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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra

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Takki by name, tacky by nature!!

When I first read this I thought it was April 1st, how can Thailand and Thais EVER expect to gain the worlds admiration when they simply don't check thier facts before the event (in this case a change of name to something soooo ridiculous).

Silly little people.


Question is, did he change his name by deed poll to make it legal? To do that he would have to have supplied it from Thailand - so what 'official' documents did he provide such as birth certificate et al? Hmmm... and there is no corruption within other Governments (tsk tsk).

A number of 'expats' have returned to Thailand under this guise (and new passports) having been previously thrown out - works for the scum bags at all levels I guess. Takki Shin-whatever - sounds like a mushroom - but like his former name- probably toxic as well.

No offence to the admins here, but why all the concerns over censorship? He's not a politician, he's a normal man, and a wanted criminal.

Why are there concerns over censorship at all? Does freedom of speech not apply on ThaiVisa? and if not, why not?

Freedom of speech? What country do you live in and do you know what country WE live in?

No offence to the admins here, but why all the concerns over censorship? He's not a politician, he's a normal man, and a wanted criminal.

Why are there concerns over censorship at all? Does freedom of speech not apply on ThaiVisa? and if not, why not?

You can say what ever you want so long as your not libelous to anyone with money or power!23_11_62.gif

'Takki/Tacky' by nature now by name.

The global media presents him as a fool in the global media, and the Thai government appears equally helpless in its clueless attempt to capture him.

On the international stage Thailand is portrayed as a weak and ineffectual regime; which is not true. However, unless Khun Abhisit acts decisively the portrayal will persist and the country's repuation will be damaged forever.

I agree wholeheartedly. Calling Thailand and its' governmental institutions, "weak and ineffectual", is heaping way too much praise on them. They have a long long way to go before one can give them that high an accolade.

Is there any truth to the rumour that he did this in order to sneak back into the UK as one of the Teletubbies? Dinky Winky, Ipsy Lipsy, (or whatever the damned things are called) and Takki Shiwhakki.


He could at least make it easier for us and go for a John, or perhaps Shirley... Shirley Shinegra! Crikey, he'd get on stage with that un.

Just done a quick search on the new name.........

Taki in Japanese means Plunging Waterfall

I wonder if he knows that?????


Someone wrote earlier that maybe Taki will get a gender reassignment. The name Taki in Japanese is also given for females. Somebody just may be on to something! :)

Meaning of Taki


The self imposed nomenclature is probably the truest statement ever made by Tacky Toxin.

I’m not sure about the Shinegra ...... Is that an anagram of

“His Anger” or “Shin Rage”.

Maybe Takki Shinegra is an anagram of one of the following:

“Ask giant hiker”

“A king hiker.....SAT”

“Inert Khaki gas”

“Khaki sting era”

“I take his rank”

Some of the wonderful and fitting words we can make from this name are:















Amazing what you can find in a name!!

Even to criminals who may be back in power one day.

You can say that again, although I think takki may have run his race, there is definately no shortage of criminals in power around the world.

So whats next for Takki, perhaps a face transplant :D

This thread is Tacky. :)

I know I'm only new here but even I know that you should have posted that in the joke section. To answer your question. No. Freedom of speech is not allowed here. As for the why. I think it's about possible threats to the income stream. I may be wrong. Maybe it's because TV wants everyone to be nice to everyone. Even to criminals who may be back in power one day.

I'm an admin on a different forum, and I can understand this, it's a matter of keeping the peace, if people are allowed to spout off anything they want all it does is start up gigantic flame wars that can make the forum completely inhospitable, and good luck calming people down. So, certain limits often have to be imposed to personal freedom of speech. I'm also mostly a lurker here, but Thai Visa is a large forum whose main interest is being a center of information for foreigners living in Thailand or interested in doing so, not a center for heated political debate :)

I know I'm only new here but even I know that you should have posted that in the joke section. To answer your question. No. Freedom of speech is not allowed here. As for the why. I think it's about possible threats to the income stream. I may be wrong. Maybe it's because TV wants everyone to be nice to everyone. Even to criminals who may be back in power one day.

I'm an admin on a different forum, and I can understand this, it's a matter of keeping the peace, if people are allowed to spout off anything they want all it does is start up gigantic flame wars that can make the forum completely inhospitable, and good luck calming people down. So, certain limits often have to be imposed to personal freedom of speech. I'm also mostly a lurker here, but Thai Visa is a large forum whose main interest is being a center of information for foreigners living in Thailand or interested in doing so, not a center for heated political debate :)

This used to be the case i.e. "center of information"

reason for Edit: Should avoid getting into a liable case with TV

I know I'm only new here but even I know that you should have posted that in the joke section. To answer your question. No. Freedom of speech is not allowed here. As for the why. I think it's about possible threats to the income stream. I may be wrong. Maybe it's because TV wants everyone to be nice to everyone. Even to criminals who may be back in power one day.

 I'm also mostly a lurker here, but Thai Visa is a large forum whose main interest is being a center of information for foreigners living in Thailand  :)

Hmm. I may be pushing my luck here but I think the amount of advertising and spin off cash making services would push 'being a center of information" to second place in the main interests category. :D

He should call himself Donald Duck, wouldn't be far from the truth...

Naah. Donald is pictured as a born loser in the Disney comics...DAGOBERT would be more fitting.

After all, like another forum member rightly said: He indeed IS a crafty old bugger.


Although it does sound "funny", the actual meaning of Shine Gra - is the bird (not a chicken or ostrich, :-) ) that always, no matter what, comes home.

About "Takki" - I didn't have much time for research, but being Chinese and smart enough I beleive he also put some meaning into the name. 

What is really funny, is the press. How are they going to rename all that mags "Voice of Taksin" (sounds good, yes) into "The Voice of Takki". sounds weird. Probably the best would be just "The Voice of T.S." (and Calypso ad)



Hmmmmm . . . Takki Shinegra? -- As others have suggested, there is a bit of rhyme association with the well known Vitamin "V"

It's unfortunate that he didn't go a bit further in the name change game to something that would remain forever memorable.

Later, long after the movie is made, The all-time infamous movie lines from the past might be:

"My Name Is Bond . . . JAMES BOND!"

"My Name Is Pussy Galore"

"My name? . . . My name is Tacky Viagra!"



Does this mean that the under-funded Red-Shirts now have to re-print all their campaign-material, and start supporting Takki Shinegra, instead of Thaksin Shinawatra ? :D

Why didn't he pick a more-Cambodian-sounding name ? :)


I´m not saying that Thaksin is a flawless person;how many Thai politicians are..? But where is the balance? Some people overthrow democrately elected government,damaging the county´s image and creating many problems.Others close an international airport,also damaging thailands reputation and costing billions and what happens to those people..? Nothing,absolutely nothing;they go on with their lives as if nothing has happened,even getting elected as partyleaders.Do I see a storm of critic about this? Do I have to gather,that what Thaksin did (what was it now again) was so much worse?Or could it be,that at the moment it is so much easier to pick on somebody who cant get back at you...`Personally I don`t care who did what and why;as I said,it`s the balance I find scewed.

I´m not saying that Thaksin is a flawless person;how many Thai politicians are..? But where is the balance? Some people overthrow democrately elected government,damaging the county´s image and creating many problems.Others close an international airport,also damaging thailands reputation and costing billions and what happens to those people..? Nothing,absolutely nothing;they go on with their lives as if nothing has happened,even getting elected as partyleaders.Do I see a storm of critic about this? Do I have to gather,that what Thaksin did (what was it now again) was so much worse?Or could it be,that at the moment it is so much easier to pick on somebody who cant get back at you...`Personally I don`t care who did what and why;as I said,it`s the balance I find scewed.

Who overthrow a democratically elected government?

If you recall the messy time before the coup: The government wasn't in power with the 1997 constitution. It was a illegal government.


It`s the first time I hear,that Thaksin wasn`t democratelly elected.How DID he come to power,then? Through a coup,perhaps? If so,It seems to be no big deal to you,a coup is obviously o.k. if the military think it is apropriate.I am very surprised,that any Westerners can harbour this kind of thinking,but there you go;not much more to add,when that is the case.


Interesting Takki's great grandfather also changed his name - :)

Thaksin's great-great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu was a Hakka Chinese immigrant from Meizhou, Guangdong who arrived in Siam in the 1860s and settled in Chiang Mai in 1908. His eldest son, Chiang Sae Khu, was born in 1890 and adopted the Thai surname Shinawatra ("does good routinely") in 1938, and the rest of the family followed suit.

Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming.?? :D

Source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

By any name, he will always be remembered as the Right Hon. Khun T.

By any other name, why they( or fill in your choice) still are afraid of him. Then you have some gullable foreigners who belive any thing anyone says without proof. :) I wonder who is being had. :D:D

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