I took a farang who was having a heart attack to the hospital and was I expected to pay the bill. I was paged and told to go to the cashiers office. I headed that way and went straight out the front door instead.


Two incidents & you said "fuc_k you dipstick" & rode off into the sunset. :)

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Frequent, often, sometimes, occasionally, take thy pick and stop being silly, of course it's not quantifiable - angels on heads of pins again.

You are making the claim - how about back peddling to 'rarely' & only to the congenitally stupid. :D

Still waiting for some first hand examples of a successful scam. :)

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Although I am sure that scams to occur in Thailand more than in our own country I tend to think this is just another example of Thai over reaction and sensationalism. Thais are paranoid and afraid of some many things based on myth and exaggeration. They don't venture into the countryside because bandits and robbers reside there. They avoid driving dark roads because again they may be robbed. Ghosts are everywhere, as is bad luck. People who bite their fingernails are drug addicts. If you do this that will happen. If you do that that will happen. This is just another example. If you stop to help a women on a motorcycle you will be robbed in some way!.

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Bike A is in high speed pursuit of Bike B on Soi Phipat, I am riding into this, so I pull on the brakes and stop, both bikes whizz around me. Bike A hangs the back out and makes off again up the Soi, Bike B in an attempt to do same drops his bike. He still seems determined to be on his way and re-join the chase. His side mirror and helmet land at my feet, so I bend down to pick them up and hand back. Thai peanut gallery start chanting 'the farang is trying to steal your helmet and mirror'. He walks over in a huff snatches the mirror from me, gets back on his bike and is off, without a bye you or leave! I park at the market, do some shopping, and you guessed it, Bike B is waiting for me when I get back demanding that I pay for the damages for his bike. I do not know what the hel_l he was thinking, but he was surely fishing in the wrong pond if he was out to catch a sucker.


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Years ago I was driving my bike to work in the pouring rain when a pickup pulled out in front of me and stopped in the road. Only thing I could do to stop ploughing into the back of it was to lay the bike down (and myself). I ended up skidding to a halt just parallel to the driver's window. He looked down at me sprawling on the road and drove off. Just then a car coming from the opposite direction stopped to help me out, to which I was immensely grateful. So.....who had the 'black heart'?

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Jesus taught 'love your enemy' and 'treat all others as you would want to be treated.'

And did you hear what happened to him. There's even a book written about that. :)

Yes - he was killed by Gentile Roman soldiers who obeyed their orders to kill an innocent man.

As there is no existing transcript of the trial. How can you jump to that conclusion?

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It's not a farang thing. Ask around and you'll find a fair few number of Thais who wouldn't help at an accident unless it was their fault or there were plenty of other folks around as well to either give assistance or act as witnesses.

Not only a farang thing. It is also not specific to LOS. Any body ever been to Jamaica? Over 30 years ago the police there told us not to stop at a red light after dark!

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Sad as I am to say it, I believe you have a far greater chance of getting scammed by fellow farangs in Thailand than by Thais!!

I wouldn't say greater but it is definitely likely. When I see a farang in a situation I try to gauge how drunk he is. I don't like being around drunks, so I'm not quick to help foreigners.

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One time I was walking down a street around Siam Square and I saw a uni student fall down in front of a bus with no one helping as it inched slowly towards her pretty white leg. A farang leapt out to help but was detained by the crowd and asked to pay up for pushing her. True story.

It's clearly open season on farangs in Thailand.

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Frequent, often, sometimes, occasionally, take thy pick and stop being silly, of course it's not quantifiable - angels on heads of pins again.

Still waiting for some first hand examples of a successful scam. :)

Just keep reading this thread, stories will emerge.

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Jesus taught 'love your enemy' and 'treat all others as you would want to be treated.'

And did you hear what happened to him. There's even a book written about that. :)

Yes - he was killed by Gentile Roman soldiers who obeyed their orders to kill an innocent man.

This is a bit off topic but Pilate asked the crowd ( not gentile roman soldiers) for their decision and then washed his hands in a symbolic gesture to not be associated with the deed.

But let's get back on topic. Farang and Thai need to be pragmatic about the possible consequences of assisiting, as I and others have said in earlier posts

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Frequent, often, sometimes, occasionally, take thy pick and stop being silly, of course it's not quantifiable - angels on heads of pins again.

You're an oxymoron!

I think you need a good mass debate ! :D

Mass debate - very droll :):D

And I like the way you've made oxy moron into a noun that can be applied to a person. :D:D

Not a nice thing to say to chiangmai though eh?

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Does this mean I need to attach a waiver of liability to my shirt in plain view when I go out? I'd hope that if I was in a car crash, someone would stop and help me. I will still stop and render assistance when events dictate. If someone tries to pull that crap on me, I'll come down hard on them. I'll send a bill requesting reimbursement of expenses due to helping. In all the years I have been traveling on the roads here, I have yet to be the subject of such a scam. I did see one motorcyclist in a bad state, that I wanted to stop and assess, but my friend that was driving refused saying there were other people already there and he didn't have the time. This is my friend that does his prayers every night and honks his horn as he goes over the hill and spends money for offerings at the temple. I don't do any of those things, but I do stop for injured folks. There's a message in there. Go to your nearest bar and discuss with the boys.

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Just keep reading this thread, stories will emerge.

This thread is in real danger of falling into oblivion, so in the spirit of attempting to breathe new life into it, here are some excerpts from previous postings...

"...i have seen this many times where the ferang gets cornered to pay..."

"...This scenario happens all too often."

"...that does often happen..."

"...It happens."

"It'll happen. Just wait..."

"...She tells me all the time to be careful..."

"...such things do happen frequently..."

I particularly like this one.... "It'll happen. Just wait..." :)

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Although I am sure that scams to occur in Thailand more than in our own country I tend to think this is just another example of Thai over reaction and sensationalism. Thais are paranoid and afraid of some many things based on myth and exaggeration. They don't venture into the countryside because bandits and robbers reside there. They avoid driving dark roads because again they may be robbed. Ghosts are everywhere, as is bad luck. People who bite their fingernails are drug addicts. If you do this that will happen. If you do that that will happen. This is just another example. If you stop to help a women on a motorcycle you will be robbed in some way!.

I think you have pretty much nailed here - a Thai version of an urban myth.

Which of course is passed on to devoted & somewhat gullible farang husband/boyfriend who then perpetuates said myth on Thai Visa. :)

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Sad as I am to say it, I believe you have a far greater chance of getting scammed by fellow farangs in Thailand than by Thais!!

I don't like generalisation of Thais or farang or any other group.

I will share that some years ago I was regularly losing things: watch, camera, phone, another camera, portable DVD player etc., then one day I discovered my so-called best farang friend was the thief. The friendship very quickly ended.

Certainly was a wake-up call to be more careful about trusting people, any people.

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I have mixed emotions about the topic. There are good people and bad people of all races and nationalities. But being a guest in this country whether on a long term extention or a short visa, we should protect ourselves. So for myself I do what most Thai's do, I just stand and look. ONLY if there are children involved in an accident will I put myself at risk by being scammed or being blamed for some injury that actually happened in the accident. Of course to each his own.

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I havent read all the replies, but, all i know is that although i hope always not to be taken advantage of, i will always help if i can. If i saw that lady fall down next to me, you bet i would be at her side to find out if she is ok. If a scam was to happen, i would have to calmly explain to the Police and hope that it would go well. If it didnt go well, then of course i would be upset about it, but i would move on, and it still wouldnt stop me from helping another person in the same situation.

Witnessing a situation where people ignored a young well dressed woman fall down at the tube station in London was the last straw of disgust for me when i was living in London. The attendant I rushed to for help even seemed surprised that i went to get him. There is no way i would want to live my life like that. I also believe that what goes around comes around.

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I havent read all the replies, but, all i know is that although i hope always not to be taken advantage of, i will always help if i can. If i saw that lady fall down next to me, you bet i would be at her side to find out if she is ok. If a scam was to happen, i would have to calmly explain to the Police and hope that it would go well. If it didnt go well, then of course i would be upset about it, but i would move on, and it still wouldnt stop me from helping another person in the same situation.

Witnessing a situation where people ignored a young well dressed woman fall down at the tube station in London was the last straw of disgust for me when i was living in London. The attendant I rushed to for help even seemed surprised that i went to get him. There is no way i would want to live my life like that. I also believe that what goes around comes around.

Knowing you from all your posts I would expect nothing less from you, eek. I also always help if I think it will do any good. I've been covered in blood and spent hours rescuing people while putting my own life at risk. It's just something a responsible person does. Life ALWAYS has its risks. you just have to deal with it. I was a first aid attendent at a logging camp and do have some experience with trauma injuries. If I can help someone in distress I WILL... no questions asked or worry about consequences. However, there ARE proper procedures to follow at any accident.

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Here is an example of what happened to me. I lived in Thailand for 7 years. I was driving my truck and getting ready to turn into the driveway of our estate. A Thai in a truck had passed up the entrance and was stopped. He was blocking the driveway just enough that I couldn't turn in. I stopped about 30 meters from him waiting for him to go. I saw him put the truck in reverse and started hitting my horn. He put it in gear and floored it and smashed into my truck. He jumps out and says that I ran into him. My wife went nuts and started screaming at him.

It was right in front of where we live so everyone knew us. When I starredblowing the horn everyone turned to look. There is a motorcycle stand there ,two security guards and the gardeners were all there and saw him slam into me. The motorcycle guys who were all our friends immediately surrounded him and the gardeners and security ran over and everybody said that they saw what happened. At that point he just folded his arms and scowled knowing he had been beat. I often thought about if it had happened somewhere else it would have been his word against ours.


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I havent read all the replies, but, all i know is that although i hope always not to be taken advantage of, i will always help if i can. If i saw that lady fall down next to me, you bet i would be at her side to find out if she is ok. If a scam was to happen, i would have to calmly explain to the Police and hope that it would go well. If it didnt go well, then of course i would be upset about it, but i would move on, and it still wouldnt stop me from helping another person in the same situation.

Witnessing a situation where people ignored a young well dressed woman fall down at the tube station in London was the last straw of disgust for me when i was living in London. The attendant I rushed to for help even seemed surprised that i went to get him. There is no way i would want to live my life like that. I also believe that what goes around comes around.

Knowing you from all your posts I would expect nothing less from you, eek. I also always help if I think it will do any good. I've been covered in blood and spent hours rescuing people while putting my own life at risk. It's just something a responsible person does. Life ALWAYS has its risks. you just have to deal with it. I was a first aid attendent at a logging camp and do have some experience with trauma injuries. If I can help someone in distress I WILL... no questions asked or worry about consequences. However, there ARE proper procedures to follow at any accident.

I agree Ian but experiences in Thailand is what is being discussed. Thais have a different attitude from most westerners when it comes to being a good samaritan. The best summary in the thread so far is as eek said

" explain to the police...if it did not go well.... move on" This is exactly what some Thais do too but they are also cautious in ensuring they have witnesses or phone to get some.

As foreigners we can also sometimes - not always - be seen as in the wrong and the source of funds merely because of Thai perceptions.

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Loosecannon if I am ever laying on the street in need of help. I hope you come by, and not most of these other selfish xxxxxx who use rumors as an excuse not to help. Lucky I don't know who you xxxxxx are, because unfortunately I will certainly stop to help

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