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Safe For A Woman Who Will Be Alone Half The Month?

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Then I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to the screams of my neice-in-law and with a masked Thai man sitting on my chest with a machete at my throat. There were six Thai strangers in my house.

But KB.. This is clearly justified by the 'it happens back home too' explanation.

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Then I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to the screams of my neice-in-law and with a masked Thai man sitting on my chest with a machete at my throat. There were six Thai strangers in my house.

But KB.. This is clearly justified by the 'it happens back home too' explanation.

hey LivinLOS, six thais sitting on your chest 0230 in the morning with a machete at your throat happens all the time back home :):D:D

Life in Paradise, live gated and guarded or live in excitement


I lived on Phuket for 5 years, and got to know a belguim lady living there, one night she was burgled, held at knifepoint, when the burgular tried to rape her but could not, so she was forced to lay naked on the floor while he helped himself to all the valuables and then sat down and watched tv for an hour or so. eventually he left with the valuables and a threat that if she told the police he would come back and kill her.

Immediately he left she phoned the police. the response " Can you come to the station in the morning and make a police report!" Say no more

Forgive me for asking, but how long have you lived there?

I've been burgled once and although MOST people I know haven't, they all know someone living near them who has. Suprisingly enough, after it happened they increased their security arrangements. :)

In many ways Phuket is a great place to live, but to pretend that burglary is not a concern is misleading at best.

Similarly, violence is always something to bear in mind. Having heard first-hand stories, I'm always v careful to NEVER get angry, never mind the provocation. Its unlikely, but more likely here than at home. I say this as I knew precisely one person in the UK who experienced a violent attack (in nearly 50 years!), whereas I know 2 people who've been attacked for making hand gestures in road incidents in the 3 years I've been here!!

Hi, fair points, i don't intend to argue with anyone, that's just my perspective on living here; I guess I am relying a lot on my six immediate neighbours -- we are on a single property with separate houses/bungalows, all-night lighting, owning family's relatives are over the road, down the road . . . feel I'm part of 'their' community.

As for feeling safe, my last long-term 'home', one week short of 10yrs in Wellington, NZ, our house had full security systems, lights/alarms, everything deadlocked, locks on windows, in what would rate as upmarket suburb; we wouldn't stay in the city late eg after movies, attempted burgary only once, serious assaults twice, cars vandalised, would never risk partner using public transport in evenings . . . so pleased to get the redundancy money last year and leave; by comparison things are an improvement here. Home invasion crimes in NZ are common, as are knives, guns etc

We're careful but not paranoid, minimise risks where possible.

Then I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to the screams of my neice-in-law and with a masked Thai man sitting on my chest with a machete at my throat. There were six Thai strangers in my house.

But KB.. This is clearly justified by the 'it happens back home too' explanation.

but things do happen, in the "civilised "world too; my (successful as it turned out, only found out afterwards) effort to stop a bag thief in Perth WA left me unconscious with a fractured jaw.

This within the first 10min there as we were immediately outside the rail terminal looking for a taxi. Nice way to start a holiday, but didnt put me off the whole of Western Australia.

by comparison things are an improvement here. Home invasion crimes in NZ are common, as are knives, guns etc

By comparison knives and guns here are routine compared to nearly non existent (guns) back where I come from.

I am glad you feel safe and have found a home thats within a group security compound.. I too had a few years before anything bad happened but to be honest didnt give security much thought when picking homes previously.

Then I woke up at 2:30 in the morning to the screams of my neice-in-law and with a masked Thai man sitting on my chest with a machete at my throat. There were six Thai strangers in my house.

But KB.. This is clearly justified by the 'it happens back home too' explanation.

but things do happen, in the "civilised "world too; my (successful as it turned out, only found out afterwards) effort to stop a bag thief in Perth WA left me unconscious with a fractured jaw.

This within the first 10min there as we were immediately outside the rail terminal looking for a taxi. Nice way to start a holiday, but didnt put me off the whole of Western Australia.

If you attempt to stop a thief in the street, you better expect him to react..

Not quite sure how choosing to put yourself into the line of fire is quite the same as a home invasion like that but hey..


I've been following this topic with great interest. I can sympathise with both sides of the debate.

Speaking for myself (& the wife) I can say that after 13+ years living in Patong, and then Kata, we have never had a break-in or robbery at our home. Now that I've said that I'm touching lots of wood as I have tempted fate to do it's worst.

We have never lived in a gated community, or have alarms, or have a live-in dog, we just take care not to leave doors unlocked. And we do have sturdy deadlocks on all the entrance doors, and our bedroom door.

I know of plenty of break-ins at neighbouring homes. My philosophy is that it's 'just your (bad) luck' and that it can happen anywhere in the world.


On the other hand, in the three years that I have lived in my current location all eleven houses in the row have been burgled, many of them two or three times and we are akin to a gated community, albeit one with out a security guard! I think part the reason for that is our closeness to Nanai and the fact that our housing group can be seen from most area's in Patong, in your case, out of sight means out of mind and perhaps that's one of the keys.


Getting back to the OP's topic 'safe for a woman to be alone here?'

Can someone tell me when they last (or ever) heard of a woman living alone being attacked inside her house? Anyone?

On the other hand, in the three years that I have lived in my current location all eleven houses in the row have been burgled, many of them two or three times and we are akin to a gated community, albeit one with out a security guard! I think part the reason for that is our closeness to Nanai and the fact that our housing group can be seen from most area's in Patong, in your case, out of sight means out of mind and perhaps that's one of the keys.

Yes, I very well know where you live. Maybe you have a gated community, but as you say there is no guard, and worst of all those houses are off the roadway and have few passengers-by, and thieves can have a field day out of sight. Another aspect it that where you live is considered 'high end' by Patong standards = all you Farangs must be rich with lots of gold & money stashed at home, and hi-tech goodies.

We used to live on the same road as Chang Mai, and we still have many tenants on that road. A few (note, a few) have experienced break-ins over the years, but I think that in many cases it was a bit of an 'inside job' if you know what mean :) . Sure Patong has periodically experienced organised waves of career criminal gangs from out-of-province who systematically work their way down a road looking for easy entry and easy pickings. I can think of 2 occasions that happened on our road. My point is that our home was never robbed, in my opinion due to simple home security procedures. But I repeat ... it's just your luck.

On the other hand, in the three years that I have lived in my current location all eleven houses in the row have been burgled, many of them two or three times and we are akin to a gated community, albeit one with out a security guard! I think part the reason for that is our closeness to Nanai and the fact that our housing group can be seen from most area's in Patong, in your case, out of sight means out of mind and perhaps that's one of the keys.

I suspect (hope) there's a lot of truth in that as I (now) live in a VERY isolated area - no other houses anywhere nearby.

I used to put on the outside lights at night, but then thought 'hang on a minute - its just drawing attention to my house and there's nobody around to spot a burglar shown up by the lights - all I'm doing is making it easier for the burglar to see!'

Far better (in my case) to rely on the hope that as any prospective burglar would have to come out here specifically to rob me, hopefully, my dogs would alert me and frighten any stranger off.

Generally though, whilst burglaries on Phuket are high, a cheap (but obvious) alarm system would encourage most potential burglars to target someone else. They're not normally professionals.


Again, yet another thread seems to be turning into a 'beware of the burglars'.

The OP asked specifically 'whether it was safe for a woman (read 'attack on a WOMAN' read what you want into that).

I've NEVER had any problems living alone here, and on the one occasion I had a burglar, he ran off as soon as he'd been alerted to the fact he'd been spotted'.

You lot been looking at too many bloody movies. Stop the scaremongering and stick to the specific topic of the post. Blah blah blah :)

Again, yet another thread seems to be turning into a 'beware of the burglars'.

The OP asked specifically 'whether it was safe for a woman (read 'attack on a WOMAN' read what you want into that).

I've NEVER had any problems living alone here, and on the one occasion I had a burglar, he ran off as soon as he'd been alerted to the fact he'd been spotted'.

You lot been looking at too many bloody movies. Stop the scaremongering and stick to the specific topic of the post. Blah blah blah :)

Mmmm, fresh cannon fodder - you've read all the posts in this thread I presume Maya?

Getting back to the OP's topic 'safe for a woman to be alone here?'

Can someone tell me when they last (or ever) heard of a woman living alone being attacked inside her house? Anyone?

Wasnt it just last month that a man broke in and raped a single (american ??) woman in her own home..

Getting back to the OP's topic 'safe for a woman to be alone here?'

Can someone tell me when they last (or ever) heard of a woman living alone being attacked inside her house? Anyone?

Wasnt it just last month that a man broke in and raped a single (american ??) woman in her own home..

Yes. There were quite a few postings on TV about this along with the attempted rape of a female jogger in the same area. There was speculation about it being the same guy but never heard if anyone got arrested & charged. I also think this issue was clouded by a police pursuit & arrest in Kata not long after with speculation about him being the Nai Harn rapist.

Living in a gated estate, being friendly with neighbours, simple security precautions such as window bars & good door locks, can all help lessen the odds of being burgled or attacked in your home. If we ever have to resort to razor wire on the walls & armed guards then we truly have a major problem.

Yes. There were quite a few postings on TV about this along with the attempted rape of a female jogger in the same area. There was speculation about it being the same guy but never heard if anyone got arrested & charged. I also think this issue was clouded by a police pursuit & arrest in Kata not long after with speculation about him being the Nai Harn rapist.

Living in a gated estate, being friendly with neighbours, simple security precautions such as window bars & good door locks, can all help lessen the odds of being burgled or attacked in your home. If we ever have to resort to razor wire on the walls & armed guards then we truly have a major problem.

Resorting to gated communites is already a bad sign and breeds mistrust and lack of security in one's own mind imho.

Resorting to gated communites is already a bad sign and breeds mistrust and lack of security in one's own mind imho.

Exactly. Where do they think they are? Bloody Soweto? Better they stay tucked up in bed with a nice cup of cocoa in Basingstoke. Jeez

Resorting to gated communites is already a bad sign and breeds mistrust and lack of security in one's own mind imho.

Exactly. Where do they think they are? Bloody Soweto? Better they stay tucked up in bed with a nice cup of cocoa in Basingstoke. Jeez

Your the person who was asking if 'anyone ' ever' heard of someone attacked in thier own home totally ignorant that its not only happened many times, but there was one only a couple of weeks back. Just because you wish to remain ignorant of the facts doesnt mean its good advice to remain so.

I am sure the woman who was raped in her home wishes she had more security and investigated in advance.

Your the person who was asking if 'anyone ' ever' heard of someone attacked in thier own home totally ignorant that its not only happened many times, but there was one only a couple of weeks back. Just because you wish to remain ignorant of the facts doesnt mean its good advice to remain so.

I am sure the woman who was raped in her home wishes she had more security and investigated in advance.

Well. Where to start? The OP Asked 'Whether It Would Be Safe For A Woman To Be Alone For Half The Month' here.

The general concensus seems to be, in Answer To The OP's Question, that It Is Safe For A WOMAN To Be Alone For Half The Month. Here. The majority of the posts deal with burglaries that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender - do you understand so far?

As to your stating 'Its (sic) not only happened many times' What? and to Women Living Alone? Who? When? Where? And were they all Women Living Alone? and then 'but there was ONE only a couple of weeks back'. One. Who? Was it a Woman Living Alone. Are you suggesting that all us little ladies should have some Big Man to protect us (your stating a woman who was raped in her home wishing she had more security' suggests you do? Or are pitbulls on the cards then? AK47?, and not go twavelling alone, but succumb to the kind of tabloid engendered fear of attack so prevalent in the West, because of one or two isolated incidents involving, ah, again, Women Living Alone?

I also resent your calling me, someone whom you've never met, 'ignorant' TWICE. :) Some manners would be in order.

Well. Where to start? The OP Asked 'Whether It Would Be Safe For A Woman To Be Alone For Half The Month' here.

The general concensus seems to be, in Answer To The OP's Question, that It Is Safe For A WOMAN To Be Alone For Half The Month. Here. The majority of the posts deal with burglaries that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender - do you understand so far?

As to your stating 'Its (sic) not only happened many times' What? and to Women Living Alone? Who? When? Where? And were they all Women Living Alone? and then 'but there was ONE only a couple of weeks back'. One. Who? Was it a Woman Living Alone. Are you suggesting that all us little ladies should have some Big Man to protect us (your stating a woman who was raped in her home wishing she had more security' suggests you do? Or are pitbulls on the cards then? AK47?, and not go twavelling alone, but succumb to the kind of tabloid engendered fear of attack so prevalent in the West, because of one or two isolated incidents involving, ah, again, Women Living Alone?

I also resent your calling me, someone whom you've never met, 'ignorant' TWICE. :) Some manners would be in order.

I think that you're being too sensitive. 'LOS' was merely pointing out that far from there being no instances, there are several on record (on this site and others) that perhaps don't get the prominence to bring it to the broader population's attention. Doesn't mean they don't happen, only that with the restrictive reporting in Thailand in general (and Phuket in particular because of the sensitivity surrounding events with tourists/resident farangs), maybe you are not aware of them. Bottom line, don't be complacent. This is not a crime free environment, so sensible precautions need to be taken.


People choose gated estates for many reasons, not just for a sense of security. Gated estates are convenient as all construction is generally done to set plans & undertaken by the developer (no need to worry about building permits or dealing with contractors), if properly managed all the facilities are properly maintained. To infer that people who live in gated estates imagine the rest of Phuket as being like Soweto is absolute rubbish. Surely no one in their right mind would choose to live here if they believed it was like Soweto.

There is no 100% guarantee that anywhere you live will be safe but common sense precautions help. Phuket has a large population, I reckon more than one million, & consequently has an increasing crime rate. In my early years here I never heard about any of the things I hear about on an almost daily basis in respect of crime but then again the population was much lower & the good times were rolling. Back in my home town I do not know anyone who has been burgled but I know plenty here of which I am one.

BTW I do not currently live in a gated estate but have a home in one which has never been burgled which I believe is due to the fact of having security screens on the windows & a medium sized territorial dog even though many homes in the estate have been burgled, including close neighbours & the one next door which has been done twice (the first time it happened a bunch of guys from the home on the other side jumped the wall & beat up the burglar who was found to have a gun).

Well. Where to start? The OP Asked 'Whether It Would Be Safe For A Woman To Be Alone For Half The Month' here.

The general concensus seems to be, in Answer To The OP's Question, that It Is Safe For A WOMAN To Be Alone For Half The Month. Here. The majority of the posts deal with burglaries that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender - do you understand so far?

As to your stating 'Its (sic) not only happened many times' What? and to Women Living Alone? Who? When? Where? And were they all Women Living Alone? and then 'but there was ONE only a couple of weeks back'. One. Who? Was it a Woman Living Alone. Are you suggesting that all us little ladies should have some Big Man to protect us (your stating a woman who was raped in her home wishing she had more security' suggests you do? Or are pitbulls on the cards then? AK47?, and not go twavelling alone, but succumb to the kind of tabloid engendered fear of attack so prevalent in the West, because of one or two isolated incidents involving, ah, again, Women Living Alone?

I also resent your calling me, someone whom you've never met, 'ignorant' TWICE. :) Some manners would be in order.

You demanded any proof of something 'ever' happening.. Not only was there proof but there was one only a matter of some weeks ago. A terrible attack, including rape, to a woman alone, in her home. We have multiple guys here who personally have been attacked in their own home (and where might that attack have gone if it was a lone female ??).

Therefore as you are denying something thats happened recently its safe to assume you were 'ignorant' of that attack ?? correct ??

Resent the word all you like, your the one who displayed you were ignorant of the facts..

The general concensus seems to be, in Answer To The OP's Question, that It Is Safe For A WOMAN To Be Alone For Half The Month. Here. The majority of the posts deal with burglaries that can happen to anyone, regardless of gender - do you understand so far?

The difference is women are less likely to succeed in fighting off an attacker, more likely to be the victim of sexual attacks by a home invader, and therefore at a far higher risk.

If a home intruder is confronted by a male home owner its fight or flight.. When confronted by a lone female home owner its not quote the same is it ??

I know western women want to wear the equality banner proudly.. But please dont try to claim that this is extending to physical defence and confrontation also.


Maya i am sure you dont have a man, right :)

If you'd taken the trouble to look at my profile, you will see I have recently posted re my husband being in hospital.

The difference is women are less likely to succeed in fighting off an attacker, more likely to be the victim of sexual attacks by a home invader, and therefore at a far higher risk.

If a home intruder is confronted by a male home owner its fight or flight.. When confronted by a lone female home owner its not quote the same is it ??

I know western women want to wear the equality banner proudly.. But please dont try to claim that this is extending to physical defence and confrontation also.

Okay. Just for the little ladies out there. A great piece of advice I was given many years ago by a black belt Jujitsu instructor.

If, in the rare and unlikely event, particularly here in Thailand, you feel you may be about to be attacked by a Big Bad Man, what you do is this. Simply make a fist, take your thumb and curled index finger and grasp his windpipe as firmly as you can. You need not have physical strength for this. Now. Press your thumb and forefinger together - only his windpipe - not the whole neck, and keep pressing - up to just one minute will render him completely and totally disabled. If you feel you might need to extert even more deterrence upon your potential Big Bad Attacker, or are just really really pissed off with him, swiftly bring your knee up at the same time and let him have it in the nuts.

I can assure you this has worked for me, (and not even having to use the nuts part), on at least two separate occasions in the past.

I hope you will not need this as it will render your victim unable to breathe or even speak properly for at least two weeks afterward.

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